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Rebirth Cycle, Ashan 25, 716
The surrounding lands were cultivated for farming and produce, it was much better than the stone and tight walls of the city, but it didn't really feel like it was one with the land, instead of shaping the land, it looked more like it was being crushed and rebuilt into what the city needs. As much as Aster didn't like it, he knew that this was needed for the city to live.
He pulled up near one the farm houses, a bit of commotion had stirred the community. Aster decided to investigate, though he was cautious because he was in a new place. He stepped forward, pushing pass the crowd that had gathered. He noticed a farmer near a body of a dead cow, mauled and mutilated, with bits of flesh missing.
"That's been the third one this season." The farmer sighed and looked at the crowd. "Nothing to see here folks, just another dead cow, keep your livestock in the barns at night and lock the doors. Danged beasts keep finding ways in." With that the crowd had dispersed and returned to their homes and jobs.
"Excuse me, seems like you have a problem?" Aster said and walked over towards the farmer. The farmer was a thin man, with rugged field clothing, he seemed like farming wasn't the right choice for the man, but despite the thin body, there was power in the man's arms. "Is there any way I could help?"
He looks at Aster with suspicion. "No need, young man. I don't need any help, besides we don't have any money to pay you for services." The farmer said and went off to get the corpse and maybe salvage some meats.
Aster stepped ahead of the man and looked over the cow. The claws and bite marks were deep and heavy, he whistled loudly through the wind and waited for a few trills and a golden brown owl swoops down and lands on Aster's shoulder. "Seems like a bear's grown a taste for beef. I require no payment, just the pelt and hide of the bear once it's hunted."
With that he pays no mind to the farmer and rubs Heath's head. "Look for tracks." With that the owl flies up high, circling the area for a few trills and bolting off to the forest.
Aster climbed on his horse, calling out to the farmer. "Mind if I leave my cart here?" Before the farmer could say anything Aster bolted towards the forest, following Heath through the brambles.
The surrounding lands were cultivated for farming and produce, it was much better than the stone and tight walls of the city, but it didn't really feel like it was one with the land, instead of shaping the land, it looked more like it was being crushed and rebuilt into what the city needs. As much as Aster didn't like it, he knew that this was needed for the city to live.
He pulled up near one the farm houses, a bit of commotion had stirred the community. Aster decided to investigate, though he was cautious because he was in a new place. He stepped forward, pushing pass the crowd that had gathered. He noticed a farmer near a body of a dead cow, mauled and mutilated, with bits of flesh missing.
"That's been the third one this season." The farmer sighed and looked at the crowd. "Nothing to see here folks, just another dead cow, keep your livestock in the barns at night and lock the doors. Danged beasts keep finding ways in." With that the crowd had dispersed and returned to their homes and jobs.
"Excuse me, seems like you have a problem?" Aster said and walked over towards the farmer. The farmer was a thin man, with rugged field clothing, he seemed like farming wasn't the right choice for the man, but despite the thin body, there was power in the man's arms. "Is there any way I could help?"
He looks at Aster with suspicion. "No need, young man. I don't need any help, besides we don't have any money to pay you for services." The farmer said and went off to get the corpse and maybe salvage some meats.
Aster stepped ahead of the man and looked over the cow. The claws and bite marks were deep and heavy, he whistled loudly through the wind and waited for a few trills and a golden brown owl swoops down and lands on Aster's shoulder. "Seems like a bear's grown a taste for beef. I require no payment, just the pelt and hide of the bear once it's hunted."
With that he pays no mind to the farmer and rubs Heath's head. "Look for tracks." With that the owl flies up high, circling the area for a few trills and bolting off to the forest.
Aster climbed on his horse, calling out to the farmer. "Mind if I leave my cart here?" Before the farmer could say anything Aster bolted towards the forest, following Heath through the brambles.
Off Topic
Sky, if anything seems wrong about my post, I'll be happy to change it