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The Ghost Burho

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 3:35 am
by Gangui
The Ghost Burho


The Twilight Nook Burho is Yaralon’s ‘safe’ suburbia. It is nestled deep within both the city and the culture of the Emean touched civilization. Here is where the wealthy fruits of the Yari labor can be enjoyed without the pragmatic realities of the real Idalos to interfere. Personal freedom uninhibited by a strict societal doctrine reign here. Extreme ownership over one’s actions the only natural law in this man-made jungle.

Children living here get the ‘full Yari experience’ and grow up to be the most noble mortals in all the land. This is to say, growing up to be the strongest and smartest humans in all of Idalos. All thanks to being exposed to the extreme squabbling from an early age, they learn to resolve problems the Yari way— the best way. Somehow because of this, these people still find the strength to stand up tall with their neighbors despite not having any homonogenity in behavior or belief. The glue that holds this together is a simple honor-duel contract each baby agrees upon birth into this place, as well as a cultural attitude that can only be experienced.
The "Yari Golden Years"
Located on the northernmost and easternmost section of the walled city of Yaralon, the Twilight Nook has always been set apart from the hustling business sections of the city. It is a large enough neighborhood that one could easily feel disconnected from all the action packed sectors to the south and jwest.

The population of the Twilight Nook has been the same type of people, at least as long as the grandfathers could remember, workers and ex-mercenaries. The type of people who fuel the bulk of Yari’s institutions, however never rise up these hierarchies into fame or wealth. It’s the Burho that mercenaries fighting in foreign wars would write home to, with memories of good food and good times with friends and family. It was a place that it was okay to kick your legs up, sprawl out, and just be a regular Yari, enjoying all the perks that came with belonging to this city. It’s the type of neighborhood where people want to live to recover from the tragedies of life. People don’t like people selling and trading here be it politics, religion, or business. Disputes are kept really low key. The kids are the only ones allowed to run around and wreak havoc; the adult problems happen too, however its safe for a kid to mess up here and learn how the Yari work. An old lover probably lives here. Your childhood friend how decided to become a craftsman instead of a mercenary lives here. The old mentor you had who taught you the first profession you learned lives here. Your parents who finally worked hard enough have a one of the nicer dwellings here. The most beautiful Yari girls live here, however they love to hang out in the dirtier burhos.

The architecture and layout of this neighborhood reflects the type of people who live there. There is slightly more order here than usual, a large section of the dwellings are lined up in neat rows. No one would never know it upon first glance, because of the labor the residents have taken to uphold the landscape. Local trees and bushes are maintained to provide privacy for the people who live here. Some say that the Emean influences helped design the natural flow of the landscape in conjunction with the human creations. This being said, the normal chaotic influences of life are found here with back alleys and certain cart roads that cut through the orderly attempts to lay out the dwellings. The most notable area of this burho is The Park, which is several acres nestled in the burho that allows for events to be held. It is a natural meeting ground for locals to live together in. Obviously people here are Yari and as such, do not impose restrictions on how residents are to build on their own property, however it’s not unheard of for a duel to pop-off based on aesthetics.

The Haunting

Current plot
Mysterious and unknown event lead to the Twilight Nook being haunted by ghosts. Many residents flee the burho, fearful of Emea, the Beneath, and Idalos merging into a hellish plain. Others remain, ready to face the challenges of living life on multiple dimensions at once.



Ran by Labrae, the Immortal Sintra’s daughter, this faction has been able to nestle itself naturally into the local culture of Yaralon. Finding its corner in the homely and safe confines of the Twlight Nook, Mother Labrae is an unwritten individual institution of the burho that goes back well before the grandfathers and mothers can remember. She is the neighborhood’s great-grandmother, but you always talk to her as if she is your own mother. This is because of Labrae’s seemingly unending beauty. There are no written records of Labrae and her exploits, save but business receipts more than likely lost or destroyed. She takes care of many children as if they were her own and this has been happening for so long that people don’t truly know how it came to be in the first place. One could figure out such details only by talking to Labrae herself, however by doing so would only reveal to the mortalborn an open mind to persuade and manipulate. Thus, any inquires about her origins and purpose would only lead to many more questions, all of which are psychological rabbit holes that could never be figured out.

When a young yari in the neighborhood asks a mean older brother to explain what Labrae and her family are all about, they are simply led to the estates door in the Twilight Nook and told that they should try to ask her. This first time talking to Labrae would usually be enough to explain to the youngster why no one really knew the answer to where she came from. If anyone wanted to know more, they would have to join the Estate themselves.

Fortunately for Labrae, Yari don’t need true answers for these questions, because it has always been clear that her presence is a blessing for the burho. Being as the Twilight Nook has always been excluded from most politics and major business, it was always a burho for the kids to grow up on. Labrae really contributed to this because she seemed to raise the kids who were not like the rest; the anti social, the Emean touched, or the otherwise special kids that couldn’t be dealt with by the typical working family. Kids were always first and having a place for the weird, squirmy one’s was important. It also served as house for the troubled kids. How Labrae chooses her family is also one of those questions that involved jumping down a psychological rabbit hole. Labrae's kids wouldn't talk much about how exactly they were raised, but after living with her for a bit, they would start to develop better manners and such. They'd also have a bit of a tendency to be...unobtrusive, not drawing attention to themselves.

Thus, Labrae’s was a successful family solving a big problem in the city’s troubled youth, as well contributing financially with tailor/cloth services.



Mirroring Labrae’s matriarchal presence in the burho is also the patriarchal presence of Taejeon, the Immortal Ethelynda’s son. Nestled in the heart of the most populated zone of the neighborhood and bordering the Park, this is a essentially a dojo for pre-pubescent children. It has been around for as long as the grand-parents could remember. Teajeon’s mission is straightforward and generous, so much so that the mere simplicity of it’s presence has caused many Yari people to remain skeptical of it’s true goal. Yaralorn was born out of dark dealings with the Empire. The city a result of mental and physical battles between Raskalorn and mere mortals. Scars ran deep within the populations phique; the rough beginnings of the mercenary nation had jaded their outlook on the forces of someone as straightforward as Taejeon. The honorable white-bearded grandfather was so straightforward that he often confused people not thinking in the present tense. When Taejeon took actions in the world around him, he simply followed the honor code whilst focusing on the present, whilst not considering the past or future. This only scratches the surface though of the level honor in which this man speaks.

Whilst the anti-social children and broken and mischievous children flocked towards Labrae, those with less wit and more brawny courage found refuge in the fold of the Ethelyndari monk Taejeon. Whilst the Yari of Twilight Nook *felt* more comfortable with the daughter of Sinatra, they *thought* it was more important for a stoic strong man be around. Taejeon filled such roles despite being so much so focused on the present moment. Without a comfortable scheme to offer or mystery to solve, his intentions did not compute with the wild and rowdy warrior birthed by Raskalarni deals.

Those children that felt gravitated towards this lifestyle usually knew it right away. Taejeon’s dojo was based on a simple hierarchical method: Work, Family, Learn, Play. It was played out in that order and since children didn’t have families, their lives around Taejeon was mostly training and fun times. The children around this institution grew up to be the stalwart men and women whom raised their shields stoutly in the shield wall and put the most into Yaralon, though they weren’t considered truly Yari until they bloodied their minds a little after learning the stoic ways of Ethelynda. .

Taejeon is the burho’a great grandfather, but like Labrae he does not age at the same rate as mortals. When asking him about the true origins of his dojo and where he came from, people must go down the rabbit hole that is honor. And like Labrae one will quickly find out that the truth of Taejeon’s origins are riddled deep within the honor codes of being a stoic Yari. Just like the matriarch of this neighborhood, the patriarch is not fully understood by the population but the benefits of having them around supersede and details about their origins.



The big cat that lives in the Park. They only come out when they want to and no one ever knows exactly when that is.

The insides of the Park have been left unmaintained for a very long time, however it’s border is clearly marked by the stoics whom maintain the path around it and the path through it. Everyone knows why they do this, they do it for the big cat. The reasons why have been forgotten. Not even Labrae knows when the cat first started living there. Some argue that the cat had been living there longer than even their great grandmothers.

Anytime someone in this burho refers to a cat, a tiger, a pumba, or any of the other descriptors for a feline, they are referring to Mastemyr in her Catatonic form. None save the select few know that the mortalborn is actually the big cat that lives in the Park. Of course, Mastemyr isn’t always in her feline form and also not always in town. The Twilight Nook locals sum these disappearances up to parallel Emean realms not being aligned, but when they are: the big cat appears again in the Park.

Much like the other mortalborn in this neighborhood, talking to them is the only way for a Yari to truly understand who and why they are there. But like the others, the cat sometimes leaves people with more questions than answers. Thus, they let them be, to live in the Park when they please, and occasionally seeking insight and wisdom from the Emean touched being.
Developed by: !

Re: The Ghost Burho

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 5:07 pm
by Mastemyr

Children living here get the ‘full Yari experience’ and grow up to be the most noble mortals in all the land. This is to say, growing up to be the strongest and smartest humans in all of Idalos. All thanks to being exposed to the extreme squabbling from an early age, they learn to resolve problems the Yari way— the best way. Somehow because of this, these people still find the strength to stand up tall with their neighbors despite not having any homonogenity in behavior or belief. The glue that holds this together is a simple honor-duel contract each baby agrees upon birth into this place, as well as a cultural attitude that can only be experienced.
This reads just a little odd to me in that anyone who grows up Yaralon will get the full Yari experience, not just those in this burho. The whole city is founded on duels and I don't understand how a baby can agree to anything. They simply grow and adapt to their surroundings and culture, which so far sounds exactly like the rest of the city. Bickering doesn't make anyone smart or noble. Also, since Aegis recommended we also look at spelling/grammar, "homogenity" should be spelled homogeneity.

Also, if the Twilight Nook is the "safe" suburbia, what exactly make it safer than anywhere else besides the few mortalborn lurking around?
Located on the northernmost and easternmost section of the walled city of Yaralon, the Twilight Nook has always been set apart from the hustling business sections of the city. It is a large enough neighborhood that one could easily feel disconnected from all the action packed sectors to the south and jwest.
Some grammar/spelling issues and some repetition. I reworded but if you don't like my version, I understand:

Located on the far northeast region of the walled city of Yaralon, the Twilight Nook has always been set apart from the hustling business sections of other areas. It is a large enough neighborhood that one could easily feel disconnected from all the other action packed sectors of the south and jwest west.
The population of the Twilight Nook has been the same type of people, at least as long as the grandfathers could remember, workers and ex-mercenaries. The type of people who fuel the bulk of Yari’s institutions, however never rise up these hierarchies into fame or wealth. It’s the Burho that mercenaries fighting in foreign wars would write home to, with memories of good food and good times with friends and family. It was a place that it was okay to kick your legs up, sprawl out, and just be a regular Yari, enjoying all the perks that came with belonging to this city. It’s the type of neighborhood where people want to live to recover from the tragedies of life. People don’t like people selling and trading here be it politics, religion, or business. Disputes are kept really low key. The kids are the only ones allowed to run around and wreak havoc; the adult problems happen too, however its safe for a kid to mess up here and learn how the Yari work. An old lover probably lives here. Your childhood friend how decided to become a craftsman instead of a mercenary lives here. The old mentor you had who taught you the first profession you learned lives here. Your parents who finally worked hard enough have a one of the nicer dwellings here. The most beautiful Yari girls live here, however they love to hang out in the dirtier burhos.
So a few things to unpack here. Workers and ex-mercenaries... "The type of people who fuel the bulk of Yari's institutions, however they never rise up the hierarchies into fame or wealth." I'm not sure if that makes sense. Perhaps I'm drawing from RL too much, but the nice neighborhoods are usually how people say "they've made it", those established in the city. So from everything else you've said, I assumed it would be for mercenaries (or tradesmen), who have worked hard and want to make sure they have a safe place for their families (and thus the real estate would be a hot commodity because kids are so rare and putting them somewhere they can grow up would be very important), not because they have no interest in being skilled at their profession. You also jump between present and past tense, saying "It was the place that was okay to kick your legs up..." to "It's the type of neighborhood where people..."

"The kids are the only ones allowed to run around and wreak havoc; the adult problems happen too, however its safe for a kid to mess up here and learn how the Yari work."

Okay, so you can get a Yari experience and enjoy the perks, but you can't pick a duel unless you're a child starting some shit? Saying "it's safe for kids to mess up" implies that it's not when an adult does it, but then what are the consequences? Perhaps you could say duels among adults are uncommon within the confines of the burho, most challenges performed on the outskirts, as there is little patience for troublemakers who should know better.

Some more of my edits:

People don’t like people boisterous selling and trading here, nor fanatical politics, religion, or business. Disputes are kept really low key to a minimum. The kids children are the only ones allowed given freedom to run around and wreak havoc; the adult problems happen too, however its it's safe acceptable for a kid to mess up here and learn while learning how the Yari work.

An old lover probably lives here. Your childhood friend how who decided to become a craftsman instead of a mercenary lives here. The old mentor you had who taught you the yourfirst profession you learned lives here. Your parents who finally worked hard enough have a one of the nicer dwellings here. The most beautiful Yari girls live here, however they love to hang out in the dirtier burhos.

(I felt the last line was kind of unnecessary. I think the beautiful girls can be found everywhere.)

The architecture and layout of this neighborhood reflects the type of people who live there. There is slightly more order here than usual, a large section of the dwellings are lined up in neat rows. No one would never know it upon first glance, because of the labor the residents have taken to uphold the landscape. Local trees and bushes are maintained to provide privacy for the people who live here. Some say that the Emean influences helped design the natural flow of the landscape in conjunction with the human creations. This being said, the normal chaotic influences of life are found here with back alleys and certain cart roads that cut through the orderly attempts to lay out the dwellings. The most notable area of this burho is The Park, which is several acres nestled in the burho that allows for events to be held. It is a natural meeting ground for locals to live together in. Obviously people here are Yari and as such, do not impose restrictions on how residents are to build on their own property, however it’s not unheard of for a duel to pop-off based on aesthetics.
Edited slightly:

The architecture and layout of this neighborhood reflects the type of people who live there. There is slightly more order here than usual; a large section of the dwellings are lined up in neat rows. No one would never know Onlookers might not see it upon first glance, because of but the labor of the residents have taken to uphold the landscape is presented in the upholding of the landscape. Local trees and bushes are maintained to provide privacy, for the people who live here. and some say that the Emean influences helped design the natural flow of the landscape in conjunction with the human creations. This being said, the normal The chaotic influences of life are still found here with back alleys and certain cart roads that cut through the orderly attempts to lay out the dwellings. The most notable area of this burho is The Park, which is several acres nestled in the burho that allows for events to be held. It is a natural meeting ground for locals to live join together in. Obviously people The residents here are Yari and as such, do not impose restrictions on how residents are to build on their own property, however it’s not unheard of for a duel to pop-off based on aesthetics, with multi-story structures still considered unsightly.

Sorry, my English major came out. I tried to respect initial vision. I'll look at the mortalborn write ups later.

Re: The Ghost Burho

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 3:47 pm
by Aegis
Moving this to abandoned. If anyone at all would like to pick this back up, message a Yaralon mod.