Thread Name: Unexpected Tidings
City/Area: Scalvoris, Scalvoris Town
Notes/Warnings: This thread covers some of the challenges for the challenge event
Requested Rewards:
Skill Knowledges
Animal Husbandry; Nightpups: need to bond to and learn to trust their owners
Caregiving: the needs of a child come first
Caregiving: children are quick to pick up on things one might wish they wouldn't notice
Cooking; Recipe: Ginger Tea
Medicine: signs of early pregnancy
Medicine; Herb: uses for ginger
Non Skill Knowledges
Ginger: is a plant with leafy stems and yellowish green flowers
Immortal: Karem
Karem: her domains are The Hunt, Survival, and Wolves
Karem: the mark she gives mortals is called Velduris
Karem: she is known as The Great Wolf, The Huntress, Lady of the Hunt, and Wild Woman
Karem: her enemies are Faldrun, Audrae, Ethelynda, and Valtharn
Karem: her allies are Raskalarn, and Aeva
Karem: she is almost always seen with a pack of wolves
Karem: she is a woman of average height with long brown hair that is worn in a braid, and gray eyes who wears furs made from the animals she has killed, and carries a crossbow
Location: Scalvoris Town
Location: Order of the Adunih
Order of the Adunih: located in Scalvoris Town
Order of the Adunih: run by Galena Valed
Order of the Adunih: an outpost one can go to when sick or injured
Location: Library
Library: located in Scalvoris Town
Loot: none
Injuries/Overstepping: possibly lingering discomfort from the medical exam that lasts a few breaks.
Renown: none
Collaboration: no
reviewed by Yrmellyn Cole