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Regional Ecology

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 1:46 am
by Chronicle
Fauna: Orinagi
Development credit goes to ?





Lifespan and Development:




Regional Ecology

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 5:40 am
by Chronicle
Monsters: Ravenosi
Development credit goes to Zafir

The Ravenosi, pronounced Rav-in-oas-ee, is a dangerous predator that stalks the underground caverns throughout the region of Ne'haer. They are small group hunters, only found in numbers more than two during their mating season. However, even operating in pairs, the Ravenosi have been the scourge of miners and spelunkers in Ne'haer for generations.

The Ravenosi are monsters known for their ruthless persistence, impressive stealth, cruel attitudes, and uncanny tracking abilities which allow them to hunt in the absolute darkness of the underground. They have a base cunning and rely on ambush tactics in order to secure kills. Bearing razored claws, gnashing jaws, and grasping tendrils which stretch out from the creatures skull and back; the Ravenosi are more than capable of rending through flesh and lighter armors. They are the apex predator of their domain, only threatened by environmental damage brought about by expanding mining operations and other Ravenosi. Ravenosi can and often are cannibalistic of their own kind, killing each other over territorial disputes, mates, and access to food. It is often said that the best way to get rid of a Ravenosi is to simply find another of its kind and pit them against each other.

Name: Ravenosi

Regional-Underground: Uncommon

Threat Level: High

Lifespan and Development: The Ravenosi are born from the violent and cruel coupling of two adult Ravenosi. They have a gestation period of about 5 months, and then are born live in underground. After birth, they require roughly two years before reaching maturing into adulthood and leaving their parents searching for a mate of their own. From two to ten, the Ravenosi is considered an adult. A careful Ravenosi can live up to the age of fifteen, however few reach their later years due to the constant violence and competition inherent to their kind.

On average, Ravenosi weigh about 240 pounds of dense muscle, and on their hind legs stand about 6 feet tall. Their is little observable difference between a male and female Ravenosi, however male Ravenosi tend to be slightly lighter and leaner than females.

Diet: Carnivorous in nature, Ravenosi are not picky when it comes to the meat they eat. Animals, humans, even other Ravenosi, nothing is truly safe from their expansive appetites.

Temperament: Cruel and ruthless, Ravenosi hold only themselves and their mate as anything besides food. They are known to play with their meals if a creature enters their territory, delighting in causing terror and pain to their victims before granting them the mercy of death.

Abilities: The Ravenosi have incredibly sharp claws and teeth, capable of tearing through skin and even steel with a few repeat strikes. Jagged teeth-like spikes dot their tentacle like appendages which stretch out of their head and back, strong enough to strangle a grown man. Their gray skin allows them to fade into the blackness of their cavernous domain with ease, and the Raveonsi are renowned for their quiet, near-soundless step. What perhaps is most terrifying, however, is monster's ability to track down its prey. Adapted fully to the darkness, the Ravenosi is able to track the warmth in another animal's blood with uncanny ease. Their sense of smell is extremely acute, and it is said that once a Ravenosi has your scent, they remember till the day they die.

Weaknesses: Adapted for absolute darkness, a rapid flash of light is a good way to briefly stun a Ravenosi. However, this measure is only temporary, and should be capitalized on for a speedy retreat. If one must combat a Ravenosi, cornering the creature with superior numbers can be an effective way of defeating a Ravenosi. However, this requires a Ravenosi to be revealed, a feat which is very hard to do if the monster does not wish it.