Alistair's Templates

In this section, players can learn how to construct their own post templates for their roleplays. Inside is a list of BBCode available on the site as well as how to use it. If anyone needs any help with developing a template, feel free to hop into chat or PM someone for assistance.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in sapien a justo ultrices blandit eu et ipsum. Sed eget mollis felis. Pellentesque faucibus faucibus dui, vel elementum dui rutrum nec. Proin fermentum varius tincidunt. Quisque ornare ligula id tempor euismod. Nulla non erat non urna porta pellentesque. Proin efficitur tortor sed magna volutpat condimentum. Duis quis semper est, sed gravida orci. Integer felis lorem, ultrices in purus quis, viverra egestas purus. Nam lobortis tortor sed porttitor hendrerit. "Aliquam a nunc vel risus luctus venenatis eget sed massa. Phasellus ut massa vitae turpis pulvinar tempus id sit amet lacus. Vivamus viverra enim at dui tempor placerat."

Nullam semper iaculis dolor elementum finibus. In non venenatis turpis, nec molestie nulla. Sed iaculis nisl et nisi finibus, non bibendum lectus egestas. Vestibulum fringilla tortor eu turpis tincidunt accumsan. Phasellus maximus ante et est eleifend ultrices. Donec congue sem nibh, quis hendrerit erat auctor et. Vestibulum vel placerat nunc. Aliquam pellentesque ac turpis vel congue.
Last edited by Incubus on Mon Sep 19, 2016 5:28 am, edited 5 times in total. word count: 162
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in sapien a justo ultrices blandit eu et ipsum. Sed eget mollis felis. Pellentesque faucibus faucibus dui, vel elementum dui rutrum nec. Proin fermentum varius tincidunt. Quisque ornare ligula id tempor euismod. Nulla non erat non urna porta pellentesque. Proin efficitur tortor sed magna volutpat condimentum. Duis quis semper est, sed gravida orci. Integer felis lorem, ultrices in purus quis, viverra egestas purus. Nam lobortis tortor sed porttitor hendrerit. Aliquam a nunc vel risus luctus venenatis eget sed massa. Phasellus ut massa vitae turpis pulvinar tempus id sit amet lacus. Vivamus viverra enim at dui tempor placerat.

Nullam semper iaculis dolor elementum finibus. In non venenatis turpis, nec molestie nulla. Sed iaculis nisl et nisi finibus, non bibendum lectus egestas. Vestibulum fringilla tortor eu turpis tincidunt accumsan. Phasellus maximus ante et est eleifend ultrices. Donec congue sem nibh, quis hendrerit erat auctor et. Vestibulum vel placerat nunc. Aliquam pellentesque ac turpis vel congue.
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Alistair's Templates

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in sapien a justo ultrices blandit eu et ipsum. Sed eget mollis felis. Pellentesque faucibus faucibus dui, vel elementum dui rutrum nec. Proin fermentum varius tincidunt. Quisque ornare ligula id tempor euismod. Nulla non erat non urna porta pellentesque. Proin efficitur tortor sed magna volutpat condimentum. Duis quis semper est, sed gravida orci. Integer felis lorem, ultrices in purus quis, viverra egestas purus. Nam lobortis tortor sed porttitor hendrerit. Aliquam a nunc vel risus luctus venenatis eget sed massa. Phasellus ut massa vitae turpis pulvinar tempus id sit amet lacus. Vivamus viverra enim at dui tempor placerat.

Nullam semper iaculis dolor elementum finibus. In non venenatis turpis, nec molestie nulla. Sed iaculis nisl et nisi finibus, non bibendum lectus egestas. Vestibulum fringilla tortor eu turpis tincidunt accumsan. Phasellus maximus ante et est eleifend ultrices. Donec congue sem nibh, quis hendrerit erat auctor et. Vestibulum vel placerat nunc. Aliquam pellentesque ac turpis vel congue.

Code: Select all

[center][style=max-width:700px; margin-top:30px; margin-bottom:30px; box-shadow:0px 0px 15px #000000; background-color: black; font-family: "High Tower Text"; color:#d8cbb2;][img][/img]
[style2=padding:40px; margin-top:-30px;][align=justify][font size=125]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in sapien a justo ultrices blandit eu et ipsum. Sed eget mollis felis. Pellentesque faucibus faucibus dui, vel elementum dui rutrum nec. Proin fermentum varius tincidunt. Quisque ornare ligula id tempor euismod. Nulla non erat non urna porta pellentesque. Proin efficitur tortor sed magna volutpat condimentum. Duis quis semper est, sed gravida orci. Integer felis lorem, ultrices in purus quis, viverra egestas purus. Nam lobortis tortor sed porttitor hendrerit. Aliquam a nunc vel risus luctus venenatis eget sed massa. Phasellus ut massa vitae turpis pulvinar tempus id sit amet lacus. Vivamus viverra enim at dui tempor placerat.

Nullam semper iaculis dolor elementum finibus. In non venenatis turpis, nec molestie nulla. Sed iaculis nisl et nisi finibus, non bibendum lectus egestas. Vestibulum fringilla tortor eu turpis tincidunt accumsan. Phasellus maximus ante et est eleifend ultrices. Donec congue sem nibh, quis hendrerit erat auctor et. Vestibulum vel placerat nunc. Aliquam pellentesque ac turpis vel congue.

Last edited by Caedhe on Sat Mar 04, 2017 10:24 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 378
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Alistair's Templates

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer velit tellus, facilisis ut leo at, ultricies tristique leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce elit lorem, ullamcorper eu magna ut, hendrerit placerat nibh. Proin finibus purus ac enim blandit, consectetur bibendum ligula vehicula. Nunc lobortis erat ac ex sodales ullamcorper. Fusce iaculis ac diam vel vestibulum. Duis ut porttitor libero. Pellentesque quis consectetur quam. Nullam dapibus id sapien ut aliquet. Sed pulvinar, nunc ut bibendum aliquet, sem nulla euismod massa, et dignissim tellus magna pellentesque erat. Nullam elementum rhoncus erat et porta. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus egestas mauris id enim scelerisque pellentesque.

Morbi eget mi eu orci facilisis commodo non sed nibh. Nulla facilisi. Nulla tempor mattis leo, id pellentesque arcu eleifend id. Pellentesque ac magna luctus, ullamcorper augue at, tincidunt erat. Phasellus vel turpis diam. Donec non mollis sapien, eu rutrum lacus. Maecenas efficitur metus leo, vel lacinia nunc egestas eget. Nam gravida metus quis feugiat tristique. Integer ut cursus nisi. Sed maximus libero at cursus porttitor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris diam nibh, tristique eu lobortis sed, fringilla et dui. Phasellus congue ultrices velit, laoreet ullamcorper purus malesuada nec. Sed in luctus justo. Duis tristique tellus quis bibendum vestibulum.
Last edited by Alistair on Fri Feb 24, 2017 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 223
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Alistair's Templates

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer velit tellus, facilisis ut leo at, ultricies tristique leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce elit lorem, ullamcorper eu magna ut, hendrerit placerat nibh. Proin finibus purus ac enim blandit, consectetur bibendum ligula vehicula. Nunc lobortis erat ac ex sodales ullamcorper. Fusce iaculis ac diam vel vestibulum. Duis ut porttitor libero. Pellentesque quis consectetur quam. Nullam dapibus id sapien ut aliquet. Sed pulvinar, nunc ut bibendum aliquet, sem nulla euismod massa, et dignissim tellus magna pellentesque erat. Nullam elementum rhoncus erat et porta. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus egestas mauris id enim scelerisque pellentesque.

Morbi eget mi eu orci facilisis commodo non sed nibh. Nulla facilisi. Nulla tempor mattis leo, id pellentesque arcu eleifend id. Pellentesque ac magna luctus, ullamcorper augue at, tincidunt erat. Phasellus vel turpis diam. Donec non mollis sapien, eu rutrum lacus. Maecenas efficitur metus leo, vel lacinia nunc egestas eget. Nam gravida metus quis feugiat tristique. Integer ut cursus nisi. Sed maximus libero at cursus porttitor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris diam nibh, tristique eu lobortis sed, fringilla et dui. Phasellus congue ultrices velit, laoreet ullamcorper purus malesuada nec. Sed in luctus justo. Duis tristique tellus quis bibendum vestibulum.

Code: Select all

[center][style=max-width:700px; margin-top:30px; margin-bottom:30px; box-shadow:0px 0px 15px #000000; background-color: #b18d77; font-family: "High Tower Text"; color:#000000;][img][/img]
[style2=padding:40px; margin-top:-30px;][align=justify][font size=125] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer velit tellus, facilisis ut leo at, ultricies tristique leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce elit lorem, ullamcorper eu magna ut, hendrerit placerat nibh. Proin finibus purus ac enim blandit, consectetur bibendum ligula vehicula. Nunc lobortis erat ac ex sodales ullamcorper. Fusce iaculis ac diam vel vestibulum. Duis ut porttitor libero. Pellentesque quis consectetur quam. Nullam dapibus id sapien ut aliquet. Sed pulvinar, nunc ut bibendum aliquet, sem nulla euismod massa, et dignissim tellus magna pellentesque erat. Nullam elementum rhoncus erat et porta. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus egestas mauris id enim scelerisque pellentesque.

Morbi eget mi eu orci facilisis commodo non sed nibh. Nulla facilisi. Nulla tempor mattis leo, id pellentesque arcu eleifend id. Pellentesque ac magna luctus, ullamcorper augue at, tincidunt erat. Phasellus vel turpis diam. Donec non mollis sapien, eu rutrum lacus. Maecenas efficitur metus leo, vel lacinia nunc egestas eget. Nam gravida metus quis feugiat tristique. Integer ut cursus nisi. Sed maximus libero at cursus porttitor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris diam nibh, tristique eu lobortis sed, fringilla et dui. Phasellus congue ultrices velit, laoreet ullamcorper purus malesuada nec. Sed in luctus justo. Duis tristique tellus quis bibendum vestibulum.
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Alistair's Templates

Benevolo di Venora ("Benevolent Venora"), usually just called 'Benevolo', is a rising crime syndicate. Built from the ambition of Alistair Venora, the faction's primary goals fall in line with expanding its own influence and power. The initial plan was simple and revolutionary. Given the poverty and lack of education in the Dust Quarter, members of that community were unlikely to rise into wealth and power and therefore unlikely to ever be able to properly represent or contribute to their community. The Dust Quarter's dynamics then became - eternally - that of historically impoverished families building more impoverished descendants and continuing a cycle of crime and low development.

With a wealthy and charismatic family moving into Rharne - House Venora - a focus on the Dust Quarter would yield immense results. Some assumptions were made about the residents of the Dust Quarter, ones that proved to be true, and were necessary for the operation to find success. First, the residents of the Dust Quarter must want to escape poverty. Due to their own low standards of living and health comparatively to the Earth Quarter, Glass Quarter and et cetera, most members of the Dust Quarter acknowledge their poor situation and wish to improve it.

Second, the residents of the Dust Quarter must feel vengeful, jealous or aggrieved by members of other Quarters. This contributes to a mob or group justice mentality. Thus, a large group is much more likely to achieve formation, as a wide range of the population will feel in solidarity with any movement that seeks to expand the privileges of the Dust Quarter. Benevolo, representing change for the poorest of citizens of Rharne, will expand massively as a result.

Third, the members of the Dust Quarter in general - even if not a part of Benevolo di Venora - must be willing to look the other way and mislead investigators about their dealings. A form of ideological subversion must take place where the vast majority of the population of the Dust Quarter has to contribute to the rhetoric that Benevolo di Venora is a healthy business, one formed entirely to assist the lives and stations of those least privileged in society. To "rebuild" the Dust Quarter, so to speak. Massive group sabotage of investigator's and Rharne's police force must become the norm, which will support the longevity of the syndicate.

Benevolo di Venora must also acknowledge - at its leadership - that while those living in the Dust Quarter who aren't a part of the Benevolo are their neighbors and usually allies, they are mostly just useful idiots to hide behind in enacting a fierce agenda: that of redistributing the wealth towards the Dust Quarter, though mostly into the hands of Benevolo, in order to give the family a complete monopoly on the wealth and populous of the Dust Quarter and eventually the rest of metropolitan Rharne.
The Operation of the Benevolo is one of growth and the establishment or transference of control of businesses, property and facilities to the hands of the Dust Quarter (and more specifically the Benevolo). These businesses include weapon manufacturing, the trade of drugs and intoxicants, the sex trade (prostitution and trafficking), textiles, metals, construction, medical reagents (and herbalism) and eventually education and other institutions. The means to control these trades is to be seized if not gained naturally, and eventually much of the trade of Rharne is to be - hopefully - monopolized by the syndicate.

The Benevolo will adapt to the market and sell and regulate goods fairly. They do not seek to extort or overcharge their customers, but rather simply to control the trade in general.

1. Wealth Redistribution
"Take from the rich, give to the poor." The merchant guilds and wealthy trader families of Rharne are only a symbol of historical oppression. They support the status quo, and from them a compassionate voice will never rise. If it does, it will be silenced quickly by its peers and reined in. Only those of the Earth and Dust Quarter can claim to care about the city's most impoverished citizens, for those already born into poverty know its price and those in the middle can fear its onset.

A member of a merchant guild or family within Rharne should never be trusted, regardless of their honeyed words. They will seek only to subvert the poorest of citizens. As Benevolo rises into prominence, its opposition will expand as well; eventually every merchant family will be on board with its dissolution. This is merely a sign of historical power refusing to yield it to the poorest in society. Those within Benevolo must be willing to help abolish historical wealth. The way to do this is by sabotaging lucrative trade deals, stealing information and merchandise, infiltrating businesses and bringing violence into high-value areas to devalue them. This will inevitably lead to a complete dismantling of the market of the Glass Quarter. It will - as a community - begin to shrink at astounding rates, and opportunities for businesses will rise in the lesser two Quarters.

2. Benevolo is Family
Benevolo - or House di Venora, in Rharne - is your family. Members of the group should be called your brothers and sisters, and must be given respect and value at all times. The community should come together in peace and should cease senseless violence within its own populace. This only promotes the rhetoric of the Dust Quarter's perceived low value. If those within the Dust Quarter acknowledge their peers as members of a large family, and approach each other from the perspective of brothers and sisters in arms, then violence within will diminish and the community will improve. Additionally, acknowledging that one is fighting for their family, their full strength and passion should be put into the war for the streets of Rharne.

3. Respect the Godfather
The Godfather - Alistair di Venora - is the father of this large family. He is to be called Father, or Godfather, and to be given love, respect and acknowledgment by his children. If the family cannot even listen to and obey its own father, it cannot function in society, and will crumble due to its disorderly nature. The Godfather's law is absolute, and his judgments shall not be questioned.

4. Subterfuge Before Violence
Before steps can be taken to truly finalize the growth of the Benevolo and the Dust Quarter's economy, subterfuge must be the first point of focus. The business must be expanded, information must be learned about the competitors of Benevolo, and the best options must be taken to attempt to dismantle or abolish enemies (powerful or not) before open violence should be considered.

5. Violence Before Surrender
Members of historically wealthy families do not understand the reality of violence and war in their communities. The realization of the dangers of everyday life - things other citizens commonly face - can greatly demoralize the upper class. If absolutely necessary - due to a family not backing down, or for whatever reason - Benevolo should consider killing their most beloved family members. This includes their children, spouse and elderly. With their legacy destroyed, they will often yield, fearing for their own life and filled with grief. Some families may become vengeful and increase their actions against Benevolo, but without descendants they will ultimately lose their relevance in the market as they will be denounced for the lack of successors to their business. While merchant guilds will certainly oppose Benevolo, they will still oppose and compete with one another. Their competition can be used to Benevolo's advantage. Thus, the act of killing or trafficking all of the heirs of a wealthy businessman is often an act of benefit to the family.

Members of Benevolo must not be afraid to use extreme forms of violence if necessary. While outright violence can be seen as cruel or unusual, it is much kinder than hundreds of arcs of oppression, which is simply a concealed form of violence. Starving a community to the point where their lifespans average only half of the wealthiest of citizens is an act of unacknowledged violence. The poorest must be ready to retaliate, and to enact violence - even mass violence - if encroached upon.

6. Class Warfare
This conflict should be acknowledged for what it is: a war between the elites and the proletarians, inevitably. The working or impoverished class must be prepared to fight for their rights and dignity as citizens of Rharne, and inhabitants of Idalos. Everyone, ideally, is worth an equal amount regardless of their station. This is a belief that is shared among many in many different civilizations because of its value as an idea. However, most people within the middle or upper class of society will not acknowledge the worth of the absolute lowest class, nor their competence or agency as sentient beings. It is only when they have become demoralized - and ultimately defeated - that they will fully realize that while there may be a disparity of wealth, there is not a disparity of worth.

As such, it is permissible to view all members of the upper class (and even middle, should they join the opposition) as enemies in a class and cultural war. Only if they prove themselves to be allies - and this can indeed happen - should members of another class be considered to be worth educating and bringing into the fold of Benevolo's movement.

7. Nothing to Lose
As most members of Benevolo come from families with hundreds of years of poverty behind them, they must simply acknowledge that there is nothing to lose. The rise of the proletarians must be fought for with blood and tears if necessary, and mass subversion and violence are an inevitable result of this class war once it rises to its pinnacle of tensity. Members of the Benevolo and their allies - those of the lower class or empathetic higher classes - must be prepared to risk everything for the sake of victory, and must acknowledge that they only thing they have to lose is a life of poverty, illness, lost opportunity and the death of loved ones.

8. All Weapons Are Valid
In the war against the elites, all weapons are valid. Additionally, all weapons must be owned. A monopoly on weapons in Rharne should be one of the ultimate goals of the Benevolo, and these weapons range from maces, swords and bows to magical power. Mages, marked and other powerful individuals should be recruited and eagerly accepted into the fold. Magic is a useful tool for the extremes of war - and eventually, an extreme (the Dust Quarter's revolution) will occur. Superstition must be abolished if the proletarian class is to be capable of defeating their oppressors, with whom the odds are stacked in favor.


1. Redistribution
Wealth must be redistributed from the middle and upper class of Rharne to establish the Dust Quarter as a place of value and economic worth. This cannot be done as a half-measure, it must be performed to completion.

2. Removal of Stigma
The Dust Quarter must be renamed to the Blood Quarter to acknowledge the historical struggle and oppression of those living in the Dust Quarter, as well as those who fought - many losing their lives - within this Quarter to erase economic barriers for the poorest of citizens. The Blood Quarter will not be named thusly due to a perception of violence, but as acknowledgment that it is the life blood of the city and that its laborers are more than merely inconveniences to be labeled as "dust" or "peasantry".

3. Justice
Merchant guilds and families responsible for the exploitation of Rharne's poorest citizens must be dissolved, and some of their members must be put on trial for extortion and cruelty. If not by the court of law's verdict, then by the people of Rharne. They will be pulled from their homes and executed in the streets if necessary.

4. Expansion
The Dust Quarter must be expanded, and walls must be built around it as they are around other quarters. Business opportunities must be invested into and the citizenry must be given respect.

5. Benevolo Control
Benevolo di Venora must be given martial and political autonomy to handle the population of the Dust Quarter. Official city guards must leave the quarter and leave justice in the hand of the community, specifically Benevolo.
Alistair di Venora

Title: The Godfather
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 13th of Ashan, Arc 689
Birthplace: Venora, Rynmere
Mark(s): None

Primary Skills: Medicine
Business Management

Link to CS

The Godfather, Alistair Venora, oversees the Benevolo and ultimately makes the decisions involving the progress and pathways of the organization. It is his vision that continues to expand the organization, and he - within the family - is to be given ultimate respect. His tasks usually involve overseeing and commanding the di Venora, who in turn handle the Benevolano, and then the Mafioso. He generally will abstain from public appearances but will often invite members of the community and organization over to his home for dinner and conversation. The Godfather is the ideological and political leader of the community, as well as the owner of the business as a whole. He considers it to be a "family" and an "Empire", and as the Father, he determines the enemies of the family and how to deal them justice.

di Venora

The di Venora - directly below the Godfather - are considered the highest ranking member position of the Benevolo. They are considered to be the direct family of the Godfather, regardless of blood relation, and a successor may only be chosen from within these individuals. Among the di Venora, one will be considered the heir of the Godfather, and this individual is considered the right-hand of the Benevolo.

The di Venora form the council overlooking the Benevolo, and handle its businesses and cultural and ideological movement. Alongside the Godfather, they oversee the growth of the organization, and each of them are expected to run a partner business within the Benevolo to expand the wealth and infrastructure of the organization. They are given an immense amount of respect within the Benevolo and the Dust Quarter, and are usually called "Big Brother" or "Big Sister" by the other members of the family.


1. Oversee the businesses and income of the Benevolo
2. Infiltrate and subvert powerful enemies of the organization (such as Merchant Guild leaders) - the di Venora must each be as powerful and dangerous as their respective opponents, if not moreso
3. Direct the lower ranking members, often commanding the Benevolano
4. Support the community
5. Expand one's own family and search for successors and worthy operatives
6. Herald the ideological transformation of Rharne, beginning with the Dust Quarter
7. Obey the Godfather.


The Leader of the di Venora, the Godfather's Heir, is currently undecided.


Benevolano are the leaders of specific groups of Mafioso. They oversee their activities as employees of the Benevolo businesses, members of the Benevolo military, and their actions around the community. They act as a community guard for the Dust Quarter, as well, pushing out Rharne's police force to expand the autonomy of the area and its control into the hands of the syndicate. They are a diverse position that can serve as manager, political proponent or guard Captain; either way, they are quite respected in their community.


1. Oversee public justice
2. Manage businesses owned by the di Venora
3. Handle operations and missions for the Mafioso
4. Gain recognition within the Benevolo
5. Publically and politically lobby for the Benevolo's interests
6. Obey the Godfather.


Duncan Oisin
The Conqueror
As the leader of the Benevolano, Duncan is given the same level of authority and respect as the di Venora within the Benevolo. He is considered the military leader of the faction and commands the Benevolano in the maintenance and control over the arms trade and policing force of the Dust Quarter.

Primary Skills: Blades (Gladius)
Ranged Combat (Shortbow)
Unarmed (Brawling)

Link to CS


Mafioso are the general members of the Benevolo. They are usually brought into the group in order to work in one of the Benevolo-run businesses. However, during their stay at these businesses and as their bonds with their community members and bosses form, they are usually educated on the systematic oppression of their community and the ideological subversion going into the deconstruction of the Dust Quarter's morale and morality. Mafioso are then transformed from simple employees at a business - or voluntary sign-ups by impassioned community members - into the family's militia, usually armed thugs operating under the orders of the Benevolano, di Venora or even the Godfather directly.


1. Be employed into a business, thus contributing personally to the re-establishment of the Dust Quarter's economy
2. Discipline the self; rid one of violent impulses and learn to come to terms with enemies rather than perpetuating the Dust Quarter's cycle of violence.
3. Follow the imperatives of the Benevolo in whatever way is necessary; this can include violent crime if need be
4. Recruit friends and family to join the Benevolo, using the core beliefs of re-building the Dust Quarter and redistributing wealth as your argument.
5. Obey the Godfather.


Richard Esquire
The Blackmailer
The Blackmailer, leader of the Mafioso, is considered directly below the di Venora in the hierarchy of the Benevolo. They outrank the Benevolano, and tend to come from members of the Benevolano. Their role - almost always - is to engage in the subterfuge, subversion, extortion and ideological warfare necessary to expand and protect the interests of the family. They are allowed to operate without question - usually even given free rein by the Godfather himself - and act as the Spymaster and Assassin of the organization.

Richard Esquire himself comes from an impoverished background within Rharne's Dust Quarter, and was one of the first to join at the formation of the Benevolo. He immediately showed his talent by rooting out dissidents within the organization, as well as revealing the identity of agents who'd come to investigate from either the government of Rharne or its wealthy factions. Since then, he has been tasked with the demoralization of the city force and pushing them out of the Dust Quarter.

Primary Skills: Deception
Popular Titles: The Benevolo, the di Venora, the Venora, the Family, the Syndicate, the Cartel

Note: Members of the Benevolo di Venora may join as a Benevolano or even as a di Venora, but Alistair (or whoever the Godfather is) must be PMed for permission, and this will usually be a jumpstart in ranks given in-thread.
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Alistair's Templates


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer velit tellus, facilisis ut leo at, ultricies tristique leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce elit lorem, ullamcorper eu magna ut, hendrerit placerat nibh. Proin finibus purus ac enim blandit, consectetur bibendum ligula vehicula. Nunc lobortis erat ac ex sodales ullamcorper. Fusce iaculis ac diam vel vestibulum. Duis ut porttitor libero. Pellentesque quis consectetur quam. Nullam dapibus id sapien ut aliquet. Sed pulvinar, nunc ut bibendum aliquet, sem nulla euismod massa, et dignissim tellus magna pellentesque erat. Nullam elementum rhoncus erat et porta. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus egestas mauris id enim scelerisque pellentesque.

Morbi eget mi eu orci facilisis commodo non sed nibh. Nulla facilisi. Nulla tempor mattis leo, id pellentesque arcu eleifend id. Pellentesque ac magna luctus, ullamcorper augue at, tincidunt erat. Phasellus vel turpis diam. Donec non mollis sapien, eu rutrum lacus. Maecenas efficitur metus leo, vel lacinia nunc egestas eget. Nam gravida metus quis feugiat tristique. Integer ut cursus nisi. Sed maximus libero at cursus porttitor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris diam nibh, tristique eu lobortis sed, fringilla et dui. Phasellus congue ultrices velit, laoreet ullamcorper purus malesuada nec. Sed in luctus justo. Duis tristique tellus quis bibendum vestibulum.
word count: 223
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Alistair's Templates

Last edited by Alistair on Fri Jun 23, 2017 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1
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Alistair's Templates

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer velit tellus, facilisis ut leo at, ultricies tristique leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce elit lorem, ullamcorper eu magna ut, hendrerit placerat nibh. Proin finibus purus ac enim blandit, consectetur bibendum ligula vehicula. Nunc lobortis erat ac ex sodales ullamcorper. Fusce iaculis ac diam vel vestibulum. Duis ut porttitor libero. Pellentesque quis consectetur quam. Nullam dapibus id sapien ut aliquet. Sed pulvinar, nunc ut bibendum aliquet, sem nulla euismod massa, et dignissim tellus magna pellentesque erat. Nullam elementum rhoncus erat et porta. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus egestas mauris id enim scelerisque pellentesque.

Morbi eget mi eu orci facilisis commodo non sed nibh. Nulla facilisi. Nulla tempor mattis leo, id pellentesque arcu eleifend id. Pellentesque ac magna luctus, ullamcorper augue at, tincidunt erat. Phasellus vel turpis diam. Donec non mollis sapien, eu rutrum lacus. Maecenas efficitur metus leo, vel lacinia nunc egestas eget. Nam gravida metus quis feugiat tristique. Integer ut cursus nisi. Sed maximus libero at cursus porttitor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris diam nibh, tristique eu lobortis sed, fringilla et dui. Phasellus congue ultrices velit, laoreet ullamcorper purus malesuada nec. Sed in luctus justo. Duis tristique tellus quis bibendum vestibulum.

Code: Select all

[center][style=max-width:700px; margin-top:30px; margin-bottom:30px; box-shadow:0px 0px 15px #000000; background-color: #efefef; font-family: "High Tower Text"; color:#000000;][img][/img]
[style2=padding:40px; margin-top:-30px;][align=justify][font size=125] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer velit tellus, facilisis ut leo at, ultricies tristique leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce elit lorem, ullamcorper eu magna ut, hendrerit placerat nibh. Proin finibus purus ac enim blandit, consectetur bibendum ligula vehicula. Nunc lobortis erat ac ex sodales ullamcorper. Fusce iaculis ac diam vel vestibulum. Duis ut porttitor libero. Pellentesque quis consectetur quam. Nullam dapibus id sapien ut aliquet. Sed pulvinar, nunc ut bibendum aliquet, sem nulla euismod massa, et dignissim tellus magna pellentesque erat. Nullam elementum rhoncus erat et porta. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus egestas mauris id enim scelerisque pellentesque.

Morbi eget mi eu orci facilisis commodo non sed nibh. Nulla facilisi. Nulla tempor mattis leo, id pellentesque arcu eleifend id. Pellentesque ac magna luctus, ullamcorper augue at, tincidunt erat. Phasellus vel turpis diam. Donec non mollis sapien, eu rutrum lacus. Maecenas efficitur metus leo, vel lacinia nunc egestas eget. Nam gravida metus quis feugiat tristique. Integer ut cursus nisi. Sed maximus libero at cursus porttitor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris diam nibh, tristique eu lobortis sed, fringilla et dui. Phasellus congue ultrices velit, laoreet ullamcorper purus malesuada nec. Sed in luctus justo. Duis tristique tellus quis bibendum vestibulum.
word count: 500
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Wealth Tier: Tier 10

Alistair's Templates

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer velit tellus, facilisis ut leo at, ultricies tristique leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce elit lorem, ullamcorper eu magna ut, hendrerit placerat nibh. Proin finibus purus ac enim blandit, consectetur bibendum ligula vehicula. Nunc lobortis erat ac ex sodales ullamcorper. Fusce iaculis ac diam vel vestibulum. Duis ut porttitor libero. Pellentesque quis consectetur quam. Nullam dapibus id sapien ut aliquet. Sed pulvinar, nunc ut bibendum aliquet, sem nulla euismod massa, et dignissim tellus magna pellentesque erat. Nullam elementum rhoncus erat et porta. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus egestas mauris id enim scelerisque pellentesque.

Morbi eget mi eu orci facilisis commodo non sed nibh. Nulla facilisi. Nulla tempor mattis leo, id pellentesque arcu eleifend id. Pellentesque ac magna luctus, ullamcorper augue at, tincidunt erat. Phasellus vel turpis diam. Donec non mollis sapien, eu rutrum lacus. Maecenas efficitur metus leo, vel lacinia nunc egestas eget. Nam gravida metus quis feugiat tristique. Integer ut cursus nisi. Sed maximus libero at cursus porttitor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris diam nibh, tristique eu lobortis sed, fringilla et dui. Phasellus congue ultrices velit, laoreet ullamcorper purus malesuada nec. Sed in luctus justo. Duis tristique tellus quis bibendum vestibulum.
word count: 223
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