Review Request Thread 2.1.8

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Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.8

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Darling, I'm stuck at work
City/Area: Viden
Notes/Warnings: INone

Requested Rewards:

Blade: (Longsword) Getting a rat (ROUS?) stuck on your sword makes combat difficult.
Blade: (Longsword) Multiple opponents require careful balance
Blade (Longsword) Sometimes, a miss can be effective
Blade (Longsword) Balance issues limit your options
Blade (Longsword) Slice across the eyes
Business Management: Can be very dull
Discipline: Sometimes, you have to maintain dull.
Leadership: Instructing the servants carefully

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Yes please
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: N/A


Acrobatics: Trying to regain your balance
Acrobatics: How not to land
Deception: Sounding Like a Sister, Acting Like a Lover
Deception: Careful what you say - even when alone
Ranged Combat: Crossbow: Not good against multiple, close range opponents.
Ranged Combat: Crossbow: Aiming from high up
Ranged Combat: Crossbow: Take time to aim.
Ranged Combat: Crossbow: Reloading can take time

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Yes please
Collaboration: Yes.
Magic EXP: N/A
word count: 172
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Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.8

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: The Next Step
City/Area: Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: no


Requested Rewards:
Alchemy: Involves making potions
Alchemy: Potions are temporary in effect
Alchemy: Involves mold and other questionable substances
Appraisal: Determining whether a knife is fake or not
Deception: Lying about your background because the truth isn't impressive enough
Deception: Adding something to your name isn't the same as lying
Etiquette: Shaking hands
Medicine: Touching unknown substances can be bad for your health
Medicine: Drinking mold is bad for your health
Stealth: Sneaking into a house

Loot: 3 doses of stoneflesh potion
Injuries/Overstepping: no
Renown: Reviewer's discretion.
Collaboration: yes


Requested Rewards:
Alchemy: Making a Stoneflesh potion
Alchemy: Potion making
Alchemy: Potions are temporary in effect
Alchemy: Grinding materials into usable form
Alchemy: Extracting desired qualities by distillation
Alchemy: Sometimes a desired trait can be fatal
Chemistry: Iron compounds tend to be greenish in liquid form
Chemistry: Making compounds digestible to prevent rejection by the body
Chemistry: Iron concentration causes stones to be stronger
Chemistry: Igneous rocks have stronger chemical bonds

Albert Magnus: Should open up a potion shop
Albert Magnus: Should maybe change his name?
Devin: Is from rich family in Oakleigh
Devin: Has a company for herbal plants
Devin: Potential friend/ally

Loot: no
Injuries/Overstepping: no
Renown: Reviewer's discretion.
Collaboration: yes
Last edited by Devin on Wed Oct 17, 2018 3:40 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 226


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.8

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: A Hunter's Mark: Washed Up
City/Area: Ne'haer
Requested Rewards:
Endurance: Hypothermia
Endurance: Cold Water
Discipline: Staying On Task in Spite of Pain
Alchemy: Creating A Pain Killing Salve
Herbalism: Mouko Bean
Medicine: Applying a Salve
Loot: A Moukou Pain Killing Salve (If Allowed, Not fussed if not)
Injuries/Overstepping: Was a long time ago.
Renown: Nah
Collaboration: No
Last edited by Lorena on Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:07 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 67
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Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.8

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: AU: Bitches
City/Area: (Where is this taken place in?)
Notes/Warnings: Dream thread originally written in google docs for expediency (lots of dialogue). Permission given by Dylan (Leeson Andaris' writer) to post for review. Please contact him if confirmation is needed.
Requested Rewards: 15xp each (Leeson Andaris & Navyri)
Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: N/A
Collaboration: Yes
word count: 65
"At last. It has been too long since I have walked the face of this world. Too long have I been locked there, awaiting my champion to release me. My champion... This is you, daughter of Audrae. You have, whether knowingly or not, released me from my self imprisonment, and are here to fulfill the destiny I have seen written in the tapestry of nature. You, daughter of Audrae's daughter, will be my foothold in this world." - Belaera to The Nightingale, after the 600 arc imprisonment
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Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.8

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Dark and Darker
City/Area: Almund, Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: Some violence. Draven/Munch lost inspiration for the pc and gave me the permission to submit it before I finished my second post. Saddened as I was looking forward to the thread.
Requested Rewards: 15xp
Stealth: How to Hide on a Roof
Stealth: Get Rid of Witnesses
Acrobatics: How to Gauge your Landing
Unarmed Combat: How to Tackle From Above
Flying: Open Your Wings to Slow Descent
Blades: Angle Your Blade to Pierce a Rib Cage
Blades: Expect Vibrations when Stabbing
Blades: How to Cut a Throat

Loot: n/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: 5 (killing a man)
Collaboration: Yes. Barely.
Last edited by Navyri on Thu Oct 18, 2018 4:43 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 116
"At last. It has been too long since I have walked the face of this world. Too long have I been locked there, awaiting my champion to release me. My champion... This is you, daughter of Audrae. You have, whether knowingly or not, released me from my self imprisonment, and are here to fulfill the destiny I have seen written in the tapestry of nature. You, daughter of Audrae's daughter, will be my foothold in this world." - Belaera to The Nightingale, after the 600 arc imprisonment
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Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.8

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: The Art of Making a Living
City/Area: Scalvoris Town
Notes/Warnings: N/A

Requested Rewards:
Painting: Preparing a surface for painting
Painting: Choosing the right paint
Painting: Protecting a finished painting
Painting: Creating the illusion of depth and texture
Painting: Choosing the right subject matter
Strength: Proper leverage for carrying awkward burdens

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: N/A
Collaboration: No

Last edited by Eliza Soule on Fri Oct 19, 2018 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 70
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Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.8

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: II. Prowler
City/Area: Bolstrum, South of Etzos Prime
Notes/Warnings: Foul Language (well, not for Kas, but in general...)

Sorry if this is kinda dull. Just moving things along and adding a new string to Kas' bow. Enjoy!

Requested Rewards:

Detection: Guessing the Pins in a Lock from the Ridges on a Key
Lock Picking: A Discipline of Finesse and Patience
Lock Picking: Basic Tools (Pick and Tension Wedge)
Lock Picking: Needs JUST the Right Amount of Pressure
Stealth: Taking Advantage of Gaps in Patrol Patterns
Stealth: Leaving Everything As You Found It

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Etzos Underworld: Fences Usually Offer 10-20% For Stolen Goods
NPC Rufus: Seller of Semi-Legal Wares in the Citizen's Market

Loot: No
Injuries/Overstepping: No
Renown: No
Collaboration: No
Last edited by Kasoria on Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:39 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 133
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Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.8

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Common Interests
City/Area: Etzos
Notes/Warnings: Thievin'. Abandoned.
Requested Rewards: 15xp
Acting: Draw From Personal Experience
Pickpocketing: How to Use Verbal Distraction
Pickpocketing: Use Income Prejudice to Go Unnoticed
Pickpocketing: Take Advantage of Kindess & Trust
Pickpocketing: How to Utilize Chaos as a Thief
Negotiation: Imply They Will Lose Your Business
Linguistics: The Local Dialect of Etzos
Lockpicking: Find Privacy Before You Begin
Lockpicking: Hidden Locks Hide Better Things
Persuasion: Offer An Incentive

Loot: A locked jeweler's box. Contents to be decided by grader?
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Small... +5 Stealing with an accomplice?
Collaboration: Yes
word count: 103
"At last. It has been too long since I have walked the face of this world. Too long have I been locked there, awaiting my champion to release me. My champion... This is you, daughter of Audrae. You have, whether knowingly or not, released me from my self imprisonment, and are here to fulfill the destiny I have seen written in the tapestry of nature. You, daughter of Audrae's daughter, will be my foothold in this world." - Belaera to The Nightingale, after the 600 arc imprisonment
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Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.8

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: A Wisp of Peace
City/Area: Ne'haer in Vhalar 717
Notes/Warnings: An old open thread. The other players seem to be gone.
Requested Rewards:

Skill knowledge:
Drawing: Sketching
Etiquette: When unsure of the protocol, stick with friends and wait for clues
Etiquette: Don’t barge into an ongoing conversation and interrupt others
Etiquette: To politely introduce yourself to strangers
Etiquette: To receive an apology in truly forgiving manner
Etiquette: To not speak about topics all in a group can’t participate in
Acting: To hide your anger when it’s dangerous to show it
Socialization: Making light conversation at a festival

Other knowledge
The Spirit Festival of Ne’haer
Races: Ellune, a southern race you heard tales about
Immortals: Rumor has it Famula doesn’t like magic
PC, Ilinis Lellin: Hates mages

Loot: A sketch of the spirit festival in Ne'haer
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Renown: None
Collaboration: Yes
Last edited by Yrmellyn Cole on Fri Oct 19, 2018 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 155
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Re: Review Request Thread 2.1.8

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Picking Up the Scent
City/Area: Andaris, Rynmere
Notes/Warnings: Language. Violence.
Requested Rewards:
Intelligence: Offering Help in Exchange for Information
Intelligence: If You Want to Know, Ask
Intelligence: Following Up on a Lead
Interrogation: Don't Ask, Demand
Interrogation: Threatening Harm if They Don't Comply
Interrogation: Using Intimidation to Ensure They Give Up Everything

Leading the Blind: Misleading the Location of a Dagger
The Mantis: Mage Hunter Faction in Andaris
The Mantis: Led by a Lord Inquisitor

Loot: None
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Renown: None-slight. Helping the sailor/intimidating Brice Jervois.
Collaboration: No.
word count: 102
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