• Memory • [Northern Hotlands] War For Desert Power

11th of Vhalar 669

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Any area not within one of the major cities. Most of The Eternal Empire.

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Vethril Utojesk
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[Northern Hotlands] War For Desert Power


Years had passed since Vethril was freed from slavery, and subsequently found himself back in Yaralon. In spite of his misgivings about leaving that old life and its habits behind, the dreary march of time and demands of life dictate that he feed himself. That meant work. And work was ever plentiful in Yaralon. Contracts had been pouring out of the Parchment Burho, and just now thousands of general contracts were going out to anyone who'd wish to make a name for themselves in a real war, one that was hotly anticipated.

The City-State of Nashaki had wealth, power and prestige. The Empire was without a worthy enemy to fight, and wanted to expand its borders while lining their pockets and earning their glories for the morale of the populace. It was a simple calculation by the Runners, made in the heart of the Parchment Burho when they sensed war on the wind. But it was speculated that they knew what the Empire would do before even Raskalarn did.

Excuses on behalf of mortal welfare rendered, and the Empire marched to war in the Hotlands. Like any despot, Raskalarn ran a tight ship internally and was as adept at information warfare and scrubbing of History within her borders as any Webspinner agent. Nevermind atrocities committed centuries before. Few who really gave a damn would live to remember them.

Yaralon was no friend to the Imperial designs of Raskalarn, but relished the thought of challenge. The call to war that promised to bathe their warriors in glory was anticipated, and they offered their services to Nashaki just as the Empire attacked. When first the initial troops of mercenaries arrived at the Oases of Nashaki, they were accused of having suspicious amounts of intelligence on the Empire's intentions. At that point the war had yet to break out in earnest thought there was rumor and rhetoric to accompany it. They weren't aware of the war before the mercenaries that came pouring into Nashaki. Further, they suspected complicity, some of the Councilors of the Towers. However, when rumors of the counteroffensive against the Imperials in the Northern Hotlands trickled in, reports of mercenary bands who put their exploratory forces to retreat, the Nashaki merchants changed their tune.

They began welcoming the mercenaries into Yaralon, and so bolstered their own army, which while flush with experience in fighting skirmishes in the desert against Hotland tribes, was far too small for the challenge that awaited them.

Vethril was among them, having gathered a set of sell-swords under his own command before setting out to perform small raids on scouting parties of the Empire. He'd received a contract, one of the many general contracts that had been issued by the Parchment Burho's runners, to disrupt supply lines, disrut the Empire at all turns, and overall report on their strengths, their weaknesses, and their preparation for fighting in the desert.

So he crept over the last ridge of sand dunes, followed by a dozen or so other warriors, all lightly armed and armored like Vethril himself. They didn't weight themselves down with too much iron armor. But in Vethril's hand was the Sharp Spear, and in the other strapped a couching shield. He'd not used a shield often, but supposed later was as good a time to learn than ever.

He spied the camp below, they seemed very regimented and articulated in their movements, like a colony of ants. He pulled his hood over his head, and waved for someone with better eyes than him, to count the men down in the ravine below.

Last edited by Vethril Utojesk on Sat Jul 08, 2023 1:34 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 607
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Re: [Northern Hotlands] War For Desert Power

"A squad."
The hotland hunter they'd brought along infromed him, as he scooted behind the dune.
"Three of five men each.
They've mostly archers, footmen, and a trio of horses."

Horses. Vethril spat.
Good for nothing but eating.
He lamented, knowing that that would give the scouting party an opportunity to inform their platoon of roving raids brought to their scouts. But thinking about eating the horses did give him an idea.

The Hotlands hunter they'd brought along wasn't much good for fighting. His bow and ammunition not suitable for piercing the mail and armor of the soldiers. They hadn't hired him for his value in that regard, anyway. But they could use his knowledge of how to drive animals to set the horses off into the dunes, where the scouts couldn't ride them back to their platoon.

It was worth a shot, and that was Vethril's call here, being the one who'd cobbled together a group of sand-whipped sellswords. Scooted back into view of the camp, and pointed at the animals, and then to the hunter. He signalled with his hands in the direction he wanted the horses to flee. Most beasts that were well trained would return to the base camp. But he was willing to bet that these horses were borrowed from the tribes that were at odds with Nashaki. Beasts that were only as spirited as they were dumb.

"Scare the beasts."
Were Vethril's instructions. The beasts hadn't yet been tied down, and he was ready to wager the success of their operation on the scout's unpreparedness to mount up on a panicked horse at a moment's notice.

He pointed, and then circled the air with his hand, indicating that the hunter should wait for the rest to move, before enacting those orders.

Vethril's eyes rose just above the dune as he watched the camp continue to bunk down for the coming dusk. Soon they'd tie up their horses. He thought it'd be good to catch them desperate for their feed, and with their pants down, as it were.

He signalled to the peltasts in his group to circle to the ridge just north of their position. There, they knew their game. Take down any runners or scouts trying to catch up to the horses, or the horses themselves so the platoon wouldn't be warned.

As for Vethril, he was ready to pit his strength at arms against the Imperial boys that were left over.

He waited for the peltasts to move out, halfway to their marks. Then he lifted up from the sands, and slung his Sharp Spear over his shoulder, and took a pair of javelins for throwing. The footmen on his side did the same, raising their shields as they started to pitch forward, running ahead. Just as the camp had reckoned with the incursion, the beasts and horses began panicking, responding to some provocation of the Hotlands Hunter. They reared up, apparently they were hitched to the tents, but this only upset the order in the camp by tilting the tent off of its moorings, wracking the squad with confusion as they scurried to free the horses.

Javelins flew through the air, finding purchase in the backs of the archers who were now aiming for the peltasts in the rear who'd shown themselves over the ridge. Vethril and his men took another javelin from their quivers, and tossed it over their shoulder to hit more of the clustered and confused archers. They took down all but one, and Vethril supposed that would have to be enough.

By then the panicked horses had trampled a couple of the scouts, yet one of them managed to jump up into their horse's saddle, and was riding hard for the north. The peltasts that Vethril had sent ahead to the northern ride took aim. Very swiftly, the horse was taken out under the scout, and brought to the ground with a scream. The scout crushed with his legs under the horse, he too was put out of their misery soon enough.

Vethril led with his shield, which was fortunate, as it incidentally came between him and the sharp end of a crossbow bolt, launched from one of the enemy marksmen remaining. While normally a crossbow missing would've meant a long reload, long enough to dispatch an under-manned unit of footmen and then put down the archer, there were several other archers on the ground, whose weapons had not yet been fired.

But Vethril had him in his eye, and wouldn't be taken by surprise by another bolt. The footmen gathered up their weapons as Vethril and his sellswords descended on the camp. Vethril's eyes were still on the marksman as he retreived an unfired crossbow from his defeated comrade. He took aim, and Vethril covered his head with the shield, intercepting the second bolt. By then they were coming into the fray with the footmen, and the marksman wouldn't dare put his own comrades in the firing line, but drew his falchion and jogged forward to join the melee.

Vethril drove his shield with the butt of the arrow still sticking from it, using the lodged arrow as a spike to drive into the eye of the first footman to come into striking distance. The butt gouged his eye, causing him to reel for a moment. Long enough for Vethril to finish him off with a swift swing of of the Sharp Spear's hewing blade, across his neck artery.

The rest of the footmen were occupied by the frenzied and motivated sellswords putting them down, while Vethril met the marksman who'd tried to fire upon him, blocking a clumsy falchion swing with his shield. Although it was clumsy, there was weight behind it that reverberated to his forearm. The marksman tried a vertical slash, attempting to split Vethril from sternum to spleen. He easily knocked it aside to his outside guard, and lodged the Sharp Spear's tip into the marksman's shoulder, severing the brachial nerve and dropping his sword from his grip.

The rest of the footmen were busy butchering their opponents, eager to loot what they could of their goods. Yet Vethril had other ideas for his marksman friend. He needed information, such as the location of the platoon, and whether it was on the move and where. He held the marksman at spearpoint, and glowered down at him. He wasn't bleeding too badly, and would last a while longer.

Long enough to tell Vethril what he wished to know.
word count: 1114
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Vethril Utojesk
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Re: [Northern Hotlands] War For Desert Power

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Notes/Warnings: Violence, skirmish between sellswords and Imperial dogs. Horses fall and presumably die. Gore.

Thread: [Northern Hotlands] War For Desert Power
City/Area: The Imperial Regions

Renown: Probably, it's a minor skirmish.
Collaboration: No
 ! Message from: Jackalope
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Re: [Northern Hotlands] War For Desert Power

Vethril Utojesk

My first thread with pre-death Vethril!
I was impressed by the scene-setting in the first post, with your description of how the Yari were anticipating the needs of future wars and already preparing contracts in their anticipation, and of how Vethril used that to get his outfit together.

The ensuing battle was also memorable. The sort of skirmish a unit of that size might engage in. The tactical plan was really clever! And the use of the hunter's talents to figure out how best to neutralize the horses was good.

Which brings me to the problem: there is some skill overplay going on here. Effectively leading independent small units like this is something that would normally require at least Competent skill, IMO. But Vethril is only Novice.
Using the bolt stuck in his shield as an impromptu targe spike is clever, but successfully gouging somebody's eye with it strikes me as well beyond what a Novice could pull off.

This seems to be this character's first skill overplay , so I'll just point it out for now. Please be more mindful of your character's limitations in the future.

In the meantime, enjoy your rewards.
  • Renown: 10
  • XP: 10
  • Knowledges:
    • Leadership: Raising a band of random sellswords, with the promise of sharing loot
    • Linguistics: Common Sign: Sometimes a simple hand wave counts as linguistics.
    • Tactics: Recognizing the merits and abilities of the men under one's command
    • Combat: Polearms & Staves: Thrown: Readying a javelin in your throwing hand, taking aim at the enemy marksmen
    • Combat: Polearms & Staves: Thrown: supporting your missile troops with a swift volley of a javelin
    • Combat: Shields: Blocking a telegraphed aim from a crossbow, and blocking the bolt
word count: 289

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