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Desnind Template With Picture & Name

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 1:30 pm
by Pegasus
Title Wordies!


Desnind Template Name Only

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 1:31 pm
by Pegasus
Title Wordies!


Scalvoris Council

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:40 pm
by Pegasus
Rebirth Cycle 720
~~1st Cylus 720~~

 ! Message from: Thread Rules
There are a few rules which apply here.
NPC Lists


Name: Brandel
Race: Human
Age: Born 640
Title: Albarech of Scalvoris Council
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Previously the resident on Watch, a job he held for 20 arcs, Brandel was unanimously elected to the position of Albarech by his peers immediately upon the decision that there'd be one. He is very focused on the island and its well-being, without family or any other hobbies to distract him he works tirelessly. He hated the Pirate Lords and all they stood for and he is determined that, on his Watch, he will do good for the island and her people.


Name: Rand Broson
Race: Sev'ryn / Human
Age: Born 667
Title: Militant of Scalvoris Council / Militant of Elemental
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Rand is a hard, fair man. He doesn't speak much as he believes that you learn a lot more by listening than you ever will by talking. He is the head of the Scalvoris Military (the Elements) and he is very proud of that job. A hard working man, he tends towards solitude and does not make friends easily. He has a temper, as his troops will attest and he will not back down when he believes he is right.


Name: Sidhe'nn Fraear
Race: Human
Age: Born 679
Title: Accountant of Scalvoris Council
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Sidhe'nn is a cold, calculating and utterly callous individual whose bottom line is money. He doesn't care if giving a little bit less money to a cause means the twenty five hungry children or vulnerably elderly folk die. However, what he does care about is keeping his well paid job and ensuring that he maintains his own lifestyle. Therefore, he does his job well and he follows the whim and ethos of the council. He used to do the same for the Pirate Lords and he was probably more vicious than at least seventeen of them put together. Now, he is an excellent member of the team and works his very best within the confines he is given.


Name: Reza
Race: Human
Age: Born 690
Title: Overseer of the Shrines
Skills: More than the other write up. But you don't need to know!
Other Information: Reza is a woman of few words. She has responsibility for the island and, somehow, everyone knows this. No one knows who appointed her, but no one argues either. She is a peace keeper and she maintains keeping the peace by whatever means necessary, including drastic measures. She will help visitors by directing them to the shrine they are looking for but no more than that, usually.


Name: Marcelle Tren
Race: Mixed Blood
Age: Born 687
Title: Trainer of Scalvoris Council
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: An educator of children by trade, Marcelle would be the first person to tell you that she is out of her depth in this whole Council thing. But she's doing her best and she has a sharper mind than she gives herself credit for. She is a passionate teacher and a friendly woman. Also, she isn't afraid of conflict and has the skills of managing a classroom of five arc olds. Veteran soldiers have quivered and quaked at her stare.


Name: James Witchbane
Race: Human
Age: Born 664
Title: Academic of Scalvoris Council
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: James is an enthusiastic individual whose personality strongly resembles that of a puppy. He is enthused by learning, loves people and thinks the best of them. He is a dreamer, an optimist and determined to see the good in everyone. He loves swimming in the ocean (even when it's freezing) and never feels more free than in that moment of diving into the water.


Name: Francis LeShard
Race: Mixed Blood
Age: Born 687
Title: Merchant of Scalvoris Council
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Francis is a shrewd businesswoman who is here representing the Merchants' Guild. Really that is exactly and only who she is representing. She has worked as a businesswoman throughout the north and east of Idalos and her bottom line is the profit. She is nice, friendly and polite to everyone. She would also sell her grandmother for the right price.


Name: Jo'ne Tide
Race: Mixed Blood
Age: Born 691
Title: Almund Representative of Scalvoris Council
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Jo'ne is the Mayor of Almund. Her father was a pirate and his father before him. Her mother was a whore and her grandmother a drug dealer and the bane of the seas. Jo'ne is a foul mouthed, tobacco chewing woman who will take no nonsense from anyone.


Previous Darbytonian was assassinated on Ashan 123, 718. Seat will be open for nominations by Darbytonian citizens, and voted upon by the council members during a Council Meeting in Vhalar 718.


Name: Liza
Race: Human / Sev'ryn
Age: Born 694
Title: The Merchant Quen
Skills: Negotiation: 65, Appraisal: 65, Business Management, 60, Seduction: 50, Glassblowing: 50
Other Information: Liza is a friendly woman who has taken the rag tag nature of Egilrun and turned it into a place for trade. She is keen business woman who is more than able to strike a hard bargain. She is hoping to strengthen trade negotiations with Viden and to be able to supply them useful and unusual goods. She is loyal and tenacious and will always work for the betterment of Egilrun specifically and Scalvoris generally.


Name: Shania
Race: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Title: Gunvorton Overseer
Skills: Unknown
Other Information: If there is one thing which everyone agrees on, it is that Shania is a nice lady. Friendly, helpful and always willing to help out, she is the backbone of the growing region on Gunvorton. She knows everyone, it seems, and she's always there should anyone need a little bit of information. She runs the local inn and it is her job, as she tells everyone, to make sure that all who come to her establishment leave just a little bit happier.


Name: Linca
Race: Biqaj
Age: Born 678
Title: Chief of the village of Havardr
Skills: Other things too. Need to know....
Other Information: Linca is the chief of Havardr, the hardest worker on the island, some say, and a straight talking fellow. He will trade, but he won't be fiddled and is a hard negotiator.


Name: Leigh Birch
Race: Human
Age: Born 693
Title: Scalvoris Town Representative of Scalvoris Council
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Leigh is the Mayor of Scalvoris Proper. She lives there and has her offices there. She is a friendly and very well organised woman who is keen to listen to all of the opinions on offer. She has trouble sometimes as she can have a bit of a tendency to avoid conflict, but that just means that she sits back and doesn't take sides. It certainly doesn't mean that she's lacking opinions.

The Forged Reviews

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 1:57 pm
by Pegasus
Your Review






If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.

Re: Pegasus' Templates

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 11:42 pm
by Pegasus

Thread Title


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Cylus Template

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:30 pm
by Pegasus
Image Borders
Image ImageImage
a festival or other recurring events. a specific event for this season a weather or natural phenomena event
Event Types
Reward Moderated Open
this thread offers some kind of reward for pcs. This might be training or items. a thread run by a Scalv mod! this is a plot point that is open for anyone to use.
Guest Storytelling
We really want to encourage Guest Storytelling on Scalvoris. Any of the "Open" or "Reward" plots can be used as a story prompt by a GST - please simply PM a Scalvoris Mod and be assured that we will be VERY happy to help!
Specific Events

Cylus: 30 Trials
Weather, Nature & Trends

Cylus: 30 Trials

Natural Phenomena

  • Throughout Cylus, the whole of Scalvoris is in dusk-like darkness, which is constant throughout the trial. People tend to stay indoors / avoid parks and public spaces etc. Open
  • Throughout this season, Rainbow Sand continues to pop up in places where its not common. Open
  • There continues to be a significant increase in the nocturnal animals spotted throughout the season, and it's now become an issue in towns. What's up with that?Open


Long cold days leave Scalvoris in a constant state of near darkness.
Living outdoors during this season is close to impossible without being very prepared due to the icy temperatures, and flora and fauna suffer during this time.
Throughout this season everywhere is covered in a blanket of snow and some areas are completely cut off from the rest of the island.
Scalvoris plunges into almost-night for the season, until the light of Ashan touches it once more.
By the middle of this season, drifts of snow several feet deep are a common sight, but obviously, some places are impacted more than others.


  • It is worth remembering that during this season there are scientists scampering all over Scalvoris. The clear night sky is a wonder to them. They don't get out much, and so they're very happy. Open
  • Between the 22nd - 23rd, there are shooting stars in the night sky. They make for wonderful scenes and are visible to the naked eye. Open
  • The star-turtle of Saoire is seen moving across the sky by day and night. It becomes an almost common sight and is known to wave to children. Open
  • In the darkness of Cylus there is spotted a faint red glow in the sky. The reason for it is not found. Open: PM Scalv mod with plotnotes / ideas - or for a plot.


The following trends occur on Scalvoris throughout this season:
  • Pirates! It's all the rage. Everything leather, and of course, the eye patches! The more ridiculous, the better.
  • Snow-themed accessories! The Smooglenuff 'Winter Wonderland' event was a roaring success, and word has it that snow-themed jewelry, hair accessories, and wardrobe enhancements are the 'in' thing.
  • 'The Forged' action figures! It's been a few seasons since the Forging. Action figures of various participants are now widely available, as well as the Induks. Get yours today!
  • Dragons! It's a dragon renaissance, and everyone wants to be a part of it. You can find dragons on most anything these trials...

Location Specific

Cylus: 30 Trials


This season, Almund has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The increased Element presence continues.Open
  • An uptick in visible pirate activity. Open
  • The Almund Bazaar has a new overseer. It is now well known that Jacien was, in fact, working for the Elements all along. Open
  • Berlewin's Brews stands abandoned. No one knows where Berlewin has gone, but residents report strange noises from the building in the middle of the night. Plot Point!
  • There are rumours that The Bones can be re-opened that it's just waiting for the right person. Will anyone become the new fortune teller for Almund? Open
  • There is a general feeling of slight distrust of the Council and the Elements. But even in Almund, people are quite impressed with the Forging. Open
  • The streets, despite the increased Elements presence, are not safe. Attacks happen often. Open
Almund Information
Council Representative: Jo'ne Tide
Elements Presence: Rand Bronson (Militant)
Bank Available: Yes
Sand: Red
Religious Presence: High (The Glass Tree)
Most known for: dodgy dealings, nefarious folks



This season, Beacon has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • Beacon is thriving - population is growing. Open
  • There is a lot of pressure for a Beacon representative. This will become 'situation critical' very soon Open
  • One of the farmers in Beacon is continuing to develop a reputation for excellent quality livestock. There's a definite business opportunity, should anyone feel so inclined Open
  • Beacon is more or less a village in its own right now - and they're seeking to make links and build relationships Open
Beacon Information

Ashan Calendars

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:31 pm
by Pegasus
Image Borders
Image ImageImage
a festival or other recurring events. a specific event for this season a weather or natural phenomena event
Event Types
Reward Moderated Open
this thread offers some kind of reward for pcs. This might be training or items. a thread run by a Scalv mod! this is a plot point which is open for anyone to use.
Guest Storytelling
We really want to encourage Guest Storytelling on Scalvoris. Any of the "Open" or "Reward" plots can be used as a story prompt by a GST - please simply PM Scalv Mod and be assured that I'll be VERY happy to help! Each season, I'll also pick one plot point which I'd be happy to Co-Mod with a GST!
Specific Events

Ashan: 123 Trials
Weather, Nature & Trends

Ashan: 123 Trials

Natural Phenomena

  • With Ashan's first dawn, light returns to the island. This brings with it an enormous sense of relief.
  • Throughout the season, there are reports of a number of rockfalls in the Scalvoris mountains. They seem to be centred on The Vault and last throughout the season. Will anyone investigate this? PM Scalv Mod - please note the Vault is a moderated environment.
  • The seas around Watch behave unusually throughout this season. From boiling to turning a range of colors, to teeming with fish. Something weird is going on Open to investigate / go see. Note the moderation status of Watch, though, if you want to find out more.
  • And it seems that the sheep, goats, and other animals with wool and fur are making an annual thing of their rainbow coats. Those with coats, this season, find that if the coat is shorn, then it is back in full growth in 3 trials. After initial excitement by the knitters and crochet enthusiasts, some fights break out in attempt sheep-stealing.


The beginning of Ashan is rigidly cold on Scalvoris, starting with a cold period which lasts for a quarter of the season before the temperature finally heats up enough to begin sowing crops for the arc. The remainder of Ashan is spring weather. Barren trees slowly sprout buds of leaves and flowers and those who work the land plant in preparation once again. The 123 trials of Ashan are cold but moderate weather. As the season progresses, rain clouds become a common thing and Scalvoris experiences Ashan Storms, a common occurrence especially at the height of the season. Eventually, the storms pass and the temperature begins to heat up. As the season closes, the temperature rises, ushering in stronger storms and much hotter weather.


  • There are a number of meteor showers which land in the waters around Scalvoris - out to sea quite a way. But still. Could be investigated? Open
  • There are continued reported sightings of what seem to be boats in the skies above Sweetwine. Like. Flying boats. But, the people who report them were biqaj, so they're probably lying, right? Open
  • Throughout the season, birds and insects are much more common than usual - more and more of them are seen. Open


  • Buttons! Buttons are all the rage. The more buttons on your clothing, the better! They don't even need to button anything!
  • Imbedded Braids - Weaving things into hair braids is very en vouge. Delicate chains, jewels, ribbons, charms - anything goes!
  • Rainbow Woolens - Items made from rainbow wool, no matter what - from scarves to socks, they're the must-have items!!
Location Specific

Ashan: 123 Trials


This season, Almund has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • It seems like nothing that anyone does helps - crime rates are up Open
  • There are rumours that, nestled in the Glass Tree there is a small note written by Cassion himself, leaving his wishes for the arc. Plot Point
  • The streets, despite the increased Elements presence, are not safe. There are some whispers of a new criminal gang. Open
  • An uptick in visible pirate activity Open
  • The Almund Bazaar has a new overseer. It is now well known that Jacien was, in fact, working for the Elements all along. Open
  • Berlewin's Brews stands abandoned. No one knows where Berlewin has gone, but residents report strange noises from the building in the middle of the night. Plot Point
  • There are rumours that The Bones can be re-opened that it's just waiting for the right person. Will anyone become the new fortune teller for Almund? Open
  • There is a general feeling of slight distrust of the Council and the Elements. But even in Almund, people are quite impressed with the Forging. Open
Almund Information
Council Representative: Jo'ne Tide
Elements Presence: Rand Bronson (Militant)
Bank Available: Yes
Sand: Red
Religious Presence: High (The Glass Tree)
Most known for: dodgy dealings, nefarious folks



This season, Beacon has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • It's becoming increasingly clear that Beacon is under someone's protection. Someone that can mitigate crop issues that happen other places. Plot Point
  • One of the farmers in Beacon is developing a reputation for excellent quality livestock. There's a definite business opportunity, should anyone feel so inclined Open
  • There are calls for a more organized village council. Plot Point
  • Beacon is thriving - population is growing. Open
  • One of the farmers in Beacon is continuing to develop a reputation for excellent quality livestock. There's a definite business opportunity, should anyone feel so inclined Open
  • Beacon is more or less a village in its own right now - and they're seeking to make links and build relationships Open
Beacon Information