[Saoire Event 720] Norin and Rorom

25th of Zi'da 720

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[Saoire Event 720] Norin and Rorom

25th Trial of Zi'da in Arc 720

"It's time," Saoire said, looking at the small individual with her. They had been preparing for this for a long time - earlier, Saoire had been with them all, the group of her closest, and they had put together the final preparations. The night before, in her workshop, Saoire had told them how tonight they would travel all across Idalos bringing small gifts and good cheer. Children throughout the land had awoken this morning to find trinkets and tchotchkes, gifts given which brought smiles to young faces.

That had been last night. This trial, though, they were bringing together people who Saoire had selected. Individuals who were prepared to give to another - who had taken her prompting, in dreams and visions, and had moved forward - acted - to prepare a gift. And, for the first time, her children would be there when the gifts were exchanged. It was a privilege, and they all knew it. To be there, to witness the giving of a gift by a kind soul.

This was one such soul.

The magic which Saoire wove was more complex, more nuanced than many could understand. Indeed, it would seem that perhaps she had roped Ralaith in to this event - or maybe this was part of her own purview. It wasn't clear, but what was obvious was that these events took place in the literal blink of an eye. Norin was going about their daily business, as was Rorom when they heard the gentle tinkling of a bell. As their ears heard the sound, not yet sure whether it was indeed a bell or in fact the tinkling laughter of a sprite or fairy, they were suddenly somewhere else.

Norin and Rorom found themselves sitting in a field of glorious sunflowers. The trees around them were covered in snow and their branches were bare but, in this field, the sunflowers were resplendent and in full bloom - if they noticed such things, they would see that the petals glimmered. Standing with them was a woman, wearing a beautiful crown of pine cones, glitter, and many small and intricate baubles. She wore a dress which was all the blues of the ocean, and even her hair shimmered with glitter. She smiled at the two of them.

"I bid you welcome!" They knew who she was, somehow, even before she spoke the next words, "I am Saoire, and this is my very dear friend.". She gestured to a roughly five foot tall man, lean of body and with the face of a cat, pure white fur and long whiskers who stepped out from behind Saoire.

"Well met and greetings of the season unto you both", said the small individual, his voice formal. Looking around with wide eyes, the small bipedal cat considered that he would, one trial, travel and explore places just like this. It was a long journey ahead, but he was ready!

"We are here," Saoire said, her voice gentle and bubbling with mirth and joy, "Because Norinhas a gift for you Rorom". She gestured around, as though the gift was nearby. Which, Norin would see, it was. "I will leave you, now, to give your gift, but Urva will stay with you, and when you are ready to go back to your lives, will facilitate that."

And, with the sound of a hummingbird's wings, Saoire was gone. The small creature with them smiled.

Welcome to your Saoire Event 720 Thread!
This thread is for Norin to give a gift to Rorom.
The thread is Face to Face and so will be eligible for both skill points and knowledge, as long as the usual review requirements are met. At the end of the thread, both pc's will be returned to where they were. Literally and exactly where they were. Feel free to start your posts with where you were and what you were doing.
You may play Urva as an NPC throughout this thread. If you ask specific questions, feel free to PM Peg or Munch, but largely the NPC will not be giving anything away.

When you have completed the thread, please post here to claim your medals!
word count: 700
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Re: [Saoire Event 720] Norin and Rorom

Norin was walking through Viden, huddling his warm clothes closer as he made his way to a meeting. His short stature made it easier for him to keep warm. His long dark hair hung out of the warm fur cloak but his thick clothes didn't hide the jewellery in his massive dark beard.

It wasn't unusual to hear bells, but the sound he heard was different and made him halt in his steps. The tinkling sounds of fairies accompanied the bell and Norin turned around to look at the origin of the sound only to see something completely unexpected. Instead of the cold streets of Viden, Norin was looking out on an open field with snow on bare trees and sunflowers blooming in the Cold Cycle. It was strange and disorienting. To make matters more confusing, it didn't help to turn back in the direction he was going. All around him, Viden was gone, replaced by the field of sunflowers and three individuals.

Norin recognized the woman immediately, even though he had never met her. After she presented herself, Norin bowed and greeted her according to proper etiquette. "Greetings. I am Norin Killarney. Pleased to meet you." Norin repeated the greeting to the white feline character. "Seasons greetings.

As Saoire explained why they were here, Norin looked around and found a wrapped bundle lying up against one of the bare trees. It was square and flat, and Norin knew what it was. He hadn't taken it intentionally, but when the time had come, it was clear that fate had decided that this was to be a gift from him. He had wondered what it had meant at the time, but now it all made sense.

"Farewell." Norin said to Saoire as she disappeared in a song of hummingbird's wings. He then turned to Rorom, "Seasons greetings Rorom. I am Norin, and I have a gift for you. Norin held out his hand in greeting.

Once introductions were done, Norin indicated to Rorom to follow him to the tree, where he picked up the wrapped present and handed it over. It wasn't a large present, and quite flat, but very sturdy. Within it was the gift that Norin had known for a while was for someone who deserved it, who wanted it, who earned it, but most importantly, whom Norin wanted to give it to.
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Re: [Saoire Event 720] Norin and Rorom


Rorom was on his ship, scouting the currents for where he might find schools of fish. He used many methods to track the procession of marine life around him, but all of them were seemingly foolproof at his level of familiarity with the art of fishing. He decided to rod-fish this particular evening, and had several on the reel, carefully observing their tension as they stood secured to the banisters.

Unfortunately, it appeared that Breachfang's damage had been considerable, and there were far fewer catches this far out to sea even. Perhaps it would be a few cycles before the fish population returned to normal. In any event, the damage had been done by the explosion of Faldrass, and Rorom would have to settle for what few large fish he could catch.

He decided he was done for the evening and began collecting the rods. Once they were reeled in, tied, and settled against the rest of the fishing equipment on board, he went to his cabin, fell into his hammock, and slept. He thought he heard the faintest tinkling of a bell as he went asleep.

He awoke, how long after he heard the bells, he couldn't say. But there was a woman, a short man, and a small bipedal cat that spoke. He thought for a moment he was dreaming, and so it came as a bit of a shock that he felt as lucid as he was. Eventually, as strange as it seemed, it dawned on him that this was real. And the man in front of him wished to give him a gift?

"Fer me? Ya shouldn't 'av." Rorom smiled at the shorter man, but nonetheless took the parcel from him, and began to unwrap it, wondering what might be inside. The foil used to wrap the book was exquisite, almost as much as the binding itself was rich in color, and well illustrated in metal leaf. He held his breath as he delved into the wrapping, carefully setting it aside. He might have use of the wrappings later, after all, they'd probably make a good source of metal for jewelcrafting...

As he unwrapped the book, he found it illuminated fancifully with a large imprint in bronze leaf, a sea monster. A book on sea monsters, fish, and information on their habits and such. Rorom's eyes flew wide. Did books really have the power to contain a fisherman's knowledge? He opened the cover gingerly and found the pages full of words in common, and some illustrations besides. Nothing too fancy, but it was far richer than the books he was used to handling. Rorom wasn't much of a reader, but he could anticipate becoming one if fishing knowledge could be had from books.

"I... I am touched, thank..." He turned to look up at Norin, but then saw that he'd departed the place. Rorom started on his feet, and looked around, searching for the man. He turned to the cat, a question in his eyes before it met his tongue, "Where to be the man who gave this book?"

"Oh, he had to leave... but you enjoy his gift, do you not?" The bipedal cat asked. Rorom nodded his head eagerly. "Oh yes, very much so. I wish he'd stayed around long enough for me to thank him properly, but perhaps we'll meet again." Rorom smiled, and took a seat amidst the sunflowers, beckoning for the small cat humanoid to join him and look at his gift together.

Rorom's eyes widened as he looked through the pages, browsing back and forth until he came upon some creature he was already familiar with... The Sea Wolf. Not a fish, actually, but a form of a whale, he'd faced the Sea Wolf in a hunt before. They were formidable creatures, requiring a full crew to take on and bag. The last of that tale had yet to be told, but he shuddered, all the same, to be reminded of it.

There were other creatures depicted throughout, however. Fish both great and small, sea serpents, and even a couple of the mythical variety, Leviathans that existed in a fisherman's imagination or in rumor. Even if the information contained in the book wasn't all correct, it granted a treasure trove for his imagination and inspired him to venture out and find the greater fish that were available to be caught. Rorom found himself bolstered and fortified with the possibilities.

Urva stepped gracefully up behind Rorom, as he sat down on the field to read the book. The Cadouri purred audibly as he looked on the illustrations in Rorom's book, reading over his shoulder. Absently, the fisherman looked over his shoulder at the creature, and asked, "Do yer like fish? I mean... To eat, or to fish? Sorry, not to say that because yer a cat but... err.."

Urva gave him a gracious smile and nodded his head. "Oh yes, fish dishes are among my favorites. I particularly like bluefish casserole."

Rorom's eyebrows lifted as he remembered the bluefish. "Ahh, those monsters, they have some bite to them, and strong and big. Good eating though." Rorom flipped through the pages, trying to locate the information on that form of fish. "See here..." Rorom pointed to them on the entry, "They can stray close to shore, but often are found on the coasts just within the deep waters. They've a single row of very knife-like sharp teeth. They prey upon smaller fish, o'course, so ye'll find 'em among schools of feeder fish."

Rorom sighed, "Their meat is fatty, particularly the older and bigger ones. They need preserving or cooking right away, lest the meat go rancid... Meat with a lot of oily fat goes rancid quickly, yesee."

Urva made a curious sound in his throat, as he looked at the teeth depicted upon the bluefish' illustration. Then he asked Rorom, "All this talk of biting people and others... I never considered it when eating my fish in Saoire's Dream... Are there any marine life forms that are remotely friendly?"

Rorom hummed at that. He knew that dolphins and some smaller whales were known to socialize among each other and humans. They weren't exactly fish though, were they? He flipped to the pages that held the information on the smallest of the marine behemoths, the toothed whales. There, he found early on an entry on the Beluga, with its pure white hide, and smiling face. "Ohhh! That one looks cheerful, I like it. But it has teeth, is it not friendly?"

Rorom furrowed his brow as he read the words, " Says here they're curious toward humans, and swim right up against the hulls of peoples' ships..." Rorom found that peculiar, and wondered how easy it would be to bag one of them for his self. or even lead along a pod of them to poach once in a while. It was worth thinking about, anyway. "Dolphins though..." Rorom said, and turned the page a few more times. His hand landed on an entry about the dolphins. "Sometimes aggressive, other times helpful. There are rumors of seamen being aided after getting thrown overboard, with dolphins defending them against shark attack!"

Rorom read on, and soon enough, he lost all track of time. Before he knew it, he was back in his boat, on the coast of Havadr. Still, he read, but when he noticed he was back in his boat, he was startled. He set the book aside and rose from his chair. He went out to the deck of his ship to check the rods. He found a few of them were taut, and pulling along a fish or two. It seemed he'd been transported back at the opportune moment!

So looking into the waters, he saw a large bluefish! Perhaps Urva would join him again if he caught it!

He picked up the rod from the banister and began rolling it up, reeling in the catch. In a few bits, he'd managed to gather it back to the very hull of his ship, and with one heave hefted it aboard.

He proceeded to the deck, and jabbed its brainbox with a knife to put the creature out of its misery, and prevent it from biting him. This done, he began butchering the carcass immediately. Within a few moments, he had its flesh fileted and began rubbing salts and what spices he had into its flesh. Once it was fully seasoned and coated in a smattering of salts and spice, he took it to the smoker. There, he lit the charcoal with a lamp fire. Soon enough, he'd have some smoked bluefish. Due to the oiliness of its flesh, it'd need some more time in the smoker.

But he'd have a guaranteed good lunch ready to eat before he woke. So happily, he reentered his cabin and continued reading about the many creatures of the sea in his hammock.

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Re: [Saoire Event 720] Norin and Rorom

Experience: +15 xp




[*]Fieldcraft: Oily flesh can drip on the charcoal, and refresh the fire.
[*]Fieldcraft: Oily flesh takes somewhat longer to smoke.
[*]Fieldcraft: Salting flesh to keep it from going rancid as fast.
[*]Fieldcraft: Smoking the salted fish to prolong its edibility.
[*]Hunting: Bluefish have wicked teeth, and prowl against smaller schools of feeder fish.
[*]Hunting: Beluga Whales are curious toward humans, and have been known to investigate their boats.

Skillplay: Appropriate to level

Loot: a book of sea creatures.
Injury/Overstepping: None.
Renown: None.
Wealth Points: None.
Collaboration: Yes
Magic Experience?: No.


It’s unfortunate that this thread never finished, and that Norin didn’t stick around. It looks like you did what you could to salvage something out of the thread. It also appears the gift Rorom got is pretty much perfect for him. I enjoyed his interactions with the cadouri. May he never get bitten by a beluga!

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 160
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