Point Shop Suggestions

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Point Shop Suggestions

These are a little self serving...but I think they're cool :P

Name: Tunawa Tool charm
Item Category: Item
Suggested Cost: I'm hoping for 100 points ...maybe 50 but I won't push it.
Description: When wearing the necklace around your neck, the user can shrink or enlarge any tool to a size that would allow them to use it. This includes money and other valuables which they can store on their person until needed. The affect is not permanent and objects revert to their regular size if taken a foot away from the person. This object was mostly intended for the everyday Tunawa from free cities but other races occasionally use it if they happen to be friends with a tunawa and feel a need to borrow their things.
Any Restrictions?: Nope.

Name: Chaos Seed
Item Category: Item
Suggested Cost: I'm hoping for 100 points
Description: While it may have an unsettling name the chaos seed isn't harmful but can have strange affects on creatures that eat it. The strange seed grow randomly from just about any plant on Idalos and when it does it stands out with the phenomenal colours and patters that perpetually change on its shell. Its mesmerizing nature can cause animals to swallow it, in doing so they undergo a peculiar change.
For example, a cockatoo might transform into a purple rabbit with large bat wings sprouting from its back. The cockatoo will still have the personality and memory and the transformation will never cause it to get much bigger than it originally was.
Upon eating a Chaos Seed for a second time the creature changes again and may even develop a minor magical ability.
Roll a dice or pick one of the abilities.
1. Glowing Eyes that allow it to see in the dark
2. the ability to mimic words and sounds
3. The ability to climb walls like a spider
5. A plant of your choice that grows from the creature once every ten trials.
6. Feelers or antenna that can give people a nasty shock if they threaten their owner.
7. Flying ability or the ability to breath underwater.
8. A second or third head with distinct personalities
9. The ability to shrink or enlarge by half its regular size
10. It splits into a clone of itself
Any Restrictions?: Only a mundane pet like a cat, dog or bird can have this item used on them.
word count: 408
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Point Shop Suggestions

Name: Skyline Index
Item Category: Item
Suggested Cost: 200
Description: The Skyline Index is a magical compass, humming and teeming with energy. The object will allow its wielder, if worn or held, to know the direction of a specific place, object or individual after declaring it. The compass will then point them towards that thing, and while moving in the indicated direction, the wearer of the Skyline Index will move notably more quickly.
Any Restrictions?: Cannot be used to locate things you have not previously witnessed or discovered, or things that have dramatically moved from their previous location.

Name: Soft Stone Gloves
Item Category: Item
Suggested Cost: 200
Description: The Soft Stone Gloves appear as a plethora of small, floating stones around the user's hand, with a glowing golden band laying at the base of their wrist, meeting the beginnings of their hand. They allow their wielder to either double or halve the weight of a non-living object, but only one that weighs (at base) 500 pounds or less. These gloves do so by touching the object, with the wielder declaring either "Burden" or "Quell", doubling or halving, respectively. While this may be used to reduce the weight of objects for quicker movement or swinging (in the case of weapons), one must note that a reduced weight in weapons and armor also means considerably less power and protection.
Any Restrictions?: Can only reset (not change) the weight of an object once per trial.
word count: 245
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Point Shop Suggestions

Hey all!

So, we haven't been super quick on this, for which I apologise - but we are considering the submissions above - and we do very much welcome new submissions too! If there's something you'd like to see, let us know! We'll get on it, I promise!

word count: 51
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Point Shop Suggestions

(Sooo cutesyyyyyyy)
Name: Ether Imp
Item Category: Companion
Suggested Cost: 200
Description: The Ether Imp is a tiny Emean creature that finds its way into this world through fractures. They often gravitate towards individuals in this world and form bonds. While they can learn to speak a few words of whatever language is their bonded’s fluent, they communicate mostly via telepathy and only with the bonded in that manner. The Ether imp stands at around four to six inches tall and seems to have a permanent flame of ether burning off their head and another smaller one emanating from their tail, they are visible to all. While they have limited use of magic, it cannot be used to the aid of the bonded. The Ether imp has the capability of throwing minute bits of it’s ether flame at things. These candle-flame sized balls of fire are capable of lighting wicks and kindling, and the flame that grows will be of the same color as the Ether imp’s fire. These creatures seem to greatly enjoy throwing their flame. Though it is harmless to mortals, they should be wary of where the flame lands. The Etherimp comes in a variety of colors.
Any Restrictions?: Can only communicate with the PC and is useless in combat, and very limited physical utility. (I.e.: Bringing the PC a quill)
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Point Shop Suggestions

So these are not items, but things that you should (or in some cases could) get PB points for you in my opinion:
  • According to this thread you are supposed to get PB points for suggesting blessing abilities that were approved. It doesn't say how many anywhere though.
  • You should not only get PB Points for making post templates, but also for making CS templates.
  • Furthermore, being awared PB points might encourage more people to guest storytell.
  • Writing up bounties, odd jobs etc. I noticed that some cities have had the same bounties and odd jobs since their creation. Why not let PCs write up bounties and odd jobs and give them a small reward, 2 points maybe, just like for the NPC writeup because it seems to take approximately the same amount of effort?
word count: 136


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: Point Shop Suggestions

Name: Cake of the Butterlord
Item Category: Item
Suggested Cost: 50
Description: This is a cake that is baked with double the butter, and deep fried for good measure. An alchemist has imbued it with a special elixir that causes the character to raise their BMI a full category. So a person of average weight will go up to overweight. Overweight will become obese, etc.
Any Restrictions?: Acquisition should be posted into a roleplay, so that there's an account of it having been used.
word count: 85


Nzi'Fuma is going by the name Zemos until further notice


Yithnai: Nzi'Fuma has glowing green eyes.
Witchmarks and Mutations:
  • Dread Warpaint: Zemos' upper face has a darkened discoloration, like sticky tar to the touch. It resembles warpaint.
  • Flies and other insects tend to crawl over his body intermittently. Sometimes a maggot can be seen crawling over his skin.
  • He has a slight slowness to his speech, as if he struggles to keep his tongue low in his mandible.

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Yithnain Suggestions
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Re: Point Shop Suggestions

Suggesting this as a replacement for the Aging Elixir, or an alternative.

Name: Elixir of Change
Item Category: Item
Suggested Cost: 500
Description: The Elixir of Change is an item typically heard of in legend, meant for precocious youths to realize their potentials as adults, or to curse sinners with the fragility of age. It is said to derive from the blood of Chronologers - Ralaith's blessed - and the ether of the Immortal himself. The Elixir of Change alters the true age of those who drink it, and it is typically offered unknowingly to its recipients. The body and mind will change, developing and garnering wisdom in a way that would suit their new true age. In a way, their own time is thrown into a pocket while the Elixir does its work, their mind and body developing rapidly until a seemingly arbitrary point; the individual will stop only when they are meant to stop, at an age undetermined when they first drink the elixir. During this time, they are imparted false memories, thousands if not millions of them, as if they truly lived those years lost to them. The memories become the foundation of their mental development, though some have been unable to reason with the conflict of their lived experience versus reality and have gone mad shortly after the Elixir's consumption.
Any Restrictions?: Cannot be used to decrease someone's age. The PC who uses the potion, whether on themselves or an NPC, determines the 'stop' point, unless the NPC in question is an important mod-controlled NPC.
word count: 261
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Re: Point Shop Suggestions

Name: Domain Caravan/Caravel
Item Category: Item
Suggested Cost: 600
Description: On the outside this item looks like a wooden caravan small and light enough to be pulled by a single horse, or a small caravel able to be sailed by a single person. However like a domain bag this vehicle is connected to its own emean subspace, and thus on this inside looks like a large, wooden warehouse with approximately 4 million square feet of space filled with a maze of wooden storage equipment such a chests, bookcases and wardrobes. Anything small enough to enter through the caravan's doors or the ship's deck can be brought into this space and stored, and whilst no living being is present within it time does not flow in this space, so nothing stored inside rusts or decays. No matter how much is stored within the vehicle will still remain the same weight on the outside.
Any Restrictions?: This caravan is not bound to a specific owner. Anyone can enter it, or steal it.
word count: 173
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Re: Point Shop Suggestions

Scars don't show under fur

Name: Vile of Ether Rain
Item Category: Item
Suggested Cost: 150-200?
Description: These airtight vials of perfectly clear liquid will wash away any scars onto which they are pored. Once falling from the sky in great abundance, the ether rain is preserved using methods that are not well known and once used (in its entirety, on a single scar), the power of the water is lost and may not be used again.
Any Restrictions?:
  • Single use.
Basis: Ring of Reversal already exists and costs 300:

A ring that can bring your character back from the dead. One ring per character. This ring may only be purchased one time and shatters when used to revive.

I was thinking that this is obviously not nearly as powerful a that, so less costly, but still powerful and while it is not re-usable in itself, there would be nothing stopping people from curing multiple scares with multiple vials.
word count: 162


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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