• Solo • Burn the Books

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Burn the Books

27 Cylus 716
Malcolm stood at the front of the lecture room, and with the lesson drawing to its conclusion, he called for any last questions. A young woman at the front of the room called for his attention with a lazy wave of her hand and sat with legs crossed under the table, an ink pen pressed to the open book in front of her. "A lot of the information we receive in other classes is straight from the book," she had observed, "but in your history class we are struggling to find references for our papers, would we be more successful seeking out information at the city library rather than the university?"
The tall knight leaned back and sat down against the front of his desk, arms folded, the thumb and forefinger of his right hand touched to his chin in thought, "Who says that we should only take information from books?"
"Pardon my saying so, Ser, but would it not be unreliable to question a man or woman in today's society about acts that took place over three hundred arcs ago?"
"Undoubtably," Malcolm agreed.
"And your suggestion for our current predicament?"
"Ask an expert," he smiled.
"You, Ser?"
"Or any one of the history teachers here or across Idalos, in fact," Malcolm got to his feet and picked up a piece of chalk to put a new assignment on up the blackboard for them all.

"Discuss an event between arc two hundred to six fifty that took place within Rynmere's history. Correspond with two experts on the events and explain how their recollection or provided information helped you understand the historical event of your choosing. Provide original letters of correspondence." The notes on the blackboard detailed.

A few heavy sighs saw Malcolm smile, amused by the tone if discouragement at his back, "You have until the end of Ashan to hand in this assignment, any overdue essays or submissions that lack the appropriate correspondence will receive a failed mark.
"Can we explain who we are and why we are writing to these people?" A man at the back of the room called out.
"By all means."
"Where, or rather who, would you suggest we get in contact with?" Another young man nearer the centre inquired.
"Start close to home," Malcolm answered.
"Would you recommend someone from Gawyne?" The woman in the front waved again.
"Or any well educated member of a noble line," Malcolmed agreed.
"What about someone from Viden University?" She smiled.
"Perfect," Malcolm nodded.
"Ne'haer?" Someone else called.
Malcolm looked over the crowd in order to try and seek out who had spoken, but failing to find him, he returned his gaze to the woman in the front row who kept her gaze keenly upon him, "The First Shields were said to be from the west, two of which hailed from Ne'haer, I'm sure you will find something there."

When all of the questions were through, Malcolm dismissed the class, packed up his books and cleared his desk before heading home.
Last edited by Malcolm on Tue Oct 08, 2019 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 511
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Burn the Books

28 Cylus 716
Malcolm awoke to another cold Cylus morning, and though the weather wasn't quite as bleak as it usually was for this time of arc, he still longed to feel the sun on his skin and go a day without having to light a candle in order to see better within his own house. Downstairs his wife Vanessa had cooked him breakfast and left the local newspaper on the living room table for him to read and the man went about his morning routine, chatting with his wife about the local news and work that was being done on the castle.
There soon came a knock at the front door and Vanessa opened it to find the postman standing outside. She thanked him for the letters and waved goodbye before returning to the table. While sorting through the letters, Malcolm noticed there was one from the Burhan Baroness Vanessa had been writing back and forth with, trying to arrange another time for their children to meet, specifically Vaughn, their youngest son, who was proving difficult to get ahold of. "That little ratbag," Vanessa hissed, "he stood that lovely Burhan girl up again."
"And how do you know she is lovely, my love? For all we known Vaughn was convinced otherwise upon their first meeting."
Vanessa smiled playfully and looked over the top of the letter at Malcolm. "You do realise this is Vaughn we are talking about?"
"Say no more," the captain laughed.
Vanessa held a letter out to the man. "One for you too."
"Not from the baroness I hope?"
His wife laughed. "No, it's a local address."

Malcolm turned the letter over and recognised the name of one of his students, a young woman who hailed from Gawyne, Thea Tome, fair of face and light of hair. He opened the letter and unfolded it to look upon the pages, numbering two in total. His eyes scanned the text while a bemused smile twisted his features.

Captain Krom

As you know, our class class has been assigned a last moment assignment to write an essay which falls between two very specific dates in Rynmere's history and provide evidence in the form of letter from two experts in the history field. My chosen time period is 211 and the discovery of The Creed of Silence. For my essay I would like to better understand who wrote the text, what it's intended purpose and audience is, how long before it was used to develop our religious system and beliefs today, and what you know about the man who wrote it. Anything else you can provide would be well received.

Malcolm read the opening paragraph a few times before advancing any further through the letter. He was amused that one of his students was effectively passing on her homework to him, but would do his best to provide what he knew about the event, drawing from his own knowledge and some of the books he had handy.

Dear Thea,

The Creed of Silence, along with Henry Warrick's Journal are two of the oldest historical scriptures in Rynmere's history. Though it is uncertain who wrote the very first copies, one in common, the other in rakahi, recent comparisons had been drawn between old documents owned and signed by Gawyne and Burhan which make them the most likely authors. The Creed of Silence wasn't always intended to be used as a religious text, it was the people of Rynmere, including the king at the time, second son of Nora Andaris and first Queen of Rynmere, Ramsay Warrick, who ruled from arc 219 to 250, that decided the text should be published as law in Rynmere, highlighting the importance of discovery, loyalty, conquest, memory, justice, knowledge, and perseverance, the seven virtues highlighted in the ancient Creed of Silence.

"Who are you writing to, darling?"
Malcolm looked up from the letter he was working on to smile across at Vanessa. "A student from one of my history classes, my love."
"Finish that later," his wife beamed, "you promised me a morning walk through the gardens before your patrol."
The captain put the ink pen down and nodded. "Very well."[/align]
Last edited by Malcolm on Tue Oct 08, 2019 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 703
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Burn the Books

30 Cylus 716
During class the next morning, Malcolm walked by Thea Tome and put a folded letter down on her desk, detailing everything he knew about the event in time she had inquired about in the letter that was delivered to his front door the previous day. He sat at his desk then and waited for the lecture hall to fill up slowly, students young and old trickling in through the doors slowly. In these quiet moments, he didn’t know if he dreaded the upcoming lesson or looked forward to it, with every day setting him up to face a new challenge.
Using the down time effectively, Malcolm skimmed one of the chapters in the books he had been reading more recently regarding the history surrounding the royal family. As a lot of Malcolm’s students had been complaining about his references regarding certain types of research, he was a lot more mindful to be teaching from the books rather than off the top of his head were most of the knowledge was sorted.
To begin the lesson, Malcolm wrote the words 'Royal Family' up on the blackboard and asked the class to brainstorm everything they knew about the royals, their history, their hand in politics and the running of the city and kingdom. For him it wasn’t only important to find out what his students already knew, but to uncover and strange misconceptions they had about the subject, correcting misinformed snippets of information was just as important to him as imparting new knowledge to his class. By the end of the exercise, they had a healthy mind-map plotted out.
Malcolm’s teaching methods were very methodical, he had a system and liked to follow a set process while remaining flexible enough to go off on a tangent, following where his students led him, while saving a sufficient reserve of willpower to bring the focus back to the original topic when things strayed a bit too far from their intended course. With everything covered, the captain was then able to make notes which would help guide the lesson plans he intended to come up with for the following season.
From the back, someone called out to inquire about Malcolm’s thoughts on the current state of affairs concerning the royal family, and being both married to a noble woman and employed by the state, not only as a teacher but also a knight, the captain felt honour-bound, as if he had to be very careful about the way he answered this one. “It’s a time of change, and not all change is bad,” he offered, leaving it there.
Before dismissing the class, Malcolm asked them all how their projects and different assignments were going and whether or not they needed a list of names for experts they could contact regarding the historical events they were looking into. The man turned and wrote down a few good recommendations with chalk and told anyone else who might be thinking of contacting him as a reference to think again, he had enough work on his plate as it was.
Last edited by Malcolm on Tue Oct 08, 2019 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 522
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Prophet of Old
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Burn the Books


Teaching: 3
Rhetoric: 1
Socialization: 1
Writing: 3
Politics: 1
Acting: 1

Basic Knowledge
Students: Ask a lot of questions
Lore: Two of the first shields came from Ne’hear
Creed of Silence: Not intended to be a religious text

Specialized Knowledge
Students: Struggling to find references to match your memory
Creed of Silence: Published as Law by the King and Queen between 219 and 250
Vaughn: Stood up the daughter of the Baroness Burhan.
Vanessa: Enjoys your company
Vanessa: Kind & thoughtful

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