Gone Goose, Gone

Tose and Talhar solve a terribly important mystery

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Gone Goose, Gone

Ashan 48, Arc 716
Tose woke with the suns, as was her habit, and untangled herself from the mass of children who were sprawled about the place. She'd spent the evening listening to Mo'anas stories, and when they'd asked her to spend the night she'd accepted. Which of course meant dealing with their ever growing brood of children. An annoyance for many, but for Tose who was an only child, a novelty.

She offered a grin and a wave to Kah'kilan, who was also rising, likely going to take up his watch once more at the Itọju. That done, she pulled on her boots and silently let herself out. Just because she was a morning person did not mean that everyone was. It would have been careless to wake those who did not need or want to be up yet.

Sev'ryn did not farm precisely, finding what they needed in the wild, but there were various fruit trees and the like that had been allowed to grow within Desnind itself, and rather than being wholly harvested, the fruits were left for those who were hungry, until just before they would go bad when they were either gathered for a shared feast, or turned into fruit drinks. If they were left a little too long the drinks were alcoholic and a feast was almost guaranteed. It was one of these trees that Tose shinnied up and plucked her breakfast. She bit into it, sweet juice dripping down her chin as she moved towards her own current campsite.

Perhaps she'd go out and do some hunting today. Or laze by a lake and fish. She was not particularly good at fishing, but she did know how, and it was a way to take a day off and still contribute. She paused her stride for a moment, rising up on her toes and leaning back, stretching her spine. She particularly enjoyed it because she'd only recently been able to do it again without causing herself pain. The wound along her rib-cage while still present had scabbed properly and started to heal, although it itched maddeningly at times, it no longer really hurt and simple movements didn't reopen it.

In short order she made it to her campsite. Tent was up, bedroll and the majority of her gear within. Wagon nearby, Nika a little further off grazing. Tose was halfway through breaking down and stowing her tent and belongings back in the wagon when she paused. Something was wrong. She looked around and saw nothing out of the ordinary. She listened and heard nothing that should not have been there. She sniffed the air, seeing if there lay whatever had cued her mind as wrong. Nothing. A deep sense of unease filled her. Hand dropped for a moment to the knife at her side. Survival instinct, learned on many hunts said that you listened to intuition, and if you felt like something was wrong, regardless of what your senses told you, something was probably wrong.

It took a good long moment of this wariness before she realized that it wasn't anything present that was striking her as wrong, it was an absence.

Nothing had challenged her approach. Nothing had attacked her. There'd been no beating with wings, no biting or pecking, no hissing or honking. In short, no You Bastard.

You Bastard was in theory trained. In practice besides shutting up on command sometimes, he did exactly one thing very well. He stayed with her belongings. Either the tent or the wagon. He was always within eye sight of at least one or the other. Always.

She looked around again and still saw no familiar feathered form. Neither did she see and great cloud of pulled out feathers of puddle of blood. Perhaps he'd finally wandered off in Desninds relative safety, but in her heart Toscun'ahesesi did not think this was so.

"Hey! You Bastard! Where are you? Come back You Bastard!"

She called, hands around her mouth, eyes scanning the general vicinity hoping to see an angry bird come flying out at her.
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Gone Goose, Gone

It was the brink of a new trial, albeit just barely; Talhar let out a loud groan as he stretched his arms far apart like he was trying to hug an imaginary elephant...Enriqué, yes, we'll call him Enriqué! So, Talhar was hugging Enriqué until he felt the ever-satisfying crunchy pop of stretched limbs. After which he scooted to the edge of the bed and drowzily rested his face in one hand while rummaging through the birdflock hair with the other. Putting on his attire, comfy clothes made of loose leather and furr mainly. Sturdy yet loose enough to be able to manoeuver in them with acrobatic finesse, who is he kidding?...Enriqué's probably more acrobatic. 'T is a damned hardfought life when an imaginary elephant, if that in itself wasn't enough, outplays him...

After making himself semi-presentable to the non-imaginary world, he set out into Desnind to get some breakfast; There was hardly any business for a woodcarver with about as much skill in the craft as ... Ok, with no skill in the craft basically. Sure, you can call his pieces abstract, you can even call them zipzorpwigglewormumbojumbostracts...The piece itself won't change into anything else but being an utter piece of dung. He sighed, desperately trying to find another way to contribute to Desnind and for his own survival even. But apart from investigating rumors, mysteries, secrets, puzzles; He was about as useful, in most aspects, as ... A woodcarver...Can you tell Talhar was feeling under the weather this morning?! Anyway, back to breakfast, happyhappyjoyjoy free breakfast fruit hunting.

As he walked around barefoot through the dusty roads crisscrossing Desnind, trying to find that piece of fruit that just screamed out "Eat Me!"...Instead all he heard was shouting in the distance "You Bastard....You Bastaaard!" Oh joyous morning! At first his mind raced at high pace. Could it be Monica? Erica? Samantha? Then he remembered he hasn't had a woman in over a season, what a morning! He hadn't even realized he had forgotten all about fruit and was instead walking semi-annoyed in the direction of the shouting. What better way to pick yourself up than...Watching someone else who's worse off ?!

As he arrived at the scene, he could see a woman franticly shouting and looking around for, what he presumed, was a soon-to-be-gutted other half.

"Hi, you alright there? Want me to get you something to calm down? I don't have much with me...I got my club! That could help?!"

He grinned sheepishly as he tried to lighten the mood in the only way he knew...By being a total and absolute ass.
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Gone Goose, Gone

"Ah? Sorry if I have disturbed you. I am looking for my guard, he was gone when I came back to our camp this morning you see."

Sometimes Tose forgot that You Bastards name was not precisely a name. Or that a goose was perhaps less that usual. Still, when half the population was speaking to spirits only they could see, having a goose seemed positively mundane in comparison. It did however occur to her that she had been yelling, and it was quite early, and she may have awoken this man, which she felt a little bit bad about, but safety had to be placed over convenience. What if time was of the essence? Surely cutting someone's sleep a few hours shorter was justified.

She gave him a fairly perfunctory once over. He looked vaguely familiar, but then almost anyone who lived in Desnind looked vaguely familiar to her. She couldn't put name to face though. Not an age mate and not a hunter.

"I apologise again, but I do not think a club would help and I must find him, it is very unusual for him not to be here."

Brow furrowed slightly as she scanned the area once more. She almost would have had better luck of finding You Bastard out in the ---, where tracking skills could come into play. Here, so many Sev'ryn feet had passed over the ground it was difficult to pick out any one track, let alone those of a creature as light-footed as a goose. Again, necessity drove Tose to do what she would not normally. Usually manners insisted you spoke with someone until they indicated that the conversation was finished in some way. You did not rush. But rushing seemed needful

"You Bastard, where are you?"

She called out once more, concern in her voice and prior explanation seemingly at odds with the words that came from her mouth. Probable futility aside, she turned her attention to the ground, looking for any track, any sign of what had happened. This was not aided by the fact that she often camped here, and there was old goose-sign as well as more recent.

She glanced up once more, a thought striking her.

"If you see him would you please let me know? He is brown and.. slightly aggressive."

That was putting it extremely kindly, but it was also the reason she simply asked him to tell her, and not to carry You bastard on home. One couldn't expect everyone to tolerate the sort of abuse that You Bastard tended to dish out to anyone within his fairly extensive personal space.
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Gone Goose, Gone

'T was a peculiar feeling, being completely dumbfounded about what was going on in front of him. He was certain that if he ever came across a method to travel back through the fabric of time itself and end up here...He'd be equally stupified! It felt weird, annoyingly weird, he wasn't used to this feeling, it felt like those grotesque things that itch insanely hard all over once a year...The monster commonly known as Granny's Festival Gifted Sweater. What an aweful thought, Talhar's sorta a Bastar---Is she looking for ME?!---It took him all the discipline and self restraint in the world not to walk calmly over to the nearest wall, and punch a hole into it, with his face. Whether he was 'out of it' today or not, he would be damned if he'd let this damsel in distress to her lonesome self. That's a total load of bulldung by the way, he just wanted to figure out what this was all about for giggles & kicks, but lets pretend he's not a total jackass instead!

"Mind if I ask you a few questions? I'm Talhar by the way, I doubt we've spoken before but I'm fairly decent at investigating so I might be able to help out, if it's really that out of the ordinary that your guard isn't here?"

He knew he was butting in where his butt didn't belong, but truth be told, he always knew that and it hasn't stopped him even once. To butt or not to butt, that is the question! All shennanigans aside, the look of distress on this poor girl's face as she franticly glanced around and shouted those Sweet Nothings from time to time, made Talhar a bit worried. Maybe something bad really did happen to this brown, agressive, bastardly guard...For some reason Talhar could really, really, not picture this to be true.

"Can you give me his name and some more description on how he looks, when the last time you saw him, basically any useful information that pops into your head?!"

"We'll find him!" Talhar assured the woman, he didn't want to add "Dead or Alive" to it but yeah, that was the case...No matter the state that dastardly dastard would be in, Talhar would find him for damned sure!
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Gone Goose, Gone


She vaguely recalled mention of a Sev'ryn who's path, if the words of the barely remembered speakers around a cooking pit could be recalled correctly, was sniffing out secrets and finding things out. She was fairly certain that had been followed up with 'that he shouldn't', but Tose did not know enough to judge. Besides, even had his path not included anything that might be helpful to her, why would she turn away an earnest offer of aid?

"I am Toscun'ahesesi, I would greatly appreciate your help, for however much time you have."

There, now should he provide some aid and then want to give up but not know how to do it without seeming to abandon the cause and her, he had a neat pre-established out.

"And yes, very out of the ordinary. He is always with either my wagon or mare. Always. I have never known him to wander out of eye sight of one of the two."

She considered what might be a better description of how he looked than brown.

"I last saw him here, last night, at around the nineteenth break before I went over to Kah'kilan and Mo'anas. He is a little larger than usual."

She held her hands apart, first width than height. It would be perhaps here that Talhar would really start cuing into the fact that he might not be looking for what he thought he was looking for. The distance was a bit large for a goose true enough, but not nearly large enough for a man, let alone one described as larger than usual.

"He has never really bothered answering to anything very well, so he is just You Bastard. If something had managed to sneak in from the Makubwa Lori, it either would have had to kill him right away, in which case I would expect there to be blood and sign, plus Nika would be upset, or there would have been time for him to sound alarm. He is very loud when he wants to be. I do not know where he could be."

She concluded, brows furrowed again. Taking Nikas behavior into account had not occurred to her earlier, but it just deepened the mystery. A predator would have the horse riled up, not calmly grazing. Where then was You Bastard?
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Gone Goose, Gone

The pieces of the puzzle started to show coherency, albeit far from being solved, Talhar could see the outlining being scaped clearer and clearer with each piece of information shared by this Toscun'ahesesi. Granted, she didn't seem quite the talkative kind as each piece was hardfought for, almost having to drag it out of her, but she did seem to choose the right pieces at least. First was the size of You Bastard, far too small and short for any Sev'ryn he had ever seen, possibly a guard dog or something similar. He'd get back to that later on, it was vital that he knew exactly who or what he was looking for. Apart from that there were other little telltale signs that sparked his interest and made him perk his ears.

"You were gone at the time You Bastard went mising than? Seems quite coincidental he went missing right at that time. Was he used to you being gone for however long you went away for, was this a first for him or has he maybe ever shown signs of distress when you leave? If not, this is quite strange to say the least."

Talhar pondered with his lower face resting in his hand. Presuming Nika was the mare Toscun'ahesesi had spoken of just moments before, it would have certainly neighed out loud enough for someone to come check up on her. Desnind's residents looked out for one another most of the time anyway. This was the most peculiar key factor at the time actually, there were several linked factors that could bring them one step closer to You Bastard.

"Consider Nika, correct me if Nika is not your horse, did not neigh or warn anyone in the vicinity of the disappearance of You Bastard. There are several routes to take from here ... None too pleasant to hear, but it's needed to give these options at least some thought! First of all, from what I can assume You Bastard is not the easiest animal to be with, for anyone, so either he left on his own accord; Or was somehow incapicated in one form or another, enough to be picked up and taken away. Not only that, but Nika was calm as well, and she seems to be in good health so she was not sedated, drugged nor knocked out...Which leads me to believe that, if You Bastard hasn't gone off on his own, the one who took him was not an unfamiliar face..."

Talhar let these questions and statements sink in for a moment, taken a breath and a pause while glancing over at the calmly grazing mare---Grazing?!

"Did you feed You Bastard anytime recently?!"
Without even waiting for Toscun'ahesesi to answer, Talhar suddenly hunched over as he walked around the caravan and looked for the sort of feed the animal could get, that way he'd, hopefully, be able to figure out what kind of animal we were talking about as well. "Look around, is there anything out of the ordinary you see here that could serve as food for You Bastard?!"
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Gone Goose, Gone

"No distress, and yes he is used to it. That is his path. Often if I take Nika into the Makubwa Lori with me when I go hunting, I bring him. He is trained to stay alone and on guard while I am away from camp, it would not be new to him, here or outside of Desnind."

She supposed it was coincidental that You Bastard had gone missing when she was not there. She'd not thought of it like that. Then, she did not seem to think in the same was this Talhar did, if his questions were anything to go by. Well, that was why investigating was his path and not hers. They were good questions, leading her down thought trails she might not have stumbled onto herself otherwise. The idea that someone she knew might have taken You Bastard for one. Although one could argue that that was the most obvious answer to the mystery, it would never have occurred to Tose unless she saw someone wandering away with him under their arm. Tose always thought the best of people, she was not naturally suspicious of others in the least.

Still, it fit. She saw no trace of an animal from the Makubwa Lori, and so had assumed her own skill was lacking. But perhaps she did not see it simply because it was not there. His scenario, as much as she hated to admit it, did seem to make the most sense.

"No, he is not easy. He is very good at his job, but that is to guard, to raise warning and chase away predators, not to be a companion. As I said he is often.. aggressive. I do not think he would leave so he must have been incapacitated. Nika knows most Sev'ryn, so even if there was brief violence, as long as it was from one of our brothers and sisters, it would not have upset her too much I do not think. She is very calm."

She paused, frowning.

"I hope he is not dead. Why would someone kill him? He is unpleasant yes, but he does not go to anyones home or stray from where I camp, so he is not often inflicted on others. And if they hungered they need only have said and I would have gone hunting for them."

She fell silent again. There was a moment where both were deep in thought and then Talhar spoke again excitedly. She was not happy with the situation, but it was interesting watching him work. He was a hunter in his own way, and it looked as if he was well and truly on the trail now.

"I have not fed him, I only do when forage is bad and he starts losing weight."

She followed his instructions, closely examining the ground, looking not for tracks, blood or feathers, but anything that might look particularly tasty to a goose. It took several bits of careful searching, but eventually her eyes fell on something that did not seem to belong here. Several small seeds. Possibly they were left from whoever had camped here before her, but they were not sunk into the ground yet, and that made her think they were a recent addition. There was no plant nearby that would drop seeds like these either. Carefully she picked up the three stray seeds.


She offered, holding them out on the palm of her hand.
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Gone Goose, Gone

As soon as he heard Toscun'ahesesi's voice from over his shoulder, Talhar pushed himself up from his crouched position, his face had been almost close enough to the soil to sniff out truffles. With a slightly smudged face, he peered into her open hand, a few seeds that had probably been laying where they didn't belong?! He gave his surroundings a quick scan before clenching his lips together and letting out a soft grumble after taking hold of one. "Seems like these seeds are too clean to have been bedded into the earth for long, I'd say. But the most condemning factor is that they are far too oily to the touch. I'd dare to bet on that they've been dipped or marinated in a sedating liquid. This brings us a step closer to finding You Bastard at least. Lets say our assumptions so far are on the right track, in that case this must mean this has been planned. I can't imagine someone going through all this trouble and just wait until the night you weren't in the vicinity."

He mulled over the different routes to take from here, it was true that all they had been doing was speculations and assumptions. In his mind it seemed right, but Talhar had the flaw to doubt himself whenever he didn't have proof set in stone, a flaw developed by all the misconceptions and judgemental looks he received about his type of 'hunting'. Add to that, whenever he was unable to unravel a mystery or solve a puzzle, it was not only a blow to his pride and self-esteem, but it was a point to the camp of 'haters'. Which is why he was always very careful about getting tunnelvisioned and not allowing other possibilities to at least been given some thought. However, as much as he didn't like this route, everything was in fact pointing in that direction with the limited knowledge and clues that have been made available to him 'till now. He was about to confront Toscun'ahesesi with the blunt truth of his opinion on the matter...When some equally blunt and tactless Sev'ryn passed by.

"Oh look, it's the bloodhound, probably smelled on his trail to a puzzle again. What a child, he should be a real hunter instead!"

Talhar's eyes shifted towards the direction of the snarky remarks and raised his face and chin in the cocky hunting duo's direction, as if indicating that they were free to take a "real hunter's" swing at his chin, rather than mudwrestle with words, if they dared. But as his eyes drifted back to the distressed Toscun'ahesesi, he realized it was not the time nor place where his pride took the frontstage. He was here to help this woman, no time to waste effort and precious time on his own self, when the life of her dear guard might be hanging by a thread.

Letting the pair be, he turned to face Toscun'ahesesi and asked her if it was possible to take him to where she had been last night, as the trail would probably continue there. Still hurt in his pride, he felt his teeth clenched and the stern look on his face, but none of that really mattered. As long as he could help this dire situation get resolved as soon as possible.
Last edited by Talhar on Mon Jun 13, 2016 6:24 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 575
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Gone Goose, Gone

Talhar might have been able to let the slight pass, Toscun'ahesesi was not. She herself was almost impossible to insult, and had always ignored the rare jab aimed at her, but she could not stand those who bullied others. It was not correct, it was not the way they were supposed to act. In her usual direct and fearless fashion, Tose marched herself right up to the pair.

"Who are you to question someones path? That is not your right! Shall I tell you what path you should be walking, whether it fits or not? I am Toscun'ahesesi, daughter of Awo'san and I am a real hunter. It is my work and the work of my brothers and sisters that puts food in your bellies, it is a good path, but it is not the only path! I do not need another hunter, I need someone who asks questions and finds answers, who thinks of things from a different perspective. Talhar is filling this need just as I fill your bellies! Who are you to say which is worth more? Go! You shame yourselves and Moseke, trying to push another from their path because of darkness in your own hearts!"

She flung her arm out, indicating that they were to leave and then turned her back on them pointedly returning to Talhar. In this instant, Tose was angry, but it would not last and she would not hold it against them in the future unless the behaviour persisted. The whole point of a Sev'ryns many lives in her opinion was to learn and change, to grow. Who a person was yesterday could not be held against who they were today or who they would be tomorrow.

Tose was not famous. She was not an elder who's voice carried much weight. She was not nearly the best hunter yet. But the hunters tended to stick together, because they often needed to depend upon each other in life or death situations when they were in the Makubwa Lori. It was not wise to aggravate any of them too much unless you wanted the worst cuts of meat. Plus even if she was not known, her father, and his mother were. Toses family had always been very traditional, and while some within Desnind were starting to take on the new ways of the rest of Idalos, tradition and those who kept to it were still valued highly. To have one of those who preserved the traditions and old ways of life in your face telling you off was.. Disconcerting to say the least. It was enough to give all but the very worst a moments pause. Add to that the fact that if they did this often to Talhar, and silence was his usual response, they would not have been expecting such vehement disagreement, and it was not surprising that the pair hastily retreated, at least one having the sense to look shamed.

Tose loved You Bastard, unlikable though he was, and she valued him. At the end of the day though, he was only a bird, and Talhar her brother. Some things were more important. To not like a person was unfortunate but it happened. To ridicule and try and force them off the path that fulfilled and expressed them? That was one of the worst things you could do it Toses mind. It could not be allowed.

But, it was dealt with now, and there was still the matter at hand.

"Yes, I spent the night with Mo'ana and Kah'kilan and their children. I will take you."

With a quick smile, though worry remained in her eyes, Tose set off, retracing her steps back to the couples home. There was significantly more noise drifting out from it now. Obviously the bulk of the family had awoken, not merely those who had work to attend.
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