• Mature • Safari

Adam Meets Kala At The Watering Hole.

10th of Cylus 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Adam Michaels
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10th Of Cylus 716th

The ale poured slowly into his cup as he sat behind the all to familiar bar. A finger strummed across the slippery smooth lacquered veneer finish as the other hand propped his head up beneath his chin.

He was by definition a magnificently malevolent little horror show that preyed on the weakness of emotions. Sometimes people saw the beast for what it was and thought they could change him, they always seemed to step into that torrent of feelings that swallowed them alive like quicksand. This monster had a voracious appetite for the hearts of women he'd metaphorically pluck from there chest to ravenously consume in front of them to nourish his sadistic ego. The cycle was perpetual he'd grow bored toss them like dirty socks in the laundry and scower the room for a fresh pair. It was the thrill of the hunt, the chase that excited and drove his impulsive behavior. He was the personification of swine with his unending gluttony as he shoveled what he could into his mouth from the troff.

But on the outside he was fun, and pleasant.

It was early in the day and the bar was more of a ghost town than anything. There were people there sprinkled in tables but it wasn't to bad when compared to the evening traffic.

Buy Adam noticed a new comer, and his eyes started to light up as his demeanor changed from bored to enthusiastic and energetic. As a genuine smile crept on his lips and addressed the stranger like a treasured friend. He was on Safari, and it was as time to investigate what had stumbled into the watering hole.

"Well arent you breath of fresh air in this dingy place, nice to meet you.
Can I get you a drink
My names Adam what's yours? "
Last edited by Adam Michaels on Wed Jun 29, 2016 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 310
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Kala was exhausted. Her day had been long, and her work ceaseless. Like usual, the young woman had risen with the sun and made her way to the Infirmary, tending the plants in the small courtyard of the Apothecary before most had even risen from their beds. Patients and healers alike had frequented the apothecary through the day, and well into the evening, so that by the time to young apothecary could escape the sun was already kissing the horizon.

Her hair was a mess, hanging half out of it's braid and framing her head with a halo of frizz. Her complexion was little better, with dark bags under her eyes, of which the usual blues, green's and flickers of orange had been dulled by exhaustion. A strong scent of herbs and plant blood emanated from her skin, the tips of fingers having taking a slight green tinge.

She glanced around, eye's glinting orange with surprise and curiosity as they fixed on the man next to her. At his suave words Kala let out a less than flattering snort of laughter. If she were a breath of anything, at that moment it most certainly wasn't of fresh air. Gulping down the last of her ale, she slid her mug back towards the bar-tend. "Sure, why the heck not?" She laughed, mustering a smile for the man. "I'm Kala. What is it that puts you in such generous spirits?"
word count: 244
"I'm young and I love to be young
I'm free and I love to be free
To live my life the way I want
To say and do whatever I please"

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Adam Michaels
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What was a man like Adam to think when he met a woman that smelt of herbs with hair unkempt as it was unruly? It was half disheveled from the bun like she had rode a powerful stallion hard and fast from night till daybreak. The woman also had bags under her eyes like she had worked through the evening hours. His mind said she was a courtesan but swayed in choice from this and that as he was an indecisive creature of impulse.

Who knew maybe if Adam played a good hand he could get a free ride and even if he was in back of the line a ride was still a ride it didn't matter if he was first second third fourth or fifth. But maybe she was more than just a nice set of legs to spread. Curiosity seemed to override his desire to try and frolic beneath the sheats at least momentarily and set him adrift towards trying to gently pry information from Kala but then his primordial wants took control as he presumed her a harlot.

The bar wasn't exactly overflowing from the brim with patrons so his hand snaked it's was into his pocket flowing through his bracelet that concealed itself beneath his sleeve as it came out of his pocket. This was his conduit and allowed him to shape spells or see the threads of emotion in others. Like most empaths he was already broken mentally perhaps it was instinctual or deliberately intentional. And while Adam might not be able to soar to new heights in his craft he would master his vices as he became more accustomed to his niche in seduction. It was risky to cast spells but how his crippled mind worked gave him a certain edge, imagine a man truly in love with himself and imagine that obsessive infatuation being projected onto another. That was the trick of empathy his desire to sleep with her would become hers as he channeled mana into his conduit and bombarded Kala with threads of lust for him as he shaped his wants and ferried them off to his recipient under the guise of her own wants and desires. The surge of feeling would most certainly feel real as the threads were authentic and genuine as the threads of emotion were natural.
But it was up to her mind to decipher this and decide how she would react to this boiling hot emotion maybe she knew of empaths maybe she didn't like men that way or had a wary encounter with an illusionist. Or maybe she had just finished her first ale and was already working on starting her second.

"Well with orange eyes and a smile like that it's hard to not be in such a generous spirit.
So where do you come from? Kala was it?
What are your plans for the morning?"

Adam placed a few coins on the table so that the barkeep would refreshen there ales.
word count: 504
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RP Medals






Kala: Overworked
Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Fame: N/A

Story: 2/5
Collaboration: 3/5
Structure: 5/5


Adam: Suave
Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Fame: N/A

Story: 2/5
Collaboration: 1/5
Structure: 5/5[/columns]
Comment: I marked the story low as it was cut short with no effort to finish it from either party even though the two of you have remained active players.
word count: 77
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