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Re: Cold Cycle City Registry

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 4:22 pm
by Alistair
PC Name: Alistair var Radomir
PC Age, Race, Gender: Uhhh... 29 I think, Human, Male
Citizen, Migrant, or Visitor: Migrant
Immortals you Worship: It's complicated
Blessings or Curses: Sesser (1)
Magics: Necromancy, Rupturing, Transmutation
Profession, Goal, or Purpose for Visit: Find purpose in life
Types of Threads you Like: Politics, magical intrigue, combat/violence
Types of Threads you Dislike: Basic meet'n'greets
Mod Bombs - Yes, No, or Ask?: Tyrant can since it's his city. Ask otherwise
Anything Else: Naw.

Re: Cold Cycle City Registry

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 1:55 am
by Kaelrik
PC Name: Kaelrik
PC Age, Race, Gender: 23, Lotharro, Male
Citizen, Migrant, or Visitor: Migrant(?)
Immortals you Worship: Thetros
Blessings or Curses: None.
Magics: Defiance
Profession, Goal, or Purpose for Visit: Slave. Exists for the entertainment of the nobility.
Types of Threads you Like: Conflict. Emotional. Volatile. Passionate. Intrigue. Political.
Types of Threads you Dislike: Mundane meet and greets.
Mod Bombs - Yes, No, or Ask?: Do as you like. I'll roll with the punches!
Anything Else: I'm a returning player. Bare with me as I get my bearings again.

Re: Cold Cycle City Registry

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 5:57 am
by Blue
PC Name: Nev’alyne Leveraux
PC Age, Race, Gender: 19, mixed race, male
Citizen, Migrant, or Visitor: Citizen
Immortals you Worship: Vri
Blessings or Curses: Bellinos
Magics: Nope
Profession, Goal, or Purpose for Visit: Educate these heaps
Types of Threads you Like: Adventure, defiance, whatever
Types of Threads you Dislike: N/A
Mod Bombs - Yes, No, or Ask?: Please do!
Anything Else: Nope!

Re: Cold Cycle City Registry

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 5:30 pm
by Emerald
PC Name: Emerald
PC Age, Race, Gender: 19 arc old, Merman
Citizen, Migrant, or Visitor: Visitor
Immortals you Worship: he only worships Dortaka
Blessings or Curses: lol no
Magics: Attunement
Profession, Goal, or Purpose for Visit: He was told this city would help him understand magic, but he wouldn't mind finding some treasure or selling some of his crafts.
Types of Threads you Like: Romance, magic, social, adventure, pretty much all of it.
Types of Threads you Dislike: Not much.
Mod Bombs - Yes, No, or Ask?: of course.
Anything Else: I might need to get Adult access cause he's gonna probably enter the city naked since he has no clothing to speak of. :o

Re: Cold Cycle City Registry

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 8:02 am
by Sorinar
PC Name: Sorinar Majora
PC Age, Race, Gender: Sorinar is 121 Arcs old, and an Eidisi. This is old as dirt, making him elderly by consequence, but he is beginning to rely on Becoming forms that make him feel and appear younger, in particular a male human shape, or a white bear with blue eyes. I do intend to explore other forms as well, some monstrous. I really do like the idea of being one of those Saltfetchers, working away in a laboratory to create potions and concoctions in support of Quacia's plight while reviving some mysterious God going against the wisdom of balance and logic his own Gods would have cautioned him on.
Citizen, Migrant, or Visitor: A migrant, although he does not intend to form deep roots in Quacia.
Immortals you Worship: Although he claims not to worship the Immortals, he holds extreme reverence for Yvithia and Ralaith. Like most Eidisi, he sees it pointless to pray, and sees prayer as more of a logical stance. In essence, religion is politics, and he will remain a political chameleon to suit his own ends although he is ultimately loyal to Viden and the goal of finding his son. He will likely adopt the religious practices
Blessings or Curses: I am seeking approval for Ralaith's blessing of Shirvain
Magics: Attunement, Becoming, the Practice of Alchemy, the Practice of Ensorcelling (placeholder experience contingent on release)
Profession, Goal, or Purpose for Visit: Alchemist Mage with both a Certificate of Humanities in History, and a Certificate of Arcana in Metaphysics, for the purpose of working to experiment on solutions for the Creep. More privately, he finds the city interesting and wishes to study the culture, history, and language of its inhabitants so that he may return to Viden with academic knowledge that could impress Yvithia. The ultimate goal is to find his son who was lost after venturing into a Fracture, whatever may be left of him.
Types of Threads you Like: Bizarre abstraction, science, and riveting tragedy. Magic and struggles of power, of the occult. Struggles of survival in inhospitable environments, hunting, and nature in general are interesting.
Types of Threads you Dislike: Social threads with little substance, or tasks that are too mundane without twists.
Mod Bombs - Yes, No, or Ask?: So long as I do not outright become unable to play the character (in a living state, as opposed to the undead) I am fine with anything. You could collapse a cave upon me and break my bones, and I will slither back to my feet in time provided I am guaranteed survival.
Anything Else: I'll be taking inspiration from the Sceptical Chymist by Robert Boyle which I plan to read again soon after many years, so expect antics with urine and other mundane substances. I am so tickled by this place, honestly. Alchemy has so inspired me.

Re: Cold Cycle City Registry

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2018 3:09 am
by Sal Umeh
PC Name: Sal Umeh
PC Age, Race, Gender: 20 Arcs, Qi'ora, Female
Citizen, Migrant, or Visitor: Citizen all her life.
Immortals you Worship: The Wounded God. Is there any other?
Blessings or Curses: None yet!
Magics: None as of now.
Profession, Goal, or Purpose for Visit: Sal is a smith and glassblower by trade. Goals are to become the best known smith in Quacia, and eventually in all of Idalos. Crafting creations that the masses pine for is a dream of hers.
Types of Threads you Like: Pretty much everything.
Types of Threads you Dislike: I've yet to find a type I dislike.
Mod Bombs - Yes, No, or Ask?: Yes please.
Anything Else: Excited to be here and get started! Hit me up with a PM if you want to thread! :D

Re: Cold Cycle City Registry

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 5:21 pm
by Kyryk
PC Name: Kyryk
PC Age, Race, Gender: 35, Male, Lotharro
Citizen, Migrant, or Visitor: Migrant
Immortals you Worship: None
Blessings or Curses: None
Magics: Becoming and Hone
Profession, Goal, or Purpose for Visit: Traveling, training to be a hardcore warrior
Types of Threads you Like: All types
Types of Threads you Dislike: No types
Mod Bombs - Yes, No, or Ask?: I don't know what this means, so yes!
Anything Else: Don't be gentle! I can take it.

Re: Cold Cycle City Registry

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 1:37 am
by Abaddon
PC Name: Abaddon
PC Age, Race, Gender: 27 Arcs or so, Lotharro, Male
Citizen, Migrant, or Visitor: Migrant
Immortals you Worship: Kielik
Blessings or Curses: Nitahi (On approval)
Magics: Hone, Attunement
Profession, Goal, or Purpose for Visit: Bouncer at a brothel, fleeing from what he fears.
Types of Threads you Like: Drama, Combat, Romance, Magic
Types of Threads you Dislike: Completely Social Meet & Greets
Mod Bombs - Yes, No, or Ask?: Ask
Anything Else: I just made Abaddon, still trying to figure him out. Enjoy!

Re: Cold Cycle City Registry

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:51 am
by Rakvald
PC Name: Rakvald
PC Age, Race, Gender: 28 Lotharro Male
Citizen, Migrant, or Visitor: Citizen
Immortals you Worship: Homage to the wounded god. Fairly ignorant otherwise.
Blessings or Curses: Perish the thought.
Magics: Graft (Possibly also hone. But that will require a special memory thread.)
Profession, Goal, or Purpose for Visit: Pig farmer.
Types of Threads you Like: Fun type.
Types of Threads you Dislike: Idk, I'm pretty open.
Mod Bombs - Yes, No, or Ask?: Yes please ask.
Anything Else: Happy.