• Completed • Heated Words, Cold Argument

Lour patrols the city and finds himself in an argument with his Tri

It is said that when the Immortal Treid was slain, his heart was buried in the shadows of the ice, cursed by the Immortal Audrae. His people built a city atop the frozen wasteland in hopes of one day finding it and resurrecting their fallen leader.

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Heated Words, Cold Argument

17 Ymiden, 716
”I cannot believe you’re telling me this! There is no way that we should consider anyone other than Treid as our Immortal. Think of everything he sacrificed for us!” Masare rarely raised her voice, but it seemed that Lour had managed to get under her skin on this one. He’d known she was a devout follower of Treid and all his teachings, but he’d hadn’t realized how far the devotion went.

Lour held out his hands in a placating gesture. He focused on projecting calm thoughts to Masare, for all the good it would do him. Usually when she got this worked up she was just about ready to explode. ”You didn’t let me finish,” he explained calmly and slowly, ”just, let me finish and I promise it won’t be anything bad about Treid.” Surprisingly enough, Masare subsided. Lour was a bit shocked. Usually getting her to calm down once she got going was impossible. Then again, Lour had often found that a calm word, especially from him, could diffuse a potentially volatile situation.

He, Nisali, and Masare were patrolling one of the many streets of Treidhart, and he’d made the mistake as they passed someone preaching the virtues of Treid of commenting that it was rare to see anyone worshipping the other Immortals here in Treidhart. Of course, seeing that the Ellune had a bit of closer relationship with Treid than many, that fact wasn’t necessarily surprising, but it was something that Lour especially was primed to notice. While he gave all due reverence to Treid and everything the Immortal had done for his people, Lour spent most of his time praising Ziell.

Then again, as his feet picked his path carefully, he had ample reason to. While not many knew beyond his closest friends and family, Ziell had marked Lour a long time ago. It had left an impact on the young Ellune, one he was still exploring. Since, then Lour had tried to cultivate a closer relationship with Ziell, but it was hard when so many of his people didn’t seem to have the need or inclination to worship anyone but Treid.

Keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings, Lour tried to relax into the state that he could sometimes reach where his mind was clear enough to think deep thoughts while his senses sought out danger. But it was hard, with the distractions around of people going about their daily life, as well as the gaze of his two companions, who were still awaiting his response. The outside world finally grew too hectic to allow Lour to think clearly as they entered one of the markets. The sound hit the Tri like a physical blow. While the Ellune weren’t a loud race, the sheer number of people as they walked, talked, and haggled in the enclosed space was overwhelming. Next came the smell, of goods of all kinds from food to weapons.

Lour tried to examine the crowd for any potential threats, as his instructors had been urging him and his fellow Tri mates to do, but frankly the chaos before him made it difficult. After all, there was no way to tell if someone ducking and weaving was simply in a hurry to get to a specific ware or if they had some more nefarious goal in mind. Sighing, Lour halted, and turned to his companions.

”If you’d been listening, I didn’t say that the Ellune should stop considering Treid their Immortal. All I’m saying is that, if certain individuals among us, wish to forge a close relationship with another Immortal, we should be free too.” Lour could see the thoughts crossing Masare’s face. He’d never say this to her, but when she got passionate about something everything she felt could be read like an open book.

”I suppose that’s a logical enough stance,” she conceded, but she held up a hand to indicate she wasn’t done. Lour waited patiently as she continued. ”But I’m afraid to allow it because it’s a slippery slope on to someone worshiping one of the dark and dangerous Immortals.” With that, she resumed their route, weaving through the market crowds. Lour and Nisali took up two points behind her.
Last edited by Lour on Tue Aug 02, 2016 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 722
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Heated Words, Cold Argument

It was supposed to make a perfect triangle, so they could defend from attack from any side. However, their formation was ragged, and they hadn’t yet found the rhythm that some of the older Tris fell into effortlessly. It didn’t help that they constantly had to readjust, buffeted by all sides by the press of the crowd. Then again, they were new to this, and shouldn’t be expected to be perfect right away. That’s why their superiors had sent them on one of the safest patrol routes, through the heart of Treidhart. Their job was not so much to sniff out trouble as to reassure the populace. Of course, people probably wouldn’t be at all happy knowing just how green Lour, Nisali, and Masare really were.

Lour took his time to formulate his thoughts before he responded. He was going to say something that he knew would probably provoke Masare and maybe Nisali even, but it probably had to be said. ”Well, that’s why we have laws, and Elders, and well, us, to protect against such danger. I don’t think the risk is as bad as you’re making it out to be. Besides,” and here he hesitated, before finally deciding to just plough ahead with it, ”There’s nothing really necessarily stopping someone who worships Treid from being evil or doing evil.”

Masare sputtered with rage, unable to speak she was so angry. At that, Nisali burst out laughing. Lour and Masare halted, turning to her shocked. Masare transferred some of her anger to Nisali. ”And just what, exactly, is so funny?” Masare inquired, her voice practically quivering with rage.

Nisali just laughed all the harder. ”You! Your…you face!” she burbled, ”it’s just so…so…” Apparently, words failing her, Nisali decided to use other resources. She scrunched up her face and tried to scowl, but seeing as she was still laughing at the time, the result ended up being more comical than scary.

So comical, in fact, that Lour laughed. Even Masare cracked a smile, and the tension between the three of them dissipated, as if it had never been. Lour was glad. He had thought that the last comment might be taking it a step too far. The bonds between them still remained strong, it seemed. Lour gave Nisali enough time to recover, before walking ahead, this time leading their small group. The patrol had to continue, and though a small voice whispered that taking such time out of their route to laugh was probably irresponsible, Lour squashed it. In the heart of Treidhart, nothing was going to happen that they wouldn’t have quite a bit of prior warning about.

Masare wasn’t going to let him off that easily, though. Lour would’ve lost respect for her if she had. ”Treid teaches us patience, to love one another. He’d never want his followers to harm one another.” Her voice resonated with the certainty that only a true believer could have. It was beautiful, in its way, and Masare certainly took comfort in believing that she and their people were watched over, even as their Immortal slumbered.
word count: 530
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Heated Words, Cold Argument

Lour was sure about quite a lot in his life, but his faith wasn’t necessarily one of them. Instead, he tried to just live his life as best he could and let others do the same. All he wanted was peace for his little corner of the world. At this point they had left the market behind and Lour welcomed the relief that this quitter part of Treidhart brought him. Still, he might be about to ruin that quiet. ”Well…” he started, reluctant to continue the argument but not wanting to end on something that felt like a loss to him, ”strictly speaking that’s not true. While Treid himself is good, what he presides over isn’t necessarily. It’s more…neutral.”

”But,” he quickly added, trying to forestall a possible response from her, ”Let’s say I agreed with you. Let’s say that everyone who believes in Treid believes in good.” Lour didn’t agree with that point, per se, but he felt that if he pushed Masare any farther she’d gut him with the sword she wore at her hip. He didn’t think he’d be fast enough with either his Nilas, which wouldn’t have much of an effect on her anyway, or his spear, to stop her, and Nisali would probably just view it all as a huge joke. ”What’s to stop someone from paying lip service to Treid while harboring darkness in their heart. Besides,” and here Lour let a bit of his dry humor out, rarely seen but always lurking under the surface, ”we’ve gotten rather far from the original topic of this conversation, haven’t we?”

Both Nisali and Masare giggled at that, but they sobered up quickly enough. Masare opened her mouth, seemed to think better of it, closed it, and then opened it again. Nisali grinned at the sight, but remained silent as Masre spoke. ”I suppose you’re right. Just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s not true.” Sighing, Masare nodded at Lour. ”I guess that allowing other Immortals into our rituals and culture doesn’t have to necessarily end in doom and destruction for us. I still maintain that the worship of them would have to be carefully watched.”

Figuring that was as good as he’d ever get from the quite religious Masare, Lour nodded in acknowledgement. They trudged forward, making a turn onto one of the side tunnels that branched off the main thoroughfare. Glancing over at Nisali, Lour examined her face. ”You’ve been awfully quiet about all this. What’s your take on it?”

Nisali smiled, a mischievous and familiar gleam coming into her eyes. ”I think that you both think too much.” Her tone was light and teasing, and her grin deepened as both Lour and Masare rolled their eyes. ”Seriously, you guys, that was perhaps the most boring and pointless theological discussion I’ve ever heard. I have got to get you two to go out more.” Looking pointedly at Lour, she joked, ”And I have got to get you laid.” Her voice held a note of long-suffering in it, as if Lour’s ongoing virginity was a personal affront to her.
word count: 542
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Heated Words, Cold Argument

Now it was Lour’s turn to sputter as the two women laughed at his expense and at his blush. It was an old joke among the three of them, and it was well known secret among many of their compatriots that Lour was a virgin. He wasn’t a prude, exactly, but he’d never found anyone whom he felt that for. When he finally got himself under control, he was about to say something tart in response, but then movement caught his eye. A figure was fleeing the tunnel before them, the footsteps echoing down the long hall. Nisali immediately raised the bow that had been by her side, an arrow already nocked. Lour stepped in front of her. ”No! You know we don’t attack unless we know what we’re up against. It’s too dangerous and someone innocent could get hurt.”

She scowled, but took the arrow off and put it back in the quiver she wore at her hip. Now, though, they had a fleeing figure to catch, one which had the audacity of chuckling at them as it rounded the corner. The Tri broke into a run, trying to catch up with the errant person. As they ran, Lour called upon the reservoir of power that all Ellune carried and they all learned to use to various degrees. Ice formed on his fingers, not bothering him at all. He’d found over the years that, for now, at least, if he called it to the surface beforehand it came more easily. He’d never talked to anyone about whether that was true for everyone, but as long as it worked, he figured he didn’t need to.

As they ran, Lour focused on making as little noise on the ice floor as possible, while also keeping his footing on the slippery surface. Sometimes if he concentrated hard enough, that trick actually worked, but probably not under these circumstances. It was hard and treacherous work, especially for Lour who wasn’t used to such exertion. Soon, the two women started to outpace him. Panting for air, they turned the corner well before Lour, who, on the same turn, actually skidded into the wall, slamming his right side in a way that would surely show a bruise tomorrow.

The figure kept moving ahead, apparently heading for a cluster of people at the end of the hall. Masare and Nisali were hot on its heels, and Lour groaned, before levering himself up and back into the chase. ’I really, really need to work on my running.’ The figure joined the group, who started shouting and jumping up and down and…cheering the oncoming Tri? Lour spared just a smidgen of mental space to wonder at that before he focused merely on keeping one foot in front of the other, trying not to pass out.

Finally, Nisali and Masare reached the group as well and then milled about aimlessly, checking faces and shrugging at one another in a way that was decidedly odd for two people who had just been pursuing a potential criminal. Finally, Lour reached everyone, and came to a halt, immediately doubling over and heaving in great gulps of breath. A few bits later, he finally felt more like himself, and had the energy to check on whom the Tri had been running after.
word count: 560
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Heated Words, Cold Argument

And as soon as he did, he felt monumentally stupid. Masare, Niakli, and Lour had apparently been running down a child. ”You have got to be kidding me,” he gasped out. But, despite his best efforts to change the situation, the figure before him remained a child. An insolently grinning child, to be sure, but that wasn’t grounds for the Tri to have chased her down as if she were some kind of criminal.

Nisali’s grin seemed entirely inappropriate for the situation. ”Nope!” she said, sounding cheerful and refreshed by their jaunt. ”Seriously, Lour, you need to work on your stamina,” she joked with a wink, clearly referencing her joke about his lack of sexual prowess or activity. Nisali wasn’t even breathing heavily, adding insult to injury.

Lour was too tired to do more than swat halfheartedly at her. She danced away nimbly, laughing all the while. ”Why in the world were they running,” he groaned, still trying to catch his breath. It felt as if someone was sitting on his chest and didn’t particularly feel like getting up any time soon.

Masare answered him this time around and her voice too held a hint of amusement. ”Apparently we were racing. And you, my friend, came in last.” She clasped Lour on the shoulder in a friendly way, trying to console him, even though Lour couldn’t care less. Although, if he was being honest, it did sting that not only his partners, but a small child could outrun him.

When he finally felt calm enough enough to straighten up fully, Lour stared at the two women, incredulous, at this turn of events. ”So, let me get this straight. We were chasing a child.” They nodded and Lour sighed. ”We were chasing a child because the child was groaning.” They nodded again, this time more vigorously.

Lour couldn’t help it. He burst out laughing, great booming laughs that filled the hall. Masare and Nisali joined in, and even the children joined them, giggling wildly. When they finally subsided, Lour wiped his eyes, which had teared up he was laughing so hard. ”Let us never speak of this again. Deal?”

Masare and Nisali answered ”Deal!”

Lour looked at the circle of young, eager faces around him. ”Deal?” he asked them.

”Deal!” they chorused, clearly happy to help the silly man who’d brought them so much amusement.

Lour nodded, satisfied. ”That’s settled then. Our lips are sealed.” Saluting the children jauntily, who chuckled at the sight, Lour spoke in an over the top martial voice. ”Onward, my comrades!” Suiting action to words, the three of them set off again, waving at the children as they went.

All in all, the patrol could’ve been much worse. While Lour was sure that the women would tease him mercilessly about this, it had brought them closer, and for that, he was thankful. Especially because it made Masare forgot all about their earlier discussion. ’Today, Lour thought with some satisfaction, ”was a good day.
word count: 506
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Heated Words, Cold Argument

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Lour Ak’shai qalar-Treid

Basic Knowledge:
  • Treidhart: Primarily devoted to Treid
  • Masare: Devout follower of Treid
  • Nisali: Not interested in Religious Conversation
  • Location: Treidhart’s Market
  • Lour’s Tri: Strong Bonds
Specialised Knowledge:
  • Conversation: Calm words diffuse tension
  • Tri Formation: Defensive Triangle
  • Treidhart’s Market: Busy and Loud
  • Lour’s Tri: Still Mocking Lour’s Virginity
Loot: None

Injuries: Bruising on arm from slamming hard into wall and some muscle fatigue from sprinting (given Lour has some fitness issues!). This should last a few trials.

Fame: +1 (Interacting amiably toward children is seen as a good dead, especially coming from a military patrol).

Story: 4/5
Collaboration: 0/5
Structure: 3/5

This was a fun little thread to read. Sometimes it is refreshing to have a short, simple story with focus on the interaction of characters. You played the NPCs off well by using the disagreement of the Immortal to draw out their personalities. There is nothing like the topic of religion to turn up the heat in any conversation. It was an interesting argument to see between your PC and Masare and her strong personality came through making things quite fun.

A thing to note for the story: I felt that the chase and revelation they were sprinting after a child could have been revealed in a more climactic way to really hit things home how green these recruits were.

Dialogue was good, I could certainly hear the characters voices. More figurative language (imagery) would help paint a picture of surroundings for the reader to feel like they are there.

Otherwise, nice first thread!

Please edit your grade request to say that it has been completed.
word count: 282
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