[Approved by Maltruism] Gaonn Qau'ryn

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Gaonn Qau'ryn
Approved Character
Posts: 4
Joined: Sat May 21, 2016 3:19 am
Race: Biqaj
Profession: Navigator
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Gaonn Qau'ryn

Heart of Stars
Name: Gaonn Azubuike Qau'ryn

Age: 22

Race: Biqaj

Date of Birth: 33rd of Ymiden, 694th Arc

Marks: N/A

Factions Joined: N/A

Languages Spoken: Fluent: Rakahi; Basic: Common

Partners: N/A

Gaonn is the lucky -- or unlucky, depending on whose point of view it's in -- bearer of long legs. At five feet, ten inches, Gaonn towers over her fellow women and some of the men, too. She is deceptively lanky, her lithe form masking lean muscles honed through years of hard work and giving the illusion of her being taller than she really is. Though not exceptionally heavy at 170 pounds, she can still throw her weight around enough to make others uneasy.

A soft face, wide eyes, and plush lips pulled into a smile put her easy confidence on display -- but her eyes also betray her emotions. Among the colors that shift across her irises are silver, gold, white, green, and blue; Gaonn also has the slight advantage of similar colors for very different emotions, though rarely is there a mix of colors as she feels very strongly, and whatever emotion is at the forefront will be the primary color; veins and flecks of other colors appear to show her secondary emotions. The shade most often seen is a deep blue, like the night sky she so dearly loves, or the open ocean on a cloudless day. Like all Biqaj, she instinctively knows the constellations and planets and can gain a general bearing on her location.

Gaonn's complexion is a smooth brown, a gift from both her heritage and the sun itself. She rarely burns, something she is grateful for. Some of her lighter-skinned brethren are not so lucky. Her veins run thick with silvery blood, which sometimes gives her a paler skin tone, but this is only due to the shimmer that makes her almost glow in the moonlight. She often wears her hair plaited back and ties a colorful scarf around her head both to keep flyaway strands under control and to cover the pointed ears so indicative of her race. A knotted choker with a single pearl rests in the hollow of her throat. Her clothes, though well-worn, are kept in good condition. She is rugged, but she is clean.

Although Gaonn seems like the kind of person negativity simply slides off of, she is fully capable of fury and grief. More than once has she forsaken mercy in favor of violence, as she believes there are some things that must be taught through fear and the taking of blood. More than once has the deck of her ship tasted iron drooling from the flesh of someone who has wronged her. Despite this, however, she is not recklessly brutal -- she makes the clear decision to exact revenge, and once that decision has been made she doesn't go back.

Gaonn is also ridiculously proud; she refuses any help even when she needs it most, and this has nearly gotten her killed twice. She firmly believes that it's up to herself to stay alive and well, and that she doesn't need or want assistance when it's offered. If it's her goal, she must achieve it alone.

In stark contrast to her declining help, Gaonn will not hesitate to aid someone else in need. Her natural curiosity draws her into the lives of others, wanting to know their story better than they. She'd give the shirt off her back to learn secrets, and has more than once. Going topless is not an issue for Gaonn. More often than not this has resulted in acquaintances across the world; she boasts "a friend in every city, even the landlocked ones."

Keeping her own secrets, Gaonn is exceptional at. Keeping the secrets of others? That's a whole new can of worms.

Gaonn was raised not by her parents, but by an uncle. She was the third oldest of eight children, though two were dead, so by a technicality she was second oldest. Her mother disappeared barely a week after the birth of her youngest siblings: triplets, and before that twins. Gaonn and her brother were also twins, though he fell ill and died at only two years old. Her eldest sister was the only single birth in her immediate family.

The uncle she was raised by -- Buziba -- was one of her father's eight siblings. The two had a close relationship, though not as close as Gaonn and one of her sisters. Her uncle was the primary caregiver, but the entire family chipped in -- those that could and wanted to, anyways. Gaonn's uncle taught her the knowledge required to sail the ocean and navigate the world. There were some things Buziba couldn't teach her that were left to the rest of the family, specifically skills that required sight. Buziba was blind.

This never stopped him from navigation and making himself useful; in fact, more than once did the crew turn to him for guidance. He'd shown Gaonn that navigation was not solely based on sight, that she could find a bearing with the wind and the waves. She learned that using all five senses gave her more reliable results, fine-tuning her skills and drinking in every bit of information she could wring from his words. Buziba taught her knots as well, working her until her fingers bled and she could tie and untie knots with her eyes closed. For her sixteenth birthday, Buziba gifted her a knotted pearl choker as a mark of her skill.

Fishing wasn't one of Gaonn's talents, but she managed well enough. She applied her knowledge of knots to the craft, and whenever a family member needed their line tied she was the one to go to. In return, they showed her the proper ways to catch a fish. She ended up only doing so as a recreational activity or when truly needed, as her primary role was that of a navigator.

A bad storm before her twentieth birthday took Buziba's life as well as taking a cousin. The loss of her uncle hit Gaonn hard and she sank into a deep depression, barely mustering up the energy to go through with her rite of passage. When it was all said and done, Gaonn adopted Buziba's clan name and became a Qau'ryn in honor of the man who raised her and taught her how to be a Biqaj.

The loss of her mother's mother finally put Gaonn over the edge. A quick swim turned into a bloody massacre when a cluster of Mer (or so they thought -- there was too much blood to be sure, and it could very well have simply been a sea beast) attacked, slaughtering her grandmother and twelve non-Biqaj. Gaonn was the last living Biqaj to climb back up the side of the ship, and though she reached for her grandmother, the woman was turned into chunks of flesh and a cloud of red. She grew distant from her family, believing it to be her fault but also knowing there was nothing she could do to save her. Her younger brother, the child closest to her grandmother, especially felt that Gaonn could have and should have done something, or at the very least thrown herself back into the water to fight.

Their relationship became strained, then abusive; more often than not they would dissolve into a screaming match filled with the same weary words, and when they weren't screaming her brother would insist on drowning herself and Gaonn would hiss at him to hang from the mast by his neck. When they weren't telling each other to commit suicide, they simply didn't speak.

Shortly after Gaonn's twenty-first birthday (and an attempt at murder staged to look like an accident, involving severe food poisoning) she left the ship and her family, taking only a sloop and basic necessities with her. The road to recovery was going to be a long and painful one, but she would manage it. Gaonn was a girl with stars in her eyes and the sea in her soul, and she was going to survive.

Family Relationships Reference

Paternal Family
Kirabo Qau'ryn: Grandmother (distant relationship)
Isingoma Qau'ryn: Grandfather (distant relationship)
Jelani Vy'akor: Father (distant relationship)
Limbani Qau'ryn: Aunt (friendly relationship)
Olayinka Qau'ryn: Aunt (strained relationship)
Sauda Qau'ryn: Aunt (estranged)
Paki Qau'ryn: Uncle (strained relationship)
Tafari Qau'ryn: Uncle (never knew - disappeared)
Uzoma Qau'ryn: Uncle (close relationship)
Buziba Qau'ryn: Uncle (deceased)
Ngozi Raj'ihai: Uncle (distant relationship)
Masozi Raj'ihai: Cousin (F - friendly relationship)

Maternal Family
Guanyu Vy'akor: Grandmother (deceased)
Fen Vy'akor: Grandfather (estranged)
Jingyi Vy'akor: Mother (never knew - disappeared)
Shufen Vy'akor: Aunt (strained relationship)
Yahui Vy'akor: Uncle (never knew - deceased)
Zhihao Vy'akor: Uncle (estranged)
Xinyi Nji'oriq: Uncle (close relationship)
Guang Nji'oriq: Cousin (M - deceased)

Xylia Vy'akor: Older sister (friendly relationship)
Aapeli Vy'akor: Younger sister (close relationship)
Ubon Vy'akor: Younger sister (deceased)
Jitka Vy'akor: Younger sister (very close relationship)
Pasha Vy'akor: Younger brother (antagonistic relationship)
Pauahi Vy'akor: Younger sister (estranged)
Goran Vy'akor: Older brother (deceased)

A one-masted sailing sloop with a mainsail and jib rigged fore and aft. The sloop has a small hold and living quarters under the deck, enough room for a single bed, table, chair, storage chest, and shelf. Currently moored in Cyrene Bay.
Knowledge & Skills

Skill NamePoints AcquiredTotal
Blades (Rapier) 5 SP 5
Detection 10 SP 10
Endurance 3 (ML) 3
Fishing 2 (ML) 2
Mathematics 5 SP 5
Navigation 15 SP, 10 RB, 4 (ML) 29
Seafaring 10 SP, 4 (ML) 14
Swimming 5 SP 5

Basic Knowledge

A Slight Edge in Eye Color/Mood Concealment (ML)
Belief in Buziba's Guidance (ML)
Guilt is an Easy Button to Push (ML)
Independent to a Fault (ML)
Navigation: Constellations of Idalos
Rynmere: Geography
Seafaring: Furling and Unfurling Sails

Specialized Knowledge

Navigation: Cetaceans of Northern Idalos
Navigation: Fish of Northern Idalos
Navigation: Using All Five Senses (ML)
Pasha Vy'akor: A Wedge Between Family and Self (ML)
Pasha Vy'akor: Food Poisoning Suspect? (ML)
Rope Craft: A Knot for Every Need (ML)
Marks Section






  • Aboard Sloop
    • 1 x Hammock
    • 1 x Gangplank
    • 1 x Small table
    • 1 x Chair
    • 1 x Chest
    • 6 x Plates (Assorted)
    • 2 x Eating knives
    • 1 x Fish smoker
    • 1 x Lantern
    • 1 x Map (Shoreline of Andaris)
    • 1 x Small fishing net
    • 1 x Small anchor
  • Equipment/On Person
    • 1 x Set of clothing
    • 1 x Set of toiletries
    • 1 x Tinderbox
    • 1 x Waterskin
    • 1 x Compass
    • 1 x Spyglass
    • 1 x Week’s worth of dried food rations
    • 1 x Rapier (Optional Seafarer's package item)
    • 1 x Buziba's Heart (Prized Posession, knotted choker w/ single pearl)
NOTE: Buziba's Heart does not have any special attributes, abilities, or arcana applied to it. It is a mundane pearl choker and used as a comfort item. Gaonn will hold it in her hands and speak to it when she is in need of guidance, as though she were speaking to Buziba himself; however, it is still a mundane item.
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Total Currency: 0 ON, 20 GN, 0 SN, 0 CN
Debt Paid: 0 GN
Debt Remaining: 300 GN
Time Remaining: 1 Arc
Thread List
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Last edited by Gaonn Qau'ryn on Fri May 27, 2016 11:06 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 1963

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