• Out of Character • Hot Cycle Roster 716

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Hot Cycle Roster 716

Character Name: Kovic
Race: Mortalborn
Blessings and/or Curses: His own life q.q
Character Likes: Friendly encounters, eating for free, being pampered.
Character Dislikes: Enemies and/or rude individuals, large crowds, rejection, violence.
Reason For Being In Ne'haer: Followed the road and ended up here, bruh.
Character Goals: To flay, to feed, to blend in, and to expand his mortalborn abilities.
Extra Information: I'm excited! I have big plans for Kovic in this city, and I'm looking forward to plotting with all of you interested. :)
word count: 89
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Freya DuCarinos
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Hot Cycle Roster 716

Character Name: Freya DuCarinos
Race: Biqaj
Blessings and/or Curses: None
Character Likes: Sailing, Buying things, Meeting New People, Money
Character Dislikes: Rudeness, Stingy Merchants, Pigheaded-ness
Reason For Being In Ne'haer: She lives here.
Character Goals: To meet up with Kian again and start some kind of business that will give them lots of money!
Extra Information: Nothing!
word count: 60
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Rafael Warrick
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Hot Cycle Roster 716

Character Name: Rafael Warrick
Race: Human
Blessings and/or Curses: None.
Character Likes: freedom, adventure, the woods and the sea
Character Dislikes: authorities, slavery, laziness, parties
Reason For Being In Ne'haer: To be eased into the webspinner faction by being seperated from his previous life. To become a loyal servant of Sintra and Labrae.
Character Goals: Rafael's main goal is probably going to be trying to decide what he really wants to do in the future. His stay in Ne'haer will likely mark a transition from his old life as a Warrick noble into a new life...but what that new life holds is something that I'll have to develop and uncover ICly.
Extra Information: None.
word count: 120
Life is a dark comedy, only you're not in on the joke.
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Hot Cycle Roster 716

Character Name: Corvus
Race: Mixed Human x Biqaj
Blessings and/or Curses: Velduris
Character Likes: The hunt.
Character Dislikes: Not being on the hunt.
Reason For Being In Ne'haer: Working for money. Find a goal for herself.
Character Goals: Get Velduris up more. Work on skills. Meet new people.
Extra Information: If you'd like to thread please feel free to send me a note!
word count: 66
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Hot Cycle Roster 716

Character Name: Finn "The Devout" Ashbroken
Race: Human
Blessings and/or Curses: None
Character Likes: Devoting himself to a cause
Character Dislikes: Men who appear stronger, aggressive or are mercenaries; intrusive questions
Reason For Being In Ne'haer: It was yet another city to stop at as he and Telar travel the lands of Idalos.
Character Goals: Never going back to the Hotlands.
Extra Information: As a player I am open to any sort of plot. Even that which would throw Finn out of his comfort zone.
Last edited by Finn on Thu Sep 22, 2016 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 87
Favourite quote:
They do not yet understand the purpose of forgiveness. It is not to spare wrongdoers a punishment they deserve. It is to spare the injured ones the ongoing pain they do not.

~ Ymiden
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Hot Cycle Roster 716

Character Name: Valkan Korr
Race: Human
Blessings and/or Curses: TBD
Character Likes: Getting what he wants
Character Dislikes: Not getting what he wants
Reason For Being In Ne'haer: Avoiding Hiladrith
Character Goals: Making a new start, sharpening some skills, find gainful living
Extra Information: He's not as bad as he sounds....probably
Last edited by Valkan on Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:41 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 55
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Hot Cycle Roster 716

Character Name: Sor'ren
Race: Mixed (Eidisi/Sev'ryn)
Blessings and/or Curses: N/A
Character Likes: Science, magic, solitude, justice, perfection
Character Dislikes:Crowds of people, loud noises, ignorance
Reason For Being In Ne'haer: Living here for the moment.
Character Goals: Observe, learn, improve and earn some moneys
Extra Information: I'm really looking forward to writing with you lovely people!
word count: 63
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