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Please stop in here and introduce yourself to the community! We'd love to get to know you!

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Beard coming through!

Hello there, fellow writers!

My name's Petyo, and just like you, I am yet another addition to the world of Idalos. Hurray for myself! I'm a 20 year old from Spain, writing for... 5 years now? I lost track, to be honest. I come from another site, and before that I was roleplaying exclusively in MMOs such as Guild Wars 2 or Neverwinter. You can imagine that my experience in forum based RP is limited... so I demand patience! :lol:

I don't consider myself a very picky roleplayer. I enjoy writing about everything, yet I mainly focus on writing about dark themes such as corruption, metal diseases, violence... That doesn't meant I enjoy gore like Tarantino does, but I use it sometimes to enhance the story in itself. At the end of the day, all this sounds fancy when in reality it is very simple: I love writing. Ever since I started, I've not been able to stop, and so now you'll have to bear with me as I've set my snake eyes on this pretty site of yours. :twisted:

As for my character, I'll be starting in Rynmere with my character Peake. Remember the name, for he'll be King in the near future! First, however, I must seduce me a lovely lady that the chat folks helped me pick... I've met some of you in chat, mostly by bombarding y'all with questions about this and that, yet I hope I can meet the rest of you as well. Be it ICly or OOCly, I look forward to seeing what we'll make together. :)

Also, there's swearing on the chat. I love that shit.
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Beard coming through!

Welcome Peake! It is good to have you here on ST. We are the amazing Minstrel of Desnind, but we suppose we can offer you help if ever need be. We look forward to seeing if you can rise to the throne. Good luck. We are sure you will need it.

(But seriously, welcome to ST! Let me know how I can help! -Chimera)
word count: 64
I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be then me.
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Beard coming through!

Welcome to Standing Trials.

Keep your filthy mitts off her! Muhaha. No but in all seriousness, it's fantastic to have you here and I hope you enjoy your time with us! We really love ST and hope you will too.
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A N D I T' S A L L J U S T S M A L L S T U F F, B A B Y.
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ahhhh - *yawn*
Rynmere is so very far from Desnind...
By the time word of the coup reaches the ears of Moseke, a second coup will have already brought our poor Peake low.

No, in all seriousness, welcome Peake! MMO's were my first taste of RP also.
But I found that even a guild on an RP realm was still more interested in farming dungeons than RP.
I went through several others before I was led to Forum rp.

And I have not looked back.
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Beard coming through!

Hey Petyo, welcome to Standing Trials !! And someone from Spain, cool :)

Love the sound of those dark themes and with the metal diseases, you mean like heavy metals? Mercury, metals in animals from bio-accumulation and the like with the effect of mad hatters? Sounds interesting ! Anyway, I can't wait to read your stuff and better yet RPing with you!

And awesome avatar - that beard.
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Beard coming through!

Bien venidos, Petyo. I hope you enjoy your time on this board, I know I have. ^.^' The staff are very nice and yes very patient! I know they have been with me.

Nos Vemos
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