
The Limbo where non-approved CSes go.

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Posts: 1
Joined: Thu May 26, 2016 9:40 pm
Race: Human
Renown: 0
Wealth Tier: Tier 1


Name: Alydra

Age: 17

Race: Human born to the Aukari

Date of Birth: Arc 699 Saun cycle


Factions Joined:

Languages Spoken: Vauni, Common


Alydra is tall for a human female, she has short blond hair, sharp features, And hazel eyes. training scars and the Mark of Faldrun shown on her wrists. and some nasty burns mare her pale skin in some less obvious places. she looks thin and frail but strong tone muscles cover her body from head to toe from years of training.

Alydra is quite, reserved, And slow to anger. Having grown up poor she has no qualms breaking minor laws if that's what staying alive or a job requires, though prefers to avoid breaking even minor laws. Though she's for the most part a honest person. She believes humans have the potential to be as strong as any race, And is willing to prove it. The fire of the Aukari burn in her heart if not her body. Loyal to her people to a fault, She will die for Faldrun honor on any field of battle. She habors no ill will for the treatment she received when she was younger, Alydra doesn't bear grudges. Her voice is light almost musical, Though she had never sung in her life.

Alydra was born into a poor Aukari family, In the city of Sirothelle. One of the lucky humans who's Aukari mother didn't ignite. She can remember disapointed looks and voices even from a young age. She worked hard to impress her father who would just mutter something about true warriors and wander off. Alydra started teaching herself to read and write in preparation to join the Aukari school at the age of 4. determined to prove her family wrong. She could be a warrior. Joining the acadmy at the age of 5 she was ridiculed by her peers. only a Aukari could pass the tests, she had heard it all before and started training anyways.

Arc 715 Saun cycle
i got another burn today the other students are careful not to leave them in places that show. I'm doing well however my instructors are suprised with my

i hope you are well mother, i will return when i graduate. Signed your daughter Alydra.

The training was rigorous. at night she poured over maps, dates, names, accounts of battles won and lost. during the day it was weapons training with anything that could crush, stab, cut, maul, or kill. Durng which she aquired her fair share of scars, And broken bones. she got a whole new set of scars, every once in awhile someone would ignite and burn her. Though it all her fathers words echoed in her mind "true warrior" each time she grit her teeth, And bore the pain.

Shorty after turning 17 she completed the Barer of Flames ritual the stench of burning flesh filled her nostrils as the Mark of Faldrun was seared into her wrists. she did not whimper, she did not cry, or even so much as flinch. Alydra simply stared into the eyes of her father and for a second she could have sworn a approving smile touched his lips.

Alydra is a traveler. living out of a small tent, She however does own a fox. Alydra named her Kelly and has had the little fox since her wrists were marked.
Knowledge & Skills

Skill NamePoints AcquiredTotal
Attunement [RB] 10, 10
Abrogation [SP] 15, 15
Acrobatics [SP] 10, 10
Acting 0, 0
Agriculture 0, 0
Alchemy 0, 0
Animal Husbandry 0, 0
Animal Training 0, 0
Axes & Bludgeons 0, 0
Appraisal 0, 0
Basket Weaving 0, 0
Bladed Weapons [SP] 15, 15
Brewing 0, 0
Business Management 0, 0
Candlemaking 0, 0
Carpentry 0, 0
Climbing 0, 0
Construction 0, 0
Cooking 0, 0
Cosmetology 0, 0
Dancing 0, 0
Deception 0, 0
Detection 0, 0
Disguise 0, 0
Endurance 0, 0
Etiquette 0, 0
Field Craft 0, 0
Fishing 0, 0
Flying 0, 0
Fletching 0, 0
Forgery 0, 0
Gardening 0, 0
Glassblowing 0, 0
Hunting 0, 0
Interrogation 0, 0
Intimidation 0, 0
Investigation 0, 0
Jewel Crafting 0, 0
Leadership 0, 0
Leather Working 0, 0
Linguistics 0, 0
Lock Picking 0, 0
Logistics 0, 0
Mathematics 0, 0
Medicine 0, 0
Meditation 0, 0
Melee Combat 0, 0
Mining 0, 0
Mount 0, 0
Musical Instrument 0, 0
Navigation 0, 0
Persuasion 0, 0
Physics 0, 0
Pick Pocketing 0, 0
Poisons 0, 0
Polearm Weapons 0, 0
Politics 0, 0
Pottery 0, 0
Psychology 0, 0
Ranged Combat 0, 0
Research 0, 0
Rhetoric 0, 0
Sculpting 0, 0
Seafaring 0, 0
Seduction 0, 0
Sewing 0, 0
Shielded Combat 0, 0
Ship Building 0, 0
Shoemaking 0, 0
Siege Weaponry 0, 0
Singing 0, 0
Smithing 0, 0
Stealth 0, 0
Storytelling 0, 0
Strength 0, 0
Surgery 0, 0
Swimming 0, 0
Tactics 0, 0
Tanning 0, 0
Teaching 0, 0
Thrown Weapons 0, 0
Torture 0, 0
Trap Making 0, 0
Unarmed Combats [SP] 10, 10
Vinting 0, 0
Whips & Chains 0, 0
Writing 0, 0

Basic Knowledge

-Knowledge: Arcana
-Knowledge: Geography
-Knowledge: Maps

Specialized Knowledge

-Knowledge: Arcana, Abrogation
-Knowledge: Foraging
Marks Section




  • N/A
    • N/A
  • N/A
    • N/A


  • This loyal adult fox has copper-colored fur with bronze stripes and blue-violet eyes. She is unusually large and almost humanly intelligent. She likes hiding, exploring and getting things dirty, and hates changes in routine, hard work and loud noises. Her favourite toy is a black box.
  • Black box
  • One set of clothing (coat, shirt, pants, undergarments, and a pair of boots. All clothing is standard quality.)
  • One set of Weather Gear (cloak, thick pants, undergarments, and a pair of boots. All clothing is standard quality.)
  • One tent (sized to accommodate two people or one person and their possessions.)
  • One riding horse.
  • One horse-pulled wagon (two feet wide, three feet long, two feet deep)
  • 100 feet of rope
  • tinderbox x1
  • torch x6
  • Lantern x1
  • bedroll x1
  • compass x1
  • fishing net x1
  • blanket x1
  • rucksack x4
  • knife x1
  • waterskin x1
  • toiletries x1
  • rag x2
  • Dagger x2
  • Leather Armor x1 (normal)
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... ... ...
Total Currency: 0 ON, 8 GN, 0 SN, 0 CN
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word count: 1088

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