Rewards Requested
City/Area: Quacia, The Gleam
Notes/Warnings: Violence, per usual in Quacia
Requested Rewards:
Exotics{Claw Grieves}: Are good for close quarter combat
Acrobatics: Balancing on balcony ledges
Acrobatics: Stretching before combat helps keep ya loose
Acrobatics{Spins & Twists}: Dancing with spins and twirls
Endurance: Dancing take a lot out of you
Resistance: Holding your liquor
Stealth: Melding in with those on the dance floor
Stealth: Using high places to avoid being seen
Stealth: Listening for Reactions to One's Own Noises
Stealth: Tracking Important People
Detection: Picking out a warcy over an arena of cheers
Detection: Feeling pressure on your body when numb
Detection: Picking a specific face out room of people
acrobatics -
following the movement of someone one is in physical contact with
timing one’s movements to a beat
catching food mid-fall
discipline -
needing orders only once
allowing oneself to defer to someone else in power
not letting one’s personal ideologies get in the way of professionalism
endurance -
following the orders of unbearable superiors
the appraising gazes of nobility
bumping into another dancer
eating rich food
stealth -
using magic to subtly interfere in a fight
blending into a crowd by chatting and making small-talk
Injuries/Overstepping: Dosan: Gash on his right arm
- Dosan: Participating in Blood Games
- Mads: Having the nobility believe you are a foreign dignitary
Collaboration: (Yes)
Domain Magic Only - Ignore if not applicable
Magic EXP: (Yes) Abrogation {Mads}
If YES then what is your current level of Domain Magic?: Master{Mads}
Are you requesting domain magic level up approval?: No