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Re: Kudos Thread

Well....I just passed 500 posts!

There are a lot of people that need thanking. My five months here haven't always been smooth but the endless patience of a lot of people has helped make them memorable.

I started pbp roleplaying many years ago at a place some of you are familiar with. It was a happy place for the most part and I have a lot of good memories of the people there. Some of those people are here, which makes me even happier. Special kudos to Darius for a chance conversation and him ferrying me safely over to ST.

I've had a lot of stories thus far, and I love them all. I love all the brilliant writers that I get the chance to write with and I'm looking forward to all the new people and characters that I will eventually get to write with in the future.

Elisabeth is not who I thought she was in the beginning. She's transforming into something I really love to write. That spark of transformation comes from writing with other people and feeding off their creative energies. I've been blessed thus far by the characters within Elisabeth's journey. All of them have had a lasting impact on her.

Places like this are made special by the people that inhabit them. That means everyone that reads this post. You make ST special! Keep on writing beautiful stories and encouraging those around you!

And Peg - thank you for being you. Much love for you!

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Re: Kudos Thread

Hello Everyone.

So it has taken a while, but Genna how now reach 500 posts (which actually with Jasper’s post added it my total post was over that, but hey you get the idea.) I just wanted to take this time to really appreciate all of the wonderful people and the site itself. I have been on few rping sites over the years, and while I have enjoyed my time on them, I truly feel that I have found something here on Standing Trials.

I want to given kudos to the those who through the years have worked to craft the lore and rules for this site. I especially want to express the respect and love I have for the current staff. I am going to total show my age now, but decades ago when I started playing my first rps sites I had the time to do all of the mechanics for running a pc. Do my pc job threads, calculated exactly how much money I have, take out cost of living, and the account for every penny spent on mundane items. Even when my first kid was born I had the time, but as my time decreased I found I spent more times on the mechanics then on the role play, and I was there for the role play not to balance a second checkbook. Here on Standing Trials it is one the things that has helped me. While there are still mechanical aspects to role play that must be maintained, they trust the players enough that they don’t have keep track of every little penny, and I get the chance to actually do the role play more. Basically I appreciate being treated like the adult I like to think I am on a day to day basis. There are other areas that I could site as examples but I hope I have expressed my appreciation in this regards.

I also enjoy the player bases as well. They are truly what makes this possible. I love the diversity and the creativity. I feel that when ideas are discussed it isn’t one person’s show but each person can express their ideas and we work as a group to make something truly collaborative. People are encouraged to bring there efforts to the table, and they really can make a differences. I have been on sites where if you weren’t a certain skill level, they might let you join an adventure, but with a big warning saying “You most likely will die”, and while I have no problem with putting my pc at risk of dying, my creativity should be just as valuable as my skills. Here I have seen creativity shine just as brightly as raw skills. Which again leads me to saying how great the player base is as they also encourage other players advancements and love to help with threads to do so.

I also want to give my shout out to the staff. They dedicate so much time, and work so hard to keep the drama down. There will always be drama, creative minds tend to lend to that, but I feel that there is a lot of work spent on trying to keep it minimum. More important is how the staff craft stories that keep us engaged, but don’t truly bog down the game. I have loved every moderator plot I have done. I also love how they encourage creativity. If I need a like a city location that hasn’t been created, they are supportive of a player working something up for them, or even okay with vagueness if its nothing that would carry on beyond the thread. Again it goes back to just enjoying the story and not the mechanics.

Ultimately that is what I am loving about Standing Trials. It is about the personal character story they craft both by themselves and with everyone else. It isn’t about great world movements. Or about tedious recreation of reality. Each player here is important and the true movers in the world. Character stories are what this game is. The players really will carry the story.

That being said. I want to thank every single person I have threaded with for the wonderful times we have had. I also want to say I am looking for more wonderful threads as Genna (and Jasper) continue to grow and craft wonderful stories. They are a special part of me, and you are all my friends despite the distances that separate us. And while this isn't a complete list. Thank you, Pegasus, Xander, Pigboy, Squirrel, Elisabeth, Cail, Oonah, Vivian, Varlum and many others.
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Re: Kudos Thread

Thanks to the site volunteers for all the hard work they volunteered to do for the skill update! And thanks to Tech Guy and Pegasus for the hard work they do for things like running the site and site administration!
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Re: Kudos Thread


Well, I'm at post #750, and that means it's time to thank the amazing writers on Standing Trials who make Idalos the most wonderful world to fall into and explore. I've really enjoyed discovering who Darius is and how he responds to different situations, and that wouldn't be possible without the amazing moderators and collaborators who call ST home, and I consider it a privilege to share the boards with.

He might not look too happy in the image above, but I certainly am!

I doff my cap to you all!
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Re: Kudos Thread

I just want to say thank you to Basilisk for the Global. The plot has been very interesting and kept me engaged - I even started checking if he'd posted before I left for work!

As a new player, it was hard to get into things but I'm very glad to have joined at the right time to be involved. This has been an awesome event and thanks also to Tempest and Pegasus for the run-up to it. It's good to feel like my new pc can make a difference, and I appreciate it very much.

I also want to thank Pegasus for the amazing Scalvoris event which has made such a difference to my pc because I've been able to bring him alive. Thank you to Peg, and to Avalon for the Feast thread, and to all my fellow Forged, I really have felt welcomed here and able to join in.



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Re: Kudos Thread


Technically speaking, this is not my 1,000th post, as I've deleted a few old placeholders that never made it beyond the planning stage, but of the thousand that currently remain, it's my most recent one! :D

A nod to the usual suspects! All of my amazing collab partners - no matter how passing or peripheral our writing might have been - but particularly the regulars like Elisabeth, Balthazar, Oram, Peg's PCs, and Pig Boy's PCs; the mods who somehow find the sanity to take us on epic quests, Avalon and Pegasus; the wider staff and volunteers who keep the oil levels high in this writing machine.

I also want to send a special, additional thanks to Pegasus for putting up with my endless questions about everything! Patience of a saint, I swear!

Here's to the next thousand...?! :shock:
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Re: Kudos Thread


I want to give a shout out to Pig Boy and Avalon - these stars have really thoroughly tested all the features Tech Guy has been making for us over the past few weeks / months. Whenever I've said "Hey, is anyone about to test", they've been there completely ready to try and break things! In fairness, you two are always quick to volunteer to help out and it's noticed and appreciated!

Also to Vulpes - both for testing of the knowledge stuff (and somehow breaking it with his pc in a way no one understood.....) but also for taking on the guides too! Thanks!

To Nine, thank you - doing the reviewer's choice is something that is really appreciated!

Massive thanks, of course, to Pig Boy and Basilisk for running their cities solo - and to Avalon for being such a great co-mod.

To our Advocates who do a lot of work behind the scenes!

And, of course, to our Peer Reviewers - you guys are the backbone of the site, genuinely. We're all players, all playing our pcs and those pcs can only progress if they get reviewed! So - Balthazar, Doran, Fate, Jackalope, Oberan and Rozkia - thanks so much!

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Re: Kudos Thread


Post #1,250!

No specific mentions this time - just a general 'thank you' to everyone that makes this place a home of great writing. Some people have gone, some have returned, and some are here for the first time.

Keep doing what you're doing. You're all legends. :)
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Re: Kudos Thread


Ten thousand posts.

That's madness, that is. I mean - ten thousand posts!? Granted, quite a lot of them will be "approved!" etc - cos I spend quite a lot of time in the PSF. But still.

Ten thousand posts probably deserves some kind of notice. So... yeah.

Gosh. Thank you all. Every single one of you - this site is what it is because of the players. Because of the stories we all tell. Whether I've ever written with you or not, you've enriched this world we create between us, and for that - thank you. I look forward to my 20,000 posts thank you. If we are great friends OOC or we don't speak or we don't agree - doesn't matter. Thank you.

If there's only one thing I'd ask / suggest. For each and every one of us here on this site? Use this thread more - this thread where we say "hey - you deserve some kudos". Thank people - acknowledge people - take an opportunity to be kind, to appreciate others and what they do. As totally free resources go, this place is filled with people who deserve a "yay! Thanks for being you!". Or, at least, that's what I think. Ten thousand times over.

To every single member - current and past and still to come - thanks.
To everyone who has - and who continues to - volunteer time when you could be progressing your pc but, instead, work to help others in the community - to you guys, a hundred thousand thanks.
To my writing partners who wait patiently because I'm always flitting around like a flibberygibbet - I am so grateful for you.

Here's looking forward to the next 10K. Keep making marvellous stories - I can't wait!
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Re: Kudos Thread

So... I guess this is long overdue. I have a lot of people to thank, probably more than I remember so if I don't mention you don't feel bad about it. In all, I've rarely met a person on this site that I didn't like in some way at some time. So be good.

Tech Guy/Winston: You're just an awesome dude, and I'm glad to have met you. I really enjoy our rp together, and don't see myself getting bored anytime soon :) Thanks for rping with me.

Darius and Nine: You two are fun to bounce (phoney?) insults and macho headgames off of. I really enjoy our chatter in discord, and have really enjoyed our roleplay in various guises I've had. Keep on keeping on! You two are great.

Elisabethe/Avalon: We have a bit of a history don't we? I was a little afraid when you joined at first, to be honest, but I'm glad to know now that what's in the past is past and we can be good friends now. It's been very healing for me to make friends with you in Standing Trials, and I'm glad you're not mad that I was mean to you on an rpg forum a few times. ;)

Basilisk: We're not really buddy buddy I guess, you're kind of cold-blooded afterall. But I really always respected your work on the site, particularly the effigy and dragons. I didn't think I'd like them when I first heard of them, but am pretty amazed at the work you've done into them. And making Vivian cry is still one of my favorite passtimes.

Squirrel: You're really a funny entertaining person, when you want to be, and I nevertheless enjoy your occasional ranting about the lore. You know it probably better than anyone right now, so I love that you're usually available to discuss lore matters, and tell me when my head is backwards.

Pegasus: There was a reason I never stuck around Standing Trial until around 2018, and I think it's owed to your stable ownership and leadership over the site. I think that may be the highest praise I can give an owner of an rpg forum, when most tend to fizzle and die after a year or so. Even then, you did more than keep the site open. You are always welcoming to new people, always a moderating voice against my tendency to fly off the handle or jump to conclusions or to take top-down measures when it comes to varioius issues. Your principled approach to such a small thing as an rpg forum really reflects on the wonderbar person you really are. And thanks for roleplaying with me and always being encouraging of my storytelling efforts.

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