Zvezdana Venora

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Zvezdana Venora
Posts: 253
Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2016 7:30 pm
Race: Human
Profession: Thunder Priestess
Renown: -11
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1




RP Medals



Zvezdana Venora - Archived

Zvezdana's old CS is archived below. This box scrolls. This is mostly for my information to see how the PC has evolved. Her new CS can be found on Page one of this thread.

Name: Zvezdana Lilliana Venora
Mother: Baroness Willow Venora
Father: Baron Kaleb Venora
Siblings: Alistair (27), Andráska (21)

Age: 24 Arcs
Race: Human
Born: 43rd of Vhalar, 692
Location: Andaris City

Occupation: Qe'Dreki Rebel

Face Claim: Katie McGrath

Disclaimer: If there is a * in front of a header, it means that it is a scroll box.

Bold. Zvezdana has a very strong personality. She is not afraid to say what is on her mind, especially to those with higher authority. As an imaginative woman, she believes that her ideas deserve some sort of recognition. Political, artistic, familial - you name it and she will have an opinion on it.

Condescending. For those beneath her, she does not believe that they deserve the time of day. If they are bold enough to speak to her, she will at least honor their ability to speak-up but not necessarily in a manner of respect. As a Venoran, she believes herself to be on an equal - if not higher - plane with other noble houses.

Aggressive. Get in her way just once, and it will be lifetime regret. She enjoys slow revenge, something that will last for arcs to come. On top of that, she aspires for greatness. Her plans are tactfully laid and controlled to the minute detail. She will fight tooth and nail to make sure nothing goes awry.

Pale. Her skin is the color of milk, ghost-like and unblemished. It is a canvas over a petite torso stretching down her long legs and arms to the tips of her thin fingers. Her high cheekbones, full lips, and stunning blue eyes sit upon an elongated neck that rarely goes without decoration. She wears a touch of make-up during political and noble outings on occasion.

Dark. The tresses that sit upon her head seem to offset the milk-white skin she has. Locks fall to the top of her skin in waves. They are controlled most often in a half-up/half-down style. Occasionally she will decorate these locks with baubles and flowers, and less often with ribbons.

Elegant. As a lady of a noble house, she dresses herself in a way that elevates her above the rest of society. Her colors of choice are blues, purples, greens, and reds. Plain colors such as white and black are used more commonly when lounging around her house. She may often hide a poorer quality dress under a higher quality cloak.
Life as a lady was never easy for her. Zvezdana was born to Willow and Kaleb Venora as their first daughter and second child. Her life when she was younger was bright and full of smiles. Her tutors were amazing, her parents loved her equally, and her older brother was kind. It was everything a young girl could want and more.

Her happy childhood gave way to a teenage life filled with hate and despair. Her father and older brother started to abuse her at about 10 arcs old. Zvezdana was their living doll. They felt entitled to use her body as they saw fit and abused her emotionally and mentally. Suddenly, she hated her family and threw herself into her studies. The only way she was going to get out is if she was smart enough to live on her own. No one knew about the disarray that her family was in. Her mother turned her back on what was happening while her father taught his son how to be the best Baron and get what he wanted. He had always been told that his sister was there for his use. Zvezdana hated all of them - her mother for not protecting her and her father and brother for doing this to her. Her hate became the seed for her political agenda.
*OOC Point Bank
Total Points:
Starting Fame (Post-Guide)+30
Negotiations Between Parties -10
Behind Their Backs +2
Nothing Left to Lose -30
No Tomb so Proud as His +2
To Steal a Groom -2
Total Fame:
Fluent Language:

Broken Language:
Bladed Combat (Short Sword)10 [RB], 5 [SP], 5, 5, 14 32/100 (39/251)
Etiquette25 [SP], 5 [KG], 1, 1, 1 33/100 (41/251)
Leadership (Fast Track)25 [RB], 530/100 (35/251)
Teaching10 [SP], 2, 4, 11 26/100 (27/251)
Dancing5 [SP] 5/100 (5/251)
Persuasion5 [SP], 1 6/100 (6/251)
Politics 5 [KG], 1, 1, 17, 1 25/100 (7/251)
Rhetoric 1, 1 2/100 (2/251)
Performance 1 1/100 (1/251)
Intelligence 1 1/100 (1/251)
Interrogation 1 1/100 (1/251)
Psychology 1 1/100 (1/251)
Intimidation1 1/100 (1/251)
Detection 1 1/100 (1/251)
Strength 5 5/100 (5/251)
Tactics 8 8/100 (8/251)
Deception 7 7/100 (7/251)
Intimidation 15 15/100 (15/251)
Investigation 6 6/100 (6/251)
*Skill Point Ledger
ThreadAwardSpent In
Sword Play 15/15 Strength (5), Leadership (5), Bladed Combat (5)
Negotiations Between Parties 17/15 Politics (17)
Behind Their Backs 14/15 Politics (1), Bladed Combat (5), Tactics (8)
Nothing Left to Lose 15/15 Intimidation (15)
March of Dramatic Ponces 7/15 Deception (7)
No Tomb so Proud as His 20/15 Bladed Combat (14), Investigation (6)
Serving the House 15/15 Teaching (11)
To Steal a Groom 10/15 Pending
Unspent Skill Points:
  • Andaris: Layout
  • Location: Lazuli’s home in Warrick
  • Location: Fort Warrick
  • Location: Fort Warrick Guard's Training Area
  • Location: Warrick East
  • Location: Venora West
  • Location: Fort Warrick
Noble Families
  • Venora: History
  • Venora: Letter seal
  • Banner: House Krome
  • Banner: House Burhan
  • Banner: House Endor
Rynmere History
  • Cyrene Venora: One of the Sacred Seven
  • Rynmere: Geography
Idalos Information
  • Athart: Famous for architecture
  • Immortal: Syroa
  • Syroa: Shape shifting Creature of Fury
  • Syroa: A Chance For Revenge
  • Syroa: Merciless, Manipulative, and Destructive
  • Syroa: Sessfiend Curse
Curse: Sessfiend
  • Sessfiend: Hellhound
  • Sessfiend: Uncontrollable Destruction
  • Sessfiend: The Animal Within
  • Title: Fallen False Queen of Rynmere
Animal Husbandry
  • Animal Training: Caring for Boas [KG]
  • Observation: Paying attention to the details
  • Etiquette: Thank you gifts are thoughtful
  • Etiquette: Battlefields are different to ballrooms, even practice grounds
  • Etiquette: The Fork, Spoon, and Knife
  • Etiquette: The Curtsy
  • Etiquette: Judging the curtsy depth according to rank
  • Etiquette: The perfect introduction
  • Etiquette: Hostess
  • Etiquette: Slurping is Unladylike
  • Flirting: Watching beneath your lashes
  • Flirting: Playing coy
  • Flirting: A token
  • Endurance: Sparring is tiring
  • Endurance: Long horse rides
  • Cosmetology: Curls
  • Tactics: Juice instead of wine
  • Tactics: Never trust a man in a mask
  • Tactics: Making the most of your Assests
  • Deception: Pretending to care
  • Persuasion: Find their weakness
Unarmed Combat
  • Unarmed Combat: Backhand
Bladed Combat
  • Bladed Combat: Short Sword: Basic Stance
  • Bladed Combat: Short Sword: Repetition builds muscle memory.
  • Bladed Combat: Clothing matters for comfort and flexibility
  • Bladed Combat: Short Sword: The importance of wearing protection when sparring
  • Bladed Combat: Short Sword: Even practice hits hurt
  • Bladed Combat: Short Sword: Using your weight to knock an opponent off their balance
  • Teaching: Clear Explanation Gets Results
  • Teaching: Discipline is important
  • Politics: The History of King Cassander [KG]
  • Politics: War Negotiations
  • Politics: Personal letters
  • Politics: Council members don't have as much power as nobles
  • Leadership: Looking the part
  • Leadership: Confidence is half the battle
  • Seduction: A new dress will do the trick
  • Seduction: Honesty is attractive
  • Intimidation: Reminding the peasants of your status
  • Intimidation: Do as I say not as I do tactics
  • Intimidation: Pick on those who can't fight back
  • Leather armour: helps speed
Vivian Warrick
  • Vivian Warrick: Uses a rapier
  • Vivan Warrick: A Skyrider
  • Vivian Warrick: refuses to be told off by you
  • Vivian Warrick: a self-proclaimed classist
  • Vivian Warrick: obviously fond of Lazuli
  • Vivian: Sargeant of Skyriders
  • Vivian: Formidable Ally of Lazuli
  • Vivian: Close to Lazuli
  • Vivian: Easily manipulated
  • Vivivan: Cares for Lazuli
  • Vivian: Would like to see you become Queen
  • Vivian: Can be trusted
Lazuli Warrick
  • Lazuli: Baroness Warrick
  • Lazuli: Kind
  • Lazuli: Farmer
  • Lazuli: Lacks confidence
  • Lazuli: Possible powerful ally
  • Lazuli: Betrothed to Veljorn Burhan
  • Lazuli: F in Etiquette
  • Lazuli: Naïve
  • Lazuli: Nervous to meet Veljorn
  • Lazuli: Competent Archer
  • Lazuli: Loved by many
  • Lazuli: Tortured
  • Lazuli Warrick: Not very seductive
  • Lazuli Warrick: Meek
  • Lazuli Warrick: Is a better match for a king than you
Lazuli Warrick
  • Rafael: Defeated quickly
  • Rafael: ‘Baby’ Warrick
  • Rafael: Immature
  • Rafael: Attracted to you
Alistair Venora
  • Alistair: Betrayed you
  • Alistair: Uses Magic
Quentin Alvina (Qaerris)
  • Quentin Alvina: Accompanying Evelyn Andaris
  • Quentin Alvina: Good Teeth
  • Quentin Alvina: From Outside of Rynmere?
  • Quentin Alvina: Kind of a Jerk
  • Elyna: Skyrider with Jacadon
  • Elyna: Good Basics, but Unpolished
  • Elyna: Pregnant
  • Elyna: Killed your husband
  • Elyna: Meek and quiet
  • Elyna: Friend No More
  • Elyna: A Target of Revenge
  • Faith: Has seen you naked
  • Faith: Slave
  • Faith: Attentive
  • Faith: Quiet
  • Faith: Meticulous
  • Faith: Tristan’s Slave
  • Faith: Slave from birth
  • Faith: Born and raised in Athart
  • Faith: A common name, appropriate for a slave
  • Faith: Former undertaker
  • Faith: Spooky eyes
  • Slaves: usually reactive, not pro-active
Tristan Venora
  • Tristan: A kind master
Veljorn Burhan
  • Veljorn: Engaged to Lazuli Warrick
  • Veljorn: Handsome
  • Veljorn: Victor
  • Veljorn: Wore your favour
  • Veljorn: Attractive
  • Veljorn: A powerful man
  • Veljorn: Power lust at first sight!
  • Veljorn Burhan: The Dragon King
  • Veljorn Burhan: Wrote you a letter
  • Veljorn Burhan: Thought you were a spy
  • Veljorn Burhan: Wants to take the throne for himself
  • Veljorn Burhan: Finds you attractive
  • Veljorn Burhan: Killed by Elyna Burhan
  • Veljorn Burhan: Threw a goblet at the king
  • Veljorn: Elyna's uncle
  • Veljorn: Wants Elyna to marry Marcus
  • Veljorn: Slain By Elyna
  • Veljorn: Death Drove Zvez Insane
  • Veljorn: Will Never Live Again
  • Willow Venora
    • Mother: Treated you like a doll
    Hector Avern
    • Hector Avern: A skyrider
    • Hector Avern: Trainer to Vivian Warrick
    Cassander Renault
    • Cassander: The Boy King
    • Cassander: Posed as a slave
    • Cassander: Courageous
    • Cassander: Well-spoken for a boy
    • Cassander: Sixteen arcs old
    • Cassander: Killed Queen Freya
    • Cassander: Cares about the people of Rynmere
    • Cassander: The Rightful King of Rynmere
    • Cassander: Won't stoop to insults
    • Cassander: Knows his heritage well
    • Cassander: Held Faith's hand
    • Cassander: Wears a black crown
    • Cassander: A tactical man
    • Cassander: Had Lazuli tortured
    • Cassander: Believes you to be starry-eyed and unreasonable
    • Cassander: Fooled you
    • Cassander: Had a noble tortured
    Emerson Sands
    • Emerson Sands: Empress of Rynmere
    • Emerson Sands: The most loved woman in Rynmere
    • Emerson Sands: Keeps snakes
    • Emerson Snads: Men aren't allowed to look at her
    • Emerson Snads: Men aren't allowed to touch her
    • Emerson Sands: Wears a black veil over her face
    Yoreth Blackwood
    • Yoreth Blackwood: One of Veljorn's commanders
    • Yoreth Blackwood: Believes Cassander to be a coward
    • Yoreth Blackwood: Escaped with Marcus Krome
    Marcus Krome
    • Marcus Krome: One of Veljorn's commanders
    David Krome
    • David Krome: Emperor of Rynmere
    • David Krome: Loyal to the King
    Victor Warrick
    • Victor Warrick: Second son of House Warrick
    Other NPCs
    • Evelyn Andaris: Even Better at Verbal Sparring than Me
    • Komodo Enthor: War Lord
    • Fredrick Gawyne: Baron of Gawyne
Fauna of Rynmere
  • Jacadon
    • Jacadon: Massive wingspan
    • Jacadon: Breath hot steamed known as White Fire
    • Jacadon: Can carry two people
    • Jacadon: Dangerous and unpredictable
    • Dragon: Jadacons
  • Travelling: The kindness of strangers
  • Noblewomen Seem to like Dirty Jobs
  • Buried Memories aren't Lost
  • Wine Pairings: Southern Fish and Northern Wines
  • Revenge Is Life, Revenge Is Everything
  • Despair Breeds Insanity
  • Clothes: Expensive
  • Alcohol: Careful consumption
  • Alcohol: Perfecting the ‘glow’
  • Travel: Makes you feel tired and dirty

*Vhalar, 716

C: Complete; G: Graded; P: Pending Grade

My Shattered Heart - 1st - Zvezdana and Andraska
Happy Birthday to Us - 25th - Zvezdana, Vivian, Seira
The Memory of Zvezdana - 30th - Zvezdana and Yrmellyn
The Life of a Rebel - 45th - Zvezdana, Vivian, and Seira
Release the Beast - 80th - Demon Zvezdana, Vivian, and Seira

*Saun, 716

C: Complete; G: Graded; P: Pending Grade

Behind Their Backs - 12th - Zvezdana and Vivian - C/G
Serving the House - 15th - Zvezdana and Faith - C/G
Tea for Three - 15th - Zvezdana, Tristan, Teddy
Sibling Showdown - 15th - Zvezdana and Alistair
Negotiations Between Parties - 26th - Moderated - Zvezdana, Elyna, Faith, Veljorn/Cassander (Kingdom) - C/G (17/15)
Nothing Left to Lose - 26th - Moderated - Zvezdana and Syroa (Jade) - C/G
For Andaris - 27th - Moderated - Rynmere PCs, Demon Zvezdana
Too High, Too Fast - 27th - Aeon, Demon Zvezdana - C/P
Wyrd vs. Byrd - 27th - Peake Andaris, Demon Zvezdana
*Ymiden, 716

C: Complete; G: Graded; P: Pending Grade

No Tomb so Proud as His - 21st - Event - C/G
To Steal a Groom - 43rd - Solo/Job Thread - C/G
Eternal Vows - 48th - Elyna and Zvezdana
*Ashan, 716

C: Complete; G: Graded; P: Pending Grade; O: Old Skill System

Condolensces - 1st - Zvezdana and Lazuli - C/G/O
Sword Play - 3rd - Zvezdana and Vivian - C/G
Spinning Color - 47th - Zvezdana and Qaerris - C/G/O
Re-Learning the Rules - 60th - Zvezdana and Elyna - C/G/O
The March of Dramatic Ponces - 12th - Zvezdana, Alistair, Andraska, Tristan - Abandoned/G
*Memory Threads

C: Complete; G: Graded; P: Pending Grade; O: Old Skill System

Of Baby Dragons and Blooming Roses - Ashan 704 - Zvezdana and Peake
*Personal Items

  • Cloak: Black, Standard
  • Cloak: Tafetta, Dyed Black
  • Cloak: Green, Velvet, Lg.
  • Overdress: Chiffon, Dyed Blue (Ruined)
  • Underdress: Silk, Dyed Purple (Ruined)
  • Dress: Green, Silk, Med.
  • Dress: Red, Taffeta, Embroidered, Med.
  • Blouse: White, Standard
  • Skirt: Black, Long, Standard
  • Shoes (Heels): Dyed Black
  • Boots, Knee, Black
  • Sash: Blue, Purple Embroidery, Med.
  • Gold Necklace: Green Crystal
  • Gold Earrings: Green Crystal
  • Silver Torque
  • Silver Earrings
*House Items

  • Soap
  • Brush
  • Razor
  • Toothbrush and Toothpaste
  • Waterskin
  • Eating Utensils
  • Tinderbox
  • Bed
  • Two chairs
  • One table
  • Two knives
  • Set of six plates (assorted)
  • One chest
  • Fireplace
  • 10 Gallon Glass Tank

Shortsword: Good Quality
  • This sword was given to her by a young lover. This young man was Zvezdana's first love and holds a special place in her heart. When he disappeared, she was devastated. She hopes he is still out there and prays for his safety daily.
Wedding Gift: Crown (Non-Sellable)
  • As a wedding gift from Veljorn, Zvezdana received a silver crown laced with fine jewels. Although the jewels are mostly blue, to represent the house she married into, there are a few pink tinted jewels to symbolize how Venora. This item is worth several onyx nel, however, Zvezdana has little intention of selling it.
Veljorn's Black Plate Amor
  • After Veljorn's death, her black plate armor and tower shield were retrieved in preparation to remove his body. Although his body was captured by Cassander, Zvezdana places his armor on display within her quarters as a constant reminder of the war that they had waged and the marriage agreement they had.

Like all other city dwellers, Zvezdana lives in a 400 square foot apartment with all the basic amenities. This style of living is not something she is used to, but her job forced her to move into the city in pursuit of more pupils. She plans on moving into a large apartment when finances allow, but will make due until then. It is a two room apartment with a small bathroom attached to the bedroom. The bedroom has her bed, a chest, and the fire place while the main sitting area houses a small kitchen and the table and chairs.

To make it more her own, Zvezdana brought her ball python with her. The serpent is a butter killer variant, sporting the white, yellow, and cream markings that are markedly different from the normal ball python. He is approximately 3 ft in length, but is still considered young and has a lot more growing to do. Zvezdana refers to him as Cornelius and keeps him in a glass tank (10 gallon) in her bedroom.

Willow Venora - Mother (NPC)

Zvezdana perceives Willow in a way that an orphaned child might perceive a mother walking along the street. Zvezdana wishes she has a better relationship with her mother, one that actually resembled a mother/daughter bond. Instead, Zvezdana is at odds with her mother and only humors her because she was brought into this world by the woman. She hates Willow for her crimes of silence. Willow knew of Kaleb's visits to a young Zvezdana and did nothing. Zvezdana holds her mother in as much blame for her crippled childhood as her father. One day, Zvezdana anticipates she will make her parents pay. The only attempt at respecting their bond as mother and daughter would be a quick, painless death.
Kaleb Venora - Father (NPC)

Of her entire family, Zvezdana hates Kaleb the most. They do not speak to one another, and Zvezdana has very few memories of their relationship that are not clouded in violence and rape. Kaleb abused Zvezdana at a very young age and placed her on a similar level as the household servants. She was meant to serve him and her brothers, for she was less just by being female. They never shared happy moments, although she vaguely recalls story of his pride when she was born. His crimes against her have caused her to harbor hate for her brother, Alistair, as he convinced him to take part in the events of her youth. When Zvezdana has the opportunity to repay him for his 'kindness', she will ensure that he suffers just as much as she did as a child, if not more.
Alistair Venora - Older Brother

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut viverra finibus nisi, nec maximus purus porta at. Sed a sodales eros. Integer eu magna risus. Vivamus congue libero quis libero rhoncus pulvinar. Proin et feugiat turpis. Sed vitae leo leo. Vivamus gravida sollicitudin volutpat. Curabitur finibus imperdiet lacus aliquet mollis. Nam tortor dui, ullamcorper in malesuada a, pharetra vitae quam. Donec vel lectus eget turpis aliquam vestibulum quis vel ipsum. Suspendisse porta tincidunt nisi eu ultrices. Integer quis nunc augue.
Andráska Venora - Younger Brother

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut viverra finibus nisi, nec maximus purus porta at. Sed a sodales eros. Integer eu magna risus. Vivamus congue libero quis libero rhoncus pulvinar. Proin et feugiat turpis. Sed vitae leo leo. Vivamus gravida sollicitudin volutpat. Curabitur finibus imperdiet lacus aliquet mollis. Nam tortor dui, ullamcorper in malesuada a, pharetra vitae quam. Donec vel lectus eget turpis aliquam vestibulum quis vel ipsum. Suspendisse porta tincidunt nisi eu ultrices. Integer quis nunc augue.
Veljorn Burhan - Husband (NPC) - Deceased

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut viverra finibus nisi, nec maximus purus porta at. Sed a sodales eros. Integer eu magna risus. Vivamus congue libero quis libero rhoncus pulvinar. Proin et feugiat turpis. Sed vitae leo leo. Vivamus gravida sollicitudin volutpat. Curabitur finibus imperdiet lacus aliquet mollis. Nam tortor dui, ullamcorper in malesuada a, pharetra vitae quam. Donec vel lectus eget turpis aliquam vestibulum quis vel ipsum. Suspendisse porta tincidunt nisi eu ultrices. Integer quis nunc augue.
Alzorn Venora Burhan - Son (NPC)

ETA: 88th of Zi'da

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut viverra finibus nisi, nec maximus purus porta at. Sed a sodales eros. Integer eu magna risus. Vivamus congue libero quis libero rhoncus pulvinar. Proin et feugiat turpis. Sed vitae leo leo. Vivamus gravida sollicitudin volutpat. Curabitur finibus imperdiet lacus aliquet mollis. Nam tortor dui, ullamcorper in malesuada a, pharetra vitae quam. Donec vel lectus eget turpis aliquam vestibulum quis vel ipsum. Suspendisse porta tincidunt nisi eu ultrices. Integer quis nunc augue.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut viverra finibus nisi, nec maximus purus porta at. Sed a sodales eros. Integer eu magna risus. Vivamus congue libero quis libero rhoncus pulvinar. Proin et feugiat turpis. Sed vitae leo leo. Vivamus gravida sollicitudin volutpat. Curabitur finibus imperdiet lacus aliquet mollis. Nam tortor dui, ullamcorper in malesuada a, pharetra vitae quam. Donec vel lectus eget turpis aliquam vestibulum quis vel ipsum. Suspendisse porta tincidunt nisi eu ultrices. Integer quis nunc augue.
Unknown Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut viverra finibus nisi, nec maximus purus porta at. Sed a sodales eros. Integer eu magna risus. Vivamus congue libero quis libero rhoncus pulvinar. Proin et feugiat turpis. Sed vitae leo leo. Vivamus gravida sollicitudin volutpat. Curabitur finibus imperdiet lacus aliquet mollis. Nam tortor dui, ullamcorper in malesuada a, pharetra vitae quam. Donec vel lectus eget turpis aliquam vestibulum quis vel ipsum. Suspendisse porta tincidunt nisi eu ultrices. Integer quis nunc augue.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut viverra finibus nisi, nec maximus purus porta at. Sed a sodales eros. Integer eu magna risus. Vivamus congue libero quis libero rhoncus pulvinar. Proin et feugiat turpis. Sed vitae leo leo. Vivamus gravida sollicitudin volutpat. Curabitur finibus imperdiet lacus aliquet mollis. Nam tortor dui, ullamcorper in malesuada a, pharetra vitae quam. Donec vel lectus eget turpis aliquam vestibulum quis vel ipsum. Suspendisse porta tincidunt nisi eu ultrices. Integer quis nunc augue.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut viverra finibus nisi, nec maximus purus porta at. Sed a sodales eros. Integer eu magna risus. Vivamus congue libero quis libero rhoncus pulvinar. Proin et feugiat turpis. Sed vitae leo leo. Vivamus gravida sollicitudin volutpat. Curabitur finibus imperdiet lacus aliquet mollis. Nam tortor dui, ullamcorper in malesuada a, pharetra vitae quam. Donec vel lectus eget turpis aliquam vestibulum quis vel ipsum. Suspendisse porta tincidunt nisi eu ultrices. Integer quis nunc augue.

At one point in their relationship, Zvezdana considered Elyna Burhan to be her friend and pupil. They met originally when Zvezdana was hired by Elyna's parents as an etiquette tutor. They hoped that she might steer Elyna away from her passions to serve as an Airman in the army. Over the course of time, Elyna became closer to Zvezdana to the point that the woman represented the bride's side of the family in a secret wedding. Zvezdana was very happy to have Elyna by her side when she married Veljorn. It was that trust that was his undoing. Zvezdana pressed Veljorn to have Elyna at the negotiations with Cassander. She took that opportunity to drive a knife into his neck, shattering their relationship. Zvezdana will forever hate Elyna for taking away her love and future. The only feelings that Elyna stirs within Zvezdana is hate and rage, a key trigger to the Sessfiend curse.
Starting Package
+100 gn
Overdress: Blue, Chiffon, Med.- 2 gn, 5 sn, 2 cn
Underdress: Purple, Silk, Med.- 12 gn
Cloak: Black, Tafetta- 8 gn, 7 sn, 5 cn
Tank: Glass- 10 gn
Shoes (Heels), Black- 1 gn, 8 sn
Ashan Wages
+ 123 gn
Dress: Green, Silk, Med.- 27 gn
Sash: Blue, Purple Embroidery, Med.- 10 gn, 2 sn, 8 cn
Cloak: Green, Velvet, Lg.- 37 gn, 8 sn
Gold Necklace: Green Crystal- 15 gn
Gold Earrings: Green Crystal- 12 gn
Handkerchief: Pink, Silk, Embroidered- 13 gn, 4 sn
Transportation to Burhan- 25 gn
Dress: Red, Taffeta, Embroidered, Med.- 39 gn, 5 sn
Silver Torque - 0 gn, 5 sn
Silver Earrings- 0 gn, 1 sn, 2 cn
Boots, Knee, Black - 1 gn, 8 sn
Ymiden Wages/Expenses + 664 gn - 60 gn
Chainmail (Good) -40 gn
Chain Gauntlet (Good) -20 gn
Chain Greaves (Good) -20 gn
Chain Fauld (Good) -20 gn
Large Buckler -6 gn
Stiletto Dagger (Good) -10 gn
Stiletto Dagger (Good) -10 gn
'A Day in the Wild' Survival Guide -8 gn
Tower Shield with Qe'Dreki Symbol -50 gn
Total Currency: 0 ON, 425 GN, 5 SN, 3 CN
*Vhalar 716

Occupied - Traveling - Different Location - Important Date

10th - Arrival at Jorick's Keep
23rd - Zvezdana turns 25 Arcs
*Saun 716

Occupied - Traveling - Different Location - Important Date

12th - Zvezdana treats with Vivian Warrick
15th - Zvezdana deals with family
26th - Negotiations between Zvezdana/Veljorn/Elyna and King Cassander
27th - The Battle for Andaris City; First Sighting of Sessfiend
30th - Wedding between Alistair Venora and Celeste Andaris

*Ymiden 716

Occupied - Traveling - Different Location - Important Date

48th: Married
48th-51st: Wedding Nights
52nd: Moved to Burhan
*Ashan 716

Occupied - Traveling - Different Location - Important Date

The first appearance of the Sessfiend occurred shortly after Zvezdana was cursed by Syroa. Sessfiend is the demonic personification of the soul of the person that harbors it. In Zvezdana's case, her Sessfiend comes in the shape of a 700-pound, 11-foot long from nose to tip of tail, 5-foot tall at the shoulders, and ugly hellhound. The skin of the beast has been ripped clean, showing the taut, blood muscle beneath. Beauty has often matters greatly to the Venoran woman, so it is only natural that her inner soul is ugly and bare to the world. It sports two heads for her two-faced personality, both full of rage. Fire spills out of their mouth and incinerates everything that it eats. Zvezdana will never be satisfied as her rage has become far to great, and this translate to the beast's insatiable hunger. The substances that do pass the teeth into the throat become the smoke that pours out of holes between her shoulder blades. The smoke and smell often lingers wherever the beast moves, making a lasting and repulsive impression on those. The eyes of the beast are the color of the fire that pours out of its mouth. They are never soft and will forever reflect the rage that burns deep in its body.
*Curse Information: Form of the Beast (Sessfiend) - Syroa’s curse is especially unique among the Immortals as it focuses both on punishing a mortal and on punishing everyone around them. Syroa’s mark manifests as a wound she has inflicted with claws, bite, or tail that scar especially vivid on the marked’s body. Immediately, the marked will experience a minor and permanent change for as long as they are marked. Their body will thicken, grow stronger and faster. The marked will gain a faint taste for human flesh and blood, constantly tantalizing them. At the first mark, however, this taste can usually be resisted. In addition, the marked will find it harder to resist temptations of flesh and fury, finding themselves short tempered and drawn to the comforts of another. Most terrifying, however, is what only the marked can feel. Beneath their skin, a furious monster awakens and churns within their flesh and bones. The marked can feel it at all times, gnawing and scratching for release. Twice a Cycle the marked will transform at night into an immense, savage beast. Only those who truly know the marked would be able to spot anything of familiarity in the transformation. Claws, fangs, bulging muscles, sometimes wings. The shape taken is a reflection of the beast awakened within the cursed, a bestial inversion of their weaknesses and strengths. A cursed has no control over this transformation and immediately sets out for mortal flesh and blood. Its hunger is insatiable and fury only increases its power. The beast will ravage for the entirety of the evening, miraculously regenerating at astonishing speed and acting with both primal and sentient intelligence in how it hunts and kills. Just a break before dawn, amid maddening agony, the cursed will resume their true form, exhausted. Blessedly, the memories from this time are feverish and unclear. Some have taken their life before the curse takes hold of them, unwilling to turn on friend and family. The Beast seems to know who the cursed cares about and makes a habit of stalking, terrifying, and finally slaughtering them.
word count: 4688
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