• Graded • The Fields of Gauthrel [Kydrel]

Alex and Kydrel continue on their journey

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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The Fields of Gauthrel [Kydrel]

Arc 716, 26th Trial of Ashan
Alex pulled the reins of the horse, and the beast immediately reacted, slowing down and stopping. Its flanks heaved, and Alex could feel its heart racing. She slid off the side, and promptly fell over. She tried to stand, but her legs still refused to obey her commands. She was thankful, for once, that she was Yludih. Were she someone with actual skin, the inside of her thighs would be broken open and oozing blood and pus. Thankfully, her crystals were a little tougher, though she had noticed some minor spiderweb cracks several trials ago. She made a mental note to check on how they were doing as she finally managed to stand upright.

She leaned over and began to stretch, her legs still warm and loose. After she finished, she stood led the horse off the road onto the small grassy knoll she had seen. She hobbled the horse-I still need to name him! and walked over to Kydrel. They had been getting along okay, in Alex's mind, but the birdman was hard to read. I honestly can't tell what he thinks of me.

She dropped her pack in the centre of the clearing, and went about setting up her tent. She figured that by now Kydrel had probably gathered enough wood to start the fire, so she went about starting that too. She had bluffed her way through starting them in the beginning, too embarrassed to admit that she hadn't the faintest idea of how it worked. Thankfully, Kydrel didn't appear to be much of a woodsman either.

Early in Cylus the nights had been long and dark, but they had managed to find inns for almost every night. Alex had busied herself with cleaning the pots, washing the floors, or serving whenever she could. It helped offset their cost of staying there, and allowed them a warm hearth at night, and more often than not a full belly.

A day after leaving the army, she had begun to realize how long of a trek she had just signed up for. A growing sense of dread had burrowed its way into her stomach, though Kydrel had yet to comment on the fact that they were already thirty trials in, and not even halfway. She hoped he continued to remain silent- she didn't want to deal with it yet. She managed to cut down on the travel time by purchasing a horse with her meager funds, and the trained horse had performed incredibly well. She had been told that the horse was excellent at long distance travel- that the Cirollo breed was designed for just this purpose- and surprisingly the salesman hadn't been lying.

She brought herself back to the present, stoking the fire with small kindling and decided that she would continue her questioning of Kydrel. She had realized early on that waiting for the sullen man to start a conversation was a waste of time. He appeared to be totally at peace with silence, but this was the first Avriel she had encountered. It seemed too good an opportunity to pass up.

"So, Kydrel. You finally gonna tell me the story of how you got kicked out of Athart?" She had been probing towards this question for a week now, and figured it was time to go for it.

"I mean, it's obvious you don't fit in here, and pretty much all Avriel choose to live in Athart, if they can. So why not you? What'd you do?"
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The Fields of Gauthrel [Kydrel]

Ever since leaving the army behind them, travels had seemingly gone smoothly. Though for awhile he thought he was going to go insane, continuously flying ahead and then doubling back to check up on the woman trudging along by foot. He didn’t know how land dwellers managed to be productive; everything took them twice as long to do. He couldn’t imagine being so inferior, the struggle it must be day to day.

But then she had bought a horse and their pace increased, much to his relief. The trip was already taking much longer than he anticipated. It made up in experience though. He had already fought some interesting creatures and received a finely crafted weapon from Marshall Webb so he couldn’t complain. That alone was worth it.

About a break prior, he had found a small clearing ahead and doubled back to tell Alex where it was. He flew on ahead to wait for her arrival. Now however, Kydrel found himself in a small clearing gathering wood. He wasn’t about to do all the work in setting up camp, but he could at least get a fire going, so she could cook. He was hungry after all. Lugging the wood back to the clearing where his bag of supplies rested, the Avriel dropped the wood into a haphazard pile and moved off a few feet. He stared at the jumbled mess.

‘Well. I know you at least need wood to start a fire. I’m assuming DRY wood…Okay so… probably stack it now?’

Kydrel bent down and reached for a couple of branches, propping them up against one another. He eyed it. Grabbing his flint and steel, he tried lighting the thick branches. Flecks of lit flint flashed and landed on the wood but sizzled out. He tried a few times but it kept going out on the big pieces.


He glared at the wood, as though his anger was hot enough to make it burst into flames. Glancing around the clearing, his amber gaze rested on a few twigs at his feet. He gathered them together and stared at them.

‘Maybe these will light easier.’

Kydrel put them under the logs and struck the flint again. The spark landed on the twigs and began to smolder but quickly went out. Roaring in anger, he jumped to his feet and kicked the pile furiously, wood flying everywhere. He paced angrily, eyes alight with frustration. Grabbing his old mace, the Avriel stormed off to the nearest tree and repeatedly hacked at the wood, jerking the spiked weapon out, ripping off bark before slamming into it again. It didn’t take long for the anger to melt away and he returned to the pile of wood, chest heaving with the exertion but slightly calmer.

‘Alex can deal with this crap.’

It wasn’t long until she finally arrived and made her way to the wood pile. Kydrel pretended to be busy fiddling with his bag, but watched out of the corner of his eye how she lit the fire. He was so focused on trying not to look like he was paying attention while trying to focus on it that he was caught off guard when she spoke to him.

He blinked, somewhat surprised at the question. No one had ever expressed interest in his life before. Outside of Athart all he received was scorn and ridicule. Even in Athart, he hadn’t fared much better. He eyed her, warily. Finally he spoke, an edge in his voice.

“What business is it of yours, human.”

He could feel himself getting riled up.

‘Who does she think she is. Assuming I got kicked out just because I’m not in Athart. I’ve put heads through tables for insinuating less.’

He thought about getting up to leave, the anger riling up again, but the fire was finally going which meant soon there would be food on it. He could feel his stomach churning. If he left now, the chances of getting food lessened. He snarled in frustration, weighing his options. The last thing he wanted to do was explain himself. And normally he wouldn’t. But food was a strong motivator. So he caved. Sort of.

“Fine. Had a…disagreement. Did what anyone would do, beat him unconscious and then some. When rest tried to stop me, I beat them as well until I was overwhelmed. Only the ruthless win.” His lip curled up into an unfriendly smile, revealing his canines. “Moral of story, you would do well not to anger me.”

Twisted satisfaction settled in him. She wanted to know about him, well she would learn of his dark side. His only side. Hopefully she could read between the lines- she should be wary of him. He was not one to be messed with. He hoped the implication warred her away from prying deeper. He didn’t want friends.

When she realized that, this trip would become that much easier for the both of them.
Last edited by Kydrel on Wed May 25, 2016 2:23 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 846

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The Fields of Gauthrel [Kydrel]

Alex finished up with the fire, and waited for him to continue. She had travelled with him long enough to know he was prickly at best, and could be downright impossible if he felt he were insulted. The best course of action seemed to be to give him space in any case.

She busied herself with preparing the meal as he spoke, and had to stifle a smirk. She was thankful that her back was towards him, as he definitely would have noticed otherwise. Of course he got kicked out for fighting. Even among the Avriel this one is too wild and unpredictable. She found the story humorous, until she realized her predicament.

I'm out here alone with him

Her deft movements slowed as she contemplated her next move. Well, I could ignore the implication and keep asking questions. That would let me become more familiar with the Avriel, and also would make the trip a bit more interesting. On the other hand, he may snap at me. But then again he may snap anyway. With that sorted, she decided to continue her line of questioning, wisely dealing out only a small portion of food as she did so. She also noticed a startling resemblance between her own personal morals and his, which caused her no small amount of surprise. She thought about it, but decided to discard the thought. It doesn't make us the same at all.

If he wants more, he'll have to keep talking. The previous nights had seemed longer than they needed to with the Avriel's stony coldness smothering any attempts at conversation. But tonight she refused to let that stop her. She had put on a Pugio earlier, but she doubted it would make a difference, if it came to that.

"Huh, I should've guessed they couldn't handle you. I've always heard they're a rather prickly bunch. Do you remember anything from before your wild period?"

She had spent most of the trial trying (and mostly failing) to figure out where they were, and how far away they were. Eventually, however, she had managed to figure it out: their next trials travel would get them to the edge of the habitat of the Death Worm. She wanted to know a little more about the Avriel before they completed their task- she needed some sort of character measurement to ensure he didn't try to cheat her once they had collected the eye. His phrase 'only the ruthless win' made her worried.

I guess worst case scenario I could look for some Brain Berry plants, and just start adding their leaves to his food. Hopefully he would become addicted to her cooking, and keep her around for that, if nothing else.

After Kydrel responded, Alex let him know what she had realized, and explained that they would start hunting tomorrow for the beast. Alex then headed off to her bed, settling in for the long trial to come..
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The Fields of Gauthrel [Kydrel]

Come and get your Loot!

(There's plenty more where that came from)


  • Animal Husbandry +1
  • Appraisal +1
  • Field Craft +2
  • Interrogation +1
  • Mount +1
  • Navigation +1
  • Persuasion +1
  • Tactics +1


  • Basic
    • Crystal Skin is Tougher
    • Frequent Questions Will Get People used to Them
    • One Similar Aspect Doesn't Make Two People the Same
    • Reacquiring Land Legs After a Long Ride
    • Survival Skills Can't Be Bluffed for Long
    • Working Off Inn Costs
  • Specific
    • Kydrel: Excessively Introverted
    • Kydrel: Excessively Touchy
    • Kydrel: No Outdoorsman Either
    • Tactics: Trading Food for Information


Nothing yet


Saddle Sores and Cramps



  • Acrobatics +1
  • Field Craft +1
  • Intimidation +1
  • Melee +1
  • Navigation +1
  • Negotiation +1


  • Basic
    • Enjoying the Challenges of The Wild
    • Fire Doesn't Start Itself
    • Food Over Pride
    • Venting Frustrations Against a Tree
  • Specific
    • Alex: Has The Sense to Buy a Horse
    • Alex: Nosy and Presumptuous
    • Fire: Smaller Pieces Come Closer to Staying Lit


Nothing yet


Slightly Wounded Pride ;)



I know you've got RL issues that have called you away, Ky. This will be here for you when you get back, which hopefully won't be too long. We miss you in chat. :(
PM me with any comments or concerns :)
word count: 208
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