[Rynmere] Development Thread

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[Rynmere] Development Thread

Here's a folktale!

Haakon's Ghost Some say that the reason Jacadons become stone when they die is not for their biology, but for an ancient and hidden truth: that they are not in fact animals made naturally of this world, but created by a fiendish man holed up in the center of Haakon's Isle, protected by the wandering Ej'Ryn as he experiments on the corpses of those who would dare to venture to the ancient Jacadon's Nest.

This is incredibly unlikely given the history of Jacadons and the Kingdom, but mothers and fathers tell it to their children regardless, teaching them to be wary of the Isle and all magical and supernatural things.
 ! Message from: Bumblebee
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

A tradition!

Nora's Thorns A rather violent tradition - uncharacteristic of the Duchy - is one known as Nora's Thorns. It is a tradition in Venora to punish the most treasonous of individuals by placing a barbed crown upon their heard, barbed wristbands, barbed anklets and a barbed belt around their waist, all of sharp thorns. They are then forced to walk as far as they can to the mountains of the North before they die, shamed senselessly in death if they do not manage to make it atop the Duchy's northern mountain. Very few actually redeem themselves on the walk, and nearly all of them die.

Some examples of actions that may incur this punishment are: conspiring against House Venora and being exposed, committing ideological terrorism, selling important secrets to foreign powers, intentionally destroying religious monuments, and defacing dead nobility.
 ! Message from: Bumblebee
Last edited by Alistair on Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:11 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 145
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

The Shore Lurkers:

The tribe was known by the surface dwellers as the Shore Lurkers, a tribe of Mer that gathered by the shore and preformed eerie rituals when the moon was at its fullest. Below the sea, they were far more infamous for their greed and lust for power. They inherited magic long ago and made sure every solitary member of the tribe was initiated after under going a deadly trail to prove their worth. The Shore Lurkers would train these mages until they were ready to raid and pillage other tribes for their resources and land. If a tribe were to retaliate, The Shore Lurkers wouldn’t leave a single soul alive.

However, In Arc 702 the pleas and cries of the fallen Mer had finally reached the Leviathans in the area and they were ready to lay waste to a growing problem within their waters. When the dust settled, the Shore Lurkers were all but destroyed, with only the young left alive to start a new life with whatever tribe would take them in.

While the event occurred in recent time it has already transformed into a cautionary tale among the Mer of the area, and has only recently spread to the surface world through Mer bards. Many details get frequently added in with each retelling, most commonly a wicked Mer queen that harvested the blood of naughty children and a giant creature stitched together from the corpses of those they pillaged.
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

Raising the Barn
This is a tradition that can be found throughout Rynmere, though it is usually one that only farmers engage in.

When a farmer needs to build a barn/stable/chicken coop/etc., they often do not know how to go about doing it themselves. Or if they do, they do not have enough time to get it built in the amount of time it needs to be done in since that have a farm to run. When this happens, they buy the supplies they need, hire the services of a skilled carpenter if needed, then turn to their neighbors for aid. Word goes out, and the local farmers in the area rally to the call.

It becomes almost a festival of sorts. The work gets done in a timely fashion, but it is also an occasion for neighbors to catch up on each others' lives. Bets, either for nels, or for bragging rights are made on who can hammer the most nails, or saw the most planks in a break, or for other equally silly contests. Young men can challenge themselves, and their friends to see who can do the most work, or can produce the best quality work. Skills related to the task at hand are taught to those who wish to learn. And stories of past events are told...some of which might even be true.

The person hosting the event will provide a hearty meal for their neighbors at the end of each trial of work. Since the families of the neighbors who come to help often pitch in by bringing a dish over, these meals usually turn into feasts. And the families really get into their part; there are often contests for the best dessert, meat dish, vegetable dish, and overall favorite dish. Recipes are exchanged, and cooking lessons are usually available to those who wish to learn how to make the dishes that are served at the feasts. Children have a fine time of it as well. Older children will help with the work, or with preparing the meal at the end of the trial. But younger kids play games, hold races, and have a great time entertaining themselves while their parents work.

Barn raising events are social get together as much as they are a group of people gathering to help a neighbor build something. It is a common thing for young lovers to meet during events such as these. Variations of these events exist where neighbors will gather to help out during the planting season, or a harvest if someone needs help during those times.
 ! Message from: Bumblebee
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

Hay fever: a term that can be used as both an insult, and an endearment of sorts. It means that someone is excited over something to the point of silliness/insanity/stupidity. It implies that whoever has "hay fever" is running around half cocked, and babbling to all who will listen about whatever idea holds them in thrall, much to the amusement or irritation of those around them.
 ! Message from: Bumblebee
Approved! Added to lore page under the language section.
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

The Smart Ass, and the Foolish Farmer

Once upon a time, there was a donkey named Sato. Like many of his kind, Sato was very lazy. He didn't want to do any more work than he absolutely had to in order to get by. The farmer that owned him was quick with the switch every time that Sato didn't work fast enough, or hard enough to suit him. So at the first chance he got, Sato ran away.

Now, for the first time in his life, Sato had true freedom. Grass grew in abundance all around him, so he could eat as much as he wanted, whenever he wanted to. As a result, he grew fat, and sleek. There was no farmer around to make him work, so he could spend all of his time napping in the warm Ymiden sun, and grazing. He could do anything that he wanted to do. To the young donkey, it seemed as though he had found paradise.

But it didn't take long for him to realize that freedom wasn't all that he had hoped it would be. He could stuff himself silly on as much grass as he could eat, and not have to earn his feed with a hard trial's work. But there were a lot of creatures lurking out in the wilds that wanted to eat him. He had to keep alert at all times, and keep moving, or they would catch him. Sato soon learned that while he no longer had to work for his food, escaping the predators that surrounded him was as much work as pulling a plow ever could be. In the heat of Saun, there was no shade offered by a cool barn to rest in. And as the seasons turned cold, snow came and killed all of the grass. There was no grain for him to eat, and no warm mashed to ward away the chill. So he soon lost all of the weight he had gained.

It didn't take Sato long to realize that living on a farm was better than living out in the wilderness on his own. But when he returned home, he found that the farmer had bought a new donkey to replace him. That donkey knew it had a good thing going for him, and was quite willing to put in a good trial's work if it meant having a home that was warm in Zi'da and Cylus, and cool in Saun, with plenty of good feed waiting for him at the end of his work. The farmer had no need of two donkeys, especially when one had proven to be so unwilling to work. So Sato found himself being driven back out into the cold.

Sato wandered aimlessly until he came across a farm where the farmer had left the barn door open. By then, the ground was covered in snow, and the young donkey was very grateful for a warm, safe place to sleep. So he walked right in, and fell asleep in a mound of hay.

The next morning, the farmer came in, and fed all of the animals in the barn, never noticing that he had somehow acquired another donkey. When it was time to start the trial's work, he harnessed his own donkey to a cart, and headed out into the snow. The farmer's children came in later to groom all of the animals in the barn, and Sato was treated to a nice, through grooming that took all of the brambles out of his coat. What could possibly be better than that? Free food, a nice, safe place to stay, and a nice clean coat. Sato felt that he really had found paradise.

Trial, after trial, Sato was able to eat his fill without ever having to work for it. The foolish farmer, not expecting to see an extra animal, never even noticed him. But he always brought enough grain to feed all of the animals in the barn, so Sato could eat his fill. And when there was work to be done, the foolish farmer always overlooked Sato, and put his own donkey to work instead. Sato spent the rest of his trials happily living off of the labors of others, never having to do another trial's work - all because the foolish farmer didn't pay attention to his surroundings enough to notice what he wasn't expecting to see.

The moral of the fable is twofold; always pay attention to what is around you, and never leave the barn door open.
 ! Message from: Bumblebee
Approved! Thanks!
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

I just noticed we don't have an orphanage in Andaris. We should probably get one. :D
 ! Message from: Bumblebee
I totally agree. :)
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

Fairchild's Resort for the Mentally Ill

"At Fairchild's, we provide a safe and solitary experience to protect our patients from themselves or others, and treat them with care."
An old hostel purchased within Krome now outfitted with the best in equipment used to help the mentally ill, Vera Fairchild's Resort for the Mentally Ill, or Fairchild's as the locals call it, is used to rehabilitate those with mental illnesses related to various traumas, brain injuries, or birth defects. Her expertise and the calm, safe environment provides a place for these poor, sick individuals to get the help they need.

The entrance is marked by a door, a large slab of granite chiseled to bear the name of this facility just above. The eerie, gothic tone of the place gives way to a cool, candle-lit office with tapestries draping from the walls to make it feel secure. The reception doubles as a visitation center, with a set of iron bars blocking the small office, a waiting area of comfy armchairs and a couch just before.

Would one be committed or find themselves employed, only then would they be permitted to see the rest of this facility beyond the holding cell bordering the office. Padded cells with locked doors line a set of long hallways, a kitchen and dining room at the end of one, and after a turning the corner a medical room could be found at the opposite end of the building. A pair of burly orderlies, labor slaves, jingle the keys to these places as they manage the day-to-day functions as outlined by Vera, funneling patients in straitjackets from room to room, one at a time, making sure each patient is fed and cared for properly.

Fairchild's Resort owes its existence to the fear of the public. The fear that these often criminally insane individuals could exact their insanity upon them.


Rynmere offers stipends to doctors that take care of most medical expenses. You must fail an evaluation you yourself attend or be sentenced to a mental institution by a Rynmere authority to be committed.

Psychological Evaluation - Free
Residency - Free
Visitation - Free, If Patient Deemed Fit To Be Seen


PC Employees:
Vera Fairchild (Owner)
NPC Employees

Name: Edmund Valtrude
Created by: Vera
Race: Human
Age: 23
Born: Cylus 14th 693
Job: Orderly, Labor Slave
Skills: Strength 50, Unarmed Combat (Wrestling) 26

Other Information: The brains in a pair of scruffy twins, Vera bought him from a slaver. They were about to be sold separately, but she saw the value in their familial bond and elected to make them her first. Edmund toiled in mines and survived in a rough environment for much of his life alongside his brother Maro. He is loyal to Vera, fearing that he will be separated from his brother if he speaks out against his master's strange behavior.
Name: Maro Valtrude
Created by: Vera
Race: Human
Age: 23
Born: Cylus 14th 693
Job: Orderly, Labor Slave
Skills: Strength 50, Unarmed Combat (Wrestling) 26

Other Information: The brawn in a pair of scruffy twins, Vera bought him from a slaver. They were about to be sold separately, but she saw the value in their familial bond and elected to make them her first. Maro toiled in mines and survived in a rough environment for much of his life alongside his brother Edmund. He too is loyal to Vera for the same reason as his brother, aside from the fact that he's been a slave without issue for most of his life. He actually enjoys the more relaxed atmosphere of Fairchild's.

Floor Plan


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Pm sent!
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

NPC: Gwen Arlington
Race: Yludith (posing as human)
Gender: Female
Born: 696 (21 this year)
Skills: Cosmetology: 60, Deception: 55, Acting: 55, Etiquette: 50, Caregiving: 50, Intelligence: 50, Persuasion: 50, Sewing: 50, Unarmed Combat: 50, Dagger: 45, Poisons: 45, Seduction: 40.

Personality: To all intents and purposes, Gwen is a loyal and trusted servant. She works very hard to appear such and she certainly is very good at her job. She is, however, an informant and intelligence gatherer and also works as a hired killer. She is part of the “Rynmere Citizens Alliance”, although she has joined this group because it furthers her links and contacts. In truth, she does not care whether someone is a noble or a commoner, as a hired intelligence gatherer or, conversely, assassin, Gwen cares only that she is doing her job well.

Please note: Gwen Arlington is the name which she has adopted upon being hired by the Krome family. It is not her real name.
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[Rynmere] Development Thread

A little fable/folktale if you please:

A very rich fortune teller came into marketplace and was foretelling people's future for a small price. Everyone loved this man and trusted him, always lining up to listen to his advice. He was a leader of sorts, and the poor believed he was the one who could guide them. One day a man ran up in great haste announcing the the fortune tellers's door had been broken into: 'Sir! Your house is being robbed! Run quickly!' he said. And the fortune teller jumped up and ran home. As the man was running home, his neighbor spotted him and laughed. The neighbor said, 'You there! You say you know the futures of others; how did you not foresee your own?”

Moral of the story: Seek your own truths. Have your own affairs in order before dictating the lives of others.
 ! Message from: Pegasus
A great story - and a great great moral to it. Approved!
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