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Levinia finds herself working for the 'man'

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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To Serve

Levinia realized she was holding her breath as she watched the handsome man move into position. Taut muscles moved smoothly just under perfectly tanned skin so smooth it felt like the finest of silks. Her fingers actually ached to touch it again. She let out a shaky breath and took in another one as she set her mind to its task. At the mention of her name she snapped out of her fantasies and shook her head sending her white locks fanning over her slim shoulders.

“Yes, of course.” She managed to respond breathlessly as she covered her hands with ointment and began to warm it up. Her eyes inspected the injured shoulders but did not see any unique swelling so hopefully he hadn’t torn anything and it was really just a sprain. The fingernail marks did not go unnoticed by Levinia who gently ran finger across them to make sure they weren’t bleeding. Terrible infections came from dirty nails and the thought of the woman that made them made her wince. A tiny bit of jealousy washed over Levinia who shook it off instantly since the thought was quite ridiculous. Still, what a lucky woman.

“Here we go,” Levinia announced as she placed her warmed hands on his shoulder and slowly began to rub the medicine into his muscle. After a while she felt her own muscles strain as well as her back and she still couldn’t reach the right spot. There was only one thing she could do.

“My apologies, sir.” She announced, “...but this is proving to be more difficult than I first thought. Blame it on my inexperience but I am going to have to...um…” Her brow crinkled causing her dark eyebrows to peak on her forehead. “...um..I’ll need to straddle you. I do apologize..” She gave him a nervous laugh as she hiked up her skirts, “...but I’m sure you’re used to it by now, and I promise I do not weigh much.”

With that, Levinia gingerly climbed up the bed and straddled the man’s lower back. She adjusted her skirts so they wouldn’t get in the way and by that time her face was so red with embarrassment that she was glad that Qaerris could not see her. Levinia flushed more so when she felt his skin against hers since she had not worn any sort of stocking mainly because she couldn’t afford any. Still, it was a novice move but she did what she thought was the right thing to do. With trembling fingers she continued her treatment since she could finally reach the right spot; and was once again consumed with healing.
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Eyes closed when the first touches of Levinia's fingertips cast upon his back. The smooth caresses and delicate movement of her fingers was a rather pleasant experience, save for the caveat that her touch was south of where it should be. The harlot arched his eyebrows in surprise, wondering if the medic was simply using her time to touch the Mortalborn's body with no regard for what she was supposed to do.

Fortunately, that was not the case. Amusement beset upon the man's features once more when she spoke aloud. The words were not completely surprising, for the Mortalborn was rather tall, his frame somewhat wide for the petite Levinia to find herself traversing with ease.

"That's fine, Levinia. Whatever makes the job easier."

A soft grunt escaped the harlot's lips when Levinia's weight settled upon the small of his back. She was right, of course. This position, done in the reverse, was not something the courtesan was new to, and it was a nice chance to experience it without the need to be thrusting forth in an attempt to ravage the one on top of him. Once Levinia was able to treat him in earnest, the pain renewed, surges of delightful pressure coursing a flicker of pleasant pain (for it was rarely a purely bad experience to feel) along his form. A groan escaped the Mortalborn's lips, quiet in volume. However, when Qaerris was reminded of Levinia's features and he imagined exactly what her expression must be like in that moment... he decided to play a game with his caregiver.

First, Qaerris' mind went to the sensation of the smooth flesh of her thighs caressing the frame of his back. Hands began to slowly moved as she progressed with her treatment, sliding along the bed, his arms shifting so that the change in position did not cause him discomfort. When Levinia seemed to get into her stride, the harlot's fingers moved to trail along the flesh of her calves, close as they were to his reach. His fingertips danced along the bare skin of her legs, smooth caresses easily falling along her flesh.

The harlot purposely added a sensuality to his voice as yet another groan parted his lips, his eyes opening as his head turned to press his left cheek against the pillow. The position allowed his eye to catch Levinia, though his gaze would need to adjust, for the darkness of the season and the faltering light of a single candle was not quite enough to adjust to after several minutes of closed eyes. After a period of time, Qaerris' vision adjusted fully, letting him catch Levinia's visage in the light as his hands continued to play at her flesh. If anything, he'd blame it on the pain that the pressure of her treatment was instilling.
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Qaerris touch made Levinia jump slightly then she frowned in annoyance because it was very distracting. “Please stop.” She begged breathlessly as her finger worked the tense muscles of his neck. He did not and she was finding it more and more difficult to do her job. Instead she moved her legs and knelt on her knees which allowed her to put her back into her work.

“This…” Levinia grinned with a wicked satisfaction, that she was, again, glad that Qaerris could not see, “...will hurt a little.” With that she proceeded to sink her index finger, her strongest finger deep into a nerve spot in the neck that she knew would be quite painful. She breathed as she watched his reaction, afterwards she would have to give him something stronger than white willow bark. Something that would knock him out or he will only wind up hurting himself again.
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Qaerris' little game ended when the woman said that what she was about to do was going to hurt. Quite unwilling to find himself in a place of vulnerability with what he could see was a cruel-looking smirk upon her expression, he turned his body. Qaerris situated himself in a sitting position on top of the bed, quite nonplussed as to where and how Levinia ended up because of it. Surely, she would be within reach, and the harlot, knowing the woman would hear, let his voice be heard,

"That was... improper. Did you try to injure me, dear Levinia?"

Qaerris did not withhold his gaze, the full light of his brandy coloured orbs settling upon Levinia's as he pulled his body backward. He'd be pressing his back against the frame of his bed, his lips pursed as he decided what he was going to do. The harlot pressed forward, hands moving to set against the woman's hips. He'd seek to throw her against the bed, his own body lifted as his form twisted. It was good that the harlot had taken a lesson or two in self-defense, for it was surely coming to use, and not for the first time. Qaerris sought to switch his position with the vile woman, his knees locked about each side of her form as he looked down upon her. A smirk cast upon his features, each hand shooting forth with the intent of capturing each of Levinia's wrists.

"From my experience, a doctor is not supposed to aggravate a patient's injury. This could be quite the situation we have."
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The man was much stronger than Levinia could ever be and he flipped her as if she were a child riding on her father’s back. He was not her father, however, and his treatment roughly landed her on her back. Her skirt was also victim to inertia and it fell high revealing the young woman’s legs up to her thighs; smooth skin that had never been harmed by sunlight or even touched by any man was now exposed. That was the least of her worries, however, as she scrambled away from the angry man.

“I did no such harm, sir.” Levinia retorted breathlessly as she made her way away from him but the bed was only so big and she found herself pressed against the foot board. “The nerve needed to be checked.” Her clever mind quickly came up with an excuse, “Permanent nerve damage would be the worse that can happen to a man in your field of work!” Her chest heaved as she breathed, her blue eyes dilated fully with both the excitement and distress of the situation.

What was he going to do with her?

At the worst he would beat her, but she doubted he would do that. She would make a report, she was decent citizen after all. So what else would he do? The thought made her eyes traverse his perfect form and send a rush of blood to her pale cheeks. Her lips were flushed red hot as she continued, “I did warn you it would hurt ..and...and I’m sorry, but it's a good thing you don’t have nerve damage!” Levinia chewed on her lower lip, “I’ll shall not charge you for that...and...and I have something for the pain. “ She nodded quickly, “It will help I promise.” The girl gave him a pitiful smile, “Please don’t be mad anymore and please don't hurt me.”
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An eyebrow arched in surprise as he looked down at the woman whose wrists he still held on to. As he listened excuses, a frown pursed the Mortalborn's lips. He couldn't tell, for the life of him, whether she was telling the truth or a bold-faced lie. In truth, the reasoning seemed solid enough, however mere words were but hollow shells in which intent bled through. Panicked and scared, she sought to form whatever logical story she could. However, Qaerris did not forget the cruel smirk that had dominated Levinia's features. She had obviously sought to instill pain upon him, and though Qaerris knew the reason was due to his incorrigible nature, her reaction was far too severe to not fight against.

"My field of work? Well, it seems that Evelyn's servant wasn't very adept in keeping her mouth shut. I'll have to report that back to her, of course. However,"

Qaerris held off his words as he leaned forward. Qaerris' right, non-dominant hand released hold of Levinia's wrist, his hand moving to trail lightly along the woman's neck before sifting behind her head to thread into the beautiful white tresses that was the woman's hair.

"Pardon me," he added as he leaned forward. Qaerris' body was nearly touching Levinia's own, his lips hovering just over hers as his gaze met with hers. Vibrant brown eyes did their work, looking into the woman's gaze. Panic seemed to flood her features, a mixture of fear and what looked to be the continued manifestation of this woman's sexual tension. How it must feel to want something but deny oneself of it. Amusement flickered against upon the man's features, the pain quite numbed at this point. However, it wasn't enough. When Qaerris at last pulled away, leaving but a ghost of a kiss upon Levinia's lips, he let a chuckle escape his lips.

"Good. That's what I like to hear, then. I'm not mad, Levinia. Perhaps it was all a big misunderstanding."

With that, at last Qaerris released hold of the woman's hair. After, he stood up, taking care not to not injure Levinia in the process as he moved to the chair that was situated near his table. Sitting himself upon it, the Mortalborn turned again to the medic,

"You can continue your treatment from here. Let's not repeat what just happened."
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Levinia nodded and sat up adjusting her skirts around her as she took several calming breaths. That was the closest she had ever gotten to a man, ever. Her heart was still pounding against her chest and her pulse raised against her temple. She reached up and rubbed at it suddenly finding she was getting a headache from all the stress.

I really need to get a hold of myself…

Her mind thought, but as she looked at him she knew she would have plenty of material to work with in her dreams that night. She stifled a grin that threatened to tug at her pouty lips. Instead she scooted to the edge of the bed and stood up. At first her legs refused to carry her weight but after a few moments they were steady enough for her to walk over to the man. “Thank you.” Levinia managed to say, as she reached for the bottle of white willow bark. “Why don’t we start your pain relief?”

She smiled and put the white willow bark away and took out the poppy laced concoction which was much stronger. “This will help with the pain, and relax the muscles further.” Levinia fished out a spoon and eyeballed what she perceived would be the right amount for a man Qaerris size and built. She then moved the spoon up to his lips, “This will help, open up.”
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Would it ever cease to be amusing to see the lot of mortality pine for what they knew it was better to not have? Qaerris watched the woman below him as she wrestled against the primal urges of her own dawning sexuality, a curious sight in it of itself. One could only imagine the thoughts swirling through the woman's head, for Qaerris could feel the beat of her pulse at the hand behind her neck. When he rose, Qaerris took a last look at the woman before making his way over to his chair. When Levinia accompanied him, he was quite eager to watch her make the mixture. He wanted the pain to be done with, for odds are he'd be called back to Evelyn the next day. Tonight, Qaerris would dedicate to resting from the hungry grip of the desperate soul that paid him most of what he earned for his living.

It took a moment for Levinia to ready the mixture, and when at last it was available to him, Qaerris took to it immediately. The liquid was rather disgusting, hard to take down, and it took all of the self-control that his profession afforded him to not gag and cough out what he had just ingested. However, when at last he kept it down, he looked to Levinia with a smile.

"Thank you," he offered her, his eyes closing as he felt the effects of the poppy set upon him. He'd not realized that she'd switched medicines, though the immediacy of this one was quite palatable. It took several minutes for the mixture to kick in fully, though by the time it did, Qaerris could not help the grin that marked his expression. He felt a light tingling upon his extremities, each movement of each finger felt and intensified until he felt as if his entire body was ghosting feelings and sensations after they had already passed. He did not seek to stand, instead letting his gaze fall to Levinia as he asked,

"What, now... doctor? Is this going to... sort itself out?"

It was everything that the harlot could muster to not immediately begin to let his attention drift. He felt distracted, as if he were experiencing his sensations and emotions through a proxy. Qaerris felt the distinct sensation of being a manipulation, as if his spirit were a mere puppet that spidered threads, each of which corresponded to a particular part of his body.

"Or is there something else we need to do?"
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Levinia watched as the powerful drug took its course in mere minutes. In its purest form poppy milk could incapacitate the strongest of beast let alone a man. Her patient’s pupils quickly dilated as the drug took effect. She sighed in relief knowing that it made her job a lot easier now that his hands were properly disabled.

The little healer cupped his handsome face in her hands and she smiled warmly at him letting her words ooze out of her like honey from its comb, “You will be feeling extraordinary.” She began, her thumb smoothing over his chiseled cheeks, “It will feel like you’re floating on a cloud and for all you know you are.” Levinia tilted her head slightly as she studied his features and when she was sure that he was in the drugs full effects she let go of his face and slowly walked behind him.

Once again she placed her hands on his shoulder and began to rub out the tension there. The knot that she had worked so hard to remove had returned when he had tossed her off of him. The man was tenacious that was for sure but soon her fingers found it again and was working it away. This time she was gentle, her thumbs working it’s way down the bones of his spine. Working unencumbered and without his hands on her she managed to finish and Qaerris smelled of fresh basil with a hint of apple vinegar. Not the most alluring of scents but it wasn’t bad either.

“Come on, let’s get to bed shall we?” Levinia asked, and tried to get him to his feet. She hoped that the poppy hadn’t worked so well that he couldn’t stand, because then she would really be in trouble.
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After the few minutes it took for the medication to completely ensnare Qaerris in its embrace, he was completely gone. His mind clung to the waking world more due to Levinia's touch than his own will to remain awake. As she caressed his features, her touch was quite unintelligible from the heat that flooded his form, pleasure rolling infinitely through his senses as the blackness of sleep ever threatened to encompass him. When at last the woman's grasp released his features, Qaerris slumped forward slightly, only to be pulled back by her grasp. Hands did not stop moving all the while, the Mortalborn not fully controlling his own actions as they trailed their touch along the woman's forearms. When the treatment was done at last, and Qaerris was lifted up and set on his own bed, he merely let a vibrant laugh escape his lips.

"Are you joining me?" he asked, his words more of a tease than a demonstration of his intent to do anything. Qaerris let a smirk materialize upon his features, though gone from his own mind as he was, none of the bite that came with a 'smoldering' gaze set upon Levinia. For the first time in their encounter, he seemed utterly nonplussed by anything save for the pleasure of his intoxication. His hands had not stopped tingling the entire time, his mind clouded, his body shivering as his gaze trailed to study the woman's features. Yet another laugh escaped his lips before he said to the woman, "Thank you for your assistance, Levinia. I... feel muuuuch better."

Darkness continued to threaten the Mortalborn's vision, its influence growing further and further, though until the woman left, he refused to relinquish his grasp upon reality. Composing himself, he managed to collect his mind to the extent that he could see what was happening, though the actions of his body and the sensations that overcame him were completely impossible to overcome. Qaerris felt electricity accompany each word he spoke, the vibrations set upon his throat intensifying, multiplying until he realized that to speak was a feat that brought incredible pleasure to his senses. Qaerris knew his tolerance to substances to be quite high... and to imagine himself in such a state made him wonder just how potent of a mixture he'd been given. It was a curious thing, to be sure, but with the pain gone in its entirety, Qaerris really did not question things too severely.
word count: 415
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