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Please stop in here and introduce yourself to the community! We'd love to get to know you!

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Tristan Venora
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Hello, everybody!


An acquaintance from another site (I’m sure you can guess which one) told me about ST, so here I am. I really like what I’ve seen so far, and I hope ST will continue to grow and evolve. I’d love to see a real, active alternative to some of my current or former sites.

I have about twelve or thirteen years of RP experience. I don’t only love RPing, but also working behind the scenes. So I might produce some writeups after I’ve finished my CS – if I get permission to do. I’m still trying to familiarize myself with the site and how everything works here.

Besides that, I have a penchant for playing dark or at least somewhat grey characters, so I’m currently looking at Necromancy and Transmutation. A part of me also enjoys really eccentric characters, but I’ll only make one character for now, although Tristan might have some quirks.

If my CS gets approved, I’ll be playing the oldest child of Noah and Shannon Venora, but we’ll see. I’m currently busy trying to work out a background story and picking skills for him.

I look forward to RPing and talking with all of you. :)
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Hello, everybody!

Welcome aboard, Tristan!

You definitely have a lot of experience, that's for sure! I'm glad that you took an interest with us, we definitely have a lot in store and you came at the perfect time since we're just getting off the ground and diving into our plot line.

One of the things I love to see is evolution and progression. Progression is like... an obsession of mine, I have to see progress. When it comes to my stories and the things I write, you can always count on the fact that there will be progression in everything. So when it comes to the site, the staff, the roleplay, and the plotline, you can bet that you'll see the story moving, moving, moving.

On top of that, our mods are very interactive with players, especially with helping them achieve major goals for the characters in game. We don't like a lot of red tape honestly. So long as you're following the rules outlined in the TOU, you're pretty set. We've got a number of guides in place, so if you're ever curious about how something works here, take a peek at the Player Guides section and see if there's a guide about it!

As for behind the scene things, you can definitely develop for the world. We have a Creating The World section where you can post your ideas to be added to the World of Idalos. The only thing we ask players to do is send a PM to a Prophet to double check that they can develop what they wish to develop. We'll read over development pieces, give feed back and grammar correction, and then add it into the KB for in world use. :) Honestly, we wanted to provide enough information so that players could help us flesh the world out. So if you'd like to do this, you're more than welcome to!

But really, what I want to stress most of all is have fun. We don't expect players to know the world like the back of their hands and the staff is prepared to see a number of mistakes, but we want to help you love your character and Idalos as much as we love it. If you have any question, don't be afraid to PM me! Or you can always ask one of the prophets or just pop into chat.

I sincerely hope you have fun here!!!! :D
word count: 417
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”J.R.R. Tolkien
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Hello, everybody!

Hello and welcome. Super exciting to see people take up noble characters and not always go for the obvious options! Grey characters can be very unpredictable and fun, which I'm sure you will have a lot of here. Looking forward to any write ups you do, Idalos is a very interesting world and I think it will only get better.
word count: 61
A N D I T' S A L L J U S T S M A L L S T U F F, B A B Y.
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Hello, everybody!

BAH! Another noble!
Powder for your pre-coifed wigs and perfume for your velvet drawers.

And who will be digging those privy ditches for you My Lord, eh?

Okay, in all honesty, I've already dumped some of this good-natured mockery on the other nobles.
So I wouldn't want any royal magistrates suing me for favoritism by NOT giving you your fair share.

So well comme, ye fair ser, to the green hills of Rynmere. May great events crowd your path.
word count: 83
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