Event A Practical Study in Conquest

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A Practical Study in Conquest

17 Vhalar 718
outskirts of Athart

There was something about a jungle that left her with a sense of thrill.

Perhaps the possibility of making such a wild place conform to the control the immortal was appealing no matter how many times she traversed the terrain. And each time she decided that she would let it remain just for this same sensation. A smile drew over her lips as she looked out over the battleground of the occasion. The structure itself climbed above the trees, creeping ivy weakly grasping at the foundation. Old; that’s what it was.

And as the small groups of troops - all quite confused with where they were - drew out of the trees. Trampling, clumsy beasts they were. But they were the beasts she choose. It was then that she raised to her full height, calling their attention. She appeared much larger than them. A giantess. A conqueror.

“I don’t give lessons all that often - but to-trial, I will. I hope my students are prepared.”

She didn’t bellow. She didn’t yell, either. Her words were heard plainly and clearly. Surveying the people brought before her by a very simple call - one they would not remember, should they fail. With one hand extended towards the tower, she ushered them forward.

The Immortal of Dominion felt the ground shake beneath her steps and was satisfied for the time being as her makeshift army - her entertainment - made their way to their stage.


Alright, bud - here we go!

Here's the Immortal Event for Raskalarn. I'll be posting once a week, or sooner depending on you. Just let me know if you need more time to post, and I can gladly wait.

For now, in your next post you can:
  1. List any items you have on your person
  2. Talk to one of your NPC fellows
As I said before - I will post again a week from today, on the 19th.
word count: 326
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Re: A Practical Study in Conquest

Kalortah was perhaps many things, some of them not wonderful, but he was not clumsy. Even as he landed into the clearing where that massive tower rose, confused as to how he'd found himself conscripted in this impromptu army, there was something majestic about the way he tripped over boughs as he trod the ground. The dirt beneath his feet was privileged to have supported the weight of his feet.

He checked his gear, which consisted of his washday outfit. A simple black robe, with a feathered, green mantle, cinched in place by a bronze fastener. Covering his feet were a pair of sandals. He'd also found his coin purse a little lighter than before. How he knew this? It was a special pouch, there were things about it that even he didn't understand quite yet. But he always was aware of just how many nels he had, ever since acquiring that magical coin pouch. This time he found himself out about fifty golden nels. It was then he noticed, in his half stunned reverie, an ordinary great lance in his hands, good for aerial charges he presumed.

For whatever reason, he also carried his drum, which was slung across his shoulder. He felt the sudden compulsion to beat on the tightened hide of the drum, in tune with the advance of this little army. He looked to where the clear voice had penetrated the din of the jungle, and there noticed the source, a giant of a woman, who could only be an Immortal of War.

He looked to his side, where another avriel had apparently been corralled into service. "Do you have any idea how we got here? Is that giantess an Immortal? Is that... Raskalarn?" Whatever the rest of the day had in store, as Kalortah beat the drum in tune with their march, he supposed it would be the source of a great song, if not his doom.
word count: 325
~ Image ~ Image
Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

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