Mount: How to release fear on a ground based mount
The Sound of a dying man
Specific Lore
Knights: Typical Patrol Protocol
Melee: How to swing a sword on horseback
Mount: Using a horse to scatter enemies
Mount: Calming a Panicked Mount
Mount: Balancing when stirrups are lost
Notes: Although the wound is not serious, it will leave a silvery scar along the path the dagger took through your skin. While not a protruding scar, it is a visible blemish and a reminder that it could have been deeper…or higher. You also have a shirt in your possession…although not sure you’ll want to hold onto it.
Experience Award:
Ranged Combat +2
Unarmed Combat +1
Socialization +2
Melee +1
Medicine +1
Leadership +2
Mount + 4
Shield Combat +2
Investigation +1
Observation +2
General Lore:
Medicine: Using Clothing for a basic bandage
Specific Lore
Mount: Reigning in a Gelding
Shield: How to Defend while Mounted
Leadership: Leading a patrol in impromptu skirmish
Mount: Calming a panicked Gelding
Throwing Daggers: How to throw while Mounted
Mount: Difficulties of Racing a new Gelding
Notes: Although once again sore, you will also have slight scarring on your shoulder where you took your wound. Hardly enough to be noticeable, but you’ll feel the scar tissue any time you run your fingers across that shoulder…a reminder that you still don’t know what prompted the attack. You also lost a shirt.
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I can’t help but feel this thread was cut off a little short. The bandits leave a mystery that begs solving…obviously outnumbered they still took on a group of superiorly armed opponents. No documents, no makers marks, homemade bowstring. They went through some lengths to remain anonymous and I want to know why. Felt rather abrupt at the end when they all sort of rode off. I might have liked to see one additional post from Alyna getting her wound treated to finish up the event. That said, the writing was still very evocative. I could see the scene clearly and combat was written short and brutal, as combat should be. Excellent job!