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Name; Osigurlih | Nai'vera | Lilian
Age; Twenty-One Arcs
Race; Yludih | Sev'ryn | Human
DoB; 101 Vhalar 696
Mark; n/a
Factions; n/a
Languages; Xanthea. fluent | Common. basic
Partners; n/a
Current Residence; Viden

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Last edited by Osigurlih on Fri May 05, 2017 1:48 am, edited 13 times in total. word count: 71
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human form

Lilian is less known than Nai'vera, Osigurlih's Sev'ryn form. Lilian does have her uses though. Appearing as a woman of average stature - height of 5'6 - she blends into a crowd perfectly. Wavy brown hair and pale skin goes unnoticed in a crowd, something Osigurlih prizes. A girl of soft features and curves is easily forgotten among the minds of Idalos's people. Perhaps the only noticeable feature that Osigurlih holds as Lilian is the startling icy blue eyes she possesses. Eyes that are remembered as orbs that see through an illusion; ironic due to their owner's race. After all, the eyes are windows to the soul; perhaps Lilian's clear-seeing orbs reflect the Yludih that hides behind an illusion. Regardless of eyes, Lilian is seen as nothing but a common maiden, one who most likely sews and cooks; something expected of a girl who seems common enough.

sev'ryn form

Osigurlih's common form is of Nai'vera, a Sev'ryn girl. This form is one that Osigurlih uses on a daily basis; one that most people know her as. Her two forms are different, if only in smaller seeming ways. Lilian has a very gentle face while Nai'vera is much harsher. Though she isn't sharply defined, she is more so than Lilian. Tall and lithe with tanned skin and long, dark brown hair, Nai'vera holds only a small resemblance to Lilian. While she still blends into the crowd, Nai'vera is much more memorable due to her icy blue eyes in contrast of her tan skin. With harsh, bright blue that seems to stare on into another person's mind, Nai'vera has an intimidating look to her.

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Last edited by Osigurlih on Sun May 14, 2017 3:09 am, edited 6 times in total. word count: 338
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Personality | Concept


With a sour attitude and vengeance for the injustice built against her, Osigurlih is a force to be reckoned with. From a young age - before learned of her Yludlih heritage - Osigurlih dreamed of a world that was fair to every person regardless. A pure dream from a naive child that made others chuckle at a little Sev'ryn girl.

In her younger years, Osigurlih was kind and polite to everyone and everything, treating others how she wished everyone would treat each other. She was a gentle child that made others smile with her bright and pure personality. Her parents both encouraged her, hoping she would remain this way, for they knew of other Yludih that changed once they understand what and who they were. As she grew, this attitude grew with her, even after she was told to truth of herself. Osigurlih remained gentle and hopeful for change.

However this changed at some point, a point where Osigurlih was shown the true nature of most others; or what she believes is everyone's true nature. Her viewpoint on the world change drastically, shifting from pure to tainted as she was, Osigurlih ended her kindness abruptly. She grew bitter with her mistreatment and the fear the was always stemmed from her race. She hated being judged for what she was and not for who she was. Osigurlih began to act cold towards others, becoming more reclusive.

Instead of acting negatively on her anger, Osigurlih chose to work for the people. She decided she would learn how to heal others and fight for those she healed. She wanted to grow as an individual as well as show that her race was not one to be feared. Her goal is to change how most think of the Yludih. She wants people to see her race as just another group of people trying to survive; not as an evil, conniving race who tricks the innocent. Osigurlih made it her mission to change how people think of the Yludih, to make others recognize that everyone was more than their race.

Over her lifetime, Osigurlih changed from being open and kind to becoming cold and angry. Though she may not seem the same on the outside, Osigurlih cares for others, even if she shows it in a different way. Sarcastic and rude, Osigurlih leaves many with a bad taste in their mouths. After getting to know her, most are confused. She may seem like a crude person, but she shows more of a tough love sort of ideal.

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Last edited by Osigurlih on Sun May 14, 2017 4:15 am, edited 4 times in total. word count: 461
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On 101st of Vhalar, arc 696, a Sev'ryn girl was born in Desnind. With dark hair and bright eyes, she was a sight. Her parents gifted her the name Nai'vera, hoping only the best for their newborn daughter. However they were frightened. They were not Sev'ryn; instead they, and their daughter, were Yludih living under the disguise of Sev'ryn in an attempt to be treated like they belonged. Life would be difficult for their daughter, but that was the price that the Yludih had to pay, regardless of how unfair fate was.

As she grew from newborn to toddler, Nai'vera was incredibly calm and happy. It was always amazing to see a child, hardly in their third arc, calm and collected at times of the day; smiling softly and talking in a calm, mild manner often unseen in children as young as the girl. She understood things that it took years for some to even grasp the basics of understanding. The child was wise far beyond her years, most considered this child to be a genius.

Nai'vera was a child who was, perhaps, advanced in her thinking at an early age. She never really did childish things; she did when she was extremely young, but the amount a childish actions began to dwindle when she neared four or five arcs. Instead, she spent her time in the forest with her father, watching him set up traps; though her real interest where to flowers there. Her interest was their affect on other living beings.

That curiosity grew into an intense interest in healing others. Throughout her childhood, Osigurlih would try her best to heal and help animals that she found with her father. Her parents were proud of their daughter for wanting to heal others and gifted her a journal to write her findings in. Osigurlih recorded everything she knew within this journal

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Last edited by Osigurlih on Thu May 18, 2017 2:37 am, edited 7 times in total. word count: 358
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In aliquam metus vel libero molestie, sit amet sagittis nisi volutpat. Sed a dictum mauris. Phasellus dapibus pellentesque justo, eu viverra nisl semper id. In dignissim purus neque, quis lobortis nisl consequat quis. Duis at urna enim. Cras luctus ante est. Praesent tempor nulla ac orci cursus, non pharetra augue ultricies. Mauris vestibulum tincidunt lobortis. Etiam ac luctus massa. Aliquam nisi diam, euismod in sapien quis, sollicitudin fringilla urna. Etiam vulputate, felis eu aliquam molestie, lacus quam varius lorem, sed cursus dui ante at diam. Curabitur in condimentum lacus.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In aliquam metus vel libero molestie, sit amet sagittis nisi volutpat. Sed a dictum mauris. Phasellus dapibus pellentesque justo, eu viverra nisl semper id. In dignissim purus neque, quis lobortis nisl consequat quis. Duis at urna enim. Cras luctus ante est. Praesent tempor nulla ac orci cursus, non pharetra augue ultricies. Mauris vestibulum tincidunt lobortis. Etiam ac luctus massa. Aliquam nisi diam, euismod in sapien quis, sollicitudin fringilla urna. Etiam vulputate, felis eu aliquam molestie, lacus quam varius lorem, sed cursus dui ante at diam. Curabitur in condimentum lacus.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In aliquam metus vel libero molestie, sit amet sagittis nisi volutpat. Sed a dictum mauris. Phasellus dapibus pellentesque justo, eu viverra nisl semper id. In dignissim purus neque, quis lobortis nisl consequat quis. Duis at urna enim. Cras luctus ante est. Praesent tempor nulla ac orci cursus, non pharetra augue ultricies. Mauris vestibulum tincidunt lobortis. Etiam ac luctus massa. Aliquam nisi diam, euismod in sapien quis, sollicitudin fringilla urna. Etiam vulputate, felis eu aliquam molestie, lacus quam varius lorem, sed cursus dui ante at diam. Curabitur in condimentum lacus.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In aliquam metus vel libero molestie, sit amet sagittis nisi volutpat. Sed a dictum mauris. Phasellus dapibus pellentesque justo, eu viverra nisl semper id. In dignissim purus neque, quis lobortis nisl consequat quis. Duis at urna enim. Cras luctus ante est. Praesent tempor nulla ac orci cursus, non pharetra augue ultricies. Mauris vestibulum tincidunt lobortis. Etiam ac luctus massa. Aliquam nisi diam, euismod in sapien quis, sollicitudin fringilla urna. Etiam vulputate, felis eu aliquam molestie, lacus quam varius lorem, sed cursus dui ante at diam. Curabitur in condimentum lacus.

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