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1st of Ashan 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Sticks and Stones

1st Trial of Ashan in the arc 716
Elyna couldn’t believe that she was here, of all places, on a beautiful bright spring morning. She hoped it would be the first of many mornings. Though the streets of Andaris were still chilled, the rising sun was warm on her shoulders and heated the dark leather of her overcoat. It wasn’t warm enough yet to go without a coat, but the skin beneath was baking pleasantly. It was nice to feel the heat, the fresh breathe of spring settling on the city. She’d walked under trees with the first blossoms, reaching up to run her fingertips over the fragile white and pink petals. Anything to delay her journey.

Three previous attempts had been made to meet and form a friendship, or any kind of relationship with Vaughn Krom. Her Mother would not hear the words ‘no.’ Yes, Elyna had been more than partly to blame for their disastrous first encounter. She may have missed more than a few appointments to meet the young Lord. But what did anyone expect? She was busy, there were endless duties for a young Skyrider and when they were done there was cleaning, mending, eating, sleeping, bathing, sewing…anything she could think of to delay the meeting. It had worked as well, for a couple of more than a few breaks. She had sent apologies.

Then her Mother had summoned her and she’d been reminded that she had not been raised to be so rude. Not only rude to Vaughn, but his Parents, and Grandparents with her inability to keep an appointment. So, she had dutifully met Vaughn at the end of Vhalar. The Sergeant could have forgiven his abrupt attitude, afterall, she had been rude. But she’d been more than little struck by his appearance and struggled to speak up. An internal war had started, all the feelings she thought had long been buried had risen up to be raked over, painfully, like a hand on hot coals. If he had ever had any faint interest in courting her company, it was clear that he quickly lost it, along with any pretence at politeness. She had remained, stiff, upright and unyielding and more often than not, silent.

Then their Mothers had arranged a second meeting, which she was sure they had both simply endured to prevent any nagging. Then a third in which they’d walked, silently through the city. Around one corner her escort had vanished and a confused mixture of piqued and relieved, Elyna had returned home and back to the training yard. Since the start of their farcical courtship she’d listened more closely to the gossips and teased out information about him where she could find it. He was a notorious party-goer. She had no doubt that he’d ended up happy that night.

She couldn’t take it any longer though. If their Mothers would not stop their determined attempt to force the pair of them together, she would. Elyna had accepted the final invitation to meet Vaughn without trying to re-schedule once. It was an appointment scheduled for mid-morning and she had been surprised he’d be awake. None the less, she had finished her chores for that morning, dressed in a fresh set of serviceable clothes, breaches, ankle boots, a shirt and a warm coat and plaited her hair to oneside, although many strands had already escaped and fallen in front of her face.

So she waited on the other side of the door. Trying not to fold her arms across her chest, or stand as though she wished she was holding a weapon. Her back was straight, chin lifted and mouth set into a determined line. She would meet Vaughn and she would tell him exactly what she thought of him, and demand that he tell his Mother that he would no longer be party to this charade, and she would do the same. It was the only way. Yes, perhaps it was more words in one sentence than he would probably remember hearing from her before and yes, it was likely his opinion of her own self was less than encouraging. Her eyes narrowed a little and she nodded to herself. It didn’t matter, she would accept his criticisms and they would both get on with their lives and never have to see each other again. She shifted her weight sub-consciously from foot to foot, a fighter, waiting to brawl. No, it wasn't a dignified way for a Skyrider to behave and she struggled to silence the tiny voice that kept on reminding her of that.
Last edited by Elyna on Wed Jun 07, 2017 6:28 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 781
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Malcolm was sat at the table in the living room, working on writing a letter to one of his betters about the state of the night patrols in the city and how he had discovered two of his comrades drinking at one of the local taverns during their shifts. The sunlight that flooded the room through one of the small wooden windows was a welcome sight, and just as he was about to sign the letter, he instead tore it up and shut his journal. He didn't appreciate having to police his own men, but he would rather that than tell on them as if they were children.
A noise from upstairs drew his eye then, "He's up at long last," Malcolm chanted as the younger of his two sons came down the stairs like a grizzly bear, making as much noise as possible in order to display his disdain at being woken up at such an hour.
Vaughn groaned and looked around the living room in search of his mother, Vanessa, "Where is she?" He grumbled, "I've already told her I won't be meeting this girl again."
"The cat is outside,” Malcolm teased, “third time lucky," he then assured the man, "your mother went to the library, you know she doesn't like to pressure you."
"Father, all she does is pressure me! Get a better job, find yourself a nice girl, clean up after yourself," he raised his left hand as if it were a sock puppet to open and close his fingers against his thumb as he spoke.
"Show some respect, boy, from what your mother tells me you could do a lot worse, perhaps she should be setting this girl up with Marcus, you don't seem to be interested in the noble women."
The young man slumped down into a chair and set his elbows against the table top, head bowed to meet his hands, fingers lost in his dark, scruffy hair, "She's boring, and plain, and thinks she's better than me."
Malcolm reached out and whacked his son across the head lightly, "That's because she is, Vaughn, time to start getting your act together. If you aren't going to focus on a career like your brother, the least you could do is give your dying mother some grandchildren."
Vaughn hissed lowly, "She's been dying for the last six years, I'm sure she can wait a few more."
Malcolm stared at his son long and hard, "If you ever say that again," he warned, "you better be on the other side of the river, boy, because I would hate to have to knock some sense into you."
I'm sorry, I’m sorry, I'm so sorry! The look on the boy's face said before he managed to speak, "Father... I'm---"
"Get upstairs, comb your hair, brush your teeth, put some bloody pants on, and treat this girl with the respect she deserves before I shove my boot so far up your backside, you taste leather!"

The tiny hairs on the back of Vaughn's neck bristled, he didn't dispute the man's words and took the stairs two at a time in order to dress and tidy himself up as quickly as possible. He knew better than to go against his father's wishes, his mother had always been a soft touch, Malcolm on the other hand, ruled his household with an iron fist; it was difficult to tell when he was joking and both boys had learned not to waste time trying to tell the difference.
Sometime later there had been a knock at the door and Malcolm called out to his son, encouraging him to get down stairs quickly. When no reply came, Malcolm got up from his chair at the table and threw his torn up letter in the trash before heading upstairs only to find that Vaughn had managed to pack a bag and squeeze out through an open window on the second level, where he had undoubtedly made his escape across the rooftops of Andaris City. Malcolm, amused by the tight fit and manner in which his son had left the house, could do little but smile and shake his head, "I'll kill him."
Downstairs he crossed the room slowly, attempting to come up with an excuse for his son's absence, though the earful he was sure to get from Vanessa was the only thought that held any weight in his mind. If he left answering the door any longer, however, the woman on the other side of the wooden divide might do much the same, and he wasn't in the mood for dealing with tempers.
When he pulled the door open he was surprised and probably looked a little taken aback by the sight of the young woman standing in front of him. He didn't find her plain as his son had reported, and felt a little lost for words. Should he invite her in knowing that Vaughn was not here to meet her, or turn her away and possibly undo all of his wife's hard work in trying to set up a meeting? "Good morning!" Malcolm said all of the sudden, as if he had forgotten that was what normal people did, "you must be Vaughn's friend, come in."
Last edited by Malcolm on Tue Oct 08, 2019 11:27 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 901
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It wasn’t as if she was desperately trying to hear what was going on behind closed doors, eavesdropping would be rude... but the sound of bootsteps on stairs was unmistakable. Perhaps Vaughn was just as excited as she was for their arranged meeting. Excited and determined to put an end to it. The door was opened just as she was about to turn on her heel and save the battle for another day, but she was caught by the man who held the wooden panel. Not Vaughn. Her eyes skimmed him quickly, professionally from head to boot-tip and she tilted her head to oneside. He was young, but older than Vaughn and there was a familiar resemblance to the man she had been forced to court. His greeting was abrupt and it coaxed the smallest twitch of a smile from the corner of her mouth; until he mistook her for Vaughns’ friend. It was a generous word for their mild acquaintance. The less people thought of their ‘friendship’ the sooner she could be done with it.

This was not how she had planned it, she’d intended to say her piece and then leave without setting foot in the house of his parents. Though, she considered that shouting at him then walking off would have made gossip and perhaps been the wrong tactic. So she nodded slowly in agreement and stepped inside the door as invited, pausing for a moment to be directed, “thank you,” she said eventually, “you must be…” she paused and thought back to her first meeting with Vaughn. He’d spoken about his family and his brother, “Marcus?” she finished as the name rose in her mind. His brother was a definite improvement.
Last edited by Elyna on Wed Jun 07, 2017 6:28 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 289
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“Please, sit down,” Malcolm offered, gesturing to the wooden table and chairs, one of which he swiftly pulled out for the woman, as any man would.

Their home was tidy, minimalistic and quaint. A handful of flowers hung drying above the front door and a stack of library books were left on the kitchen countertop, a few of Vanessa’s favourites in amongst them, titles about gardening and travel.
Malcolm hadn’t managed to catch the woman’s name and so when she mistook him for his eldest son, Marcus, the man stood with mouth ajar, looking for the right words to say. He suddenly saw the humour in it all and sat down slowly at the table across from his guest, “Marcus,” he smiled without lifting his gaze to look at her, “he,” the man paused, for a long time the people of Burhan had questioned his ageless state while his boys were growing up and Vanessa's lovely yellow hair turned grey. Moving to Andaris had been a fresh start, the city was a lot bigger and no one at work knew of his predicament. “Marcus is my son,” Malcolm admitted finally.

It was then Vanessa came through the door with Vaughn in tow, his bag slung over his shoulder, hair wild and feet bare. Vanessa had a small collection of books tucked under her arm while the other was wrapped around one of Vaughn’s, “Look who I found helping out in the garden,” she beamed, realising they had company.
Malcolm got up from his chair and took Vanessa’s books to add them to the pile on the counter, “We have a visitor,” he told his wife, “Vaughn has a visitor,” he then corrected himself.
“Elyna!” Vanessa looked pleased and stood up on the tips of her toes, the leather of her shoes creasing as she reached up to try and tame her son’s wayward hair, “what a pleasant surprise! Vaughn isn’t this a nice surprise?” She elbowed the boy, and set off balance, Vaughn stepped forward.
“It’s a pleasure to see you again, my lady,” Vaughn managed to say without sighing or rolling his eyes.

Malcolm pinched the small tuft of hair under his lower lip as he watched the exchange, his gaze falling upon Elyna for a spell before Vanessa drew his eye and put a smile on his face with a kiss to his cheek. Next to her husband, Vanessa looked out of place, as if she were stood next to one of her sons, who were almost as tall as their father, both just shy of six foot. Vanessa on the other hand was a lot shorter and filled out. She looked as if she had once carried a lot of weight and then lost it all too quickly, leaving her skin tired and droopy.
“Let me get something on,” she smiled, “Elyna can I offer you anything to drink?”
“Sit down, I’ll do that,” Malcolm insisted.
Vanessa took his place at the table and smiled like a schoolgirl, “You’re so beautiful,” she took one of Elyna’s hands gently, closing it in her own, “your mother tells me you’re doing well for yourself with the Skyriders? My Marcus is with the naval forces, and Malcolm here works for the Moseke Knights. Perhaps I should try harder to push Vaughn towards the profession?”
Last edited by Malcolm on Tue Oct 08, 2019 11:27 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 567
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Elyna sank down onto the chair, folding her hands neatly in her lap so she didn’t fidget. Whenever she realised that she wanted to rub her nose, or pull at a wayward lock of hair though, she clenched them a little tighter. Her Mother had a habit of smacking the back of her fingers, none too gently, with a fan if she gave into her natural inclination for restless behaviour. There was something warm and peaceful about the house she found herself in. Her gaze roved over the ceilings and corners of the room. Maybe it was natural curiosity, maybe it was her role in the Riders, but she liked to look and explore. Perhaps she was just nosy. It was Marcus’s response that caught her attention, because it was a surprise. People didn’t often surprise her. Her gaze returned to him, and too late she realised she’d risked another bout of being rude.

Her brows raised, “Oh……uhm…I’m ever so sorry?” Was that right? The fleeting smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she considered teasing him, suggesting that he share the secret of his youthful appearance. Another time she might have, a few years previously perhaps.

As the Lady of the house entered, Vaughn in tow, the Skyrider was back on her feet. Hands clasped behind her back, watching the exchange. It was not a nice surprise. She found herself looking past the young man at the wall behind him. No doubt the feeling was mutual, she forced a polite smile and the words, “always a surprise,” she responded. And it was. The fact that he could be so civil was a shock. This was not as planned. She had intended to speak to him, alone. She hadn’t come to offend Vanessa.

The lady surprised her by taking her hand and adding the compliment. After a moment the words sunk in and she found herself staring at the older lady, scanning her face. She looked worn, tired as though she’d lost too much weight, fast. A sign of sickness? Elyna’s heart sank she didn’t want to upset a sick women, “thank you My Lady,” she returned as soon as she found her voice. It caught in her throat, “would you sit with me?” It was the first thing that came to mind and she sank back down in her chair. Her eyes on Vaughns boots, or lack of.

Finally, she couldn’t avoid it any longer and she looked up at him. Mouth set once more as she tried to work out how to approach the subject, “Your family is most kind,” she told him, “but perhaps I should return on a different day?” So she could speak to him alone. Her heart sank at the thought of it though. Why drag this torture out? On the other hand…how could she speak to him like this, with everyone around?
Last edited by Elyna on Wed Jun 07, 2017 6:29 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 494
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Disappointment twisted Vanessa’s features, brow pinched and blue eyes fixed on the noble woman sat across from her. She drew her hands into her lap and looked down at them momentarily before scolding her son with a sidelong glance, one that said the two of us will have words later and you probably won’t enjoy what I have to say.
In the kitchen Malcolm dropped something, a copper lid he had been stowing away with the rest of the pots and pans while the rest of them were speaking, be it by mistake or as distraction from the sudden tense feeling that hung in the air, none could be sure.
“Another day,” Vanessa smiled, hoping that meant she still have time to turn her boy from a toad in to a prince.

Vaughn’s pleased little smile morphed into a unsatisfied scowl that made him look like a pouty little boy, tired of acting this way or that to please anyone but himself. Another look from his mother soon set him straight, and with a grin one might almost be able to describe as dashing, Vaughn held out his hand and offered to walk Elyna out.
Vanessa rose slowly to see them out and Malcolm stood out of the way, offering but a few kind parting words before they left, “It was lovely to meet you, lady Elyna.”
“You’re welcome anytime,” Vanessa chimed and lingered in the living room, leaving her son to say his farewells outside, fingers crossed behind her back, hoping that he could at least manage a goodbye without screwing it up.
Last edited by Malcolm on Tue Oct 08, 2019 11:27 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 268
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Elyna rose, but not without feeling guilty for Vanessa’s disappointment. She smoothed her hands down on her coat before touching them lightly to Vaughns arm. Barely placing any pressure on the sleeve of his shirt. She didn’t want to touch him and it took everything she had to stop herself pulling faces.

“Another day,” she agreed, fighting to keep the weariness from her tone as she straightened herself up. Her heart was pounding, she was going to be free. There would be no ugly encounter today. Yet, it would be another day. She preferred to get these things done, over with. She preferred her pain to be upfront rather than lingering. What should she do? How could she bring this nightmare to an end? Or would she never escape these dreadful courtship arrangements? Vaughns Father spoke and she glanced up at him, she still hadn’t caught his name.

“And you Sir,” she replied automatically and accompanied Vaughn out of the house. Once free of the doorstep she paused and glanced at the younger son sidelong.

“Sir,” she spoke quietly but firmly, “I don’t think I am alone in thinking this, but this…our courtship,” she inhaled quickly “it is unbearable. We must end it.” She looked up at him and removed her hand from his arm, taking the few steps it required to stand opposite him. She was deadly serious. Her hands curled into small fists.

“Promise that you will never agree to our meeting again, and I will do the same.”
Last edited by Elyna on Wed Jun 07, 2017 6:29 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 256
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  • Socialization: 3
    Intimidation: 1
    Observation: 3
Knowlege: Specific
  • Vaughn: A Coward Before Women
    Elyna: Quiet Beauty

  • Socialization: 3
    Observation: 3
Knowledge: Basic
  • Courtship: It Takes Two
Knowlege: Specific
  • Marcus: Navy
    Malcolm: Moseke Knight
    Vaughn: Slacker
    Vanessa: An Old, Kind Woman
If you have any questions, please contact me and we can discuss my grade.
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I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be then me.
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