Question: Where's all the content?!
Answer: In development! If you'd like to help out, contact one of the Prophets. The more assistance we get from everyone who's interested in making Standing Trials a bigger and better place, the faster we can open for play!
Question: How do I know who's a staff member?
Answer: Staff members have
bolded and
colored names. In addition, Prophets have customized medals awarded to them. A full list of the staff can be found
Question: There is so much information here, where do I start?
Answer: Guests are recommended to look through the
Knowledge Base as the information is listed in a way to help players understand what's going on in this roleplay. If you're interested in joining, sign up and introduce yourself in the
Welcome Wagon forum! It's okay to ask for help!
Question: Introductions aside, what's next?
Answer: Well, all players are expected to create a character sheet. You won't be able to play this game without one. To start building your character, visit the
Character Sheet forum and select a pre-made
template to use for character construction. You don't have to use it. If you're familiar with the site's
BBCode, you can construct your own template. When creating your character, please post a topic to the Character Sheet forum with a
WIP (Work In Progress) somewhere in the title. The title should include your character's name and, if needed, WIP. The topic should include your character's information/template. Not sure if that was obvious but putting it out there for anyone who's confused. After you're finished creating your character, submit a link to the
Character Approval topic so that the Prophets can check over the information to make sure it's correct. Once approved, you'll see a green check mark next to your topic.
Question: My character sheet wasn't approved, what do I do?!
Answer: Don't freak out, most new players won't get their character sheets right on the first try and we expect that. If your character sheet wasn't approved, there will be a post from a prophet explaining why and what you need to do to fix it. If you don't understand how to fix the mistakes then you are certainly welcome to ask a prophet for help. We want to make sure you understand the information before you start roleplaying.
Question: When can I start roleplaying?
Answer: You can start once you have your character sheet up. Keep in mind that it needs to be posted and waiting to be approved by a prophet for you to start roleplaying in the forums. It is highly discouraged for players to roleplay in the forums without approved character sheets. If you are found roleplaying when your character sheet was unapproved, you will be given 3 warning to correct it before we move to temporary bans.
Question: I don't understand the timeline. When did humans start keeping track of the date?
Answer: Humans first started counting Arcs after they were revived by the Immortals. So it's been 717 Arcs since the humans were revived by the Immortals.
Question: I really don't understand the timeline at all. When did things begin? When was the Great Shattering? When did the war start?
Answer: All very good questions to understand OOCly. The timeline is simple but there are a lot of things that have happened since the Original Eight existed. Things began when the original eight became aware of their existence on Idalos. No one knows where they came from. They don't even know. The Original Eight could not procreate the way human do but they figured out a way to make copies of themselves with their gifts. However, they disrupted the cosmic balance and to correct it, all of them, excluding Delana who survived, ended up shattering. There were hundreds of thousands of Immortals on Idalos and most of them ended up shattering too because they were abusing the balance of the world. So after the Original Eight and most of the Immortals died, humans spawned on Idalos. They came from the essence of the Original Eight and acted as a balance to the Immortals. It's the reason with they are able to kill the Immortals. Time passed, the Immortals found out about the humans, some of them studied them, others blamed humans for the death of the Original Eight. It wasn't until a human ended up killing an Immortal did things escalate and the war begin. The Immortals fought for a time while the world nearly fell apart. Once they realized they couldn't kill each other and only humans could, did they go back to Idalos, work together to revived the world and humans, and created the races of the world.
Idalos History Timeline
Question: How many characters can we have?
Answer: You can have a total of 5 PCs (Player Characters).
Question: How many characters can we have in one city?
Answer: You are allowed 2 PCs in one city at a time. This does not include your staff account.
Question: If I have 4 PCs already, does my Staff Account count as number 5?
Answer: No. Your staff account is an extra account you get and on it, you will mostly be involved in running the game rather than playing it. This is why it doesn't count toward your total account limit. When you're on your PC, you are playing the game.
Question: Who determines my character's wage?
Answer: The prophet of the city you'll be roleplaying in.
Question: How do I make money if I'm a Bounty Hunter/Thief/Bandit/Pirate?
Answer: Your wage is dependent on what you steal and who you steal from. You must roleplay a thread in which your character attempts to steal something. If your character is successful at stealing something,
only the grader is allowed to award you the items and/or nel that you took. If you would like a certain item or amount of nel from the thread, you must request that when submitting the thread to be graded. These threads do not have to be modded by a prophet unless you are seeking more items/nel. It is encourage to ask your local Poet or Minstrel if they could mod a thread with you.
Question: Are there any risks that a Bounty Hunter/Thief/Bandit/Pirate need to be aware of?
Answer: Yes! Keep in mind that although this is your profession, you must play to your skill level. If you have 15 points in pick pocketing, you cannot expect to steal something from the Treasury without being caught in the act. It's like a 12 year old walking into the bank and playing around in the vault. You will not only be denied the rewards but you will also get a slap on the wrists by having your PC thrown in jail for a season or two. So, be smart about what you do in character. Plan accordingly, investigate, find out information, bribe people, work up you stealth. This can only help you. These kind of professions will most likely get your character thrown into prison if they aren't careful. I can't stress this enough. Please be aware of this when roleplaying.
Question: My question isn't on this list...
Answer: That's what this subforum is for! If you have a question that wasn't addressed in this topic, then start a new one.