• Closed • [Warrick] Stitches and Swords

The seven Duchies of Central Rynmere and their respective baronies, cities, towns, villages, and landmarks each overseen by a Duke of one of the seven noble families and ultimately controlled by the King of Rynmere.
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[Warrick] Stitches and Swords

Lazuli smiled and brushed a tear away from her right cheek with the back of her hand, the skin over her cheekbones flushed a pale shade of pink where the blood had rushed to her head and made her dizzy with self-awareness. Not only was she terrible at taking criticism, she also found praise hard to accept. “You’re kind, Vivian,” the young woman smiled and bumped her cousin playfully with her shoulder before drawing another bolt to fix to her crossbow.

Lazuli watched Vivian take her shot, observing the woman’s posture and stance, how far apart she held her feet, the angle at which her elbow was raised, and how close her hand came to her cheek when she drew back the drawstring. When it came her turn to take another shot, eyes clear having blinked away the tears and cheered up considerably, Lazuli was better able to see the target, take aim and pull the trigger, watching the bolt sail into the target to land a shot this time.
The two of them had vastly different combat styles, both with the sword and in their ranged classes, Vivian with her short-bow, while Lazuli preferred her father’s hand-me-down. “I’ve been thinking,” the farm girl admitted as she turned her attention on Vivian once more. “I’d like to join the Skyriders and be like you.”

Like you, made the term sound so loaded and Lazuli worried Vivian might take it the wrong way and quickly rephrased the words. “You’re so brave… after the forest? I don’t think I would have ever left the house again placed in your shoes. I’d like to be more like you, cousin.”
word count: 288
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Vivian Shiryu
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[Warrick] Stitches and Swords

Vivian laughed a bit as Lazuli called her kind, then shook her head. "Try telling that to our classmates." she said. She'd had a reputation for being cold and kind of a bitch for more than a few years, a reputation that she had to admit she had earned. Though Lazuli's next comment took her by surprise. "Like me?" she asked, before Lazuli explained what she meant.

Vivian took a moment to think over Lazuli's reasons, nocking another arrow to her bow and firing at the target, once again hitting the outside edge. "I'm not that brave, not really. It's been twelve Arcs and I still can't go near deep water without breaking down. But the military can help you, if you feel you need it. Personally, I don't think you do. But you'd be a good soldier, just as you'll be a good duchess, in time." she said, smiling at her cousin. She supposed she was being nicer to Lazuli than she was to most, but she did genuinely like her cousin, even if she didn't always understand her very well.
word count: 192
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[Warrick] Stitches and Swords


Mount: Horse +2
Blades (Shortsword) +3
Ranged Combat (Crossbow) +2
Animal Training +1
Shield (Buckler) +2
Basic Knowledge
Training makes one Tired
Attacking Wood Dulls the Blade
Never Charge Right at your Opponent
Everyone spoils Paske
Specific Knowledge
Shortsword: No Reach
Sheild: Not the same as her Fathers
Buckler: Hold with Wrist Locked
Self: Bad History with Bullies
Speckle: Docile Mount
Vivian: Not Always a Good Swordswoman
Rewards/Injuries A bit sore in the shoulder and wrist from holding the sheild


Teaching +4
Ranged (Short Bow) +1
Mount +2
INtimidation +1
Persuasion +1
Leadership +2
Basic Knowledge
Everyone spoils Paske
Training makes one Tired
Teaching is Finicky
Specific Knowledge
Lazuli: Doesn’t take Criticism Well
Asher: Difficult Mount
Lazuli: No idea how to fight
Lazuli: Bad History with Bullies
Rewards/Injuries None, save the lovely sense of self-fulfillment you got from helping your cousin.

Good read. It was a shorter one, but you got across what you needed to, and threw in some glimpses into Lazuli's past. I enjoyed reading and grading it. If there are any comments or questions, feel free to PM me.
word count: 193
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