• Location • Haakon's Isle

Home to the undead

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Haakon's Isle

Haakon's Isle

Haakon’s Isle is what remains of the Jacadon’s nest, the very first dragon believed to have created the Scar in the Sky and later became the country of Rynmere, tracked and defeated by the first men of Rynmere who were led to the floating island by Lord Commander Verne Andaris. Haakon’s Isle doesn’t look very big from the ground, but those who have walked its surface say it takes almost five days to cross on foot. The forests are dense and the mountains are high.

From the 10th to the 31st of Ashan, Haakon’s Isle eclipses the light of the sun and moons, leaving Burhan in darkness, the shadow cast by the island big enough to stretch from the Burning Mountains to the Lake Krome. The floating island of Haakon glides slowly across the sky, going between the Burning Mountains and Lake Krome, a trip that takes an arc. There are two ways to gain access to the floating island, on the back of a Jacadon, or through Haakon’s Door.

Haakon Isle is inhabited by the Undead, known in Rynmere as Ej'Ryn, or Forsaken of Stars. The people of Rynmere, or Ryns, believe that when a person dies, their body decays while their soul is guided into Emea by the Immortal of Death, the Gateway Kingdom of the Immortals. However, cursed souls, or Ej'Ryn, are forbidden to enter the Realm of Emea, instead left to manifest into one of the Ej'Ryn creatures who haunt Haakon Isle.
word count: 258
A N D I T' S A L L J U S T S M A L L S T U F F, B A B Y.

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