Syhera Ki'hadi

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Syhera Ki'hadi
Posts: 119
Joined: Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:54 am
Race: Biqaj
Profession: Navigator
Renown: 42
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



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Syhera Ki'hadi

Syhera Ki'hadi

Merchant of Dreams
Table of Contents

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2. Link
3. Link
4. Link
5. Link

"A flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all."
Last edited by Syhera Ki'hadi on Sat May 06, 2017 5:25 am, edited 8 times in total. word count: 33
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Syhera Ki'hadi
Posts: 119
Joined: Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:54 am
Race: Biqaj
Profession: Navigator
Renown: 42
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



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Syhera Ki'hadi

A Quick Overview
Race: Biqaj Gender: Female
DOB: 25th of Saun 692 Age: 26
Height: 5 ft 6 in Build: Slim
Profession 1: Navigator Profession 2: Heartbreaker
Faction(s): --
Partner: Single

Syhera stands tall and proud, her red hair blazing in the sunlight as she moves unapologetically through life. Dressed to perfection, this Biqaj takes a great deal of care into her personal appearance and uses her hard earned wealth to adorn herself in sensual, well fitted dresses and expensive jewelry.

Hera's face can be described as angular, with high cheekbones, and pointed ears. Her eyes, are perhaps the feature that gives away her connection to the sea, ever changing with the constellations and filled with a dangerous intelligence. Under the moonlight, her smooth complexion has an ethereal silver glow, illuminating red stained lips upturned in a cruel smirk.

"Like what you see?" she purrs, tapping her manicured nails along the railing as she watches you, "They always do."

-- N/A --
-- N/A --

Body Part Type Received
Ears (R/L) Lobe Childhood
Syhera believes in the coin, like much of her people. While she is not overly greedy, she knows the value of her time. In her eyes, many don't value themselves enough, or aren't flexible in this manner. And that is where they fail. As a Biqaj, she knows the competitive nature of bartering, using her anger only when necessary. She views it as a lack of control; something Syhera detests. It gives the other person advantage over you, an edge. They will learn what makes you tick, and as a result, can find weaknesses or exploit your skills to their gain. If anyone is to rise from her own knowledge, it's her and her alone.

Calculating, patient, and tactical, Syhere conducts every business transaction with a level head and a slow smile. Charming when need be, this Bijaq isn't afraid to flatter or use a few dirty tricks if it means she gets what she wants, which, is almost always. Vain, this woman knows she is pretty, and she has the mind to put her looks to good use. If necessary, everything and everyone can be seen as a resource to this woman, and her standards are impeccably high.

While Syhera does not come from money, she wants it and has learned the hard way that it is coin that makes the world go round. While she still holds fragments of her old self, since the death of her mother in Saun 716, Hera has grown far more detached from the world, seeing it as a means to an end. She has suffered so much... why should everyone else get all the fun?

Starting Alignment: Lawful Good
Current Alignment: Lawful Evil

"A flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all."
Last edited by Syhera Ki'hadi on Sat May 06, 2017 1:19 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 477
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Syhera Ki'hadi
Posts: 119
Joined: Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:54 am
Race: Biqaj
Profession: Navigator
Renown: 42
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



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Syhera Ki'hadi

The Past, Present, and Future

The Past
Syhera's story begins before she was born, when her parents roamed the seas. Full of love, they devoted themselves to one another, although their ambitions and interests in trading often lead them to depart from each other, only to reunite in passionate meetings throughout the seasons. It was during this time Syhera was conceived and another when she was born, on peaceful waters and a sky illuminated by thousands of stars.
As a toddler, she was inquisitive and watchful, a trait that continued on even in her early childhood, when they would arrive at port and attempt to sell or barter their wares. Syhera viewed each transaction with an intensity and focus not often seen in children, and on a number of occasions, would try an assist her parents in their work. This would often get a round of laughs, but pride would shine in her parents eyes, and so the girl enjoyed it all. It wasn't until her tenth arc that things changed.

Her mother and their family waited at the Rynmere port, the same location that her father claimed he would meet up with them. He never showed. "Maybe his boat is late," her mother reassured, mussing Syhera's hair patiently as the day passed. And then another. Lines of worry crept onto Gwynthea's face the more time went by. They stayed behind while the rest of their kind left. "Just in case," she whispered, never taking her eyes off the water.

Syhera was more realistic, facing the darkness her mother never would. The argued bitterly about his demise, Syhera believing her father must have come to an untimely end, but after much conflict between the two, she accepted her mother's grief. They moved away from the sea, an odd thing for a Bijaq to do, but it soon became second nature. They used the savings that would have been used to build Syhera a ship when she came of age, a heartbreaking reality, and bought a shop in the city, which her mother ran for money. When Syhera became thirteen, her mother eyed her up and down as she polished some silverware in their tiny apartment, "Syhera, you are so beautiful."

Syhera looked over, something in her mother's voice sounding off, "Thank you," she said cautiously. The young girl squirmed, caught off guard by the sudden compliment.

"The boys fancy you," her mother stated in Rakahi, watching her daughter under long lashes, "The men will too, very soon. What are you to do about it?" The young girl stayed quiet, not sure what to say. Gwynthea continued, "You are charming, it comes naturally to our people. But you must use it for us. To bring in coin, do you understand?"

Flashes of the haunty women who stood at their doorways, trying to lead men into the beds flashed in the girl's mind. Her heart sunk. As if reading her mind, her mother laughed, "Never that, child. There are other ways to have men admire you. Or fear you, if you prefer. You are beautiful, they will already be weak. But if you are smart? You can conquer land and sea."

And so her true education began. Not only was she taught how to keep the books for the business, but how to smile at the customers; how to read them. As she got older, many young men would stop by and buy a trinket, just for a chance to glance at her. Most often this request was obliged, as Syhera began to enjoy the innocent attention. In exchange, she would ask them questions, sometimes personal, sometimes not. Knowledge, secrets, favors - they were all currency to her. Never one to resort to blatant violence, and much too relaxed for that, if a man owed money, there were other ways to pay his debt. Somehow the books always came out right. Syhere never felt guilty, since the actual fun was of gaining the information. It was her impish mother who used it. If those means were dubious or not... well, the young Biqaj woman never really felt the need to ask.
The Present
Saun 716 brought many radical changes to the Biqaj's life, most notable being the death of her mother and the loss of her family's poor shop. Devastated and convinced her ex-fiance's family had something to do with her tragedy, Syhera was on the verge of breaking. Taking what few things she had left, she went to the ports where the last piece of her remained - her mother's casinor. Fleeing the city of Rynmere with nothing more than a letter to Peake Andaris, Hera sails the seas, mourning her loss and using her skills as a ruthless business woman and navigator to keep the remnants of her sanity.

The Future
Image The future of this woman is unclear but lies somewhere in coin and chaos. In the meantime, she has only a few goals in mind, waiting for the perfect time to strike and spread her fury throughout Idalos.

Long Term Goals:
  • Hoard 10,000 golden nel
  • Start a new business.
  • Hold a position of power within a city.
  • Ruin House Andaris
Short Term Goals:
  • Make valuable alliances.
  • Find a home base.
"The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power."
Last edited by Syhera Ki'hadi on Sat May 06, 2017 2:56 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 894
User avatar
Syhera Ki'hadi
Posts: 119
Joined: Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:54 am
Race: Biqaj
Profession: Navigator
Renown: 42
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



RP Medals


Syhera Ki'hadi

Reviewer's Reference
Knowledge Requirements

Novice - 0
Competent - 5
Expert - 10
Master - 15
Legendary - 20
Skill Breakdown (251)
Points Required [/td][td]Equivalent
0-25 [/td][td] 0-25
26-75 [/td][td] 26-50
76-150 [/td][td] 51-75
151-246 [/td][td] 76-99
[/td][td] 100[/td][/tr][/table]
Note to Reviewers
Syhera was created before the August 3rd, 2016 skills update, and for mathematical simplicity in my CS, I have decided to use the 251 point system, instead of out of 100, however I have included its equivalent range (see above). The chart above has been approved by moderator Nymph. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused upon first glance. Thanks~
Skill List
Fast Track: Business Management Racial Bonus: Seafaring


Skill Points Spent Level
Image Endurance 10/251 Novice
Image Swimming 13/251 Novice


Skill Points Spent Level
Image Acting
Image Disguise
Image Etiquette
Image Negotiation
Image Persuasion
Image Rhetoric
Image Seduction
Image Storytelling


Skill Points Spent Level
Image Appraisal
Image Business Management
Image Navigation
Image Politics
Image Seafaring
Image Tactics


Skill Points Spent Level
Image Melee Combat15/251 Novice
"A flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all."
Last edited by Syhera Ki'hadi on Tue Jun 06, 2017 10:58 am, edited 24 times in total. word count: 268
User avatar
Syhera Ki'hadi
Posts: 119
Joined: Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:54 am
Race: Biqaj
Profession: Navigator
Renown: 42
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



RP Medals


Syhera Ki'hadi

"Knowledge is power."


Endurance - 3
Endurance: Building callouses on your hand
Endurance: Taking an armoured slap to the face like a boss
Endurance: Keep moving against the cold


Acting - 4
Acting: How to Feign Surprise
Acting: Hiding the Truth from a Mother is Impossible
Acting: Everything's fine!
Acting: Working for a large, intimidating audience.

Childcare - 2
Childcare: Cleaning up a sick child
Childcare: Cheering up a pouting kid

Cosmetology - 3
Cosmetology: Dressing appropriately for prying eyes
Cosmetology: Weaving shells into the hair
Cosmetology: Painting your nails

Detection - 8
Detection: Clipped Tones Hint at Anger
Detection: Noticing changes in facial expression.
Detection: Hearing footsteps in quiet buildings
Detection: The perfect beach-party setting
Detection: Recognizing reluctance in a person's posture
Detection: Recognizing another's exhaustion
Detection: Spotting when you're being watched.
Detection: Clothes can identify previous activity

Etiquette - 6
Etiquette: Never Refuse a Noble Engagement
Etiquette: One Needs to Be Clean
Etiquette: Carbohydrates Make You Bloat
Etiquette: Playing a good host
Etiquette: Making small talk
Etiquette: The person of honor gets the first piece of cake

Leadership - 2
Leadership: Taking Charge of a Situation
Leadership: Good leaders know how to follow

Negotiation - 2
Negotiation: Be clear about what you want.
Negotiation: Using Logic to Make a Deal

Persuasion - 5
Persuasion: Sweet Talk, Sweet Deal (SP)
Persuasion: Highborn and Dressed Helps
Persuasion: A New Face to Persuade Nobility
Persuasion: Knowledge is Power
Persuasion: Having an Explanation Ready

Seduction - 4
Seduction: Using Cleavage (SP)
Seduction: The Benefits of Jewelry
Seduction: Flirting through Exaggerated Roleplay
Seduction: Men Can’t Resist Innuendos


Appraisal - 4
Appraisal: Pros and Cons (SP)
Appraisal: Determining if someone is a good person
Appraisal: Knowing when punishment is deserved
Appraisal: Noticing the nuances of conversation

Business Managment - 10
Business Management: Income and Expenses (SP)
Business Management: Currency of Information (WH)
Business Management: Use of Seduction (WH)
Business Management: Sometimes "Management" Involves Seduction
Business Management: Willing to Sell Your Time
Business Management: Dealing with difficult customers
Business Management: Delegation is key to success
Business Management: Arranging a beneficial contract between parties
Business Management: Never sign without reading the fine print
Business Management: The appeal of a clean and sophisticated whorehouse

Cooking - 1
Cooking: Disguising the Flavor with Different Scents

Discipline - 6
Discipline: Putting on a false smile through the pain.
Discipline: Simmering your anger with pure willpower.
Discipline: Not rising to the verbal jabs.
Discipline: Being on time
Discipline: Swallowing your pride
Sucking it up for the greater good.

Investigation - 4
Investigation: Efficiency in speech might indicate speed in the sack?
Investigation: Following a Trail of Bloody Footprints
Investigation: The Person Who Saw The Victim Last, Is Probably The Person at Fault
Investigation: Using Facts to Prove Evidence

Logistics - 4
Logistics: War causes economic troubles
Logistics: Relying on money saved
Logistics: Preparing for war
Logistics: During war outside distractions are unwise

Mathematics - 1
Mathematics: Basic Mental Arithmetic

Medicine - 1
Medicine: Too much excitement and a full stomach can cause illness

Navigation - 10
Navigation: Reading a Compass (SP)
Navigation: Calculating Distances by Divider
Navigation: Plotting Latitude and Longitude by Hand
Navigation: Using Stars and Maps in Conjunction
Navigation: Using a Compass to Determine Position
Navigation: Using a Sextant
Navigation: Using an Astrolabe
Navigation: Always Double Check Your Calculations
Cartography: Latitude and Longitude Uses and Definitions
Navigation: Can't Navigate Without the Stars

Psychology - 6
Psychology: Rather than face what we have done, we often simply retreat
Psychology: Listen to your instincts
Nobility and wealth aren't much better than poverty after all.
Psychology: It isn't paranoid if they are out to get you.
Psychology: The Superstitions of Sailors
Psychology: Why Negotiate for Your Life, if You've Lost the Will to Live?

Research - 1
Research: Librarians Provide Excellent Assistance

Tactics - 1
Tactics: Teamwork


Melee Combat - 0 (3)
  • Blades - 2
    Blades: Stiletto daggers: Easily concealed and wickedly sharp
    Blades: Comparing Blade Cuts

    Bludgeons - 1
    Bludgeon: Throw your whole body into the swing.
Unarmed Combat - 2
Unarmed Combat: Wrestling whilst trying not to hurt
Unarmed Combat: Disarming your opponent.


Rynmere - 5 (9)
Location: Rynmere (WH)
Location: Andaris Gala & Winery
Location: Andaris Manor
Location: Andaris coastline
Location: The House of Roses
  • Culture - 3
    Noble Greetings: To Lick the Wrist
    Marriage in Rynmere: A Business Transaction
    Culture: Homosexuality Among Sailors isn't Often Accepted

    Fauna - 1
    Fauna: Sea snails: Leave trails in the sand near the waterline


House Andaris: No Love for Biqaj

Benji Andaris - 4
Benji Andaris: Intimidating
Benji Andaris: Head of House Andaris
Benji Andaris: A Deal to Leave Peake
Benji Andaris: Out to get the Ki’hadi Family

Mary Andaris - 1
Mary Andaris: Deceased

Peake Andaris - 38
Peake: Manipulative and Cunning
Peake: Enjoys Power
Peake: Middle Name is Maxos
Peake: Eldest Andaris
Peake: Ouroboro Guard Commander
Peake: Son of Benji and Mary Andaris
Peake Maxos Andaris: Nobleman
Peake Maxos Andaris: Steward Knight
Peake Maxos Andaris: Son of Benji and Mary Andaris
Peake Maxos Andaris: Fiancé
Peake: A Closet Alcoholic
Peake: Has a Child Buried Inside Him
Peake: Soon to Be Baron
Peake: Possessive
Peake: A Birthday Present
Peake's Father: Dangerous
Peake: Had a history with Lily Bridgewater.
Peake: Trusted you, even if you didn't trust him back.
Peake: Has a lot more to shoulder than you first thought.
Peake: Not your fiancée for long.
Peake: Prone to fits of violence that break noses and hearts.
Peake: Knew the blind girl.
Peake: Probably doesn't love you.
Peake: Engagement is just a convenience, not a romantic pursuit.
Peake: Bears the scars of noble responsibility.
Peake: Had plans that you destroyed.
Peake: Isn't Micah.
Peake: Incredibly violent, and good at it.
Peake Andaris: Sent a letter to Gwynthera to apologize
Peake Andaris: Still engaged to you
Peake Andaris: An alcoholic
Peake Andaris: Apologized
Peake Andaris: Gave you a cat named Foreskin
Peake Andaris: A dubious relationship, without promises
Peake Andaris: Will aid you if in need
Peake's mother: Deceased
Peake: Strong Enough to Sever a Man's Head?
Peake: You Miss Him


Biqaj - 4
Biqaj: Party on the beach
Biqaj: Wear shells in the hair
Biqaj: Usually favor cutlasses
Biqaj: Speak Rakahi

General - 1 (9)
Your family: Mostly unwelcoming towards Peake
  • Gwynthera Ki'hadi - 1
    ...Probably doesn't love you as much as you thought she did.

    Sasha & Roxanna - 7
    Roxanna and Sasha: Twins
    Roxanna and Sasha: Your cousins
    Roxanna and Sasha: Give massages
    Sasha: Plays the lute
    Sasha: Twin of Roxanna
    Roxanna: Twin of Sasha
    Roxanna and Sasha: The Best Biqaj Handmaidens Money Can’t Buy


Rynmere - 10
  • Brice Jervois - 3
    Brice Jervois: Probably a Pervert
    Brice Jervois: Wealthy Merchant
    Brice Jervous: Has a contract to aid you

    Gojira Godmounter - 4
    Gojira: Rumoured Pig Fucker
    Gojira: Successful Businesswoman
    Gojira: Owns a Mining Business
    Gojira: Enemy

    Vincent Devore - 3
    Vincent Devore: Works with Benji Andaris
    Vincent Devore: Snake in the Andaris Grass
    Vincent Devore: A Spy for House Andaris

    Other - 1
    Luka & Garett: Lovers


Duncan - 1
Duncan: Doesn't seem to bother with foreplay[/list]
  • Common
  • Rakahi
"A flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all."
Last edited by Syhera Ki'hadi on Tue Jun 06, 2017 1:30 am, edited 21 times in total. word count: 1189
User avatar
Syhera Ki'hadi
Posts: 119
Joined: Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:54 am
Race: Biqaj
Profession: Navigator
Renown: 42
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



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Syhera Ki'hadi

Skill Ledger
"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche
A Quick Overview
Starting Package: CS Approval (WH):
Navigation (16) Business (3)
Business (10) Seduction (3)
Persuasion (10) Negotiation (2)
Appraisal (9)
Seduction (5)

Reviewers Note
Because Syhera was created before the skills update, she has been awarded skill points from the previous system. For the sake of proper documentation, I have recorded them below, striking out those that no longer exist:
Business Arrangements:
Tactics: 5
Observation: 3
Acting: 3
Rhetoric: 3
Etiquette: 3
Business Management: 2
Seduction: 2
Politics: 2
Storytelling: 2
Persuasion: 2
Disguise: 1
Bribery: 1
Negotiation: 1

Thread or Skill Points Awarded Points Spent Total
Starting Package 50 50 0
Racial Bonus 25 25 0
Forests of Masts 15/15 15
Courtship Rituals 15/15 30
Mapping Another Adventure 10/15 40
Tactics 10 30
Acting 10 20
Appraisal 5 15
Negotiation 10 5
Daddy's Home 15/15 20
Patience is a Virtue 10/15 30
Navigation 10 20
Business Management 10 10
Burning Tantrum 15/15 25
Business Management 5 20
Persuasion 13 7
Numb. 10/15 17
Birthday for Baroness 15/15 32
The Importance of Using Protection 7/15 39
Every Wave a Tear 15/15 54
Seduction 16 38
Melee Combat15 23
Endurance 10 13
Swimming 130
"A flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all."
Last edited by Syhera Ki'hadi on Tue Jun 06, 2017 11:00 am, edited 15 times in total. word count: 232
User avatar
Syhera Ki'hadi
Posts: 119
Joined: Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:54 am
Race: Biqaj
Profession: Navigator
Renown: 42
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



RP Medals


Syhera Ki'hadi

"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Current Partner: -- Ex-Partner : Peake Andaris
First Kiss: -- First Love: Micah

Friends: Enemies:
N/A Gojira Godmounter
Benji Andaris
Peake Andaris
Peake Andaris

Ex-Fiancé: Met/Engaged on the 15th of Ashan, 716
  • Hera viewed this cocky and crude noble with a amiable understanding, up until their falling out. During a meeting with the merchant, Brice Jervois, Syhera stumbled upon a desperate and trapped Peake who publicly declared a faux love for her as a way to improve his own circumstance. Unable to deny him, Hera played her part and walked a dangerous line as the new betrothed of a powerful high born. Despite having heard rumors of Peake's anger and cruelty, Hera had only been treated well and remained a vigilant secret keeper and actress until the day he betrayed her. Hera's mother mysteriously died, shortly after Peake's father, Benji Andaris, threatened to take everything she held dear. Convinced the engagement brought such strife, Hera fled Rynmere, offering Peake a chance to come with her. Sadly, her correspondence was never received and she believes to this day, he sided with a murderer.
Foreskin Ki'hadi-Andaris

Pet: Received the 1st of Ymiden, 716
  • How can one describe perfection? Named by Peake Andaris and given to Hera as a gift on their first date, while she holds some bitterness towards the noble, Foreskin Andaris-Ki'hadi remains her most beloved companion.

    He's also very grumpy.

Gojira Godmounter

Enemy: Met/Hated on the 15th of Ashan, 716
  • Hera met Gojira strictly by accident. The old nymphomaniac had been scheduled to date, marry, and eventually bed the mighty Peake Andaris, but after a tragic mishap of being mistaken for her, Hera was introduced to the bearded giant instead. Peake roared insults that were intended for the older woman, and as payment for humiliating her, Gojira threatened to rape him (repeatedly). Meeting Peake in the hallway, the two chatted and Hera tried to assist the male, but Peake's rash antics ruined everything. Hera was now Peake's fiancé, an honor that belonged to Gojira by agreement with his father, and thus, Hera stole a very valuable resource from the older woman. Gojira has money, power, and resources, all of which make Hera quite nervous as she lacks all three.
Fame Ledger

Reason Thread Naughty Nice Total
Pre-Approved (SF) +30 30
Helping a Friend Daddy's Home +2 32
Caring for Mother Numb. +4 36
Accepting Peake's Apology Birthday for Baroness +1 37
Hosting an Event Birthday for Baroness +5 42
"A flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all."
Last edited by Syhera Ki'hadi on Mon May 08, 2017 1:26 pm, edited 11 times in total. word count: 471
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Syhera Ki'hadi
Posts: 119
Joined: Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:54 am
Race: Biqaj
Profession: Navigator
Renown: 42
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



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Syhera Ki'hadi

Devotion Tables
Coming Soon!
"A flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all."
Last edited by Syhera Ki'hadi on Mon May 08, 2017 1:29 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 19
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Syhera Ki'hadi
Posts: 119
Joined: Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:54 am
Race: Biqaj
Profession: Navigator
Renown: 42
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



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Syhera Ki'hadi

A one-masted sailing Sloop with a mainsail and jib rigged fore and aft. The sloop has a small hold and living quarters under the deck, enough room for a single bed, writing desk, chair, storage chest, and shelf. It was originally named A Lover's Dream, and belonged to Gwynthera until her death, when her daughter inherited it and used it as a means to escape Rynmere. Syhera has since replaced the decrepit sails with new, red ones and has given it a fresh coat of paint and new name - The Bloody Siren.

Note to Reviewers: Syhera originally started with the City Dweller's starting pack, but after losing majority of her belongings in the battle between Rynmere (Low Town) and the Qe'dreki army on the 25th of Saun, 716, she inherited her mother's ship when she later died. OOCly, Syhera's is essentially trading one starting package for another, and is still paying the same as the Seafarer's Pack (see ledger) for fairness. This change has been approved of by moderator Pegasus.

Prized Possession(s)

Item Quality Extra Extra
Gold Earrings Excellent SP --
Rhymes by The Veteran of Venora Standard Gift (Peake Andaris) Poetry


ooc: All of Hera's clothing fits a medium size, unless stated otherwise.

Item Color Quality Material Extra Extra
Coat Navy Standard Wool Buttons SP
Color Quality Material Extra Extra
Black Standard Satin Lace SP
Color Quality Material Extra Extra
Royal Blue Standard Cotton -- --
White Good Cotton Lace --
Black Excellent Satin Lace --
Color Quality Material Extra
Deep Blue Standard Satin SP
Style Color Quality Material Extra
Pencil Black Standard Cotton SP
Color Quality Material Extra
-- -- -- --
Type Color Quality Material Extra
Boots Brown Leather Standard Leather SP
Heels Black Good Cotton --
Item Color Quality Material Extra
-- -- -- -- --


Item Quantity Extra
Bed 1 SP
Writing Desk 1 SP
Chair 1 SP
Kitchen Ware
Item Quantity Extra
Fish Smoker 1 SP
Small Frying Pan 1 SP (2gn)
Small Cooking Pot 1 SP (3gn)
Chef's Knife 1 SP (3gn)
Measuring Cup 1 SP (2gn)
Measuring Spoons 1 SP (3gn)
Fireplace Rod & Hook Stand 1 SP (6sn)
Assorted Plates 6 SP
Eating Utensils 2 sets SP
Sailing Supplies
Item Quantity Extra Extra
Gangplank 1 SP --
Mainsail 1 Red SP
Jib 1 Red SP
Compass 1 -- SP
Spyglass 1 -- SP
Fishing Net 1 Small SP
Anchor 1 Small SP
Item Quantity Extra
Chest 1 SP
Shelf 1 SP
Bag (Mediuim) 1 SP (2sn)
Item Quantity Extra
Soap 1 SP
Brush 1 SP
Razor 1 SP
Toothbrush 1 SP
Toothpaste 1 SP
Item Quantity Extra
Potpourri Satchel 1 SP (2sn)


Item Quantity Quality Extra
Tamo Daggers 2 (Pair) Excellent --



Item Quantity Extra
Salt 1oz SP (1sn)
Parsley 1oz SP (3sn)
Chives 1oz SP (5sn)
Basil 1oz SP (5cn)
Cinnamon 1' stick SP (5cn)
Item Quantity Extra Extra
Lantern 1 SP --
Map 1 Rynmere Shoreline SP
Map 1 Etzos Shoreline --
Waterskin 1 SP
Tinderbox 1 SP
Food Rations Week's Worth Dried SP

Item Debit Credit Total
City Dweller's SP +100 100
Royal Blue Dress -22gn 5sn 77gn 5sn
Bribe -3gn 74 gn 5sn
Ashan 716 Wages +671gn 5 sn 8 cn 746 gn 8 cn
Ymiden 716 Wages +528 gn 7sn 1cp 1274 gn 7sn 9 cn
Black Heels -7gn 2sn 1267gn 5sn 9cn
White Dress -11gn 1256gn 5sn 9cn
Black Satin Dress -64 gn 5sn 1192gn 9cn
Birthday (Saun 716) -100gn 1092gn 9cn
Tamo Daggers (Pair) -20gn 1172 gn 9cn
Seafarer's SP Exchange -315gn 857gn 9cn
Map (Etzos Shoreline) -5gn 852gn 9cn
"A flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all."
Last edited by Syhera Ki'hadi on Mon May 08, 2017 6:45 pm, edited 18 times in total. word count: 625
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Syhera Ki'hadi
Posts: 119
Joined: Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:54 am
Race: Biqaj
Profession: Navigator
Renown: 42
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



RP Medals


Syhera Ki'hadi

Title Attribute Status Date
Business Arrangements Collaborative Graded 15th of Ashan, 716
Forest of Masts Collaborative Graded 16th of Ashan, 716
Consequences Solo Incomplete 34th of Ashan, 716
Patience is a Virtue Solo Graded 53rd of Ashan, 716
Courtship Rituals Collaborative Graded 1st of Ymiden, 716
Blinded by the Light Solo Incomplete6th of Ymiden, 716
The Importance of Using Protection Collaborative Graded 52nd of Ymiden, 716
Daddy's Home Collaborative Graded 70th of Ymiden, 716
Mapping Another Adventure Solo Graded 80th of Ymiden, 716
Bilingual & Beautiful Solo Incomplete 7th of Saun, 716
Burning Tantrum Collaborative Graded 10th of Saun, 716
Birthday for Baroness Collaborative Graded 23rd of Saun, 716
Left Unfinished Collaborative Incomplete 30th of Saun, 716
Every Wave a Tear Collaborative Graded 8th of Zi'da, 706
Title Attribute Status Date
Numb. Solo Graded 8th of Ymiden, 702
Red in Winter Collaborative Abandoned 2nd of Zi'da, 709
Title Attribute Status Date
All That We See or Seem Collaborative Abandoned 11th of Ymiden, 716
"A flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all."
Last edited by Syhera Ki'hadi on Sat Oct 15, 2016 4:37 pm, edited 12 times in total. word count: 181
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