n the calm, unexplored depths of the Hollow Sea, a large silhouette drifted thoughtfully along on the mild current. The Daughter of Despair, Chrien, rarely ventured out of her lair. However, tonight she was drawn to the waters surrounding that curious island, Scalvoris. Of course, this island would reflect the intriguing nature of her elusive creator. Fei's fracture ran deep within the island, and the bitter Immortal could sense its trace effects in the water. It was a familiar and comforting energy, but not enough. It wasn't her mother.She had tried, and was trying everything. There must exist a way to bring back the Original that should not have been lost. However, even with her cunning mind, all her experiments seemed to come up short. The Mer had been a failure and a costly one at that. Chrien ran scaled fingers over the shimmering cracks that ran along her flesh.
All of a sudden, searing anger and frustration welled up inside of the Immortal, causing her to thrash wildly and claw at invisible enemies. Above, the cold seas churned and the wind picked up enough to scour flakes of ice across the shoreline. The sudden storm was enough to send the few fishing boats still out on the water scurrying back toward the safety of land. It was an offense she didn't miss.
Rising up just enough so that her crowned head breached the rough waves, Chrien glared at the glittering lights of a small village with her beady eyes. Humans. Those gormless, disgusting parasites that leeched off of her creator's grave. Why should they live so close to her? What did they know of her mother? Nothing, that was what. They lived their simple, insignificant lives in ignorance. It was enough to make her gut churn.
Yet that wasn't all that there was on that island. She too had her pawns. While she herself wasn't able to leave the water, with cursed U'frek out of the way, now was an opportune moment to make use of those so eager to carry out her will. Sliding quickly through the water under the cover of the freak storm, Chrien approached the shore.
"Come, my child," the monstrous Immortal called out, in a strangely motherly tone. "I have more work for you..."
Arc 718, 92nd of Zi'da
Along the old wharf of Havardr, locals and fishermen gathered early in the morning. Many of them whispered worriedly in each other's ear while some of them tore away from the observing crowd, running off to spread the news. Linca, the village chief, stood at the forefront, exchanging hushed words with his fellow leaders.
"How can this be happening?" an elderly looking woman with graying hair hissed urgently. Her eyes were glued to the cold, bloodied body of what must be a local fisherman. The corpse's expression was frozen in disbelieving surprise and fear. His chest was marred with numerous stabs and gashes.
"This is getting out of hand. Three attacks in as many days. Get the body to the surgeons hut, and someone send word to Scalvoris Town," Linca said firmly, taking charge.
"They might not be able to send help, you know." The elder woman muttered a little sadly.
Linca placed a hand on her shoulder and started guiding her back toward the cluster of yurts in the distance. "We'll do the best we can. We've got to put a stop to this. Until then, no one sleeps soundly."
The chief veered away on his path, set on gathering key members of the community. Things needed to be discussed, and plans made to sort out what was turning out to be a terrible distraction they couldn't afford as the cold of Cylus bore down upon them.
Off Topic
I will post again on the 28th of October.
Your character may question potential villagers milling about.
Please don't control the NPCs.
Think of these as helpful guidelines...
- Explain how your character comes to be in the village. (For example, called there as official help, heard a rumor, happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.)
- Decide whether you will look into this matter in an official capacity. In which case you must meet with Linca at the Chief's office.
- You may have your PC visit 2 locations this turn. (Or just one. Or none?)
I will post again on the 28th of October.
Your character may question potential villagers milling about.
Please don't control the NPCs.
Think of these as helpful guidelines...
- Explain how your character comes to be in the village. (For example, called there as official help, heard a rumor, happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.)
- Decide whether you will look into this matter in an official capacity. In which case you must meet with Linca at the Chief's office.
- You may have your PC visit 2 locations this turn. (Or just one. Or none?)
- The wharf
- The surgeon's tent
- The Salty Barrel, a local inn
- The Whaler's, a local eatery
- The Chief's office