There was a few moments pause before a rather abrupt sound came from inside. It was speech, but barked in a way that was quite clearly not an invitation to intrude.
Cried both Winston and Felicity as they leapt back from the looming head and shoulders of the Captain.
She said, as if these were somehow two seperate questions.
It took Winston a few moment to compose himself as they both picked themselves up off the floor.
She demanded, imposing herself upon the tiny colourful intruder to make sure they knew who's boat they were on.
Winston cleared his throat and forced himself to adopt the 'Vega voice', though with a little elss confidence then he had thus far. Chivied the Wisp.
He began, but the rat interrupted again and slammed the cabin door, shouting from within.
The two of them went over a nocked again. This time moving back even further in preparation for the rat-in-a-box.
Sure enough, out came the rat, this time sward in hand. It was probably an idle threat. Nothing anyone had said about the Captain had suggested they were violent by nature... Everything they had said had included a propensity to intimidate people when she was irritated.
But this time, as the sailor moved to disappear below decks again, Winston blurted out, without any fake voices or pretense.
Calliapy froze. The fur on the back of her neck rose and her whiskers witched.
Winston lifted his hood and lowered his mask, revealing his face to be seen more clearly in the dim light.
The captain huffed sharply. Her tone has changed entirely. It was still a long distance from friendly, but perhaps 'accepting' would have to suffice for now.
As their reluctant host disappeared below, Winston and Felicity followed.
"Wacha want?! Eep!"
"Did they just..?"
began as the cabin hatch abruptly burst open and the rat's head, captains cap and all, thrust itself out from below decks."Ahh!"
"Who? Are you?"
It took Winston a few moment to compose himself as they both picked themselves up off the floor.
"I um... Ehem..."
"Don't stammer, spit it out!"
Winston cleared his throat and forced himself to adopt the 'Vega voice', though with a little elss confidence then he had thus far.
"Pull yourself together dammit."
"A-up. Me... I have something for ya."
"Not! Interested!"
"Damn, she's rude."
"Yeah, bot we knew dat wud be de case. Cmmon..."
Sure enough, out came the rat, this time sward in hand.
"Lookin' tuh add some more red to yer costume are yeh?"
"Look, fella. I just want to put a proposal to ya and then..."
"Nat! Interes..."
Calliapy froze. The fur on the back of her neck rose and her whiskers witched.
Winston lifted his hood and lowered his mask, revealing his face to be seen more clearly in the dim light.
"Me name es Winstaaan..."
The captain huffed sharply.
"I know who you are. You'd better come in."
As their reluctant host disappeared below, Winston and Felicity followed.