Ruin's Dawn: Ascension

35th of Saun 721

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Re: Ruin's Dawn: Ascension

Falkia let out a low, shocked gasp. The legions were there, all mounted on these large insect like creatures that could apparently carry several legionnaires each. Even with mounts, it shouldn't have been possible, but there they were dismounting and getting ready for an assault. Then the reason for their speed rode out ahead of them and Falkia swore as she realized that Raskalarn had been leading this legion personally, using her powers to speed them up. The Divine Empress rarely took the field anymore, since she actively ruled her empire and the affairs of state took up the vast majority of even an Immortal's time. Evidently, she had been bothered enough by what they were up to in order to set her usual policy aside and march her legions there in person.

Turning on her heel, Falkia ran back towards the ruins. There was a lot of trouble coming and she had to warn her Lord. She vaulted over the rubble that Karem had created when she had blown out the wall and into her observation room, then ran through the halls to where Faldrun had been meeting with Kata and Mastes. None of them were there and Falkia paused for a moment to catch her breath. It must be almost time for the ritual then, and that meant that Falkia knew where they'd be. She turned and left the room, running for the ritual chamber.

As Falkia ran back into the ruins, another figure looked out over the approaching army. Audrae smirked to herself as she watched Faldrun's Mortal scamper back into the ruins. She didn't necessarily approve of what would happen this night, but it would be to her advantage nonetheless. The current blocks of Immortals were too united, to ready to ally against her. If had not been for that, she would not have had that setback on Scalvoris. But a plan to break those alliances had been in motion for a long time now, and it was almost time for her to do her part. The other two members of this little cabal were already in place and working on their parts of the scheme, bringing those who were invited to this dance. Giving a self-satisfied hum, Audrae turned and went to the ritual chamber by way of a hidden door she had been shown. It was, after all, almost time to start the show.
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Re: Ruin's Dawn: Ascension

There were voices coming from the ritual chamber when Falkia burst into the room, and she was struck speechless by the sight before her when she entered. The room, which she had never been in and only been told where it was by Kata when they arrived, was the home of some sort of massive thing that Falkia could only describe as the unholy offspring of a throne, a stage, a trophy display, and a piping system. The throne was the centerpiece of the whole display, an elaborately fancy affair with strangly carved grips. On the stage were three diases, two the side of the throne and one behind it. The two the side of the throne each had two pillars that were carved like the grips on the throne, while the one behind it had pipes opening up on it. Around the edges of the whole contraption were six plinths that all looked like they were supposed to hold something. Finally, the whole thing was interconnected by elaborately carved pipes. It all seemed to feed into the throne, but there was something slightly off about the whole design.

Falkia didn't have time to figure that out, however, because of everything else that was going on in the room. The first thing she noticed was that there more Immortals than there were supposed to be, twice the amount in fact. Mastes sat upon the throne, while Kata stood on the dias behind the throne. The two had been joined by Belaera and Aelig, who both stood on the dias' to the sides of the throne. Faldrun was in a corner of the room, very visibly furious but he had clearly been trapped by the third of the new Immortals. Syroa, who was very clearly not as dead as rumors had indicated, was holding him at bay, though only her torso and head were still recognizable. She had transformed her arms and legs into a singularly unpleasant looking lattice-like structure that she had used to cage Faldrun.

"Mastes, you're a damn fool." Faldrun snarled at the Immortal of Vice. "The Ascension never worked, Anox could never get the enery to power it." he said, his tone laced with rage. Mastes, for his part, gave a smug laugh. "Oh, please Faldrun. I know that your father was never able to power the Ascension. Immortals don't provide the type of energy it needs to run and he would never have been able to convince his own kin to help him power it. We've found other methods, however." he said, sneering at the Immortal of Fire.

Faldrun growled and glared at Syroa, though he didn't strike at her, the Oath holding him back. "Even if you had the ability to power it, you very clearly have no idea what it does. Otherwise, you wouldn't be sitting in that throne." he said, his voice mocking. Mastes laughed at that again. "Oh, you don't expect me to fall for that, do you? Of course I know what the Ascension does. It empowers the person who sits on the throne. Since it was my brillaint plan to power it with the energy wells that Kata found, I get first crack at it, of course, but all our allies will be getting their turn in it very soon." he said, his tone mocking.

Faldrun started to respond, then turned and looked at Kata, who was looking down at her feet in a rather submissive pose, letting Mastes take the lead as she always did. "You." he said, sounding almost shocked. "This has all been your doing, hasn't it? How long have you been planning to use the Ascension?" he asked her, his voice regaining its compusure and its anger.

Kata looked up at him and smiled slightly. "Ever since I realized that Raskalarn hadn't been able to destroy it, like she had so many of our fathers creations. She knew we were here, of course, the moment we stepped in. That's why she organized those teams to try and keep us from collecting ambient energy with the relics. She keeps an active watch on all of fathers relics and hates their use. I doubt she believes we can use it, but even so, she had to act." she said, her tone calm.

Faldrun narrowed his eyes at her, but before he could respond, there was a clicking sound from the machine. "All right, everyone, it's about time for the show. Syroa, you keep Faldrun at bay while we do this, and you'll get your turn in the throne too." Mastes said as he put his hands on the grips of the throne. As he did, Aelig and Belaera gripped their plinths while Kata put her hand on a panel that jutted ever so slightly from the back of the machine. There was a moment, just a moment of lingering quiet, and then there was a rush of energy as six artifacts appeared on the plinths.

They were the artifacts that had been sent out before. The sword that had gone to the Heart of the World, the sphere that had gone to the catacombs beneath Yaralon, the skull that had gone to the caverns underneath the temple in Quacia, the scroll that had gone to cavern near Augiery, the shield that had gone to the Rynmere Labyrinth, and the crown that had gone to the lost vault near Uthaldria. They were all back and brimming with a power that Falkia had never felt before.
Faldrun looked at the artifacts in awe and horror, then looked at Kata. "How? What energy did you find?" he said, a note of genuine fear in his voice that sent a cold shiver down Falkia's spine. Her Lord had never shown fear and his doing so now was something that was truly terrifying to her. Not helping things was the sudden mad grin that Kata gave him in return. "I found Dragons." she said, before she pushed the panel in.

As soon as she did, Syroa withdrew her tendrils and transformed into something small and slipped through the cracks in the wall, vanishing from view. Faldrun hesitated just a second, then looked at Falkia and dived in front of her, putting himself between his Champion and the madness that was happening with the artifact.

The moment that Kata had depressed the leave, manacles had appeared from the machine, locking Mastes, Belaera, and Aelig in place. Then they began to glow, their energy siphoning into the pipes as Mastes and Belaera shreaked in agony, while Aelig, who had no voice with which to scream, writhed in pain. Kata, however, laughed in triumph as the energies from the Immortals flowed into the plinths, where they combined with the energy from the artifacts. Then Falkia realized what had been wrong about the design of the pipes, as they weren't flowing to the throne, they just looked like it. They flowed to Kata, and the combined energies bathed the Immortal of Ruin as a great cracking sound was heard, as if the sky itself had torn asunder. Then there was a bright flash of light and Falkia hid her eyes, in the hope of preserving her vision.

Across Idalos, sleepers awoke screaming as their dreams fractured in their very heads. Those who were awake looked up to see the sky turn purple and then began to crack apart. Many prayed, others panicked, and many just held their loved ones, huddled in fear or terror as the sky seemed to break before their very eyes.

Not all those who witnessed this madness, however, were Mortals. On the flying Iulure Islands, four Dragons looked up at the sky in shock and wondered, for far from the first time, what was happening in the world they had been unable to protect. Behind the great barriers at the edge of the world, four more Dragons, along with those they had been charged with watching, looked at the fractured sky and wondered what had on the other side of the timeless walls they lived behind. Finally, in a long hidden part of Idalos, Delana looked at the sky and smiled as the World of Dreams split from the Worlds Beyond, a divide so momentous that even the physical world reflected it.

When the light went away and the cracking stopped, Falkia warily opened her eyes, then gasped in shock at what had happened. The ruins they were in were just gone, rendered down to rubble from the sheer power that had been unleashed. The device, the Ascension as Faldrun and Mastes had called it, was a melted slag heap, no longer useable. Mastes, Belaera, and Aelig were all clearly dead, and all the remained of them were lifeless, drained husks that were riddled with Fracture Scars. Faldrun was badly damaged as well, with his left arm hanging limp and useless, and his left leg clearly wasn't supporting his weight very well, while his entire left side was heavily Fracture Scarred.

Kata, however, was not only unharmed, she was radiating power the likes of which Falkia had never felt from an Immortal before. She had changed physically as well, no longer looking ragged or unkempt. Her dark hair hung straight and she was wearing a red and black greatcoat over burnished steel armor, and on her head she wore a spiked crown. She was floating about a foot off the ground when Falkia opened her eyes, and as she watched, the Immortal of Ruin lowered to the ground, a triumphant smirk on her face.

Faldrun looked at his sister, his expression a misture of fury and some deep, existential horror. "You used him, all this time. You let him, let all of us, think he was leading you around so that you could set him up to steal his Domains, to make yourself stronger. Why?" he demanded, his voice shocked.
Kata looked at him and smiled, then stepped off the dias and over to Mastes' corpse. "Poor little Mastes, so eager for our fathers favor and so desparate to exert his percieved dominance." she said, her tone carrying a depth of authority that Falkia had never heard from her before. "Such a weakling, easy to manipulate and worthless except for his Domains." Kata said, ripping Mastes' corpse from the throne and tossing it to the ground. "But he did have such useful Domains. Mortals, Mortalborn, and Immortals are all so easy to control their compulsions and their vices, and a bit of trickery is all that's needed to make them believe their poisons are really a tonic." she said, her tone proud and cold. "At first, I simply planned to use our combined Blessing to my advantage, but then I found the first of them, right in your very backyard, brother." she said, looking at Faldrun.

Faldrun finally put weight back on his foot and stood, glaring at the newly Ascendant Kata. "You said you found Dragons." he said, his voice still furious. Kata simply smirked at him. "Oh yes, six of them, each emitting so such powerful energy that it would power the artifacts. Of course, I would need six of them and it took centuries to find them all. The one under Quacia, that they call their "Wounded God", was easy, as was the one in the Rynmere Labyrinth. All I had to do was look for strange religions or myths and there they were. The one in the caves around Augiery and under Yaralon were more difficult. No myths or religions, just some odd happenings. But the one in that lost vault in Uthaldria took me a century of dedicated searching to find, and I'll admit that Mastes put me on the trail, hunting for lost treasures for some of Blessed. I helped out and eventually stumbled across a trail that led to that vault, and the Dragon that sleeps within it." she said, before looking up at the purple, cracked sky.

"Ah, even Emea itself flees before my Ascension. Beautiful, isn't it, the heralding of the true ruler of the Immortals." she said, before looking over at Syroa as the shapeshifter reappeared. "Ah, Syroa, thank you very much for your assistance. As I promised, you shall have your reward when we are done here." she said, before glancing at the corpses of Beleara and Aelig. "How did you manage to convince these two fools to come?" she asked, some genuine curiosity in her voice.

Syroa gave a mischevous smirk at the question, then walked over to Belaera's body. "Belaera was the harder, but I think they liked the idea of upsetting the balance of power so thouroughly, and their long self-imprisonment meant they weren't aware of the realities of the world these days." she said, before she walked over to Aelig's corpse. "As for poor Aelig, we have helped each other out many times. I'll sort of miss working with him." she said, a slight note of regret in her voice, before she laughed and spun on her heel. "Not that much, of course. I can always find new playmates." she said, her tone cheerful.
Kata smiled slightly and nodded at that. "Oh, I imagine you can, even with Lisirra missing." she said, cold amusement in her voice before she looked back at Falkia and Faldrun. "Back to business, then. Our last guests should be arriving any moment, and it wouldn't do for there to be any interference." she said, he tone calm.

Syroa nodded, then seemed to dissolve on the spot. The next instance, Falkia felt thick coils, as if belonging to a snake or an octopus, wrapping around her and pulling her away from Faldrun. "There we go, sweetling, that outta keep you out from under everyone's feet." Syroa whispered in her ear as the shapeshifter tightened her coils around her. "You just stay still, and I won't break your ribs too much. Try to break loose, though, and I'll crush the life out of you. Understand, precious?" she said, her taunting words delivered as if she were flirting.

Falkia growled, but she was still tired from the fight with Karem, and she knew there was very little she could do right now, so she held still for now. As she watched, Audrae stepped forward from the shadows and looked up at the sky. "Well, if it were always like that, my daughters would need not be concerned about the day." she mused before looking at Kata. "You're running on limited time. Raskalarn's forces are almost here." she said, before she raised her had and six blobs of shadow appeared, before fading away.

When the blobs vanished, they each revealed one of the members from the teams that had been sent to stop the Aukari Occult. Nir'wei from the Rynmere team, Varlum from the Quacia team, Cad from the volcano team, Oram from the Uthaldrian team, Zoro from the Augiery team, and Cail from the Yaralon team. The six Mortals were given a moment to take in the area around them, the ruins, the melted slag of the Ascension, the heavily damaged Faldrun, the corpses of Aelig, Belaera, and Mastes, Syroa restraining Falkia, and Kata and Audrae.

Then Kata gestured grandly and spoke. "Welcome, heroes of Idalos, and you as well, mister Revel, to a golden opportunity. I give you Faldrun, the enemy of that the forces of good hold dear, weakened as he never has been." she said, her voice regal and commanding. "Slay him, and you will rid Idalos of his evil. Slay him, and you will be richly rewarded. Slay him, and have the gratitude of all Idalos." she said, before smirking slightly. "Slay him, and complete the task you were all called for." she said, her tone cold.

Falkia felt her blood go cold and she tried to call out to the people that had been summoned, but Syroa's coils constricted around her throat before she could speak, cutting off her air. "Now now, none of that, sweetling. The have to decide for themselves, no outside interference." Syroa purred, her tone mischevious and cruel.

Faldrun, however, was surpsrisingly calm as he looked at his sister. "I see you haven't had your fill of death, have you, Kata." he said, his tone deceptively calm before he looked back at those who had been summoned. "Well? Will you give her what she wants and play right into her hands, just for a chance to kill me?" he said, his tone calm.

 ! Message from: Basilisk
Cad, Nir'wei, Varlum, Cail, Zoro, and Oram, welcome to the endgame thread of Ruin's Dawn. Now, there's a lot of options you all can take, and you can all take different ones if you want. But as you may have gathered, this is an extremely dangerous thread, so your PC's lives could be at risk, depending on what you want to do. Remember, post by next Tuesday, or you'll be counted absent for a round. Missing two rounds could have serious IC effects on your PC. Please let me know if you have any questions.
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Re: Ruin's Dawn: Ascension

Where Faith, Padraig and Jasper had once been was now a new sight. At first he had seen Dragonlings appear, after a roar he knew all too well. Dragons. If the vision of Ethelynda showed anything, he thought, it was what he had already known. The Ithecal created by the soul of dragons. As Ethelynda had taught him. Yet the shadow had appeared and taken him from his shock for just a moment, the Ithecal hissing as he tried to resist to no avail, grabbed and pulled away from the others before disappearing with a loud snarl from his throat. Everything, for just a moment, fell dark.

Before he finally arrived.

As he looked around the room one face caught his eye. One man. One Immortal. "Faldrun" he muttered under his breath, stood beside the heroes of Idalos. Five others, only one of which he knew. Yet they took none of his attention now as Varlum stepped forward, paying little attention to Kata's grand speech about killing Faldrun and ridding the world of his evil. He heard the words, he even took in what they might have meant, but he did not listen. Not truly. A huge part of him felt the need to stand back and fight these Immortals in their attempts to persuade him to kill, a huge part of him knew he would be playing into the hands of evil. But he didn't see them for who they were now, he saw Faldrun. Stood, weakened, ready to be killed in a moment. The man that had cost him so so much.

At Faldrun's words, Varlum gave a sharp hiss, stepping further from the group as he clutched onto his axe tight. "Your ascension didn't go to plan, did it?" he spoke with a sharp, snarling tone as his molten scales flared with fury. "A shame. Your Judge seemed so eager" he grit his teeth, remembering the man he had crushed to death just moments ago, after scorching him from the inside. As an act of caution Varlum called for his Defiance spark, ready to shape the Earth or Air around him to push away any attacks or threats to his life. Should any of his teammates behind him try and stop him, they would be shoved back by the air, hard enough to wind them but not do any real damage as he approached the throne Kata sat herself on, his eyes now turning to her.

While he said nothing, his glowing stare showed just how spiteful and angry he was, locking eyes with her for just a moment before turning to Syroa instead. "You seem to have healed well, after we met at the ball. This all seems a little intense for someone who spends their time terrorizing rich people in Rharne" he hissed, holding his axe a little tighter, adjusting his gaze to Faldrun again and locking eyes, this time for a long period.

"I don't fight for Idalos. Not really. I fight for Vivian. For Vega. Auya. Hart. Faith. Do you know what most of those people have in common?" he asked, maintaining some distance from the Immortals yet showing he wasn't afraid to stand among them. He was more than half Immortal. He was part Dragon, the soul of his ancestors raging with a fury inside of him. "You hurt them. One way or another. Be it the hurt you brought my sisters, or the woman you guided to darkness before fate took her from me, and her friends you hurt in doing so."

Ferocious, he snarled with bitter hatred as he looked to the other Immortals present. "So this is my choice. Avenge the people you've hurt, rid this world of you. See what happens when a son of yours kills you. Maybe even takes your place, if it's possible. Or let you walk away and hurt more people" he paused, stepping closer to his father, just a few feet away. Watching closely for any attempt at Faldrun fighting him, any fire that might fly his way. One movement the wrong way and he would blast this room with air, pushing back anyone he had to. Earth would wrap up and shield him in a moment's notice of threat and he would burrow into the ground.

Then he looked to Kata, not even needing his Smell the Genius to feel the raw power she was emanating. This was the choice it came down to, after Arcs of fighting battles, hordes of Faldrun's minions. Betray every vow he had ever sworn just to kill the man that helped take his lover away from him, or let that same man go free. Feed into Kata's power for vengeance, or leave the world ridden with the evil that was Faldrun and his swam of vicious and spiteful armies. Two evils. Two choices. As his heart beat hard in his chest, for just a moment, he asked himself one question.

What would Auya say now?

"I intend on protecting anyone I can. So no, I can't be there for you always. But I can be there if you ever need it. Helping one person is a start to helping everyone."

A vow he had sworn, Arcs ago. To a girl with nobody to protect her, after she had endured hell and back and the world had left her for dead. A vow before he walked her home and changed his patrol, just to see her home safe each night, before he had gone travelling with her. Before he danced with her, hand in hand, despite the looks and stares he got from the room around. An Ithecal and Aukari, stood together and falling so deeply for one another. That same girl he had never told he loved, until it was too late. Until he had to watch her die. Then she came back, as an Immortal more powerful than any others, and she was gone. Gone forever.

"I didn't want to make this choice" he snarled deep under his breath with a look to Faldrun, the small tears burning away over his molten skin. He clutched his axe tight and, for just a moment, he looked ready to swing. "For Auya" he growled, before he let his Defiance loose. Fire. All of his fire, erupting, at one focal point. Faldrun. Not an attack, not an attempt on his life. An inferno, more powerful and bright than he had ever done before. A gift of flames to heal or boost him, all in one moment, as his axe turned to Kata instead and he swung, activating his Pocket of Time on every person in the room. All of the Immortals slowed, all of his allies faster.

Faldrun could wait. His time would come. But in this one moment, just now, he would protect his father and fight alongside him.
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Re: Ruin's Dawn: Ascension


Timestamp: 35th of Saun, 721
Location: The Heart of the World

Cad’s arrival was heralded by the sound of his own terrified, shrill screaming, as a void of darkness opened mid-air and dumped the professor unceremoniously on his ass in the middle of the room. The screaming soon warped into subdued, but still absolutely terrified, chuckling as Cad looked around, noticing the shrivelled corpses of who he was pretty sure were Immortals lying lifelessly on the floor.

In the span on the last minute Cad’s brain had been working overtime to wrap itself around quite a number of mind-blowing revelations. He’d had Faldrun, in all his blazing glory, pop inside of his skull to command him to kill people; seen a vision of an Original; found out that dragons were frickin’ real; and then promptly been kidnapped an eaten by his own shadow. Yes, today was a day that he’d be revisiting in his nightmares for the rest of his life. Yet out of everything he’d seen today - no, out of everything he’d ever seen in his entire life - nothing instilled such a feeling of overwhelming dread in him as she did.

Cad had a rough idea of what to expect when dealing with Immortals. He’d experienced the power of his mother Aeva firsthand the day his original body had perished, and caught a glimpse of Falrun’s wrath inside if his head. The power of the Immortals was so far beyond that of even the most exceptional mortal that it wasn’t even funny. But the woman who floated in the air before him, who if his studies in religion correctly identified as Kata…

It was like a goldfish faced with the entirety of the ocean. Like a sapling tree before a hurricane. Kata practically oozed with power: moreso than Cad had ever comprehended a single being could even possess. The air around her seemed to shimmer in accord to her will like a heat haze. Aeva could not have matched her. Faldrun could not have matched her. Nobody could match her. Kata had ascended into something so much bigger than any Immortal he had ever met.

It was terrifying.

Kata spoke then, naming the others as heroes and calling him by name (and oh ****, the terrifying super-Immortal knew who he was) to strike down Faldrun. To kill the single greatest enemy of the free world in living memory, who it just so happened was his employer at the moment.

Cad thought about the situation for a moment, and was surprised to find that the answer came to him pretty easily. By this point any thought of being paid was safely shelved at the back of his mind; right now Cad just wanted to come out of this alive, and preferably with the least amount of killer Immortals hating him as possible. Now Faldrun had been scary to work for, but Kata? Yeah, she was a million times more scary than he was right now. Out of everyone he didn’t want gunning for his head, she took the lead by a landslide. Thus the solution was clear: do whatever she said.

”Right… I- I’m not sure about the rest of you, but I am beyond terrified of her.” He stuttered to the others, feeling strangely honest of the face of what he was pretty sure might be his imminent death. ”As such I’m going to do whatever she tells me to and pray she doesn’t kill me. Sound good to you?”

Evidently however the decision was taken out of his hands, as the Ithecal strode forward towards Faldrun and began ranting at him. Cad though that he’d decided to take the role of executioner, and decided to watch on hopefully as the lizard-man prepared himself to strike.

But the ithecal did not attack Faldrun. He attacked Kata instead.

“No! You insufferable idiot!” Cad cried, charging forward in the vain hope of doing something as the lizard decided to annoy the one Cad was pretty sure had to be the single most powerful being on the planet. However before he could even get close enough to interfere a fierce blast of air, courtesy of some kind of magic no doubt, buffeted him backwards. “Are you insane?! Don’t pick a fight with her! She’s to strong for you! For anyone!”

Damn it all! What could he do to stop this? To make the ithecal see reason? Fighting was not his strong suit, and he didn’t have any minions to handle that for him. Or did he?

Cad’s eyes glanced over to where the withered corpses of the Immortals Kata had drained lay discarded, and a wicked idea crossed his mind. He couldn’t tell for sure, but those three looked pretty dead to him. If so, perhaps there was something he could do after all.

Reaching inside of his soul for his necromancy spark, Cad fed his ether into it as felt it flare to life. Then he turned his focus upon the ruined corpse of Mastes. What he was attempting just screamed unsafe to him, so it was better to try it with just one corpse for now. With a silent mental command Cad tried to reanimate the corpse of Mastes as a thrall under his command, and bid to come running to his defence.

Magic/Abilities/Items Used

Necromancy - To try and reanimate the corpse of Mastes.
Last edited by Cad Revel on Wed Aug 25, 2021 6:08 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 919
Quick Quirks

Yellow Eye

Cad's left eye is an unnatural yellow colour.


Cad's magic cape can change appearances at will.

Cold Body

Cad's body looks normal, but when touched feels cold and leathery.


Most monsters love Cad. Most animals hate him.
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Re: Ruin's Dawn: Ascension

Nir'wei watched as the huge shelf of rock collapsed over the entrance to the Labyrinth. As far as he knew, the one and only entrance. At best, the rest would struggle to make it out of there again. Had he had a little more time, he might have managed to collapse the archway itself and finished the job for good... but his own shadow, harmless at his feet, suddenly roared to life and consumed him in darkness, dragging him through the floor itself and a murky, ink-slick place. When he reached out and felt clean air once more, he rose from the thick pool and clawed his way back to solid ground. The window-pane sky and clean air of the outdoors was gone. He had been summoned somewhere new. Somewhere dangerous.

Before them, a pile of melted slag. He couldn't even tell what it had once been, but the shrivelled, almost unidentifiable remains of a person sat atop it like it had once been a king's throne. On either side, two more corpses. He only recognised one from its distinctive markings, the blood-red slash across its chest and a face that even in death was shrouded in mist and shadow. It shouldn't have been possible, of course, but he recognised that body at least. Aelig. Immortal of Chaos, Illusion, Mimicry. Many arcs ago he'd launched an attack that spanned the entire world. More recently his tricks had affected Nir's friends and family in all manner of horrible ways, torturing them with painful memories and false life. Nir'wei hated him for all of it, and more besides, but there was something particularly wrenching about seeing him dead. Mostly because he was an Immortal. A being of unimaginable strength, age beyond understanding... dead.

Were the other two Immortals, too? He couldn't even tell, but what else could they be?

Kata stood over them all, though she looked more like Raskalarn in her pose. Towering. Commanding. Imposing. Her voice could have shook the room and it dripped with the lording tone of the victorious basking in their spoils. Had she done all this? Or had some hand in its happening? He could only imagine so, but there were so many more questions to ask, looking not only over her, but her companions as well. Syroa, restraining someone. Audrae - that explained the oozing shadows that had teleported him to the room.

... and Faldrun. The moment he saw the Immortal of Fire, it was as if every hair on his body stood rigid - it hardly mattered that he was sorely wounded with Fracture scars and heavy burns across one side of his body, clearly mangling him beyond repair. He had a very high bounty on his head, a blood debt to be paid - and Kata clearly knew it from the way she handed the Immortal to them all like a grand prize, ripe for the spearing. A golden opportunity, as she called it. Such a vile and hated thing that his death truly would bring joy and gratitude to all of Idalos, exactly as she said it. Under better circumstances, even with Kata being the one offering his head, Nir'wei would have taken it in a heartbeat. Even then, his hand twitched at her words, goaded even further by the infuriatingly calm words of the Fire God. "You deserve it." Varlum seemed to know more than he; the Ithecal focused entirely on Syroa and the others in his speech. Nir'wei, however, remained staring at Faldrun for just a moment longer. "I told you that I'd kill you with my bare hands, if that was what it took." The last time they'd met, in Rharne, he'd said it. Face-to-face. "That promise will come true. Until then, you live on borrowed time. Remember that, Faldrun." How quickly he would have split his skull, faster than any mortal. He hoped the Immortal knew that as well as he did. Yet, today, he turned away.

It was clear that they'd been chosen for a reason. It was clear that Kata would not kill Faldrun herself, though it still left the question of the three dead Immortals that littered the room, fractured almost completely beyond recognition. He suspected the Oath; the same one that had held Qylios and the other Immortals from attack not too long ago. Like then, and now, they relied on mortals to finish the job. Which gave them the advantage in deciding the fates of not just Faldrun... but the three Immortals that stood before them. "Either stand and fight," he told Cad as Varlum broke into a charge, "or find somewhere to hide." Fur began to sprout all over his body, his limbs cracking and shifting as he became something that wasn't quite wolf... nor quite human... but something mixed between the two, shimmering all over as a Turtle Shell barrier formed over his Werewolf-enhanced body. "Idalos is about to have another Immortal War."

He called upon everything at once. Every ounce of strength, speed, and cunning at his disposal as he drew the Bow of the Eternal Hunt, nocked a shot, and fired straight for the tentacle that held Falkia. The next couple aimed for the head, launching a merciless barrage from a distance intended to keep her on a defensive. Greyhide, Sovar, Cold, Myrth and Vabina backed up Varlum, though as he charged they reared their heads and opened their muzzles. For a brief moment, there was Coalescence; a merging of their power, where they all shared in a single instance of strength, and then five charged lightning bolts struck in unison, all aimed straight for Kata. Not that he really expected it to harm her. Stun her, perhaps. Distract her, hopefully. As his power rang out, every Mark on his body buzzing with the strain of its power, he touched the bracelet granted by Qylios and called her. Squeak, Kin and Castile, lingering around him as extra eyes and protective shields against the retaliatory measures of the Immortals all howled in unison for Karem's aid, what little she might be able to offer.

Moseke. Cassion. Saoire. Ilaren. Every Immortal under the Faldrun-cursed sun he knew by name and face he called, knowing that while they could not raise a hand in that moment against Kata for the same reason she could not raise one against Faldrun, their mere presence would give them the protection needed to do what needed to be done.

Someway, somehow, they had killed three Immortals. Kata, Syroa, and Audrae were insane enough to take down more, if they got the chance. Faldrun would have to wait. His time would come when the dust had settled. For now, however, they needed to be stopped, then and there, before further damage could be incurred.
word count: 1147
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Re: Ruin's Dawn: Ascension

What is it with Audrae and slag?

Oram had just gotten Alyssia out of the pool and wrapped in a wool blanket when a loud, tolling peal rang out. It seemed to come from the treasure room. Had he done that? the traveler wondered, his mind going guiltily to the coins in his pocket.

But no, it seemed to be something else entirely. More visions came just then, visions of dragons -or rather, of a dragon, talking to two (comparatively) more human-looking persons. The dragon held eggs in its enormous claw, and was entrusting them to the woman. That was bound to be one of the Immortals, Oram figured, or maybe some Heroine of Yore; he couldn’t see a dragon entrusting its eggs to Some Lady. The older man, whom Some Lady of Yore called “Father” then did something that caused the islands they stood upon to heave themselves from the bosom of the water and rise to the sky.

Oram realized he had heard this story before, that he should know the characters, yet could not recall any of the names. The man was one of the Originals, he guessed. Why could he not remember their names?! Cassion would probably smack him on the back of the head for forgetting, hard enough to give him an counterproductive concussion, then cheerfully tell the story himself. But that Cassion -the for-sure real Cassion- was not on hand.

When the vision passed, some of the eggs in the room began to stir, including two of the ones Alyssia had picked up. She had picked up more eggs?! Oram marveled, but -thinking once more of the coins- realized he could hardly fault her. The eggs broke open, and lizard-like forms emerged. They had scales that shone like gold and silver, and feathers as well. Oram stared at them, wonder-struck. Was that what dragons looked like? Was that what these were?

He did not have long to ponder this; something new was wrong. With him in particular. In the corner of his eye, he saw his shadow shift. At first he thought that some light source in the room had moved, or that he had imagined it. But within a couple trills, he realized with a gasp that something was amiss with his shadow. It was moving, on its own, in ways that should not be possible. It shortened and gathered at his feet, pooling around and climbing his ankles, his legs, covering his whole body in darkness. Just before the shadow took him, he pushed Alyssia away with the butt of his spear and then pointed with the head at one of the passages. ”Go!” he called. He had meant to shout, yet he could hear that his voice did not reverberate as it should in the cavern. He wonder if the girl heard her at all…

When the darkness receded, Oram was no longer in the cavern with the geese; he was in a place of ruin, beneath a ruined sky. The tatters of a collapsed building surrounded him; judging from the dust still hovering in the air, it had fallen recently, and utterly. What looked like the molten remains of some metal device dominated the space framed by the ruins. Lying near this molten hulk were withered bodies. Oram did not recognize them, yet somehow he suspected that at least some had been Immortals. What could kill Immortals? Who could kill them?

He caught sight of a large, fiery-looking man, and somehow realized he was Faldrun. Had *he* done this? Cassion -if it had been Cassion- had warned their group that Faldrun was up to no good. Yet his manner was not the gloating one of someone whose plans had come to fruition. He looked chagrined. And hurt.

In another corner, a red-haired woman -likely an Aukari Occult, Oram guessed, even though he had never before laid eyes on one- struggled vainly in the clutches of a monstrous, tentacled being, whose upper quarters disturbingly resembled a sensuous young woman. Whatever Faldrun and the aukari had planned had seemingly gone awry, catastrophically so. Next to them was a hooded female form that Oram reckoned he knew: Audrae he realized, his eyes narrowing as he glared at her. But the dominant figure by far was another, also female, who floated over the ruin with an air all triumph and power. She was beautiful, yet there was a frighteningly unhinged manner about her; madness shone from her eyes as she smiled and spoke.

"Welcome, heroes of Idalos, and you as well, mister Revel, to a golden opportunity,” the floating woman said. It was then that Oram noticed the others who had arrived with him. Two he recognized: Nir’wei and Zoro. A third he thought at first was Praetorum, but this ithecal was even larger, more imposing, with iron-hard scales that seemed to cover an intense heat just beneath, like a barely-hardened crust of lava. It was frightening, yet apparently was one of the “Heroes” as well. The hunter did not recognize the girl nor “Mister Revel”, and he hadn’t missed that their new mistress of ceremonies had addressed the man in a way that excluded him from the other heroes.

The floating woman invited them to kill Faldrun, promising them rich rewards. From what treasury? Oram wondered, eying the devastation of land and sky. And Faldrun then called her “Kata”, a name that the traveler vaguely remembered belonged to one of the hostile Immortals -not that he hadn’t worked out that last part already. And she had said something else he knew wasn’t true: they hadn’t been summoned to kill Faldrun, only to foil his schemes and those of the Aukari Occult, schemes which, judging from the position Faldrun and the aukari woman were now in, had already gone irretrievably awry. This wasn’t “their” mission; it was just more meddling and manipulations. Oram had had his fill of that.

Of the six who had arrived, the enormous ithecal responded first. It sounded like he and Faldrun had history, and not a positive one. For a moment, Oram thought it would attack the Immortal; gouts of fire shot towards Faldrun. Why would somebody who knew Faldrun try to attack him with fire? Even an unschooled hunter like him knew that to be futile, maybe even counterproductive. But as the ithecal turned with his ax abruptly on Kata, the hunter realized what it had done: the fires weren’t an attack, they were a resource.

That was clever; it might even work. But now what was Oram to do? He certainly-

The one known as “Mister Revel” acted next. He screamed in terror and was clearly out of his mind. He lurched forward to interfere with the ithecal, but was blasted back by a curtain of air. So the ithecal was one of those element mage thingies like Balthazar, Oram realized. Good to know. But now he had to deal with a squawking, babbling fool who wanted to do whatever Kata asked, simply because he was terrified of her. That was an understandable reason, but a bad one. As the air blasted the man back, Oram planted his boar spear upright in a pile of rubble and then grasped the panicking fool by the shoulder with one hand. With the other, he fished out a bone whistle he wore on a lanyard under his gambeson.

Twisting “Mister Revel” towards him, Oram blasted the whistle right in his face. That was unnecessary, he knew; it wouldn’t actually enhance the item’s fear-dispelling and morale-raising effects, but he was annoyed with the man. When he was finished setting the poor fool’s ears ringing, the hunter dropped the whistle from his mouth and shouted: ”What are you thinking?! That she’ll spare us or reward us if we do her bidding? Look around you! Look at the sky! *That* will be your reward! We need to stop this! We all need to stop this!” He twisted the man with a shove to face Kata. ”Pull yourself together and do something to help us!”

As he dropped the whistle, leaving it to dangle freely from its lanyard, Oram held up his right hand and summoned a fireball. This was an ability he had acquired but recently; he had never used it anger before. He wasn’t quite sure how he was going to use it now. But it seemed like it would prove useful, somehow.

Nir’wei, in the meantime, had unleashed his wolves on Kata, while himself attacking tentacle woman with a bow. Oram could feel Choir straining to join Nir’wei’s pack in attacking Kata. Go! Oram bid the song wolf mentally, Sic ‘em!whereupon Choir eagerly flew at the floating Immortal with the other wolves.

After he threw his little fireball, Oram planned to retrieve his spear from where had planted it, for what good that would do. Not much, he guessed; he needed something more. They all did. More allies. Immortal allies. He called on all the ones he could think of that might view him positively: Cassion, of course, and Ziell, Saoire, Karem, Xiur, Vhalar, even Ralaith…

Daia. Daia had promised him one favor after the Forging. Such favors should only be used in the direst of occasions; the end of the world probably qualified.

Daia, Oram thought. I’m calling it in. Please do whatever you can for us. Quickly. And, having muttered his hasty petitions, Oram decided what to do with the fireball. Kata was set upon by the powerful ithecal and a pack of wolves including his own. Nir’wei was peppering Tentacle Lady with arrows. The former was by far the greatest threat here, but not the only one that needed tending to.

Between those two loomed a cowled figure, unnoticed and -if Oram guessed her type aright- hoping to remain that way. But no more. Oram had never used his fireball ability in anger before. Audrae’s face seemed like the perfect inaugural target. He threw the thing right into that murk framed by Audrae’s hood, then snatched up and readied his spear against whatever might come next.
word count: 1709
Villains are powerless against story beats.
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Re: Ruin's Dawn: Ascension

Cail Qy'Jihai

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Cail gasped when her shadow suddenly grabbed her from behind. It had never come to life before; the woman went to scream only to be completely engulfed. She looked at her companions in horror before everything went dark. It felt like forever till it finally released the woman. Only she was not with the original group she had been with. The woman felt dread settle into her veins when she saw the Immortals that were before them. One that stood out was the woman in the middle that was producing large amounts of energy of some kind. Was this what they were meant to stop? Had they failed?

Taking a deep breath the Biqaj focused on what her options were. She did not have the medical knowledge to heal the injuries on Faldrun, nor if any of her new companions became hurt. There were three dead Immortals which made no sense. The one who tasked her group with helping had informed them that the Immortals could not bother or hurt each other. Kata only secured that thought with the fact that Faldrun was hurt but still alive, perhaps the bodies could give some kind of insight to stop the lunacy before them.

She watched as the Ithecal approached and spoke to Faldrun like he knew him. The mortal born race was not an unknown concept though she did not know of any personally. Cail moved back when another of the men ran forward trying to stop the Ithecal from attacking. The woman barely kept herself up right when a gust of wind hit all of them. Kata had told them to kill Faldrun and claim their prizes for riding the world of the Immortal as they had been tasked. But that had not been their task from the way the adventure, it had been to keep him from getting the artifacts.

“Our task had been to stop Faldrun from getting the artifacts. Now you have changed that objective. Faldrun can be dealt with when the threat to our lives is handled,” Cail said and covered her ears when Oram blew his whistle.

She was no fighter, but if she could get to the dead Immortals there may be a way to stop her. Cail looked at Cad and the last person who had not spoken up yet. She would need their help to get where she could examine the bodies without being hurt or in the way.

“If you two can help me, I am no fighter. But I know the Immortals cannot raise a hand to each other. There is another element that we need to figure out. Which means we need a look at the bodies. I am going for the one nearest Faldrun. Help me or fight by their sides,” Cail stated and took off towards the body staying as close to edge of the fight as she can.

Biqaj Female

23 Arc old
Long Brown Hair and Eyes
5' 8" Tall

Clothing Style
Green Cloak

“Part of the healing process is sharing with other people who care.”
~ Jerry Cantrell
word count: 520
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Re: Ruin's Dawn: Ascension

Zoro had been focused on helping Gennadiya in any way that he could. Then he noticed the large eggs dotted around in the cavern. Suddenly, Zoro’s world became staccato as a strange vision filled his head with visions of Ethelynda and a man (one of the Originals, Zoro guessed) and dragons! A short while after the vision passed, he noticed the eggs begin to hatch. “Oh my trials!” Zoro exclaimed. “That is not something you see often!” Then, Zoro felt a strange tickling sensation, like he was barefoot in long grass, on his feet. He looked down and gave a scream of surprise. “I’m being eaten alive!” Zoro yelled as he was consumed by his own shadow.

In the blink of an eye he was somewhere else and standing amongst a group of others. There were some he recognised with comforting relief and others were new to him. For the first few seconds, Zoro swiped at his own clothing like a mad man trying to beat away invisible frogs but thankfully his shadow had reverted to the behaviour he had come to expect of it and was just sitting there.

There was a strange intensity in this new situation and instinctively Zoro felt things were about to come to a head; the air was charged with some kind of energy and it reminded Zoro of the feeling just before a storm. Then, the ‘storm’ started and there was a violent cacophony of movement, action, noise and confusion. Growing up, Zoro and his siblings would often play at being swashbuckling heroes who ruled the seas. They created marvellous stories of great adventure and tales of such enormitude that had they been real, they would have shaken the world. This moment had that same rough and tumble feel.

Zoro felt ready for action. His movements felt quicker to him, and those around him also seemed to leap into action. Was he moving faster? Were others moving slower? Zoro wasn’t sure, but did not have time to analyse it. There were people there, in this new place, but there were Immortals, too. One of them was Faldrun. Faldrun the Immortal? Right here and in the same place as him. He looked battered, Zoro thought. How could that be?

The Immortal Audrae, Zoro recognised from the visions in his time in Scalvoris and the freeing of the Induks. There was another Immortal there – at least, Zoro assumed she was an Immortal – and he had no idea who she was.

In this moment, Zoro really wasn’t sure which Immortal was the enemy and which was - not a friend, but the enemy of an enemy, perhaps? He did not have time to think about that, and so he followed the lead of the people there who he knew and trusted. Oram threw a fireball into Audrae’s face and Zoro quite approved. Audrae had been the cause behind everything that had happened in Scalvoris, and so he chose to follow Oram’s lead.

First, Zoro activated a Xiur-granted power called Flow of Morale. It should, he hoped, make everyone on their side more hopeful and give them a morale boost. However, just then a woman who he did not know asked him and a man he did not know to protect her while she looked at the dead Immortals around here. “I think we need to worry about the still alive ones!” Zoro exclaimed as he drew his fairy-blade cutlass whilst activating the bracelet Qylios had given him, seeking to create an enhanced weapon of divine light around the cutlass. The unknown woman then said that the Immortals could not raise a hand to each other and he looked at her rather as though her head had just dropped off. Pointing to the battered Faldrun, he said “Oh? Try telling him that!”

Ignoring her, because he had no time to talk sense into her, Zoro stepped forward and prayed to Daia as he did. “Glorious Daia, I’m so grateful for this favour and I’m so sorry to do this so quickly, but I’m calling it in! Please aid us, myself and my companions. I am your vessel, and your servant.” He didn’t add that he was also terrified and fairly sure he was about to die, he thought she probably already knew.

Dancing towards Audrae, because Daia had granted him the ability to be better than he was when he danced, Zoro jabbed at Audrae’s face with the light-enhanced cutlass and activated its power to emit a blinding light. He didn’t know much, but he knew that Audrae was shadows and Qylios was light. He also knew that Audrae had really annoyed Qylios just recently and so, while his skill was not great, his heart felt enormous beating in his chest and if he only managed to annoy her, he would be the single drop of water in the ocean of her demise.

Like Aunt Zelda used to say as she urinated in the sea. Every little helps. He fully expected that he was about to die. The people here, those that he knew, were more skilled and more experienced and were heroes in their own right. All he could be was Zoro Astrian and he determined that if he was going to die here, he would do it casting out shadows with every bit of light he had.

OOC: I’m not sure of the exact effect of Varlum’s spell so I left it vague.

word count: 924
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Re: Ruin's Dawn: Ascension

Kata and her collaborators watched the six discuss things with seeming impassivity at first, but when Varlum stepped forward and began to vent his anger towards Faldrun, Kata gave a cold smile. Faldrun, for his part, didn't speak or make a move, His expression was steely and closed off, but there was no air of surrender about him, or even something that indicated he was anything less than ready to fight if it came to it. The only change was a brief flickering frown when Varlum mentioned that the judge had been eager for Faldrun's Ascension.

Syroa, though, smirked when Varlum mentioned how well she had healed, or how intense this all seemed for her past actions. "Oh, darling. I'm so much more than a child like you could possibly comprehend. Maybe in a few centuries, when you've finished growing up, you might understand the humors of your superiors." she said, her tone amused. But she fell silent as Varlum continued his speech, expecting what all of the Immortals there seemed to have come to expect at this point.

Then Varlum abruptly changed his target, now aiming to kill of Kata. He poured fire into Faldrun, who looked briefly started, but then started absorbing the fire. Kata, however, snarled and summoned a sword to counter the Ithecal before being abruptly slowed as he used Pocket of Time. As he did, Cad reached and try to use Necromancy to revive the corpse of an Immortal. To the surprise of pretty much every Immortal present, if one bothered to catch their reactions to it, Mastes's corpse did actually rise at the command. But it was an utterly empty shell. All the power, all the majesty, everything that made an Immortal an Immortal, was gone from it. It had no Domains nor special powers left to use. It was just a somewhat better than usual corpse, and even that was held back by how horrifically damaged it was. It did, however, take all of Cad's remaining ether to do, and left him with Ghost Call.

Nir'wei called on all that he had, which was a lot, and turned into a werewolf before he started firing arrows into Syroa and Kata as his wolves, and Vabina, backed up Varlum. Oram called on his own powers and tried to set Audrae on fire while sending his own wolf to join Nir'wei's. Cail, who was not the fighter that many of the others were, took it on herself to try and see if she could discover anything by studying the remaining corpses. The one she went to, the nearest to Faldrun, was Belaera's. Zoro, meanwhile, took his own swing at Audrae while doing his best to boost the group's morale with his own Blessings. And all them called on the Immortals they knew.

At first, it might seem like things were going all right, with Kata, Syroa, and Audrae being slowed by Varlum's power. Then, Kata grinned and loosed her own powers. The air around them began to crack and warp, speeding up and slowing down at random as Kata's powers of Ruin and Insanity were loosed into the time bubble that Varlum had created. Kata, for her part, however, seemed barely affected by the slowdown, as if she were now fast enough that the slow down barely affected her. She blocked Varlum's strike easily with her sword and smiled cruelly at the Ithecal. "Such a fool. If you had obeyed, you could have won your sisters lives. But since I owe Syroa a favor and they did try to kill her, maybe I'll them your corpse as a forewarning." she said, front-kicking him as she spoke and seeming entirely unconcerned about his magma body or air shield, and smashing through the rock wall with ease. Varlum, however, would feel as if he had just received a heavy blow with no armor whatsoever. "Ah, well." she said, as she swung the sword and cut through the lightning bolts that the familiars had sent at her. "I suppose this is as good a test run of my new powers as any." she said as she grabbed Sovar out of the air and cut the Velduris wolf clean in two, sending back into spirit form until he recovered from being bisected and dodging the rest of the wolves with ease. "But you'll all need so much more if you want to harm me!" she crowed, arrogant in her power and her triumph.

Syroa had merely let the arrows strike true, then ejected them from her body with a smirk. "My my, now you're trying to riddle people with arrows, little wolf? Sorry, but I'm not really that vulnerable to that. I'm not you, after all." she said with a mocking laugh. Audrae, meanwhile, was slowed down and took the fireball and the blade of light pretty cleanly to the face. She shrugged them off, however, and gave Oram and Zoro a cold look. "You two helped foil my plans in Scalvoris. This is as good a time to kill you as any." she said, summoning a hooked, jagged black dagger and a long black whip with shards of metal running through its length.

However, none of the villianous trio had factored Faldrun into the occasion. He was weakened, even with Faldrun's boost, but it was Saun, and the Immortal of the Sun was at his strongest while the second sun hung in the sky. Absorbing his son's gift, Faldrun focused his powers, then loosed them, sending fireballs into the five heroes, and also Cad, gifting them strength, endurance, speed, and immunity to fire. "The Pact still binds us, and so I may not harm her directly. But I gift you my power and more, I loan you my Champion." he said, as a great plume of fire enveloped Syroa, driving her off the bound person. Falkia, now fully restored and resonating with her Lord's power, stood and called on her Lord's power. Corona, Heavy Burn, Flame Wreath, and Faldrun's Rage empowered her, and she called on Fire Fall and Solar Purge to rain fire on their enemies. She used one of the unique powers that had been gifted to her as Faldrun's Champion to split the beam from Solar Purge into three, each one targeting one of the hostile Immortals.

Then Falkia lept into battle alongside Varlum, and though Kata knocked her aside as easily as Varlum, she got back up and kept fighting. Faldrun, for his part, went to stand by Cail. "I will keep you safe while you do your research. Normally, I would disapprove of such treatment of my kins body, but any insight you can gain would be very welcome right now." he said, his tone strained, before he growled. "Damnit, they should be stronger." he said, watching the fight unfold. "Kata spoke to my followers before I sent them out. She must have tampered with my connection to them, they're acting as a drain on my strength. While they live, I will be the weaker." he said, his tone angered.

Cail, for her part, would find at first glance that Beleara's corpse was not special. It appeared to be an average human corpse, though it was being held in place by the manacles that had bound it to the Ascension. She would need to look deeper and do more if she wished to uncover anything about the corpses. Then, as the prayers of the others were heard, more help arrived.

As Audrae flashed out her whip, an armored woman appeared and caught it, jerking the Lady of Shadows towards her, before burying a short, curved sword in her stomach. She followed the first sword with a second, identical, sword, then jerked them out through the sides, ripping open Audrae's stomach, which started to heal almost immediately, though the woman kicked her away. Daia stepped forward, then, her identity clear to all who took the chance to look. "First you try to kill and absorb your own child, now you aid in the murder of your own kin." she said, her tone surprisingly cold. "I know I can't kill you, Audrae, but I have no further patience for you. I took no oath, and I can maul you enough that one of Mortals or Mortalborn can take your head." she said, dropping into a slightly crouched fighting stance as Audrae regained herself.

As for Syroa, she had healed from the flame and had launched herself at Nir'wei when she caught out of the air by a large man in a heavy traveller's coat. Cassion had Syroa by the tail, and with that grip he pulled her back over his shoulder and slammed her into the ground before driving his foot into her face as she tried to recover, knocking the shapeshifter back a good few feet. "You know, I don't normally get involved in factional bickering, but this was just evil." he said, donning a pair of cestus over his hands. If anyone looked, they'd notice he was wearing steel capped boots and greaves on his shins. "Plus you had your Champion impersonate me and try to lure two of mine to their deaths, which is rather personal." he said as Syroa began to shift into a hulking, furred monstrosity that looked like a bear with a more human face. It was about half a foot taller than Cassion and looked to be much more muscled. Cassion, however, just raised his arms into a fighting stance, his face unimpressed. "Let's see if I can't beat you into the ground. You may not have any vital organs, but some of these folks can still burn you death if I can weaken you enough." he said, before charging at Syroa.

As the two Immortals who were not bound by the Oath, and could thus fight other Immortals directly, joined the fray, a tall woman in black armor, with black hair and amber eyes appeared next to Faldrun. "Message for you, courtesy of Yvithia, by way of Daia, who got it from my mother." Valtharn said, her voice deadening as she spoke that last bit. "The Immortals who can't directly fight are empowering Raskalarn's legions. They'll be here soon, we just have to survive until then. I'm to guard you until either they arrive or you stop lookin' like a half cooked side of bacon." she said, getting a scowl from Faldrun before looked down as his charred and fracture scarred side and shrugged. Then Valtharn looked at Cad, and called out to him. "Cad! You're still on Faldrun's time. Help keep everyone alive and your reward is tripled. Special bounty if you manage to kill one of those three traitors!" she called out to the schemer.

Kata noted the new arrivals with a smirk. "Well, well. The unsigned have shown up. Pity I couldn't get either of you two, perhaps it would have freed me from the Oath." she said, with a mocking laugh. "Oh well. Bring everyone you can, it won't be enough to stop me!" she said, as she launched another attack against Varlum and Falkia. She was still primarily fighting with her sword and physical attacks, but they could both tell that she was holding back.

Audrae, meanwhile scowled at Daia. "You should have stayed dead, Daia. Now you're just in my way." she said as she lashed the whip out at Daia, who dodged in a graceful motion that showed that her fighting style took a lot from dancing, then launched back at Audrae. Syroa, for her part, didn't speak, she just charged at Cassion and took a heavy swipe at him. Old Dust dodged and slammed his fist into her side and the sound of bones breaking was clear, but they healed in moments.

They had help now, and more was coming, but it was clear. Things were still very much not in their favor right now.

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Re: Ruin's Dawn: Ascension

As he spoke to Faldrun, before any of the fighting broke out, Syroa said her piece - the Ithecal glancing to her. "Perhaps" he replied simply, before continuing his words to his father. Before finally, his axe swung, his power over time activating as he turned to Kata. As he swung, and Faldrun absorbed all the fire he had been given, Kata summoned a sword and blocked his hit, pausing for a moment to taunt him before a kick planted firmly into his chest, her powers unleashing as he felt the raw blow hit him in a way he hadn't for a long time. As if his armor meant nothing, the magma coating him doing nothing to stop her now, Varlum knocked back a few feet as he dropped his axe on the floor and knelt down, the wind knocked out of him.

One by one every attack faded, his eyes blurred for a moment from the sheer power behind the hit, looking up to Kata as she pushed all their attacks away, slicing a wolf in half and taunting the group one by one. Even as the reinforcements arrived, as Faldrun freed his champion and she jumped to Varlum's side to help fight Kata, the Ithecal being given Faldrun's power - it felt hopeless. The other two Immortals in the room were busy as Cassion and Daia fought them off, leaving just Kata as a target, Varlum taking a deep breath as Falkia fought against Kata, refusing to stay down for even a moment. Their one target was strong enough to defeat them all. Even with a champion present and a boost from Faldrun.

As the thought hit his head, Varlum glanced down to the floor with deep hatred, hissing deeply.

"Big mistake" Varlum snarled at Kata as his Towering Beast begun to activate, the Ithecal doubling in height as the fire inside of him burned bright. As it did so, he stood himself up slowly, rising from his knees at the height of twenty-four feet tall. Focused, he thought a prayer, first an apology to Ethelynda and Ralaith. Then he glanced to Faldrun for a moment, the hatred still strong inside of him as he prepared to fight alongside a Champion of such a man. But one champion couldn't keep Kata at bay. So they needed more.

"Ethelynda. Ralaith. Faldrun." he hissed at the final name as he left his ax on the ground, the weapon far too small for him now, glowing eyes rising up as he looked to Kata. "Make me your champion, or unleash my ancestors. Give me your strength. Whatever it takes" he snarled under his breath, his voice deep and harsh as he roared out a Dragon's Cry, the roar echoing across the field, primal and feral, like the dragon's soul deep inside of him. Asking for anything from Faldrun, let alone to become his champion, burned the hatred he felt further. But whether he liked it or not, they needed more. All of them, now more than ever. Even if it killed him.

As Varlum roared out, his Lovalus Diri appeared before Nir'wei, the long draconic spirit Ivarn arriving at his side. "Varlum has asked for the blessing of his Immortals and Faldrun, to empower him to Kata's level in some way. He intends on fighting. Whatever it is you must do to keep Idalos alive, do so. He will have your back in any way he can" he nodded, relaying the message to the rest of the room one by one. As he did so, Varlum took one final deep breath, Falkia holding Kata off for just a moment. As he took the breath he called on his domain of Integrity, extending a buff to Oram and Zoro, marking them as his chosen, buffing a skill of their choosing by a tier. Nir'wei had the wolves at his side and the others weren't fighting or were on the side of Faldrun, not Idalos.

Then he charged.

Giant, Varlum roared out, whether he had been given the blessing or champion of the Immortals or not. As he ran forward his Defiance summoned an Element he had never called on before, the magma burning bright as he called it from inside himself and breathed it out onto Kata, attempting to burn at her. As he did he reached forward with his sharp claws, attempting to slice at her torso, reaching through the magma and using it to try and block her vision of his assault, even if she could hear his heavy footsteps approaching. With each attack came a loud snarl and hiss, the primal fury burning up inside of him. Deep down, a part of him knew this was dangerous. Perhaps even suicide. Killing Faldrun would have been far easier, with far less risk of death.

But he had made a promise to be good. To be true of heart, as Auya had blessed him to be. Killing Faldrun wouldn't take his pain away, wouldn't bring Auya back or undo the damage he had done. Which meant it could wait, the vengeance he craved. Idalos was in danger, as were the people that had stood by him against all odds. Strangers and friends alike. He had to protect them all, as he had vowed to do Arcs ago. He had failed before. Soldiers had died fighting Ellasin and her army, others falling in the battles against Rhaum and the siege of Storm's Edge. Even his lover had died under his protection. But not now. Not any of them.

Should his blows land, Varlum used Great Minds to show Kata aspects of his life. Flares and moments of every fight, every battle he had won despite the odds, every giant enemy he had ripped to shreds and every soldier he had eaten alive. He had never seen an Immortal scared before, not truly. But there was a first for everything. Kata had power beyond the Ithecal's comprehension, but she didn't scare Varlum. Many powerful beings had tried to rip the world apart before. No matter how close she had come to it, she would be another to fail. Another corpse to hit the floor. Whether Varlum stood over her or died beside her, she would not take this world from him. Because she made one mistake that would cost her everything.

She threatened his sisters.
Off Topic
Most of the powers used are self explanatory, but Varlum's Integrity domain will allow Zoro and Oram to have a +1 to any skill of YOUR choosing for this thread. That will take a Novice skill of their choice to competent, a competent to expert etc. It is a temporary buff that will last until Varlum removes it (which he'll do when he dies/the event is over), so don't bother with CS edits, but that's how it works!
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