• Graded • Perfection above all Else

Alex Strives for her Animal form

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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Perfection above all Else

Arc 711, 1st trial of Vhalar
Well, happy birthday. She thought wryly as she sat in her bed, staring up at the stone roof. She had moved her stuff into the small back room after her injury. It made it easier if all her food, water and sleeping could be done in one room, and it also let her actually learn some stuff from K.G.'s book.

She looked down at her leg. It had healed quite a bit in the 100-odd days since her... adventure, but she still occasionally struggled with reading. If she spent too long looking at the pages of the book, a headache would start deep behind her temples. The worst part is it wasn't affected by headache medicines. She now knew that she had to keep her reading time short, and so she spent more time practicing than she ever had before.

I mean, no one else is going to use these supplies, so might as well experiment with them. She had found a page in the book that talked about Da'kir tea, and something called 'Stain'. She had, once she was sufficiently healed, ventured out to purchase the supplies necessary. She relied on trading as much as she could, selling the herbs she didn't need in order to buy those she did.

She got out of bed, and shifted through her forms. Avriel, Human, Grey Velox. She practiced transitioning between each of them, working out the kinks. She had started doing that less than a trial before, when she realized that shifting from Avriel to Velox was very different from Human to Velox. She had already noticed a difference in how easy it was. She could now skip most of the meditative state, and just shift.

Half a break later, she shook herself back into Avriel, feeling the most comfortable in it. She headed outside, a handful of grain clutched in her hand. She entered the barn, and scattered the grain into the dozens of cages. She had slowly caught mice, during the long weeks of her recovery. She tried several methods for catching them, but most had failed. Of course there was a steep learning curve, but she had expected that. She had been totally unsuccessful for several trials until she had the brilliant idea of setting the food inside a jar on its side. She would wait until the mouse went in, and she could catch it.

She had managed to start a small colony of mice, and of course they bred like they tend to. She now had filled all the cages she had, and they were beginning to look a little packed.

She grabbed one of the cages, and hauled it in the back room, favouring her bad leg. The wound had almost totally healed, but there was still some lingering pain, and the crystals weren't as sturdy as she was hoping they would be.

The cage landed on the table, and Valyeria set up a row of empty jars. She carefully placed one mouse in each jar, and clumped them in groups. Nearly three dozen jars covered the workspace when she was done, and she shifted them around into three groups. She set one of the groups inside a large terrarium and began burning Da'kir tea leaves inside of it, waiting until a slight haze filled the bin before she removed it.

The next group was dabbed liberally with a poultice made from the boiling off the tea over the course of several trials. She followed K.G.'s advice on making various contact poisons, and she hoped that it would be as effective as the book claimed.

The final dozen mice were forced to drink a potent tincture she had made several weeks earlier. The leaves had been sitting in the alcohol, fermenting, and from what she could tell this should be far stronger than simply a tea. She had done a quick distillation on it yesterday, hoping to make it significantly more toxic. The smell that came off it was horrendous, and she didn't even want to think of how bad it would taste.

After she had set it all up, she flipped a large hourglass upside down, and began preparing her tables. The small book she had brought with her had been filling up at a rapid rate, and she realized she'd need to buy a new one soon. She slid into a trance as she waited, the bits ticking by.
Valyeria brought herself back as she noticed the first mouse curl up in a ball. It was from the tincture, and she smiled. Just as I thought. It made sense- the way it was typically applied was via ingestion, so it made sense that it was the best way. But how the hell would I managed to convince someone to drink that? I can't even stand the smell of it... She noted the time, and soon the rest of the mice began dropping.

When they were all dead, the trial was nearly over. She smirked as she realized she had spent her birthday killing mice. Well, I guess to each their own. She gathered up the corpses, throwing them on the fire to burn. She covered her face with a mask, not wanting to breathe in the fumes as she cleaned out the jars, swishing them with alcohol. She grabbed K.G.'s book and left the room, heading back inside the cottage so the room could air out.

She opened the book as she settled into a chair. The last section she had been reading was on reagents. Ah, right. Thickeners.

Thickeners are often used to increase the viscosity of the poison. Typically used for turning airborn poisons into either contact, or ingestive. The thickener must be chosen based on the properties of the original poison.

They are of vital importance when it comes to ingestive, as they must be the same texture as the surrounding food. Any slight difference will be noted.

They are also important when it comes to contact poisons. Will the poison be administered to the surrounding clothing, or is it to be applied to a weapon? Both of these have different viscosity requirements, and have very small margins for error.

Practice: Add thickeners to an inert solution and add it to soups or stews. If it's detectable, you fail.

Add thickeners to an inert solution and try to apply it to a weapon. How easily does it come off?
Alex rubbed her forehead, thinking about what she had just read. Huh, I guess that stuff makes sense. Just weird to think about. Below, he had written a long list of various thickeners, and the poisons they were paired best with.

The style of the book was odd. At some times, it seemed as though K.G. planned on having people read it, and at other times it seemed to be a book he only ever planned on using as practice for himself.

She snapped it shut, and headed back out to the barn, happy that the room had aired out. She banked the fire, and snuggled into her bed, not really tired. She knew that she had a big day coming up, though, so she forced herself to sleep.
Last edited by Vluharqih on Sun May 29, 2016 12:19 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 1222
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Perfection is a Must

Arc 711, 2nd trial of Vhalar
Valyeria woke up feeling alert for a change. She stood, and tested out her leg. Surprisingly, it was firmer than she remembered it being, and she felt almost no discomfort when she set her weight on it.

She stood, and left the barn. The sun was bright, and the cool night's dew was steaming across the grass. She breathed in deeply, the smell of the forest mixing with the smoke from her banked fire. She sighed, and stretched upwards. Her long fingers reached towards the skies, and her wings snapped out. She focused, and began to switch between the forms.

Faster and faster she pushed herself. Mere trills passed as she forced herself to change, to morph. The constant heat began to hurt, but she pushed through. She barely felt herself begin to cool before she changed again, her crystals melting together.

After several bits, she collapsed, exhausted. Her limbs were numb, and she was covered in a thick layer of sweat. Beads rolled off her nose as she lay, panting, on the ground. A single droplet was caught on her eyelashes, and the angle it was at made it appear as if a miniature sun was captured in it. Her breathing slowed as she became enraptured by the droplet.

Finally, she shook herself and got to her feet. She had finished in the Velox form, and her long furry coat was covered in the morning dew. She had, when she first arrived, went and purchased a fairly large sheet of metal. She had spent several trials polishing it to the point where it was almost as good as a mirror.

She padded over towards the side of the cottage, where she had hung the sheet of metal. It was at the perfect height- Valyeria could see her whole body. She slowly spun in a circle, watching how her flank moved. She smiled, baring large canines, at the result. Ha, I knew I could do it! She shifted back to human, slowly. She felt the heat, but she had cooled off enough that it wasn't painful. It was more along the lines of the feeling that you get when you stretch a tight muscle- a deep seated tension that sends pleasurable tingles along your whole body.

Alex shivered, and looked at herself. Her body was small and tight, and goosebumps covered her skin. It was still cool enough to need the extra warmth of the fur coat. She shifted back, pushing herself as quickly as she could. She watched as her form blurred, and suddenly a Velox was standing where a Human once stood.

But it was far from perfect. The defects stuck out to Alex like a sore thumb. A finger was slow to transition, still pale pink in the midmorning light. A shock of red hair that didn't quite change, or the tail that slowly poked its way out of her back.

Ugh, I look terrible. What kind of Yludih am I? 16 and still unable to take my first animal form... This is pathetic.

She groaned as she felt the anxiety begin to grow, a knot developing in her stomach. No, no. I'm okay. I'm okay. I need to get started. That'll help. She noticed her breathing begin to grow erratic, and she calmed herself with some effort.

Alex shifted, and sat in front of the mirror. She relaxed herself, and flipped back to a Human. She watched in fascination as her outline blurred. She had never actually paid attention to how she looked as she switched forms, but she was suddenly really interested in it. She sat naked on the grass, the breeze blowing past her skin and cooling her down quickly.

She took two deep breaths before she pushed, and rushed the process. She felt herself grow warm, and then hot. She opened her eyes in time to see herself change into a Velox, and she stared intently at her paws. She had focused on making sure that her fingers all changed together, and it seemed to have worked. She didn't see any hints of her graceful Human fingers left on the furry paws.

She leaned back, and smiled, satisfied with the fast progress. She tried to replicate it, but as soon as she stopped focusing on it, they returned to looking like fingers rather than paws. A frown furrowed her brow, but she shook herself off as she realized this was hardly going to be as easy as she had originally thought.
Nearly half the trial had passed before she finally managed to get it down. She stood, wincing as tight muscles twanged their protest. She stretched, trying to loosen up some of the tighter ones.

She shifted back to Velox, watching intently. Satisfied that she was completely in control of her paws, she shook her coat, imagining how it should look. It was close, but not quite perfect. She paused, slightly irritated that it still wasn't good enough. She shook herself again, watching the way her fur moved. She lost herself in the action, fine tuning the shifting hairs until she was finally happy.

She looked up, realizing that it was nearly nighttime. She looked longingly towards the forest, wanting to stretch her legs, but she knew better than to test the wound this early. She had torn it open less than a week ago from pushing herself too hard- no reason to keep ripping it open if she didn't absolutely have to.

She reluctantly shifted back to Avriel, and ruffled her feathers. It felt odd to be back in this form after spending most of the day in Human and Velox, but it felt good nonetheless. Valyeria returned to the barn, looking around the small room. She realized that she hadn't actually done any poison readings yet, and eagerly pulled out the leather-bound book.


Triggers are one of the more commonly known and understood items, as well as potentially one of the most used. To sum it up, a trigger is what will cause the poison to be released. An easy example is stomach acid acting as a trigger for a specific poison. If the poison is held in the mouth, it will not be activated.

Another example is having the poison only react to a specific food, so the poison itself can be fed far in advance of their death. Practice on mice.
The last sentence made her laugh. Well what else am I going to practice on? I hardly have enough money to go about buying slaves to practice on, nor do I feel like getting on the wrong side of the law here.

She closed the book, her brain mulling over what she had learned. Hmm, I could try to find some combinations that are only poisonous when put together...that counts, right? She shrugged, too tired to figure it out today. She snuggled into her bed, and passed out within trills.
Last edited by Vluharqih on Wed Jun 01, 2016 12:33 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 1172
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Perfection is a Must

Arc 711, 25th trial of Vhalar
Alex leapt over the log, her paws clearing it easily. Her leg had healed admirably in the recent weeks, and she was now back to her regular activities. The only proof of her stupidity was a long scar that wrapped its way around her hind leg. It was most visible when she was a Velox, for some reason. That seemed odd to Alex since the Velox had fur to cover it up, but she had given up trying to understand the small things like that. As long as my body does what I tell it too, we'll be just fine.

She had been running for over a break now, and she was getting closer. The other day she had flown this way, and seen a small encampment of what had appeared to be a group of herbalists, out gathering supplies. There had been four young men, all in their early 20's, and they held bushels of plants as they moved around the fire.

Her paws struck the loamy earth, and she was brought back to the present. She slowed down, trying to creep forward and watch the camp. She focused on being stealthy, and she wasn't terrible at it, but she was far from perfect. She had to creep slowly through the underbrush, her brain frantically trying to scan the forest floor for places to put her paws. The evening light cast deep shadows across the bushes, and she tried to use those to her advantage.

Immortals, this is hard with four instead of two. She managed to make her way up towards the camp though, and settled down to watch. She didn't see any signs of bows or arrows, which was her big worry. She could always run away if they were hostile, but it would be much harder if they could shoot at her while she did so.

Seeing none, she decided to take a risk. She moved forward, leaves crackling underfoot as she did so. Two men were sitting around the fire, and they straightened as they caught sight of her. She heard the one on the right cursing under his breath as he backed up. His friend immediately took off, his feet pounding as he sprinted away from Alex. She snarled at the one by the fire, and tore after his friend. She could hear his gasping breaths, and the stumbling of his feet.

She was on his trail in a heartbeat, within trills she could see his heels. She leapt for him, knocking him to the ground hard. He let out a short scream as he fell, but the tumble to the ground knocked the breath from his lungs. He scrambled onto his back, and tried to shuffle backwards from her as quickly as he could. She padded closer, her face mere inches from his. She could feel the warm gusts of air from his panting, see the terror overtake him. She growled once, deep in her chest, but he looked like he was paralyzed with fear. He didn't move a muscle, and Alex snorted.

She turned tail and ran, leaving him alone. It worked! She let out a howl, the sound exhilarating her.

He couldn't tell I wasn't one! She darted between the trees, the dark trunks flying past in a blur. She let out another defiant howl, her voice challenging the forest.

I am a Velox!
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Perfection above all Else

Come and get your Loot!

(There's plenty more where that came from)


  • Animal Handling +1
  • Endurance +1
  • Hunting +2
  • Intimidation +1
  • Medicine +1
  • Meditation +2
  • Poison +2
  • Research +2
  • Stealth +1


  • Basic
    • All Materials in One Place is Best
    • Better Ways to Spend a Birthday
    • Take the Time to Enjoy Tiny Details
    • Trapping and Breeding Mice
    • Using Mice as Test Subjects
  • Specific
    • Medicine: Da'Kir Tea
    • Morphing Practice: Make Progress Without Deadlines
    • Rapid-Fire Morphing: Exhausting but Productive
    • Reagents: Thickeners
    • Velox Form: Best Suited for Stealth
    • Velox Form: Perfected!
    • Velox Form: The Thrill of the Hunt


Perfected Velox form. Congratulations!! :D


Nothing New. Just aches and pains from previous injuries.


I can only imagine how happy you must be to see the "tail" end of this. ;)
PM me with any comments or concerns :)
word count: 139
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