• PM To Join • [Venora] The Roses And The Snow

20th of Zi'da 717

The seven Duchies of Central Rynmere and their respective baronies, cities, towns, villages, and landmarks each overseen by a Duke of one of the seven noble families and ultimately controlled by the King of Rynmere.
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Caius Gawyne
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[Venora] The Roses And The Snow

This song is appropriate.
And it's better acoustic. Okay, it's good both ways. But, FC singing FTW.

"She's wanted to come home for a long time, Oliver." The young Gawyne replied quietly, ink-stained fingernails digging into his palms in his pockets. He didn't even need to be told that to know it, to see it. The older Venora's next words stung him, strangely enough, and his eyes narrowed for a moment as the color faded from them, forced to look away from Darcy into the cold cycle barrenness of the rest of the garden. Her brother just had no idea. He didn't. He couldn't. And for that brief moment, Caius felt the weight of how isolated he was, how alone on the front lines of a battle he didn't know how to fight and he knew he wasn't equipped for. He'd told the other man hastily, selfishly, needfully when he'd last been here in this very garden because he'd felt so alone.

Bogs—what was he doing? What had he done?

Darcy smiled and he wanted to smile back, but he couldn't, Oliver's tone of voice already a trigger. His chest tightened and he didn't even want to take the cup of coffee that was pressed into his hands as they fumbled clumsily from his pockets like unwilling participants in the situation that he could already feel unfolding. Holding his breath at the words, pale eyes flicked desperately downward into the dark liquid as if hoping he could read the future in the arrangement of foam and steam.

There were no answers there.

It was when he looked up into the shockingly darker gaze of the delicate pianist that he managed an exhale, but it was as if her accusation had punched him in the gut. He hissed the last of what was in his lungs as she aired their intimacies in front of her brother,

"In my bed? Really. You want to go there, do you? Fine." Caius' tone held no regrets for anything and everything they'd shared that morning and yet the color that heated his face gave his peculiar comfort in what had once been their deserved privacy away, "What you mean to say about that truthfully is how you showed up barely conscious on my doorstep in the last breaks of the night after taking all the drugs you could find in your room. That's the part that should be added there for Oliver to hear, Darcy. Remember how much better it was that I watched you sleep—yes, in my sarding bed—instead of taking you to the Fates-be-damned infirmary lest someone tell your sword-wielding, loving brother—"

So he told Oliver himself instead.

"—but this is not nothing. This is fucking everything. That shit defines you, defends you, destroys you. And you sarding well know it."

The young Gawyne didn't move when Darcy turned on him in anger, so close that he ached to touch her, to snatch her hands in his and squeeze until she understood. But both their pairs of hands were otherwise occupied, sard it all, and so he struggled to not spill his coffee instead,

"All this time, yes I sarding did."

He snapped back, Caius' voice breaking on the last few words, "It all fits together, Darcyanna—it's not one or the other that's killing you: it's both. Both! I never promised to keep your secrets, and I told you that. I told you that when it came to protecting you, when I had to make that choice between keeping you safe and keeping myself quiet, I told you what I would choose. This, this addiction is part of that choice. And I would make it again. The consequence of following this path to its conclusion, these drugs that do more than just help you sleep—"

His face had twisted in pain now, and Caius did all he could to keep his own tears from flooding his eyes, from trailing down his face in the chill, but it wasn't enough.

Why did this matter so much?

When did she matter so much?

He could easily walk away, wash his hands from everything, spit at the House Venora, and no one would bat a damn eye over any of it. So easy, this arc, to blame it all on the ugliness that had erupted, exploded, and been dealt with among the Venoras ... and the young Gawyne would be absolved from any scandal. Simple as that.

And yet, he couldn't bring himself to do such a thing. Because he didn't fucking care about the scandal.

He fucking cared about Darcy.

Pale eyes studied the blond Venora's face and he breathed,

"—the drugs are killing you. She is killing you. Your sister is winning and I won't fucking stand for it. You don't have to like what I did or how I did it, but you remember my face after I came home—no, after you came home, after you told me how you almost died when I was away—you remember my face and hear me when I say this: I did the right thing. Because I care. Even my silence was for you."

Caius set his coffee down just so he could curl fingers down to his knuckles against his skull and in his hair, feeling so incredibly unhinged.

Darcy apologized to Oliver, and the northern noble came apart, her quiet words the last straw. He'd carried it all for trials now, buried it in the cavity of his chest, hidden it desperately from view when all the rest of him was laid bare for her enjoyment, felt it burn through his very bones like so much melted lead. For trials.

And here he was. The asshole. Broken.

Shoulders sagging, he looked to Oliver in wild desperation, aware of what had been aired of their relationship but it seemed so petty compared to everything else. His tone was so even and sharp he could cut flesh with it, the strength of his determined resolve that he'd done the right thing humming with his pulse. But it hurt. So. Damn. Much.

Looking back at Darcy, his words were quiet,

"I'm not. I'm not sarding sorry for any of it. I did all of this for you."
Last edited by Caius Gawyne on Wed Jan 03, 2018 6:40 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1079
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Oliver Venora
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[Venora] The Roses And The Snow

Oliver Sebastian Venora
What should he have expected? Darycanna's reaction was less violent than he anticipated, but it should not have shocked him. It did, though. Perhaps not for the reasons that Oliver had thought it would, but it had nonetheless. A heart thumping in his ears thundered blood through his veins, heating him despite the cold air of the season. Watching Darcy's every move, suddenly full of adrenaline, Oliver's jaw clenched tightly in response to her. He could see Caius tense up as well, could feel the anger radiating from the younger Gawyne as he sat there, struggling to find the correct words to assuage his sister's fears.

And why the fuck should you find them? The words of doubt niggled into his thoughts, sinking their poisoned pincers in to roost and fester. Shark-black eyes melted to a dull grey, and a glaze covered them like a ceramics potter would glaze his work. Why should you find the words? You couldn't find them before. You couldn't find them to help her in the beginning. Of course he knew that he could not have known.

But she didn't trust you to tell you, either. She told a stranger. Two strangers. Oliver's jaw clenched, locking painfully together as his teeth ground, an audible sound none of the other participants in the conversation overheard due to their own emotional upheaval. He shuddered at the feeling of the calcium grinding on itself, but to the others, it would appear as if the cold had finally connected with him. It still hadn't, he realized.

She told two strangers, and they told you. You, her brother, the man who swore to protect her... And she showed up on his doorstep, looked to him for asylum. Asylum. Would that there ever were such a fucking thing on this entire barren swath of desolation. Instead, there was no asylum, only fear and panic and tiredness. Oliver could not begin to know Darcy's pain, but she didn't care to share it with him either. She didn't care to come to him with her pain, instead, shutting him out completely. To him, it was nothing more than a childhood of bullying. Pythera left no visible scars.

And what about the ones you can't see? Oliver struggled to hold back the anger, welling inside him to match Caius'. Caius', borne from indignation at Darcyanna's reaction, was not nearly the pure energy source that fueled Oliver's anger. She was his sister. He had taken care of her, and when the shit happened, she hadn't come to him. How dare she? How dare she show anything but remorse? How dare she go to another, no... Two others, and then act as if she were the victim.

But he remained silent in her pleading, and he remained silent throughout Caius' tirade. Oliver couldn't blame the man, but in that instant, he hated him. He hated that he had told him, though the thought caused guilt to burn in his stomach like a hot coal. He hated that Darcyanna had found him, had chosen him to confide in. Oliver was there, always. He had not gone off on some trip, nor had he written her off like so many others in the family. No, he was there for her, always sending her letters, or wishing her a happy birthtrial. Instead, she spent those trials dazed, using chemicals to escape the pain she felt inside. No remorse, no Fates-fucking concern for how Oliver felt.

You selfish prick. Of course, all he could think about was himself in that moment. Maybe it was because Darcy could only think about herself, and the selfishness of the trial would be the end of their fractured relationship. Dull grey became seething indigo as his eyes finally met Darcyanna's, bursting forth over Caius' lack of apology to drown the words nearly in their entirety.

"You think I don't fucking know? You think I haven't wanted to lose myself sometimes? But never have I ever lied to you, Darcy. Never have I allowed a secret like this to remain buried." He looked at Caius, before rising to his feet.

"I don't give a shit for your apologies. You want to be sorry? Tell me your Fates-damned self. Not Caius, not Charlotte. You, right here, and right now. Admit it to me. I don't want to hear some fucking cover up. I don't need pretty words. I want you to tell me, right now, who you really are. If you can't lay that on me, you can turn around never set foot in my home again." The words were acidic, but the tone was calm rage. All evidence of emotion seeped from him, leaving a stony mask in its place.

"Tell me, or lose this chance forever."

He needed to know who she was, truly, before he could affect any change. Pythera may have broken her, but he would put her back together.

And then he would give Pythera what she deserved.

First things first.
word count: 860
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Darcyanna Venora
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[Venora] The Roses And The Snow

20th Zi’da, 717

“Caius I—“ Darcy started as he finally cracked, finally let loose with things that just didn’t need to be added. Not here, not now. Her face was a dark scarlet and her eyes shifted between indigos, blues and stormy dull greys as the nasty truth got laid bare.

“Don’t talk about Pyt—“ She began, feeling a nauseating wave of fear sweep over her as the Gawyne spoke the words out loud. Out loud for all to hear, not just Oliver. Fates, he was going to get her killed, the sarding idiot!

Looking back at Oliver as Caius gave his non-apology, the blonde balked at his voice, never having ever had her brother yell at her. Not ever. The tears welled in her wide bright blue eyes as she stared at him with heart breaking in her chest. It was two against one, both men furious at her for their own reasons. Reasons that mattered and reasons that hurt them, even if Darcy had done what she’d done out of fear. The fact remained that her secrets had hurt those she cared for the most.

“I never lied to you Oli—“ She whispered, voice trembling, cut short by his continued rage. Charlie too?! Her heart broke even more. What had she done? Why had she bothered to open up, to Caius about Pythera. To Charlie about her issues. The taller dark haired man spoke with a clipped calm, a burning anger seething under his stony facade.

My home? The comment cut the musician to the core, and she glanced between them again, trapped by emotional turmoil and threats of disownment. By the man she looked up to, and the one she...cared for. Even the woman who had befriended her had turned the tables, there was no one left.

What else could she do? What else could she say. Oliver stood before her now demanding her to tell him everything, to overcome the fear that had stopped her for so long.

Or else.

Threatened by the promise of death by one sibling, or by the disownment of the other, Darcy made a choice.

“Oli I wanted to, I wanted to tell you. So badly. All the time, it was never just words and playground antics. She would torture me, and if I told anyone, anyone, it just made it worse. When she finally...when...” Panic gripped her chest, squeezing the air from her lungs, but with a painful gasping sob the Venora continued.

“When it was over she didn’t just threaten to kill me Oli. She said no one would ever find me. She would take me where no one would ever find me and...you didn’t see her. You weren’t there. By the Seven, no one was there. Have you heard what she’s done, the Butcher of Warrick? Have you heard Oli? She’s insane, and I saw it. I saw her eyes, I was there. I was there.” Gripping the boxed rose in her hands, Darcyanna hugged it to her chest like some sort of shield for her aching heart, unable to stop the defeated tears as they fell.

“They gave me the reevi for the pain, but it made everything so numb. It made all the fear and the need to tell you just disappear. I realised then that if I wanted to save myself, if I wanted to keep my mouth shut, I had to stay numb. Stay beyond thought or reason. It started with reevi, then fairy dust, and Euphoria. I...I tried something else, but...it was bad. I haven’t touched it since, at all.” Looking past Oliver, she stared at the gardens behind him. How simple things had been only bits ago.

“I never lied to you Oli, I just never told you because I was afraid. Yes, I was selfish, but wouldn’t you be too? If you were in my shoes, wouldn’t you do whatever you needed to, to survive? I wish, I wish I’d had the courage to tell you. Fates, you were my best friend! You were my big brother, my hero...and I couldn’t tell you. Now? Now you know, and I am so scared Oliver, I am terrified because somehow—someway—Thera is going to know. She’s going to know.” Pointing a finger at Caius, she caught a shuddering breath, brow drawn.

“He only found out because I was so sarding high that I could barely think. I could hear her, I could see her.” Turning her terrified blue eyes on the tall Gawyne, voice hitching painfully, Darcyanna shook her head.

“I wish I’d never told you. I wish I’d just taken everything else and gone to bed and not woken up. It would be less painful then whatever is going to happen when she gets me.” Her voice dropped to an almost whisper with the last few words, genuine fear in her tone.

“Charlie found out by sheer accident. I came here Oli. I came here because I needed help, but I couldn’t find the strength to hurt you like this. I couldn’t bare being looked at the way you’re looking at me right now.” The blonde jumped up from the bench, hardly able to catch her breath between the tears and the anxious grip of panic in her chest.

Cornered, ambushed, attacked. She felt all three of these things, like an animal caged.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I can’t...I can’t do this right now. If you’ll give me leave to, My Lord, I would like to retreat to your house for the rest of the trial.” Her tone was formal, even if it was bitter, blue eyes turning on Caius with conflicting stormy greys and indigo.

“Good trial, Lord Gawyne.” She choked out quietly, before moving to flee the scene before either of the men could stop her. Heels clicking on cold marble, Darcyanna fled to the house and up the sweeping staircase. Bursting into the Pink Room, she slammed the door shut behind her, sinking down on the floor with heart wrenching sobs, the boxed ivory rose pressed to her chest.

It was all over. Fates, it was all over.

Everything was over.
word count: 1057
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[Venora] The Roses And The Snow

Darcyanna Venora


Skill Knowledge:
Resistance: Coping with mild withdrawal symptoms.
Etiquette: Forgetting one’s self when returning home after a long while away
Etiquette: Saying thank you
Endurance: Weathering the wrath of those you love
Endurance: Having the strength to admit you have a problem
Politics: A poor excuse is as good as a lie
Politics: Choosing the lesser of two evils

One high quality carved ivory rose
5 planning and executing an intervention
These points can NOT be used for Domain Magic

Skill Points: 
Skill Knowledge:
Discipline: Focusing on someone else's hurts
Discipline: Balancing excitement and fear
Discipline: Shifting the conversation even when you don't want to
Etiquette: Real families hug
Etiquette: Glowing compliments
Etiquette: Offering refreshments before difficult conversation
Psychology: I know about the drugs
Psychology: Letting your emotions take over

Oliver Venora


Skill Knowledge:
Discipline: Focusing on someone else's hurts
Discipline: Balancing excitement and fear
Discipline: Shifting the conversation even when you don't want to
Etiquette: Real families hug
Etiquette: Glowing compliments
Etiquette: Offering refreshments before difficult conversation
Psychology: I know about the drugs
Psychology: Letting your emotions take over

Cost of carved rose deducted from ledger.
5 for getting help with your addiction.
These points can NOT be used for Domain Magic

Skill Points: 

Caius Gawyne


Skill Knowledge:
Deception: Keeping difficult secrets from loved ones
Deception: Hiding an intervention with a social visit
Discipline: Weathering someone else's withdrawal symptoms
Discipline: Saying no
Discipline: Optimistic game face
Discipline: Sticking to what you believe is right
Endurance: Standing your emotional ground
Rhetoric: Even my silence was for you.

5 planning and executing an intervention
These points can NOT be used for Domain Magic

Skill Points: 

Oh fuck this was intense. A nice slow build to some raw tear your heart out feels. All three of you are such great writers, I loved reading this thread. Keep up the good work you magnificent humans.

Art credit to Yoshitaka Amano
word count: 361
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