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10th of Cylus 718

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Kirei Qe'Azour
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Helping a Friend

10th Cylus, 718
When Serin had approached her about helping her mentor Cassandra Giel in her greenhouse, Kirei was happy to do what she could. She knew very little about herbs and gardening, but she was always eager to learn new things. And if doing so would make a friend happy, so much the better. Especially if she were to learn about some of the herbs that Serin and Elyari used in the herbal teas and drinks that Elyari's Hope was known for. She was also looking forward to seeing just how a greenhouse worked. It amazed her that one could grow plants even in Zi'da and Cylus if they were grown inside a greenhouse.

The first thing that greeted Kirei upon her arrival was the strong scent of mint; peppermint to be exact. It made her smile when she thought of the peppermint tea that Serin and Elyari promised would be waiting for her when she got back as thanks for braving the icy Cylus weather to aid Cassandra Giel.

"You must be Kirei, right? Serin told me that you would be by to help me this trial. Before we get to work, tell me this; what do you know about gardening?" the older woman asked briskly.

"Um...that plants need sunlight, water, and soil in order to grow? And that you won't have any luck trying to grow a plant that thrives in the desert in a climate that has a lot of rain or snow? Not much more than that, really. But I am good at doing what I am told, and I am willing to learn if you are willing to teach me what to do. I tend to pick things up fairly quickly most of the time." Kirei offered hesitantly.

"You'll do. Believe me, I've seen worse. At least you aren't pretending to know things that you don't...and are willing to admit what you don't know. Ignorance can be cured; stupidity cannot."

Kirei found herself liking Cassandra's blunt, honest manner as she followed the shop owner deeper into the greenhouse.

"The first thing we're going to do is weed and water the aloe. Have you ever done any weeding before?"

Thinking back to the garden she and Lihara had spent so much time in, she nodded.

"I have, but that was a while ago."

"Well, weeding is simple enough; you pull up anything that isn't what is supposed to be growing in the area you are weeding. When you are dealing with potted plants like these aloe, your task becomes that much simpler since the only thing that should be in each aloe pot is the aloe itself." Cassandra said with a teasing grin.

Kirei found herself grinning back.

"That sounds easy enough."

"Now this is an aloe plant."

Kirei took a close look at the plant Cassandra was pointing to. Each of the aloe plants were roughly one to two feet tall, and they had little to no stem to them. Most of what she could see was leaves. Thick, green, triangular shaped leaves with serrated edges to be exact.

"Aloe is a perennial plant. That means that it comes back arc after arc if you take good care of it, and don't kill it by harvesting too many of its leaves at once. The leaves have a bitter taste to them which makes it naturally resistant to most insects and animals; they don't like to eat aloe plants because of the way that they taste. The sharp edges of the help act as a line of defense for the plant as well."

Kirei listened carefully as she began the task of weeding the pots of aloe plants.

"Aloe are succulents. And succulents don't need much water. So be careful when you water them, okay?"

Kirei nodded, then promised that she would when she realized that Cassandra probably hadn't seen her nod.

"Actually...tell me when you finish weeding those plants. Over watering a plant is just as bad as not giving it enough water, and I'm guessing that you don't know how much water is too much if you haven't done much gardening before. Too much water will drown the roots, and cause them to rot. That will kill a plant just as easily as not watering it at all will. Now the reason that I keep the aloe here rather than closer to the glass walls of the greenhouse is that aloe likes bright, but indirect sunlight. If it were kept near the walls, it would get too much light. But that also means that you have to rotate the aloe from time to time to make sure that the entire plant gets enough sun; it's the same with any potted plant."

"Why?" Kirei asked curiously.

"All plants grow towards the sun. So they will lean towards the strongest source of sunlight they can find. To prevent that, we rotate the pots as needed."

They worked in silence for a few bits until Kirei saw Cassandra cutting something off of one of the plants. It didn't look like one of the leaves, so it drew Kirei's attention.

"What are you doing?"

"Every plant is different, Kirei. Some grow from seeds. Others grow from cuttings taken from mature plants. Aloe here...aloe is different. It grows from offsets. And before you ask, an offset is a small, virtually complete daughter plant that is attached to the mother plant. When it gets big enough, you cut it off, and plant it in its own pot."

Cassandra did just that with the offset she had just removed.

"Soil is important too. There are different types of soil, and plants won't grow in the wrong type of soil. Take aloe, for example. It's a desert plant. You can't get it to grow outside a greenhouse here in Rynmere because it can't tolerate the snow. Aloe likes a nice dry soil, much like the desert that is its natural habitat."

Cassandra fell silent again as she lost herself in what she was doing. They continued to work in silence until Kirei finished weeding the potted aloe plants and told the older woman she was ready to start watering them. Cassandra showed her how much water to give them before going back to what she was doing.

"Serin uses aloe in some of those drinks she makes. Do you help with those?"

Kirei shook her head, but the eager expression in her eyes must have told Cassandra that she hoped to be able to some trial.

"Well, maybe if you learn something about the herbs she uses, you'll be able to. What do you say? It passes the time while we work, and it beats working in silence."

"I'd love to!"

Cassandra chuckled.

"Well, the first thing you need to know about aloe is that there are two parts of the plant are used in herbal remedies. Those are the yellow sap that clings to the inside of the skin of the leaves, and the gel found in the inner part of the aloe plant leaf. Some remedies are made with the whole crushed leaf, and contain both the gel and the sap, and some use one or the other. Aloe can be taken orally, or used topically. The gel is soothing, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial. When used as a poultice, it can be used liberally on cuts, scrapes and wounds of all kinds to promote healing. If the gel is applied to a cold sore a few times a trial, it will ease the discomfort and help speed the healing process of cold sores. Aloe is hydrating, making it useful for using on dry, irritated skin. It is good for soothing skin rashes and irritations, including frostbite. And there is some irony in this since frost bite is caused by cold while sunburns and more serious burns are caused by heat, but aloe is also good for treating sunburn, and more serious burns, allowing them to heal faster. Aloe makes a good treatment for dry hair or an itchy scalp, along with helping with dandruff, and stopping the itching associated with dandruff or a dried scalp. It is even good for pets; it will bring cooling relief to fleabites, which will reduce itching and scratching, and is safe to use on dogs and cats."

Kirei found herself wishing she could take notes, but her time in Athart taught her how to remember things she was told without the luxury of notes.

"Those are the external uses of the herb. You may be familiar with some of the benefits of taking aloe orally. Serin uses it in a few of her herbal drinks if I am not mistaken."

It was entirely possible that she did, but Kirei didn't know much about the herbal drinks yet. It was something she hoped to learn more about once she had gotten some more experience cooking. But she understood that it was something she would only learn when Elyari thought she was ready to learn it.

"Aloe can strengthen the body and help fight off illness when taken orally. This is probably what Serin uses it for the most. The sap makes a good laxative if taken orally,so it can help with constipation. And the juice is good for aiding digestion. But it is very bitter so it should be added to a sweet juice or mixed with honey to make it taste better. Serin might use aloe for this reason as well."

Cassandra paused.

"Just as it is important to know what an herb is good for before using it, it is equally important to know the risks of using it, and if there are some people who should not be using the herb. Aloe is not safe for children under 12 because it may cause abdominal pain, cramps and diarrhea in young children. It also should not be used when pregnant or breast feeding because it may cause miscarriage or birth defects, and the laxative properties can be carried through a mother's milk."

Kirei was so caught up in paying attention to what the older woman was saying that started to give the aloe plant she was watering more water than it needed. Fortunately Cassandra was paying attention, and caught her before she could drown the poor plant.
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Kirei Qe'Azour
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Helping a Friend

When they were finished tending to the aloe, it was time to move on to something else. Cassandra led Kirei to a large patch filled with plants. Kirei frowned when she got a good look at them.

"Aren't those weeds?" she asked.

"I think I found some of those growing on my farm last Vhalar..."

Cassandra chuckled.

"You probably did. That's plantain. It can be found almost anywhere. It thrives in hard compacted soils, and can easily survive being trampled by people or heavy animals out in pastures. So it is entirely possible that you found some growing on your farm. Plantain is considered to be a weed, and like most plants considered to be weeds, it grows happily without help from anyone. It can even grow in places where there is very little light. Plantain is a clumped perennial herb with broad leaves that grows to roughly about 10cm in height, and it sends up flower spikes in Ashan. The flowers are usually yellow."

"If it requires so little care, then why use up space in your greenhouse to grow it? Why not just go out and find some when you need it?"

"That's a good question. And the answer is simple. It doesn't grow in Cylus, so you can't just go out and find it now. Even in seasons when you can, it's nice to be able to buy it when you need it rather than go foraging for it yourself. So convenience plays a part in it. There is also this to consider. If you buy mine, you know what you're getting; good quality plantain that has been grown in ideal conditions. If you forage for your own, you may find some that is half eaten by insects, or covered in cow turds. There's a saying among merchants; you get what you pay for. So if you aren't paying for it..."

"I see your point." Kirei said with a startled laugh.

"Having said all of that, I don't do much in the way of taking care of it aside from giving it some space to grow here."

"Then what are we going to do with it?" Kirei wanted to know.

"Harvest some for my shop, of course."

The older woman showed Kirei how to do just that. Then it was time to get back to work.

"Plantain is edible. There are a number of medicinal herbs that are, and they can be used in a variety of ways. Some are used as spices or seasonings. Others can be eaten raw in salads, or cooked in a number of ways. Young, tender plantain leaves are good in salads and sandwiches. The tougher older leaves can be eaten after being cooked like kale. And the young flower shoots can be pan fried in a little olive oil. They taste kind of like asparagus when cooked that way."

They sounded delicious, and Kirei said as much. When asked if she had ever used plantain as an ingredient, she admitted that she had not, but added that she planned to ask Elyari about doing so in the future. Cassandra showed Kirei how to harvest the plantain properly, cautioning her not to take all of the leaves on every plant, and to only take one whole plant in five. That would allow the plants to recover from the harvest, and ensure that she had more left when it came time to harvest them again.

"With a lot of herbs, only certain parts can be used. The flowers for some, the leaves or roots for another, and so on. Plantain is different in this. All parts of the plantain plant, leaves, roots, seeds, and flowers, can be used as either an edible herb, or a medicinal one. It is considered to be a very safe herb to use, both internally, and externally. That means that it can be used safely on children as well as adults. It can even be used on people, and animals alike to ease swelling when in poultice form. Farmers like it because a plantain wrap is good for minor leg injuries in horses if swelling is involved. Mothers and housewives like it because it is an herb that can be used to treat a wide variety of ailments, and is cheap to buy since it is so common. Those who can't afford to buy it can find it easily enough too...often in their own yards. Members of the Iron Hand, and other military branches like it for much the same reason. It works as a treatment for a lot of ailments they are likely to run into so carrying a supply of plantain means they don't have to carry several other herbs that would treat the same illnesses. It can also double as a food source if need be. And if they run out of their supply while traveling, it isn't a big deal since they can forage for more easily enough."

Cassandra paused to gather her thoughts, and Kirei used the time to think about what she had learned. Herbs in general were fascinating things. Medicine itself didn't interest her that much aside from knowing enough first aid to be of use to those around her should the need arise. Treating patients wasn't something she thought she could do well. But the idea of turning random plants found in someone's garden, or in a forest into meals that had healing qualities or herbal drinks that could boast the same? That did fascinate her. It was something she hoped that she would be able to do some trial. Even making herbal remedies sounded interesting because the process involved was a lot like cooking. Herbal teas were made much the same way as other teas were, after all.

"As for the medical uses of plantain...well, I mentioned poultices, so lets start with that. Plantain can be used as either a poultice or a salve to treat burns. The leaves can be used as bandages to hold the poultice or salve in place for added benefits. Plantain has the ability to stop bleeding, relieve pain, and prevent infection when used externally. This allows it to speed the healing of minor wounds, cuts, and bruises, as well as making the removal of splinters easier. The leaves and the juice can be used as topical substances in poultices, salves, lotions, and teas for treating stings, insect bites, snakebites, poison ivy breakouts, rashes, skin irritations, and blisters. Plantain is good for pulling impurities and infection out of the skin, as well as soothing, and reducing inflammation, and killing bacteria. Heated salves made from this herb can ease the pain of swollen joints, sore muscles, sprains, and sore feet when applied topically. Plantain can also be used to soothe and heal sunburn in two different ways. Fresh leaves softened with a bit of hot water to make them more flexible can be used as a bandage over the sunburn. You can also spray the sunburned skin with plantain tea."

They worked in silence for a few bits as Cassandra gave Kirei some time to process what she had learned.

"Lukewarm plantain tea can be used as a mouthwash that will stop bad breath, and heal both bleeding gums, and mouth ulcers. Chewing on fresh plantain leaves will help with mouth ulcers as well, and you can maneuver the chewed leaves to the part of your mouth that has been affected by the ulcer for targeted relief. Powdered plantain root makes a good remedy for a toothache if you take a pinch of it and rub it over the affected tooth and the gums around it. Cooled plantain tea makes a good eyewash, and will tired, red, or irritated eyes. Using cotton pads soaked with the tea and placing them over the eyes will also ease irritation in the eyes."

Once again, Cassandra paused to allow Kirei to make sense of what she had learned.

"That's the last of the external uses that I can think of at the trill, but there are a number of benefits of taking the herb orally as well. Eating the leaves or drinking the tea will both help to relieve constipation. Drinking the tea will also aid with indigestion and other digestive complaints; drinking a glass of water with a few drops of plantain tincture will provide the same relief. The tea is also good for easing sore throats, colds, and coughs. Finally, eating the seeds half a break before a meal will help to suppress the appetite and aid in weight loss. This is more of an issue for nobles who have the luxury and tendency to over indulge, but mothers who have given birth also find it useful in helping them to lose the weight they gained while pregnant."

By the time Cassandra finished speaking, they had finished harvesting the last of the plantain, so it was time to begin the next task.
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Helping a Friend

Kirei could see the mint that they were headed towards long before she could see it. It was a scent that invoked pleasant memories from her past. Lihara was always making satchels of dried mint and other herbs to make their clothes smell nice. She had also used them to freshen up every room in the house. The two of them had often gone on wildflower "hunts" during the warmer seasons. And when they did, they always made sure to bring some mint back as well. It was a practice Kirei intended to continue come Ashan.

"You can probably guess what we will be working with next." Cassandra began.

"Mint?" Kirei asked with a grin.

The older woman nodded.

"Peppermint to be exact. Mint is a common herb that can be grown in a garden or found wild. There are many different kinds of mint, of which peppermint is just one. Every type of mint has broad, green leaves that release a strong minty scent when bruised. Each type of mint has its own uses."

"Like using dried mint leaves to make satchels to make your clothes smell nice." Kirei said with a soft smile.

"Exactly. Or chewing on fresh leaves to freshen your breath. And they are, of course, edible. They are great in soups and salads as well as in teas."

They reached the section where the peppermint was growing, and Cassandra explained that they needed to harvest some. Some of what they would harvest would be dried and stored in an airtight container while the rest would not. The fresh leaves would be used immediately, turned into tinctures and other remedies. As they began work, Cassandra continued to talk.

"Some types of mint are sterile. That means that they can't be grown by seed. Peppermint is one of those varieties. It is a hybrid of water mint and spearmint. Since it is a hybrid, peppermint does not grow in the wild. Instead, it is grown from cuttings. Peppermint is a hardy perennial herb that is used to add flavor or fragrance to foods, cosmetics, soaps, toothpastes, mouthwashes, as well as having some medicinal uses. The leaves and oil are the parts of the herb that are used in remedies. The leaves can be used either fresh or dried in teas. But fresh leaves taste better, and are more effective. The best are leaves are the young ones with no dark spots or yellowing."

Kirei nodded absently as she carefully picked the leaves. Cassandra stopped her, cautioning her against taking too many leaves from any one plant since doing so would kill it.

"Peppermint is safe for young kids. It soothes both colic and teething pain in infants. The herb is good for nursing mothers, too; it can prevent nipple cracks and pain."

Cassandra paused to remind Kirei to watch how many leaves she took from any one plant.

"Peppermint makes a good hangover remedy because among other things, it is good for easing nausea. This makes it a good remedy for morning sickness as well. In addition to nausea, peppermint tea is good for easing stomach aches, gas, abdominal cramps, indigestion."

Kirei nodded. She thought she remembered that one of Elyari's herbal drinks was advertised to be good for "women's woes." And while she couldn't remember what it was called, she did know that it contained peppermint.

"Peppermint is very effective when it comes to treating cold and flu symptoms such as congestion, sinus infections and bronchitis. The oil helps reduce inflammation, thins mucous in the sinus cavities, and opens up blocked sinus airways. When used as a balm, its decongestant properties help in clearing your chest congestion by thinning mucus and making your cough more productive, so it is good for coughs as well. You can use it to help with allergy symptoms. It can also be used to reduce fever. And it can help cool and numb a sore throat."

The last one Kirei was already aware of. Kaelen had taught her a little about a lot of herbs, and while Kirei had forgotten some of it, she did remember that. Mostly because it was what her "grandmother" had given her when she had gotten sick.

"Peppermint is good for pain, too. It has a cooling sensation when applied topically, so it can offer relief for sunburns burns, and muscular pain. And it is good for headaches and migraines as well. It helps to soothe both the inflammation and the pain associated with joint pain, too. And it is good to soothe skin irritations and itching. It can even help reduce acne."

Kirei frowned thoughtfully.

"Isn't it able to smooth dry, cracked lips, too? And I seem to remember someone telling me that it is great for improving getting rid of dandruff, and that it can soothe an itchy, irritated scalp?"

Cassandra nodded.

"It is good for helping with both of those things. Who taught you that?"


Kirei hesitated.

"My grandmother." she said at last.

It wasn't strictly true, but master or not, Kaelen had been her grandmother by love and respect if not by blood or name.

"From the way you sound, you must have loved her."

Kirei simply nodded. They worked in silence for a few trills before Cassandra started speaking again.

"Peppermint is good for relieving stress. It is also good for relaxing the nerves, and improving circulation. You can use it to boost energy, and enhance memory, alertness, and focus, too. It can also control cravings, and curb overeating."

Kirei repeated the older woman's words in her head several times, wanting to commit everything she was learning to memory. When she returned home, she would write everything she could remember down as further protection against forgetting.

"Peppermint can freshen breath and whiten teeth when used in powdered form. It is also good for toothaches. You can even use it as a repellent for lice, fleas, insects, mice, and rats."

"Is there anything to look out for when using it? People who shouldn't take it, or something like that?"

"Not as such. But peppermint essential oil is a hot oil and can cause irritation of the skin and mucus membranes, so it best to mix with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or olive oil. That is especially true when you use it on children."

Kirei nodded thoughtfully.

"But that is only for when you use the oil, not the tea, right?"

It was Cassandra's turn to nod.

"That's right."

They had come to the end of the patch, and Kirei was about to ask what they should do next when Cassandra began to speak.

"Thank you for your hard work today. You've really helped me get a start on replenishing what the Order of the Adunih used up. You seemed to be really interested in learning about the herbs we were working with. Am I wrong?"

Kirei shook her head.

"No, it was fascinating! And talking as we worked made the work itself go by faster."

Cassandra chuckled.

"It did at that. If you ever feel like coming by to help out again, feel free. I can always use the help, and I can give you another lesson on herbs as we work."

"I'd like that." Kirei said with a smile.

She had had fun learning about herbs while they worked, and she was eager to learn some more about the subject. She didn't know when she would have time to come back, and said as much, but the older woman made it an open offer, so Kirei promised that she would come back when she could.
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Helping a Friend

Name: Kirei

Cooking: some medicinal herbs are edible and can be used in a variety of ways
Gardening: having the right type of soil is important
Gardening: watering too much is just as bad as not watering enough
Gardening: plants grow towards the sun; rotate potted plants as needed to ensure that the entire plant gets enough sun and that the leaves will grow straight rather than slanted
Gardening: green houses allow you to grow plants even in the cold season
Gardening: succulents don't need much water

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Aloe: is a succlulent
Aloe: the aloe vera plant is a stemless or very short-stemmed plant that grows about 1-2 feet tall
Aloe: is a perennial plant that is green and has triangular, fleshy, bitter tasting leaves with serrated edges that act as a defense to keep animals and insects from feeding on the plant
Aloe: reproduces by growing offsets (small, virtually complete daughter plants) that can be cut off of the mother plant and planted
Aloe: likes bright, indirect sunlight
Aloe: cannot be grown outside the Hotlands unless in a green house because it is intolerant of snow Aloe: is good for pets; it will bring cooling relief to fleabites, which will reduce itching and scratching, and is safe to use on dogs and cats
Aloe: two parts of the plant are used in herbal remedies; the yellow sap that clings to the inside of the skin of the leaves, and the gel (the clear, jelly-like substance) found in the inner part of the aloe plant leaf
Aloe: some remedies are made with the whole crushed leaf, and contain both the gel and the sap
Aloe: the gel is soothing, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial and can be used liberally on cuts, scrapes and wounds of all kinds to promote healing
Aloe: is hydrating for dry, irritated skin
Aloe: is good for soothing skin rashes and irritations, including frostbite
Aloe: is good for treating sunburn, and more serious burns, allowing them to heal faster
Aloe: if the gel is applied to a cold sore a few times a trial, it will ease the discomfort and help speed the healing process of cold sores
Aloe: is safe to be taken orally as well as being used topically
Aloe: is a good treatment for dry hair or an itchy scalp, helps with dandruff, and helps stop the itching associated with dandruff or a dried scalp
Aloe: the sap makes a good laxative if taken orally, and can help with constipation
Aloe: the juice is good for aiding digestion, but it is very bitter so should be added to a sweet juice or mixed with honey to make it taste better
Aloe: can strengthen the body and help fight off illness when taken orally
Aloe: should not be used when pregnant or breast feeding; it may cause miscarriage or birth defects, and the laxative properties can be carried through a mother's milk
Aloe: not safe for children under 12 because it may cause abdominal pain, cramps and diarrhea in young children

Plantain: is a clumped perennial herb with broad leaves that grows to roughly about 10cm in height, and sends up flower spikes in Ashan
Plantain: can be found almost anywhere; it thrives in hard compacted soils, and can easily survive being trampled by people or heavy animals out in pastures.
Plantain: can grow in places where there is very little light
Plantain: is edible; young, tender leaves are good in salads and sandwiches, the tougher older leaves can be eaten cooked, like kale, and the flower shoots, when young, can be pan fried in a little olive oil; when cooked this way they taste like asparagus
Plantain: is considered to be a weed, and like most plants considered to be weeds, it grows happily without help from anyone
Plantain: all parts of the plantain plant, leaves, seeds, roots, and flowers can be harvested and used either as an edible herb or as a medicinal herb
Plantain: can be used as a poultice or salve to treat burns; plantain leaves can be used as bandages to hold the poultice/salve in place for added benefits
Plantain: lukewarm plantain tea used as a mouthwash will quickly heal mouth ulcers; you can also chew fresh plantain leavea to release the juices and then maneuver the chewed leaves to the part of your mouth affected by the ulcer
Plantain: lukewarm plantain tea used as a mouthwash is also good for bleeding gums, and to stop bad breath
Plantain: powdered plantain root is a good remedy for toothache; take a pinch of the powder and rub it into the gums and over the affected tooth or teeth
Plantain: is good for pulling impurities and infection out of the skin, as well as soothing, reducing inflammation, and killing bacteria
Plantain: can be used to sooth and heal sunburn in two ways; fresh leaves softened with a bit of hot water to make them flexible can be used as a bandage over the sunburn, or you can spray the sunburned skin with plantain tea
Plantain: the leaves, and the juice can be used as topical substances in poultices, salves, lotions, and teas for treating stings, insect bites, snakebites, poison ivy breakouts, rashes, skin irritations, and blisters
Plantain: heated salves applied topically to swollen joints, sore muscles, sprains, and sore feet, can ease the pain caused by these ailments
Plantain: can be used on people, and animals alike to ease swelling when in poultice form
Plantain: eating plantain leaves or drinking plantain tea will both help to provide relief from constipation
Plantain: drinking a cup of plantain tea will bring relief from indigestion and digestive complaints; a few drops of plantain tincture in a glass of water will do the same thing
Plantain: has the ability to stop bleeding, relieve pain, prevent infection, and calm inflammation; this allows it to speed the healing of minor wounds, cuts, and bruises, as well as making the removal of splinters easier
Plantain: cooled plantain tea makes a good eyewash for red, irritated or tired eyes; cotton pads soaked in the tea can also be placed over closed eyes to soothe irritation
Plantain: eating the seeds thirty bits before a meal will help to suppress the appetite and aid in weight loss
Plantain: when made into a tea and drunk, it can help ease sore throats, colds, and coughs
Plantain: considered to be a very safe herb to use, both externally and internally

Mint: mint is a common herb that can be grown in a garden or found wild
Mint: there are many different kinds of mint; each has its own uses
Mint: every type of mint has broad, green leaves that release a strong minty scent when bruised
Mint: some types are sterile, and can't be grown by seed
Mint: is edible
Mint: satchels of dried mint are good for making clothes smell nice
Mint: can be used to freshen your breath
Mint: fresh leaves should be used immediately, and dried leaves should be stored in an airtight container placed in a cool, dark, dry area

Peppermint: is an aromatic plant created by blending water mint and spearment
Peppermint: is a hardy perennial herb
Peppermint: cannot be found growing wild because it is a hybrid
Peppermint: most peppermint plants are sterile since it is a hybrid, so it is grown from cuttings instead of seeds
Peppermint: is used to add flavor or fragrance to foods, cosmetics, soaps, toothpastes, mouthwashes, as well as having some medicinal uses
Peppermint: the leaves can be used dried or fresh in teas
Peppermint: the fresh leaves taste better, and are more effective; the best are young leaves with no dark spots or yellowing
Peppermint: the leaves are great in salads and soups as well as teas
Peppermint: the leaves and oil can be used in a variety of remedies
Peppermint: makes a good hangover remedy
Peppermint: is safe for young kids
Peppermint: soothes colic and teething pain in infants
Peppermint: can prevent nipple cracks and pain in breastfeeding mothers
Peppermint: is good for easing nausea
Peppermint: peppermint oil helps reduce inflammation, thins mucous in the sinus cavities, and opens up blocked sinus airways
Peppermint: has a cooling sensation when applied topically, so it can offer relief for sunburns burns, and muscular pain
Peppermint: can be used to reduce fever
Peppermint: is good for easing stomach aches, gas, abdominal cramps, indigestion, and bloating
Peppermint:can help cool and numb a sore throat
Peppermint: is very effective when it comes to treating cold and flu symptoms such as congestion, sinus infections and bronchitis
Peppermint: used as a balm, its decongestant properties help in clearing your chest congestion by thinning mucus and making your cough more productive
Peppermint: helps to soothe both the inflammation and the pain associated with joint pain
Peppermint: is good for headaches and migraines
Peppermint: can help reduce acne
Peppermint: is good to soothe skin irritations and itching
Peppermint: helps to smooth dry, cracked lips
Peppermint: is great for improving scalp health and eliminating dandruff, and soothes an itchy, irritated scalp
Peppermint: acts as a repellent for lice, fleas, insects, mice, and rats
Peppermint: good for relaxing nerves and improving circulation
Peppermint: powdered leaves can freshen breath and whiten teeth
Peppermint: is good for toothaches when used in powdered form
Peppermint: is good for relieving stress
Peppermint: can be used to boost energy
Peppermint: can be used to enhance memory, alertness, and focus
Peppermint: can help to control cravings and curb overeating, leading to weight loss
Peppermint: can ease allergy symptoms
Peppermint: peppermint essential oil is a hot oil and can cause irritation of the skin and mucus membranes, so it best to mix with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or olive oil

Kirei: is fascinated by herbs
Kirei: is more interested in herbs that can be used in cooking as well as medically than just in remedies

NPC: Cassandra Giles
Cassandra Giles: owns a greenhouse and herbal shop in Andaris
Cassandra Giles: needs help replenishing the remedies used by the Order of the Adunih

NPC: Kaelen Qe'Azour
Kaelen Qe'Azour: grandmother in love and respect if not in blood and name
Kaelen Qe'Azour: former master

NPC: Lihara Qe'Azour
Lihara Qe'Azour: loved making satchels of mint to spread around the house
Lihara Qe'Azour: loved "hunting" wildflowers with Kirei

Talking about interesting things as you work makes the work go by faster.

Loot: 100 GN
Injuries: N/A
Expenses: N/A
Renown: 5 (Seen expanding her network and doing her job)
Magic XP: N/A

Points: 10
- - -
Comments: All fixed!

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Also, please indicate on your request thread that this has been reviewed. Thanks!

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