Cast of Characters
Hello and welcome to Nashaki! We are very excited to have you with us this season! Please make sure that you fill in the roster before writing in Nashaki. Try to finish off all of your past threads and make sure your wage and job requests are in. It's also important that you make sure that your living expenses for the last cycle (Rebirth) are paid. Remember that Nashaki has an 8% tax on top of the 5% common living tax! This means you pay a total of 13% living expenses on your wage each cycle. If your character didn't earn a wage, you have no living expenses. If your character is a slave, their master (if PC) must pay their living expenses. Enjoy! We look forward to writing with you this season.
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[center][font size=150][b]The Hot Cycle[/b][/font][/center]
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Purpose of Being in Nashaki:
Location, City or Hotlands:
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