Skills Tab Alpha Test.

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Re: Skills Tab Alpha Test.

Combat, Crafting, Mount and Musical Instrument all have subskills.

Combat has Blades, Axes & Bludgeons, Polearms & Staves, and Whips & Flails, each of which have a one handed and two handed option, as well as Ranged, Unarmed, Shields & Siege Weaponry, which do not have 1 handed/2 handed options

Mount has Land, Air and Water specializations.

Crafting has Basket Weaving, Bookbinding, Brewing, Glassblowing, Leatherworking, Pottery and Sculpting

Musical Instrument does not have set specializations, so maybe a fill in field for those subskills might be in order?
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word count: 90
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Re: Skills Tab Alpha Test.

I'm locking this thread now - thank you SO MUCH to all who contributed!

We're currently testing the Beta version - I will announce when that gets released but it should be soon.

In the Beta version will be!!!
a) Skills: -
You'll be able to assign one fast track.
Magic and mundane skills are all there.
You assign XP from your XP pool - you can't "over spend"

b) Knowledge (no limit)
You input the number of knowledge - it tracks what level you are at and tells you how many of each you need to get to the next level

c) you can see each other's ledgers now (click on someone's username and scroll down)

... and then!?
Then, the next stage will be linking knowledge and magic xp so if you're going to be using it - once we've got this up - get your skills up to date. More detail when we announce, but it will be fully automated via the review system.

Thanks again, guys!
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Re: Skills Tab Alpha Test.



As some of you may have noticed already, a new 'Tech Love' medal has been awarded to those of you that participated in this thread with feedback for our cherished Tech Guy. In addition, please accept the following point bank points in appreciation for your time and effort! (Pbps were awarded based on 15pbps per feedback)

Pig Boy - 15 pbps
Faith - 15 pbps
Natalia - 15 pbps
Clara - 15 pbps
Leander - 15 pbps
Victor - 15 pbps
Dan - 15 pbps
Areia - 50 pbps (for an exceptionally detailed and thorough piece of feedback!)
Praetorum - 15 pbps

To claim these points, please post in this thread and link back to this approval post!

Again, thank you!

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Re: Skills Tab Alpha Test.


This thread is closed!!!
For the Skills Tab Beta Test, please go here!

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