[Approved] Approved: Arnabari

It's a rabbit thing.

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Approved: Arnabari

Name: Arnabari
Quick Facts
Height: 100-130 cm 0r 40-51 inches at shoulder
Width: ~45 cm or ~18 inches
Length: ~115 cm or ~45 inches
Weight: 330-418lbs or 150-190 kg
Native to: Southern Idalos, Eastern Idalos
Locations: Makubwa Lori, Eastern Forest of Unabor

Appearance: Although specific colouring as well as coat length and thickness can vary slightly depending on the climate it lives in, Arnabari are always neutral brown or cream colours, with occasional white on their underbellies, they often have darker striping on their legs, as well as a dorsal stripe. They have thick, well muscled bodies with their shoulders being definitively higher than their rumps.

Their feet are tri-clawed with an opposing well developed carpal pad, making them look almost like a cross between typical mammalian pawed and avian feet. There is also a fairly tough webbing between their front three toes making them better paddlers, as well as spreading their weight more evenly on uncertain surfaces such as snow.

Their tales are long and hairless, being used mainly for inter species communication of mood and intent.

Their heads rise from thick, powerful yet graceful necks are are fairly lapin-esque. With long, active ears rising from their heads, quick brown eyes and constantly moving noses, they give off an impression of alertness.

Habitat: Arnabari are fairly adaptive, but prefer forested areas. They have been seen on plains or in swamps as well. As long as there is enough vegetation to support them, and not too many predators, the Arnabari might move in and flourish.

Lifespan and Development: Arnabari live on average 20 Arcs, but have on rare occasions been known to live as many as 30. They take roughly 11 seasons to gestate and three is the most common number of offspring. They are mature both physically and sexually at around 2 Arcs. At this point, they will leave to find their own mates.

While not territorial, Arnabari will find and bond with a singular mate. Once this is done, they will consistently stay with this mate. Several bonded pairs might be in the same area at once if it can support them, but are largely uninterested in each other. The only exception to this is their offspring, who will be minded by both parents until they reach maturity. Should one of the pair die, the other will usually refuse to eat, wasting away until death although on rare occasions one may continue to live solitarily.

It is this habit that makes the creature looked upon so favorable by the Sev'ryn, who compare it to their own Dabi Uaya tradition.

Diet: Arnabari are wholly herbivorous. They can survive on a diet of grasses, but prefer young shoots, vegetables, fruits and the like. Many of their favourite plant foods are aquatic, which likely explains the webbing of their feet and their willingness to embrace swampland.

Temperament: Arnabari can be domesticated, and their pair bonding makes them ideal driving creatures. With their solid build, a pair of Arnabari can haul as much as a strong horse. That said, they tend to be extremely stubborn and not particularly affectionate to their 'owners'. They are also prized in some regions because they are more likely to fight to defend their mate than the average horse when faced with a predator.

Abilities: Arnabari have no notable abilities.

  • Draft animals
  • Very rarely as mounts for children or smaller folks
  • Food, the meat being gamey but more than palatable and even favoured by some
  • Pelt, the fur and leather are nothing special but they are usable
Credit: Toscun'ahesesi
Last edited by Toscun'ahesesi on Sat May 21, 2016 6:37 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 601
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