Alys Yiden – nee Desmon
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Name: AlysAge: 23
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 1st Saun 693
Factions Joined: N/A
Languages Spoken:
Common Fluent
Rakahi Basic
Partners: Husband Finley Yiden (Deceased) Cylus 715
Alys is just shy of six feet in height and moves with the grace of confidence. Her blonde hair is usually left to hang down her back and she chooses clothes in blues and greens to compliment vivid eyes the colour of the changing sky. She has a strong jaw that rounds to a pointed chin, her features are delicate and despite her stature she remains slim. She exudes quiet poise and sweet innocence with an easy smile. But very little that Alys says or does is unintentional or unplanned.
Considered, would be one word to describe Alys. Devious would be another well-hidden trait beneath a smile of false-naivety. An intelligent woman, Alys has designs of grandeur and freedom. The wealth of her father and tragic death of her husband have lent her gloss and respectability to cover her involvement with the criminal underworld of Rynmere. Alys remembers the streets she grew up on and the sacrifices made of her childhood and innocence. Above all she craves power over her own destiny and enjoys controlling the people around her. Subtly, or less so depending on her ultimate aim. Power comes with money, and so she keeps her connections to the low-city strong through a variety of close connections and lieutenants for her various, less than legal, business enterprises.
If Alys doesn’t want to discuss something, she won’t. Her voice is clear, softening when desired but sharp and commanding when needed
Father: Roland Desmon Mixed Blood Biqaj/Human
Mother: Kynar Desmon Nee Bright, Mixed Blood Aukari/Human. Deceased 703.
Husband: Finley Yiden. Married 1st Saun 711. Deceased Cylus 715
Roland is a traveller by nature and an acute businessman. Kyn as a half-blood Aukari had been recruited at a young age into the Seeker Cell, showing a particular propensity to Empathy. However, an untamed spirit saw them leave away from Sithorelle and travel to Desnind where she joined the local cell. It was in Desnind that Roland and Kyn met, fell in love and were married. Kyn became an acolyte shortly after falling pregnant with Alys, and subsequently kept her pregnancy a secret from the cell. Once Alys was born, Kyn and Roland feld Desnind, Kyn no longer wishing to belong to the Seekers and unable to give up the lure of Arcana. The family traveled the length of Idalos and back again, in constant evasion of the Seekers. Kyn unwilling to part with her conduit, or face the consequences of her defection.
Alys grew up in a household that travelled slowly throughout the world. Kyn remaining paranoid that somehow the Seekers would try to reclaim her to their ranks and struggling to hide her heritage. Roland, always happy to explore the world and travel, slowly collecting artifacts in order to grow his business. Ryn passed on what she knew of Arcana to her daughter throughout the years. However, the consistent fear of persecution and her own unpredictable nature wore the woman down and she was often plagued with sickness and her spirit departed the world when Alys was ten.
Roland returned to Rynmere and sought to create a more stable environment for his daughter. However, they arrived in the country poor and took up lodgings in the worst part of the low-city in Andaris. Roland worked hard to build his business, but often was away from the home and the city following his nature to wander and leaving a youngster alone in the house. Alys too began to wander, forging solid friendships with the street children and gleaning skills from them. However, as an outsider, Alys saw an opportunity to step forward and lead the growing pack.
Having left his half-feral child to her own devices and experimenting with the Arcane forces her Mother had introduced her too, Roland made a concerted effort to remain in Rynmere for Aly’s fifteenth and sixteenth years. He found the habits, friends and abilities of his daughter to be troubling at best and realised, too late his irresponsibility in leaving a child to fend so much for herself. Determined to rectify his mistakes, and now a merchant of growing means and wealth, Roland arranged the marriage of his daughter to the son of a wealthy trader. Following a long betrothal the marriage took place in Saun 711 on Aly’s eighteenth birthday. The young and vigorous Finley Yiden met an untimely death in 715, following several years of illness. The final arc of his life was spent abed, wasting away beneath the watchful gaze of his tearful wife.
Alys has taken advantage of her risen position in society. The low-city slums that was her Father’s first house in Andaris are a distant memory to him, now that he affords an estate nearer the Crown. Alys has attended the University and put her active mind to use in learning. She has continued to practise the Arcane secrets, with little success, but has developed the ability to subtly shift the emotions of those around her and has a tendency, with or without magic, to get what she wants.
Though she was removed from the low-city and the friendships forged there, Alys has maintained her contacts and remains leader of a band of pick-pockets, burglars, thugs and assassins. Her position has been challenged in the past, and she relies on the loyalties of her friends. She would trust these with more than just her life, her lieutenants that keep her safe and keep the rougher elements of her crew in order. The gilded life of a wealthy merchants daughter is a comfortable disguise for the underworld.
Alys has invested her gains into books and created her own business, opening her bookshop on the first of Ymiden. It’s a shop that no criminal would be stupid enough to rob.
History – Ashan 703 – Twelve
Alys sat on the wooden floor, dust circling as it drifted in and out of the sunlight. It was a warm day, the city streets humming with life. Her legs were crossed, her hands folded in her lap, the ring balanced in her palms. The silver metal warm and the stone casting red flecks of light on the legs of the table and the walls of the room, Her father was away, on business and had been for the past three trials. He had promised to return today, but she didn’t expect him for another three trials at least. She closed her eyes and steadied her breathing. Picturing the ring in her mind and focusing on the facets of the gem stone. She knew it by heart, just as she knew the way to slip into the feel and threads of the arcane. Touching the edges of the power she could sense, she pulled at a thread of it, keeping it a bright line in her imagination and winding it into the ring. Looping the power into the metal. It was a struggle to keep her concentration, a dog barked outside, her friends rushed past the window, a baby cried in the distance. There was the lure too, to try and take more than she had, to reach for a larger spell, for more power and grasp it with both hands. But her Mother had been strict and certain, there were rules. Fill the ring, no more no less. As she wound the thread of power around the metal, it seemed to slip from her grasp, sinking in.
She’d written words in chalk in a circled around her. Fear, Respect, Love, Obedience and she muttered them quietly as she worked.
Two breaks passed before she surfaced, blinking in the light. She slid the ring onto the chain she kept and looped it over her neck. One day it would fit her, for now it was too big.
Stretching aching legs, Alys turned and made her way outside, checking the two braids of blonde hair were perfectly in line as she did so. Her wide eyes framed by pale lashes. She slipped out of the house her father kept and made her way down the side ally. Sure enough, Drustin and Sarin were crouched, poking the body of a dead cat with a stick. Her nose wrinkled in disgust at the smell.
“Why are you doing that?” She put small fists of her hips. Drustin grinned, front teeth missing as he stood. Two arcs younger he still towered over the girls.
“Don’t be a wimp Alys, its just a cat, go on – touch it!
“Do it!” Sarin laughed and stood. Her dark hair had been chopped to the shoulder.
“No,” Alys recoiled, “isn’t there something better to do? Have you get anything for eats?” Her accent had quickly
acclimatized to the streets of Andaris, so it was rougher than the fancier folk in the city.
Drustin grin only widened, he pulled out a coin from his pocket, a gold noble, “We’ve enough to dinner,” he assured the girl.
Aly’s felt her own eyes widen, “where did you get it?”
“Dropped…” he exchanged a look with Sarin.
“From a pocket?” Alys stopped forward
“From a purse,” Sarin sniggered, “had a little hole in it,”
“We might have made it a little big bigger,” the boy laughed.
Alys pressed her fingertips to her ring, “give it me,” she demanded and held out her hand.
The boy pulled the coin back, “no way Alys, get your own.”
“No. You’ll only spend it wrong, I’ll get us all enough to eat,” she felt the ring burning against her chest and she nudged the power with her mind. Obedience.
“But Alys…” Drustin expression dropped and Sarin looked between them.
“Come on,” Alys offered a sweet smile and wriggled her expectant fingers, “give it over…I’ll get us all dinner…I’ll spend it better…we’ll all share it.”
“But…” Sarin began but was silenced by a sharp look by the young girl. She knew not to get the worst of Aly’s temper.
Drustin dragged his feet, but caught in the blue-eyed gaze he shuffled forward and the cold coin was pressed into the palm of her hand.
“Thank you Drustin,” she felt the power ebbing from the ring and her friend hung his head. Confused as to why he’d been so quick to give up their spoils.