The Real Kal-El

would the real Kal-El please shut-up~ please shut-up~ please shut-up~

This section is for players to post about things unrelated to the Standing Trials roleplay. You may talk about anything from world issues, to your personal life, to funny things you found on the internet. You are free to use this forum to express yourself as a player and not as your actual character. You can also post in other players journals so long as they give you permission to. Please remember not to post anything relating to pornography or anything with extensive use of profanity.

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Approved Character
Posts: 73
Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2016 1:47 am
Race: Naerikk
Profession: Apothecary
Renown: 30
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1




The Real Kal-El


I couldn't think of a name for this, and then Leeson called me Kal-El in chat, so the credit goes to him completely!

Anyway, I had something I wanted to say, but it's fled my mind now, so I'll just leave this here;


This is so relevant to my life right now, it even kind of looks like me...

DA:I why you hate meeee???

Code: Select all

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word count: 182
"I'm young and I love to be young
I'm free and I love to be free
To live my life the way I want
To say and do whatever I please"


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