Crime in Rynmere

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Crime in Rynmere


I’ve read the Rynmere lore and it seems crimes are punished pretty severely, but I still have a few questions about the exact state of crime in Rynmere.

How much crime is there?

Is there some sort of organized crime? Do gangs exist?

How hard would it be to bribe the authorities so that they look the other way?

Are all citizens of Rynmere equal before the law or are commoners punished more severely than nobles?

And finally, is there a district in Andaris where one is more likely to encounter criminals?

Thank you in advance for your answers!
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Crime in Rynmere

Probably going to be easier for me to write something more in depth in the lore as I also have to do with the use of arcane and permits, than write something here that I'll forget about by the time I get around to doing it! Nobles aren't above the law, sometimes they're used as an example, others... it really depends on the crime and reputation. Promise I'll put something together within the next week. If nothing has changed by then you have my permission to harass me with PMs until it is :P

I don't know if you're a fan of vikings? There is a scene (S3, E6) where Judith has her ear cut off for cheating on her husband (pretty sure she is a princess) and having another man's son as a result. I'm not saying nobles will get the same kind of treatment for adultery, well the queen might >> but yeah, Rynmere is a pretty rough city to live in.
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Crime in Rynmere

Just because it was mentioned, and I thought you might find it interesting, Kingdom;
Women accused of adultery would sometimes be punished by having their ears (known as cropping) and/or nose (known as rhinotomy) cut off. This was practised by several cultures throughout the world, or forced enclosure in a monastery was also practised as punishment for adulteresses

A common punishment for adulterous women – whipping, head shaving, and parading the adulteress through the streets resembles the entry procedure before enclosure. The husband could take her back or leave her perpetually enclosed.
Some really gory, horrible punishments in Rynmere would be interesting, though I suppose there would be few players that would want to submit their characters to it :P
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Crime in Rynmere

For sure, I would like to follow the set laws and religion, but it's quite flexible, you can take those shalt/nots in many different wants.
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