Issue NO. 001Date 1 Ashan 716Editor Kingdom
[columns=3]Topics that will be covered:
News: This can be anything from a law change, spikes in trading prices, PC or NPC promotions (knights and such), reported bandit sightings or attacks, and construction and development around the city. You can send in (PM to Kingdom) ideas for news stories or completed articles to be uploaded to the paper.
Current Issues: Things PC and NPCs believe are wrong with government, systems, cities, regions, world etc, etc.
Exclusive Interviews: Reporter’s interview with a PC or NPC, group, organisation, business, or faction.
Upcoming Events: Closely linked to Seasonal Calendar.
Personal and Business Ads and News: For PC and NPC run companies. Personal ads might also include singles looking for…
Job Vacancies: For PC and NPC run businesses.
Tournament Results: Think of this as the sports section, the outcome of jousting tournaments, sword fights, battles on sea, land, and in the air, or anything in between.
Gossip Column: These are rumours witnessed, heard, started by PCs (in which you must provide a link as to where your PC learnt about or saw this event take place) This can also be gossip an NPC might have witnessed your PC do or say. All gossip will be printed on the paper as submitted by ‘anonymous’ and is usually heavily focused on noble or royal families.
Births and Deaths: Recorded births and deaths of influential PC and NPCs including a short story about their lives, greatest achievements, or claims to fame.
Wanted: Here you will find updates to bounty information, the hunt, capture, escape, and release of wanted criminals, last known sightings, the outcome of prisoner trials through the courts, and sentences for dungeon or jail time.[/columns]
Current Staff: Sabine & Andráska Venora
How the newspaper works: This thing isn’t going to write itself and as the staff in Rynmere can get very busy working on development, running moderated threads, plotting and scheming or just having their own fun, any contributions you can make are always greatly appreciated! [columns=3]Topics that will be covered:
News: This can be anything from a law change, spikes in trading prices, PC or NPC promotions (knights and such), reported bandit sightings or attacks, and construction and development around the city. You can send in (PM to Kingdom) ideas for news stories or completed articles to be uploaded to the paper.
Current Issues: Things PC and NPCs believe are wrong with government, systems, cities, regions, world etc, etc.
Exclusive Interviews: Reporter’s interview with a PC or NPC, group, organisation, business, or faction.
Upcoming Events: Closely linked to Seasonal Calendar.
Personal and Business Ads and News: For PC and NPC run companies. Personal ads might also include singles looking for…
Job Vacancies: For PC and NPC run businesses.
Tournament Results: Think of this as the sports section, the outcome of jousting tournaments, sword fights, battles on sea, land, and in the air, or anything in between.
Gossip Column: These are rumours witnessed, heard, started by PCs (in which you must provide a link as to where your PC learnt about or saw this event take place) This can also be gossip an NPC might have witnessed your PC do or say. All gossip will be printed on the paper as submitted by ‘anonymous’ and is usually heavily focused on noble or royal families.
Births and Deaths: Recorded births and deaths of influential PC and NPCs including a short story about their lives, greatest achievements, or claims to fame.
Wanted: Here you will find updates to bounty information, the hunt, capture, escape, and release of wanted criminals, last known sightings, the outcome of prisoner trials through the courts, and sentences for dungeon or jail time.[/columns]
Code: Select all
[align=center][img]/gallery/image.php?album_id=2&image_id=1536[/img][/align][style=max-width: 700px; height: 800px; padding: 15px; margin: auto; margin-top: -830px; color: #3a2727;][googlefont=Oswald][style2=max-width: 650px; margin: auto; margin-top: +50px;][align=justify][font size=100][b]Issue NO.[/b] 001[indent=200][b]Date[/b] Ashan 716[indent=200][b]Editor[/b] Kingdom
[b]Current Staff[/b]: Sabine & Andráska Venora[indent=376][b]Cost[/b]: 1cn
[b]Current Issues[/b]:
[b]Exclusive Interviews[/b]:
[b]Upcoming Events[/b]:
[b]Personal and Business Ads and News[/b]:
[b]Job Vacancies[/b]:
[b]Tournament Results[/b]:
[b]Gossip Column[/b]:
[b]Births and Deaths[/b]:
[b]Wanted[/b]:[/columns][/font][/align][/style2][style2=margin-top: -100px; margin-left: 430px;][/style2][/googlefont][/style]