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Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 10:24 pm
by Kev
Kev Sauvage


”What are you asking me about him for? You seen him? Tell that good-for-nothing he owes me a new pair of trousers. Damn wretch puked all over mine!”
-Ned Sauvage, concerning his brother


”Ugliest man I ever suckered out of five gold nel.” -Prostitute in Andaris
Full Name: Kev Sauvage
Aliases: N/A
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 29 Arcs, 6th Zi’da 689th Arc
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 180 lbs
Origin: Andaris
Religion: N/A

Blessings: None
Location: Scalvoris
Profession: Soldier, Sapper, Scoundrel
Factions Joined: Xiur Skyriders (deserter)


Languages: Fluent - Common, Broken - Common Sign, Rakahi, Scalveen
Earthy, thats a good word for old Kev. If you hadn't met him you'd probably call him that. If you had though, well, there are other words that come to mind. He's not fat or anything, spends too much time high tailing it from people he owes money to or the Iron Hand to get much of a gut really. He ain't a looker either. Kev spent some of his younger years apprenticed in a chemist guild, got some ugly burns there that didn't do him any favors. He's had a few run-ins with unsavory types, more unsavory than him, that is. They left a few tokens too. He's tough like old leather, and you can see it in his hands and his face. A real weathered, beat down by life kind of...earthiness.

He's got a sort of muddy brown black hair, lets the beard grow out too. His brother has got such a nice beard, makes him look wise. He's really got the face for it, quite a good looking lad. Oh, right, Kev. Kev doesn't really wear it as well. He never combs it and it gets scraggily. He's got it cut down to his jaw and it makes his chin look huge. Anyway, if that's what he thinks attracts the ladies he's not doing himself any favors. Kev's got a lot of muscle though, I suppose it's from those years in the mines, working off his debts. He's been in and out of there and it shows.

Kev can be the life of the party sometimes, if it's the right kind of party. He's got a knack for making people laugh, if you like that kind of humor and don't mind the excess of liquor and the shady locale. He's got a way of embracing the grime of life quite as much as the glory, if ya know what I mean. The man's been through the ringer, and spent time doing Immortals know how many odd jobs. If you want stories, he's got heaps. If you want your money back... well, best not to ask too much. Kev's got a real mean streak and whatever else he is, the man's a danger to decent folk when he gets it in his head.

A virtue? Well, he's a loyal friend if nothing else. Kev remembers favors, and he's always ready to help a guy out. That being said, his help is sometimes reckless and devious, because he is a reckless and devious son of a bitch. Remember that before you go to him for anything. He won't shrink from a fight, old Kev. It's odd, you'd think he'd have learned by now, but the man simply doesn't let the fear get the better of him. Maybe it's because of his knack for gambling, the risk thrills him. So if you're looking for someone who's half wild card, half dependable, and all scoundrel, he's your man.


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 10:33 pm
by Kev
A History Told By Kev

Okay, now I'm gonna tell you before anyone else leaves a bad taste in your mouth. I'm an innocent victim of my less than ideal circumstances! I've held four jobs and been jailed five times, but I'm a good guy. I never hurt nobody who didn't have it coming. And don't listen to any of those folk who tell you not to trust me, or not to lend me money, or not to leave your good china out when I come over... Nobody knows the real me but me! Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. I'll start from the beginning.

My good for nothing parents had a son named Ned, but he was a real dolt, so they tried again. Practice makes perfect and viola, here I am. I grew up with them in Andaris, I loved that city. It was never a dull moment in Andaris, though my parents tried really hard. Both Ned and I were apprenticed to chemists in the guild, courtesy of Pop's good reputation. I know it was a nice job, a good opportunity, a real slice of the pie, but I wasn't cut out for it. Ned loved being closed up in the labs sniffing powders, but I needed something more. Don't get me wrong, I loved the work, just not the dark little hole you had to sit in. So I left, not being a man to be contained. Let me see, I was something like fourteen?

Well, needless to say, my master, lanky bloke named Boris, wasn't too pleased with me. Neither was Pops, old man had paid three hundred gold nel for the apprenticeship, and I had scampered out on him. Can't blame them for what they did next really. Next thing I knew, Iron Hand was catching me up on the road outside Andaris. Said I had to work off my debt. They sent me to the work camps where I learned the art of moving lumber. That's how I got all lean and muscular like the ladies like it. Ha! Spent nearly three seasons in that damn place before I snuck out.

I decided it was high time I find myself a new home, far away from Andaris. I went on up to Umbridge, Gawyne lands. I was young and hopeful about chemistry work, seeing as I had experience. But luck wasn't on my side, figure the Immortals already gave me good looks, can't have it all, eh? So I took up some work tending hounds and horses for a Baron named Robyn, Rhyborn? Somewhat like that. Anyway that lasted a flash and a grin and a slap on the arse. Yea, I wasn't meant for that humdrum anyway. The man's daughter made eyes at me I tell you. To this day I say it was her fault. Well, one thing lead to another and the Baron caught old Doris and I fooling around in the stables. Wham, sent back to the work camps. Spent nearly an arc there this time, though not for lack of trying.

Eventually I was able to escape and find my way back to Andaris. I didn't bother telling my kin I was home, no need to disappoint any of us. I took up work as a mercenary. Ran with a crew of the meanest, ugliest, and friendliest blokes you ever seen. We mostly humped caravans along the duchies, but did our share of pitched battle as well. That's when I got into gambling pretty bad. Like I told ya, my luck hasn't been great, too much handsomeness for it to be fair. Anyway, one thing lead to another and I found myself reunited with my old friends, the Iron Hand. I spent about a season in a stone cell after that, courtesy of the debt collectors.

Ned bailed me out. To this day I don't know how he heard I was back. Best decision he ever made. I went to work on helping him in his lab, by then he had his own. Of course he was all for home stuff, and I had always been drawn more to explosive side of things. Heh. That one really was my fault, I told him so. He still wouldn't stop shouting and throwing stuff at me. Well, I didn't last long there on account of starting a little fire in his shop. It was an accident and I told him I'd pay for it once he paid me, but he wouldn't stop screaming to listen to reason. I ended up high tailing it out of there.

Then I might have had a disagreement with the law, nothing big. To be honest, they were overreacting. Long story short though, it was either another work camp or conscription. I had skills that tickled their little fancies and puckered their bungs. So they made me a sapper, explosives were always my first love. Ha! But me and authority don’t necessarily get along well. I ended up terminating my contract early and taking a sabbatical far, far away...

Anywho, here I am working as a merc in Scalvoris. Who know’s what’s next, am I right?


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 10:34 pm
by Kev

Battle Gear

  • Basic Shortsword (named Guile)
    Basic Shortsword (named Hoax)
    Good+ Quality Short Bow (named Bushwhack)
    Arrows (20)
    Good+ Quality Set of Leather Armor
    4 Bag (Small)


  • Basic Shirt, Tan
    Basic Trousers, Brown
    Basic Boots, Leather
    Basic Undergarments
    Basic Cloak, Brown
    Basic Trousers x2 (Cotton)


  • Toiletries: Comb, Brush, Razor
    eating utensils
    Good survival kit


A tier 7 black war horse with almost as much attitude as Kev. Comes with tier 7 tack and armor.

Kev gives patronage to whatever cheap tavern is convenient.


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 10:40 pm
by Kev

SkillPoints AcquiredTotal Points SpentProficiencyKnowledge
Ranged Combat (Shortbow)25/100 25/250Novice4
Bladed Combat (Shortsword)10/10010/250Novice-
Investigation 5/1005/250Novice-
Animal Husbandry: Horse5/1005/250Novice-


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 10:52 pm
by Kev

Core Skills

Alchemy 0
Animal Husbandry 0
Animal Training 0
Bladed Combat 0
Chemistry 0
Investigation 0
Leadership 0
Navigation 0
Ranged Combat 4
Ranged Combat: Shortbow: Proper Draw Technique
Ranged Combat: Shortbow: Sighting In
Ranged Combat: Shortbow: Quick Draw
Ranged Combat: Shortbow: Leading a moving target
Stealth 1
Stealth: Rolling Steps to Dampen Sound
Tactics 0

Other Skills





Finding the Seedy Taverns
Scalvoris Geography


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 10:53 pm
by Kev


ImageNameMetRelationship Desc.


ImageNameMetRelationship Desc.



Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 10:56 pm
by Kev

Skill Ledger
Thread or Skill NamePoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Ranged Combat (RB) 25[RB] 2500
Starting Package 500050
Blades ..1040
Chemistry ..535
Alchemy ..530
Stealth ..1020
Animal Husbandry ..1010
Investigation ..55
Animal Husbandry ..50

Wealth Point Ledger
(Deseter) SP WT 4 ... 46
Renown Ledger
Item/ ThreadFameTotal


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 10:57 pm
by Kev


ImageNameMetRelationship Desc.


ImageNameMetRelationship Desc.


ImageNameMetRelationship Desc.

Re: Kev

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 7:09 am
by Doran
CS Intervention
Hello, Kev!

I’ve just reviewed your CS. I found Kev’s history really entertaining.

Good job!

There are just a few small things in regard to Kev’s possessions, his skills and such that you need to fix before your CS can be approved:
  • You have picked the Deserter Starter Pack. Due to that, you are allowed to have a Tier 8 weapon and a Tier 8 set of armor. This means that you can increase your short bow’s quality to good+, for example – and also give Kev better armor!
  • Are the leather gauntlets and greaves separate from the leather armor? The Tier 8 armor you get as a dester is a full set of armor. So, if Kev has a second set of armor, please state its quality.
  • Please state which quality your normal clothes are. As a deserter, you are Tier 4, so your clothes’ quality can’t be higher than basic.
  • Please also state which condition and level of training your mount has. As a deserter, you get a Tier 7 mount with matching accessories and armor.
  • You haven’t picked a heirloom. You can have one item at up to two wealth tiers above your own, if you want to.
  • According to this post, your PC has 80 skill points. A new PC starts with 75 skill points, the standard 50 skill points and the Racial Bonus. Please subtract 5 skill points somewhere – and also adjust your Skill Points Ledger accordingly.
  • A new PC starts with 5 skill knowledges. Kev has 10. Please remove 5 of those knowledges!
  • You only have 2 non-skill knowledges. You can have up to 10! Of course, this isn’t required, but if you want to, you can pick another 8 non-skill knowledges!
  • If your NPCs haven't been approved yet, please apply for them in the PSF.
  • Please add a thread list to your CS.
  • "Fame" is called "Renown" now.
If you have any questions about the things that I mentioned - or any questions at all - let me know, please. I'm happy to help!

Otherwise, PM me once you have edited your CS!