Liathen nodded, and grinned when Darius volunteered for watching their backs, by climbing the cliffs to see if an ambush was waiting to descend upon them. "They'll likely notice you anyway in this daylight, but I take your point." Liathen hefted the sword knot at the end of her sword, and attached it to the crossguard. The motion seemed to draw attention to itself, in spite of however innocuous it seemed. Like it was in response to the shifting plan.
So the two separate parties went and embarked upon their tasks. Liathen to navigate the path to the treasure, and Darius to secure the cliffs over the sea cave that contained her trove.
The ascent was difficult, and it seemed for a moment that the difficulties on the sea were shared by the land itself, as handhold sweren't easy to identify, even for one of Darius' athletic skill. The earth crumbled easily, and it took his keen eye to direct his party to take the same handholds he himself took, and it slowed him down on his way up. Yet he was a canny leader and a great climber, and so was able to accomplish all of this without more difficulty than dodging a few loose rocks that fell his way.
It seeemed the cliffs themselves defied those who climbed upon them! As falling rocks from the top seemed to be a feature. One might wonder if the savages had taken up residence at the top and throwing down rocks. But once Darius made it there, and brought up his mates with a hand up if he needed, he'd see nothing yet. No signs of their passage.
Once his crew had secured the cliffs, there were a few things he noticed at the top A shining metallic reflection in the bushes far inland, into the shaded brush. Which was odd. Was that... gold? It seemed like it.
Some of the crew noticed it as well, and wondered aloud, "Is Liathen's treasure up here? Shall we go and see what that is?"
But Darius, being a masterful tactician might've recognized an old seafarer's trick of communication or distraction, by using the light of the sun to reflect off a shiny bit, and either attract attention or communicate. That might be what was going on, or there could possibly be something genuinely shiny out there.
All the while, bird calls sounded around them, which was strange as the ambience of insects and birds had quieted upon their ascent. But individual birds called to each other, in the distance.
"What should we do, Baer?" Said another crewman, named Fred.
"I say we go for the shiny." Said the other crewman, named Steve.
"Don't be daft..." Sighed Fred.