[Approved by Pig Boy] Kotton

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Approved Character
Posts: 349
Joined: Sat May 13, 2023 1:10 am
Race: Mixed Race
Profession: Scribe
Renown: 130
Character Sheet
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Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 5







Name: Kotton Azberdiel

Race: Mixed Race (Eidisi, Biqaj, Human)

Date of Birth: 94th of Vhalar, 696

Age: 27

Languages Spoken: Fluent | Common Sign
Fluent | Common
Broken | Scalveen (Multilinguistic racial bonus)


Colour-changing eyes dependent upon mood. The neutral colour of his eyes are a mixture of honey and deep brown. Many flecks of gold catch the sunlight which gives them a shimmer if looked upon closely. When he is sad, his eyes change to a shade of dark brown. When happy, his eyes lighten to almost an entirely amber fire. When angry, his eyes darken until they almost pitch black. Any other emotion has yet to be properly recorded with an appropriate shade.

In areas where his veins are prominent, it can be seen a slight blue-green discoloration that represents his Eidisi heritage; otherwise he is fairly pale with a slight olive complexion. His left upper arm is covered in ragged, but faded, scars that reach from above his collar bone to mid-humerus area. These are from a dark past he does not wish to discuss.

He has a small mole a few centimeters below his left eye, just beside his nose. Often seen with some stubble, he has never been able to grow a full beard or mustache. His hair is a dark brown with highlights of shimmery bronze that is often kept unkempt, bordering on shoulder length. The natural expression his lips choose to form is a subtle smirk- a smirk one might make when they don't find something funny but want to seem polite.

He was a lucky child to have straight teeth without the need for medical intervention, and they shine as bright as a freshly fallen snow. He has no piercings, nor tattoos, though someday he wishes to go under the needle.

Height: 5'8
Weight: 170 lbs
Build: Moderately lean
Scars: A long straight scar on his forearm that is still pink with healing - acquired here.


Kotton is an individual of immense dualism. On the outside he is soft-spoken (hence the origination of his name), polite, empathetic and hardworking. On the inside, he is troubled and slightly hypocritical, easily finding frustration in the monotony of life and the arrogance of silly decisions. He was raised to upstand moral traditions, and does so with ease, but always does he doubt himself, think twice, and wonder what other side of him there is.

He tends to subconsciously people please, always hopeful that he gains the favour of an individual and not their wrath. When given a task, he will perform said task until it is his version of perfect. His efficiency knows no bounds and sometimes his self worth is defined by what he is and is not able to do.

Kotton believes that everyone was raised with a good heart, and that it is society and upbringing that converts people and embellishes them with an evil edge. He tries his hardest to see the good in people and will often supplant himself in terrible situations simply to ensure justice is met. If someone is in need of help, he will step in to help; if someone is becoming aggressive, he will motion to subdue the rage within them. His melancholy, yet 'go with the flow' attitude prompts his desire for peace and prosperity. And his upbringing requires him to behave civil and respect every individuals' thoughts and emotions.

Kotton can be funny, but either in an extremely smart or sardonic way. He has to test the waters with someone before cracking a joke for fear the hilarity would be taken the wrong way. He is intelligent, yearning to learn more and more of any topic that is brought to his attention.

He can be clumsy and definitely does not have a way with girls. His lisp brings a large hindrance to the aforementioned issue, and it is one that never ceases to cross his mind. While he has a silly way about him, he can also be quite serious, for he knows trauma, and the stoic nature that some situations require. He has always been a good 'listener' in a sense and offers help only when he feels the circumstance calls for it. He knows that not everyone wants advice; he, himself, does not always want someone to tell him what he should and should not do to better his state of mind. It takes experience to truly feel what others feel and understand what others are going through.

Above all, Kotton is a down to earth man. He troubleshoots every aspect to ensure the greatest outcome. Perhaps it's a bit of anxiety, or his perfectionism, or maybe it's because his intense knack for empathy has entitled him with the ability to overthink, absorb, and create. Whatever it is, Kotton can be one of the greatest guys to meet. Always aware of emotions, thoughts, and feelings; sensitive, he is. Whether that is a blessing or a curse, or both, he doesn't seem to care. He is who he is and until he desires to change his character, this is who he shall be.


Kotton was born without the ability to hear. It is suggested that that is why he was given such a name. Or perhaps it was because he was soft spoken and had garbled language. Or it was simply because he couldn’t hear a damn thing- almost as though there was too much cotton in his ears. Maybe the name had been given to him as a cruel joke, one the poor boy was going to live with for the rest of his life.

Regardless of the reason, his mother did not keep him for very long. Once she started having doubts about his prolonged development, she took him to see a physician. It was there where she was given the bad news. Kotton was not able to hear and he would never be able to. Distraught, and slightly annoyed that she could not bear a normal child, she gave her son up for adoption.

It was at the orphanage where Kotton spent several years of his life. It wasn’t until he was the age of six that a kindred young man took him under his wing. His new father was great- everything a parent should be. He housed Kotton, gave him proper meals, taught him subjects such as science and history until he was able to attend a public school. The man even took it upon himself to learn and teach Kotton sign language so he would be able to have a way of understanding others. Yet, even though he knew the truth of Kotton’s history, he dared not tell him until he was older.

Once the time came, the day did not make for the greatest of memories. The news was heartbreaking to the young man. Whilst he knew his birth mother for only a short time, and his father for none, it still hurt learning that his own flesh and blood had given him up all because he was one sense short of normal.

For whatever reason (be it puberty or depression or other) his anger was directed toward his father, an action he regrets to this day. But it was better he knew rather than conjuring up some whimsical façade of a fabulous woman who died too soon or who gave him away because she was in the throes of depravity. Instead, Kotton soon loathed the woman, pressing on and attempting to forget her very existence.

As he continued to grow, he became quite talented at the ability to read others’ lips- an important tool for those who do not know sign language. He seemed to thrive as any normal young man would, making his father proud, and serving his mother right. More of his history remained to be fleshed out in current time, but for now, hopefully this will do.


NPC Type: Personal NPC
Name: Worick Zhure
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 10th of Saun, 695
Skills: Medicine (50/100), linguistics (26/100), intelligence (26/100), science (26/100), research (12/100), teaching (10/100), leadership (10/100)


Height: 6'0
Weight: 90 kg

Personality: Worick is a very academic individual. He thinks in a way that solely resonates with the colours black and white. He strives to help others, including his best friend, regardless of the fact that Kotton hates it. Worick is intelligent, book smart, and incredibly considerate. He is logical, and seems to be more mentally responsible and mature than Kotton even though they are practically the same age. Worick is easy to please. He is also easy to communicate with because he understands things without overthinking. He is also a great individual to request advice from. Worick strives to be everyone’s friend, even if it means befriending assholes; but when it comes to respecting those he loves most, he puts his foot down and defends the ones he loves. Worick is also wishing for something more, but he is also pressured to be the best by his father, a contingency that Kotton can resonate with all too well. Worick has many things about him that are to be further investigated, but for now, he remains a treasure, with only a singular map leading to its location.

Relationship to PC: Best friend

Anything else you would like us to know: Kotton also works with Worick at Worick’s fathers’ medical office. Worick is under his fathers’ tutelage as a medical practitioner. Kotton and Worick have been friends for many years. Kotton only feels confident speaking in front of Worick for fear that his lisp and inability to hear could garner hateful comments and associated mocking. Worick does not have long to live, which undoubtedly creates a major sense of devastation in Kotton’s heart. He doesn’t want to lose his best friend.
Last edited by Kotton on Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:15 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 1655
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Approved Character
Posts: 349
Joined: Sat May 13, 2023 1:10 am
Race: Mixed Race
Profession: Scribe
Renown: 130
Character Sheet
Character Wiki
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 5





Housing, Skills & Lore


A small, three room house on the outskirts of downtown Scalvoris. There is a bedroom, a bathroom and a large space that accommodates a small kitchen and an average sized living room. A small garden is located directly outside the front door. (City Dweller’s Pack)

Appraisal (5/250), Art (7/250), Combat: Unarmed Combat (45/250), Cooking (7/250), Deception (3/250), Detection (29/250), Discipline (35/250), Dreamwalking (67/250), Engineering (2/250), Etiquette (22/250), Field Craft (18/250), Gambling (1/250), Glamour (34/250), Intelligence (8/250), Intimidation (10/250), Investigation (34/250), Leadership (16/250), Linguistics (51/250), Logistics (13/250), Mathematics (1/250), Medicine (60/250), Meditation (30/250), Navigation (8/250), Needlecraft (10/250), Politics (29/250), Psychology (175/250), Research (35/250), Resistance (10/250), Science (50/250), Seduction (28/250), Socialization (12/250), Stealth (3/250), Storytelling (20/250), Teaching (1/250), Torture (5/250), Writing (78/100) FT

Appraisal: Recognising Characteristics of Beautiful Women
Appraisal: Acknowledging the Art in Architecture
Appraisal: Recognizing the Beauty in the Seamstress Work of a Dress
Appraisal: Appreciative of the Beauty of the Presentation of a Dinner
Appraisal: Considering the Craftsmanship of the Decor of the Public Library
Appraisal: Recognising and Appreciating the Notes of Wine
Art: Noting the Physical Attributes of a Flower
Art: Drawing in the Dirt to Illustrate a Mental Picture
Art: Capturing a Rudimentary Rendition of a Skin Condition via Paper and Pencil
Art: Drawing | Fabricating the General Shape of a Tree from Memory
Art: Drawing | Using a Textbook Diagram as a Reference
Caregiving: Giving Yourself Some Compassion for Feeling Weak Against an Addiction
Caregiving: Using Talent to Instill Joy in a Melancholic Creature
Unarmed Combat
Combat: Unarmed: Finding a Shoulder-Width Stance to Maintain Balance
Combat: Unarmed: Throwing a Solid Punch
Combat: Unarmed: Defending Your Body Using at Least One Hand
Combat: Unarmed: Visualising an Attack Before Committing to One
Combat: Unarmed: Always Remember to Pivot Your Stationary Foot When Performing a Front Kick
Combat: Unarmed: Stretching Is a Preliminary Tactic Before Combat
Combat: Unarmed: Performing a Right-Angle, Cross-body Defensive Block
Combat: Unarmed: Performing a Low, Cross-body Defensive Block
Combat: Unarmed: Performing a High Defensive Block
Combat: Unarmed: Acquiring a Horse-stance
Combat: Unarmed: Keeping Your Hands Open with the Intention of Performing Various Attacks
Combat: Unarmed: Punching With Your Thumb Out Will Prevent Thumb Breakage
Combat: Unarmed: Performing a Basic Side-kick
Combat: Unarmed: Horse-stance | A Great Position to Remain Balanced
Combat: Unarmed: Pivoting the Back Foot to Retain Balance During a Horse-stance
Combat: Unarmed: Recognising the Need to Always Be On Guard During a Skirmish
Combat: Unarmed: Hand Holds | An Opposition's Hands Against a Defendant's Body
Combat: Unarmed: Driving Your Arms Skyward to Resist an Enemy's Grasp Against Your Wrists
Combat: Unarmed: Utilising the Rotation of Your Wrist to Oppose the Grip from an Opponent
Combat: Unarmed: Patience and Strategy Guarantee a Greater Chance of Survival Against an Enemy
Weapon Combat
Combat: Blades: Dagger: Lacerating an Extremity in One Strike
Cooking: Knowing What Ingredients are Needed for a Recipe Based on a Cookbook's Instructions
Cooking: Baking a Blueberry Pie
Cooking: Following the Steps in a Cookbook
Cooking: Knowing What Equipment to Use for a Recipe Based on a Cookbook's Instructions
Dancing: Following the Lead of Someone with Experience
Deception: Maintaining a Stoic Expression So as Not to Allow Other Players the Ability to Spot Your Tells
Deception: Trying to Hide Incoming Tears
Detection: Observing Facial Features that Signify a Bad Hand (Card Game)
Detection: Recognising that Blank Expressions are Hard to Decipher When it Comes to Whether Someone is Winning or Losing at a Game
Detection: Using Physical Context Clues to Link an Individual with the Book They are Reading
Detection: Observing a Medical Diagram in Order to Compose Penned Description Detailing Said Diagram
Detection: Interpreting Drawn Depictions in Order to Properly Document Medical Analyses
Detection: Recognising Accomplishments and Harnessing Them to Continue Acceptable Behaviours
Detection: Figuring Out How to Please a Woman by Her Physical Reactions
Detection: Detecting Visible Power in a Foreign Object
Detection: Observing Facial Features to Help You Allude to the Difficulty of a Test
Detection: First Impressions Usually Provide You with Valuable Information
Detection: Being Able to Confer an Accurate Observation of a Childhood Altercation
Detection: Fabricating Meaning From a Song via the Beat and Vibration of the Bass
Detection: Focusing Your Eyesight Through a Thick Fog for a Source of Light
Detection: Observing Extremities for Superficial Abnormalities
Detection: Finding Evidence of Presumptive Household Abuse
Detection: Losing One Sense Heightens Others
Detection: Perceiving the Emotions of Lonely Animals that Make up an Animal Shelter
Detection: Recognising Alcoholism in Someone Else
Detection: Focusing on the Senses During a Pensive Moment in the Library
Detection: Canvassing the Environment for an Easy Escape
Discipline: Being Able to Walk Past a Liquor Store Without Purchasing Alcohol
Discipline: Resisting the Need to Self Harm
Discipline: Fighting Back Tears to Maintain a Calm Composure
Discipline: Fighting Against the Illusionary Voices of Alcoholic Temptation
Discipline: Performing a Task as Requested Even Though the Prospect of a Good Nap is Taunting
Discipline: Not Responding Poorly to Self-Induced Pain
Discipline: Resisting the Urge to Harm Yourself via Cutting
Discipline: Withstanding the Mental and Physical Pressure of Taking an Exam
Discipline: Maintaining composure in the Presence of a Near Divine Person
Discipline: Opting for a Club Soda in Favour of Sobriety
Discipline: Resisting the Temptation to Drink Whilst in the Company of Alcohol
Discipline: Prioritizing Responsibility Over Arrogance
Discipline: Resisting the Urge to Impose for the Sake of Scientific Research
Discipline: Self-inducing Oneself to Vomit with the Purpose of Ridding the Body of Toxins
Discipline: Pushing Through the Discomfort of Being Honest about Your Damaged Mental Health
Discipline: Pining Over an Unanswered Work-related Question During Off-hours
Discipline: Ignoring the Smell of Alcohol for the Purpose of Conversation
Discipline: Conquering Your Fears of Discomfort to Connect with a Family Figure
Discipline: Remaining Confident in Lieu of Someone With Higher Authority
Discipline: Resisting the Derealization Symptoms of a Panic Attack
Discipline: Enduring the Stinging Sensation of Cut On Your Body
Discipline: Undergoing Hours of Repeated Practise
Discipline: Resisting Feelings of Despair and Fear in the Face of How Long Life Can Be
Discipline: Spending Copious Amounts of Time Researching
Discipline: Remaining Still So as Not to Frighten an Animal
Discipline: Resisting the Urge to be Pessimistic so as to Keep a Festive Spirit
Dreamwalking: Lucid Dreaming
Dreamwalking: The Basics of Dreamwalking
Dreamwalking 1
Dreamwalking 2
Dreamwalking 3
Dreamwalking 4
Dreamwalking: Even With Control of a Dream, the Dream Continues to Surprise
Dreamwalking: Dreams Can Play with Your Emotions
Dreamwalking: Dreams Show Your Deepest Fears
Dreamwalking: Confronting Your Fears
Dreamwalking: Disregarding Unease to Progress in a Dream
Dreamwalking: Changes to the Axis of a Tilting Room
Dreamwalking: An Exit Appears from a Confined Space
Dreamwalking: A Change in Climate to Promote Rainfall
Dreamwalking: Complying with Imaginary Figments to Unlock the Puzzles of a Dream
Dreamwalking: Pushing Yourself to Unveil the True Intention of a Blockage
Dreamwalking: Constructing a Bridge the Length of Your Height
Dreamwalking: Being Greeted by a Fellow Dreamwalker
Dreamwalking: Using Astral Projection to Transform Your Being into a Mushroom of Similar Size
Dreamwalking: Detecting a Rift in the Horizon of Your Personal Dreamscape
Dreamwalking: Making a Mark In Anothers' Dream Allows the Ability to Call On Another Dreamwalker
Dreamwalking: Dreamscapes | There are Monsters that Stalk the Realm of Emea
Dreamwalking: Syphoning from Fear the Emotional Willpower to Create a Doorway to Safety
Dreamwalking: Enhancing Your Mental Strength to Transcend a Dreamt Barrier of Self-consciousness
Engineering: A Skill Used to Design and Construct Mechanisms
Etiquette: Being an Upstanding Citizen by Returning Wrongfully Taken Merchandise
Etiquette: Politely Disagreeing with a Wrongful Endeavour
Etiquette: Agreeing with a Woman, as a Man, When it Comes to Jewellery
Etiquette: Allowing a Friend to Choose What Activity to Pursue
Etiquette: Setting the Dining Table for a Guest
Etiquette: Apologising to an Immortal for Your Ignorance
Etiquette: Excusing Yourself From a Meal
Etiquette: Declaring One’s Presence by Knocking on the Front Door
Etiquette: Being Considerate to Someone in Need
Etiquette: Apologising Profusely for Unacceptable Behaviour
Etiquette: Respectfully Performing a Funeral for a Dead Animal
Etiquette: Learning to Listen to Others' Opinions Before Reacting
Etiquette: Presenting Yourself in Attire Appropriate for a Formal Celebration
Etiquette: Welcoming Guests into Your Home
Etiquette: Ensuring Guests Have Enough to Eat Before Filling Your Own Plate
Etiquette: Apologising for Being Ignorantly Insensitive
Etiquette: Being Respectful of Other Religious Beliefs
Etiquette: Respecting a 'No Loitering' Policy
Etiquette: Thanking Your Instructor For Their Services
Etiquette: Showing Appreciation for Pro-offered Assistance
Field Craft
Field Craft: Mechanism | Triggers - Automatic | Pressure/Weight Sensor
Field Craft: Mechanism | Form - Baited Trap
Field Craft: Mechanism | Execution - Sticky Snares
Field Craft: Using Devices for Protection
Field Craft: A Skill Used for Survival
Field Craft: Trapping Form | Threatening: A Trap Design Meant to Deter, Distract, or Scare
Field Craft: Trapping Form | Alarm: Traps Meant to Cause Alarm or Alert to Intrusion
Field Craft: Trapping Form | Bait: A Trap Meant to Lure Prey with the Promise of Something Worthy
Field Craft: Mechanisms | Manual: Triggers that Require an End-user to Activate So as to Fire Correctly (including levers, pulleys, switches, etc.)
Gambling: Betting Money on a Potential Winning Hand (Card Game)
Glamour: The Sense of Sight
Glamour: The Sense of Touch
Glamour 1
Glamour 2
Glamour 3
Glamour 4
Glamour: Unrolling: Using Depth to Create an Extension of an Appendage that Seems to Sparkle
Glamour: Using Magic to Cheer Up a Woeful Child
Glamour: Perspective: Adjusting the Size of an Object at the Expense of its Realism
Glamour: Using a Butterfly as a Template for Enhancement Using Magic
Glamour: Perspective | Altering the Appearance of a Dust Particle so it Portrays Itself as a Bubble
Glamour: Unrolling| Increasing Dimensions of Touch Regarding One's Use of Breath
Intelligence: General: Inquiring Someone About Their New Place of Residence
Intelligence: Doubting Someone’s Answer Based on Their Aversive Body Language
Intelligence: Testing the Truth of Someone’s Agreement by Asking a More Direct Question
Intelligence: Using Liquid Courage to Ask Someone About Their Location
Intelligence: Utilising Unsuspecting Individuals as a Network for Piecing Together the Puzzles to a Tale Spread By Newsmongers
Intimidation: Subtle | Using Pressure of Speech to Insist on the Truth
Intimidation: Not Backing Down From an Opponent's Use of Counter-Intimidation
Intimidation: Preparation | Using the Organisational Outlines of Work Against an Opponent
Investigation: Exploring a Dream for Answers on What it Means
Investigation: Using Preconceived Knowledge to Solve a Riddle
Investigation: Asking Pertinent Questions to Formulate a Medical Diagnosis
Investigation: ‘Listening’ in on a Gossipy Conversation via Lip Reading
Investigation: Spying on a Source(s) to Gather More Intel
Investigation: Connecting Verbal Evidence with Personal Theories Based on Rumour
Investigation: Conversing with a Dream Creature to Obtain Pertinent Information About a Dream
Investigation: Exploring the Ruins of an Abandoned House
Investigation: Examining an Abandoned Journal for Historical Context to an Abandoned House
Investigation: Inquiring About the Presence of Another Dreamwalker
Investigation: Asking for the Location of a Local Animal Shelter
Investigation: Pressing for an Answer as to the Many Strangers Attending a Personal Dinner
Investigation: Asking People About Their Thoughts on Present-day Society
Investigation: Inquiring Someone On How They Died
Investigation: Asking a Classmate About What They Know Regarding a Course Assignment
Investigation: Searching Through a Relatives House for Information
Investigation: Taking a Survey of Your Surroundings for an Alternative Exit
Leadership: Taking Charge and Leading the Way
Leadership: Offering Children a Solution to a Minor Disagreement
Leadership: Having to Bear Bitter News
Leadership: Guiding a Group of Young Women to a Safe Haven
Leadership: Encouraging Others to Follow the Organisational Outlines of Your Work
Linguistics: The Challenges of Learning a New Language
Linguistics: Basic Greetings in Scalveen
Linguistics: Scalveen Curse Words
Linguistics: Sign Language Curse Words
Linguistics: Obtaining Smooth Hand Movements
Linguistics: The Ability to Read Others' Lips (Common)
Linguistics: Basic Scalveen Sentence Structure
Linguistics: Common Curse Words
Linguistics: Basic Greetings in Sign Language
Linguistics: Basic Greetings in Common
Linguistics: Using Body Language to Heighten the Understanding of Sign Language
Linguistics: Reading Lips to Learn Information About a New Skill
Linguistics: Using Sign Language to Direct a Conversation to be Spoken in the Same Language
Linguistics: Finding Alternative Words to Use in Place of the Letter ‘R’
Linguistics: A Word Can Have Multiple Meanings
Linguistics: Focusing on Specific Words in a Sentence
Linguistics: Learning via Body Language the Wants and Desires of an Intimate Partner
Linguistics: Using Sign Language to Explain Mental Health Issues
Linguistics: Simple Past Tenses are Completed Past Actions
Linguistics: Present Progressive Tenses are Actions Currently Being Performed
Linguistics: Future Perfect Simple Tenses are Actions that Will Have Been Completed by a Future Time
Linguistics: Learning the Tenses and Pre-tenses of Scalveen
Linguistics: Utilising an Adage to State a Short Expression of a General Truth
Logistics: Creating a Plan of Efficiency to Beat Other Teams
Logistics: Reducing the Number of Answers to One
Logistics: Supplying an Idea to Make a Specific Process More Fool-proof
Logistics: Operation | Maintaining Cards that Might Result in the Most Points in a Game of Cards
Logistics: Strategising an Approach to a Challenging Puzzle
Logistics: Unmasking the Obscurity of a Riddle in Order to Progress Past Obstacles
Logistics: Narrowing Down the Answers to a Problem Based on Elimination
Logistics: Systematically Approaching an Exam via Adjustment, Studiousness, and Participation
Logistics: Finding Your Bearings by Being Aware of Every Direction of the Surrounding Area
Logistics: Utilising Detailed Organisation to Plan and Implement New Directive Based on Previous Reflection
Mathematics: The Likelihood of Seeing Another Local is Low Due to Population Size
Medicine: How to Clean a Wound
Medicine: How to Bandage a Wound
Medicine: Documenting All Pertinent Information
Medicine: How to Perform CPR
Medicine: How to Properly Take Vital Signs
Medicine: How to Handle an Abrasive Patient
Medicine: Understanding Basic Medical Terminology
Medicine: How to Take a Proper Stool Sample
Medicine: How to Take a Proper Urine Sample
Medicine: How to Take a Proper Blood Sample
Medicine: How to Have Appropriate Bed-side Manner
Medicine: Erectile Dysfunction | The Inability to Erect a Male's Genitalia
Medicine: Applying Ice to a Swollen Wrist Will Reduce the Swelling
Medicine: The Time of Injury is Important in Medical Diagnosis
Medicine: Ginkgo Biloba or Ginseng Helps with Blood Flow and Muscle Relaxation
Medicine: Treating a Sprain with a Splint Made from Bandages and Wooden Sticks
Medicine: Managing Proper Record Keeping
Medicine: Asking a Patient Preliminary Questions
Medicine: Dermatitis | A Condition that Causes Inflammation to the Skin
Medicine: Prescribing Lotion as a Treatment for Skin Irritation
Medicine: Using Broad, “Umbrella" Terminology to Diagnose Based on Specific Feelings and Emotions
Medicine: Alcohol Offers Relaxation and Lowers Inhibitions
Medicine: Bruises are Pools of Blood that Have Collected Under the Skin
Medicine: Relaying Written Examination to an Authority Figure for Diagnostic Purposes
Medicine: Thunderclap Headaches | Severe Migraines that Reach Maximum Intensity Upon Onset
Medicine: Cephalic | Medical Terminology for Head
Medicine: Types of Headaches Include Tension, Cluster, Migraine and Daily-Persistent
Medicine: Migraine Headaches Can Be Triggered By Movement, Light and Sound
Medicine: Alcohol Withdrawal | Undergoing Symptoms of Anxiety, Racing Heart, and Listlessness
Meditation: Keeping Your Eyes Closed Whilst Drugged Offers a Sense of Calm
Meditation: The Counting Method | Distracts with the Focus of Numbers
Meditation: Using Mental Images to Focus on and Highlight Regions of Your Own Body
Meditation: Allocating Excess Energy to Depicting a Mental Image of Serenity
Meditation: Channelling Your Attention to the Details of a Singular, Unmoving Object
Meditation: Finding a Comfortable Position to Meditate
Meditation: Determining a Time Limit for Your Session
Meditation: Scanning Your Body with a Focused “Mind’s Eye”
Meditation: The Closing of Eyes Offers an Expansion of Sight and Additional Self-awareness
Meditation: One of the Purposes of Meditation is Personal Transformation
Meditation: Recognising Emotions and Feelings as Neutral and Not Good or Bad
Meditation: Reflecting On Your Day
Meditation: Envisioning Yourself Attaining a Goal to Ward Off the Negative Feelings From a Nightmare
Meditation: Finding Solace in Smells and Their Origination
Navigation: Knowing that the Sun Rises in the East and Sets in the West
Navigation: Following Instructions to Arrive at Certain Locations
Navigation: Using a Mental Map to Understand Cardinal Directions
Navigation: Retracing Your Steps to Your Point of Origin
Navigation: Retreating to Familiar Surroundings
Navigation: Repeating Directions in Your Head to Find Your Ultimate Destination
Needlecraft: Using a Plain, White Background to Help Thread a Needle
Needlecraft: Licking the End of the Thread to Make Threading the Needle Easier
Needlecraft: Knotting the End of a Piece of Thread
Needlecraft: Performing a Basic Backstitch
Needlecraft: Performing Your First Attempt at a Patchwork Job
Politics: Encouraging the Law Against Stealing
Politics: Debating the Reason for Contaminated Sampling via Experience, Evidence and Intelligence
Politics: Democracy | Where the People are Allowed to Have a Say in State Power
Politics: A Generalised Standard Does Not Fit All Demographics
Politics: Autocracy | A Political Theory Where There is One Ruler Who Holds Power
Politics: Corruption | Not Treating Individual Exceptionalism for What it’s Worth
Politics: Governance | Relating to the Concerning Systems of Rule and Organisation of Subordinates, and Systems of Controlling an Overarching Political Entity
Politics: Being Charged with Crimes in the World of Emea
Politics: Requesting a Lawyer Be Present
Politics: Pleading Innocent for a Crime Unaware of Being Committed
Politics: Using Repudiated Context to Disavow Accusation
Psychology: Perceiving the World Through the Five Basic Senses
Psychology: A Subtopic of Philosophy
Psychology: The Influence of Psychology on Research
Psychology: Self-Introspection
Psychology: Taking Time to View All Aspects of an Argument
Psychology: Relating Past Emotions to Someone Else’s Current Ones
Psychology: Learning From the Past | Giving Someone the Help You Never Received as a Kid
Psychology: People Sometimes Pose as Friends Out of Pity or Circumstance
Psychology: There Are Different Realms of Perception Depending on the State of Mind
Psychology: Alcohol and Drugs are Depressants and Do Not Offer Good Coping Mechanisms for Depression
Psychology: A Lisp Can Reflect that of a Drunkard’s Speech
Psychology: Depression Rewires Your Brain into Thinking that there is Nothing More to Life
Psychology: Digging Deep to Realise Temporal Stagnation
Psychology: Comparing One’s Current Situation to Anothers’ Based on a View Corrupted by Mental Illness
Psychology: Objecting to Pre-sanctioned Views of Normalcy with an Alternative, Opposite Perspective
Psychology: Witnessing First Hand the Effects of Situational Blindness
Psychology: Following One’s Moral Compass
Psychology: Religion is a Belief That Cannot Be Entirely Proven
Psychology: Perspective Offers Multiple Belief Systems
Psychology: Questioning Current Moral Laws and Guidelines
Psychology: Conceptualising Good and Even Based on Historic Opinion
Psychology: Regulations of Sin and Blessing Are Created Based on Predetermined Conviction
Psychology: No One Perceives Situations in the Same Manner
Psychology: Undergoing Therapy to Better Understand Ones’ Own Self
Psychology: Experimenting with New Hobbies to Combat Discontent
Psychology: Understanding Ones’ Own Faults
Psychology: Simply Because the Majority Agrees Does Not Necessarily Make it Right
Psychology: Believing the Universe Holds Prospective Quests for Thoughtful Individuals
Psychology: Recognising the Opportunistic Availability of Alcohol-induced Thought Processing
Psychology: The Theory of Immaterial Aspect that is the Soul
Psychology: Consciousness Makes Up a Person, but There is Also Something Additional
Psychology: Depression Can Cause Increased Restlessness and a Lack of Motivation
Psychology: Becoming Self Aware of the State of Unbridled Alcoholism
Psychology: Forming a Distaste for Certain Immortals Based on Domains and How They Oppose Your Own Ethos
Psychology: Being Able to Relate to Both Sexes to Better Understand Emotions
Psychology: Administering Oneself into the Perspective of Someone Who Wants to be Romanticised
Psychology: The Interdimensional Line Between Sober and High
Psychology: Could There Not Be Different Dimensions Depending on One’s Mental State?
Psychology: Understanding the Prospect of Altered Prospection
Psychology: Recognising the Difference Between the Humour of a Sober Individual and an Intoxicated One
Psychology: Just Because the Majority Rules it True, Does Not Make it Right
Psychology: Using Negative Coping Methods to Reach a Sense of Solidarity
Psychology: Nostalgia Is Both Wonderful and Tragic to Reminisce
Psychology: Self Harm is a Coping Mechanism, Albeit a Dangerous One
Psychology: The Cycle of Life | Birth, Growth, Decay and Death
Psychology: Staying Open-Minded to the Potentiality of Other Religions
Psychology: When the Environment Sparks an Unfulfilled Need or Empty Memory
Psychology: Finding a Connection with a Therapist
Psychology: Perspective | Is Life Really Meant for Everyone?
Psychology: Redacting Past Experiences to Unbiasedly Experience New Ones
Psychology: Exercise Supplies Endorphins that are Associated with Promoting a Better Mood (Healthy Coping Mechanism)
Psychology: There is Necessity in Opposition in Order for Existence
Psychology: Adhering to Values Suggested by Immortal Divinity
Psychology: You May Not Be Able to Control How Others React, But You Can Control How You Do
Psychology: In Finding Who You Are as a Person, You Need to Take into Consideration Your Feelings and Not Someone Else’s
Psychology: People Pleasing | A Psychological Response Based On Anxiety
Psychology: Talking to Someone is a Way to Relinquish Negative Energy and Reflect on It
Psychology: Filling a Void In One’s Life via Uncharacteristically Seeking Out Thrills
Psychology: Delving into an Anonymous Mind of Someone with Serious Mental Affliction
Psychology: Using Fine Details Such as Fingerprints to Support the Idea of Divine Intervention
Psychology: Personifying Nature Based Off Human Experiences
Psychology: Using Sentimental Axioms to Lighten a Sombre Mood
Psychology: Destiny is an Interconnected Path of Varying Opportunities and Misfortunes
Psychology: Understanding and Accepting the Self-Focused Nature of Being Human
Psychology: Visual Stimuli | Is It Based on Reality or Merely a Conjuration for Mental Entertainment?
Psychology: Relinquishing the Responsibility of Time Management in Order to Have a Good Time
Psychology: Psychology: Using the Concept of Introspection to Clarify Your Need for a Healer
Psychology: Psychology: Addiction | It Presents Itself in Different Ways Depending on the Person
Psychology: Psychology: Reverting to Past Memories to Bring Forth a Happy Memory
Psychology: Psychology: Unlocking Repressed Memories to Help Heal the Wounded Soul
Psychology: Psychology: Accepting Alternative Viewpoints in the Face of Contradictory Opinion
Psychology: Experiencing a Panic Attack
Psychology: Valuing the Intricate Details and Characteristics that Create a Living Being
Psychology: Physical Reactions Can Be Linked to Mental and Emotional Cues
Psychology: Overthinking about Thinking Begets the Question of One’s Sense of Reality and/or Existence
Psychology: Linking Physical Behaviour to Hypothesised Actions Directed Toward Abuse
Psychology: Work Ethic is a Characteristic of Varied Intrinsic Nature
Psychology: Theory | The Simplest Explanation is Usually the Correct One
Psychology: Holding the Belief that There is a Preliminary Construct of the Soul
Psychology: Utilitarianism | A Doctrine that Proposes Certain Actions as Righteous If Useful for the Benefit of the Majority
Psychology: Recognising and Accepting Others’ Values and Systematic Beliefs
Psychology x1
Psychology: Reassurance is a Necessity to Being Human
Psychology: Ignorance is Bliss if You Aren’t Aware of What You’re Missing Out On
Psychology: Just Because the Majority Believes Something to Be Right Does Not Make it So
Psychology: Debating the Historical Definition of Normal via Philosophy and Progressive Thinking
Psychology: Depth Psychology | The Conscious and Subconscious of the Brain in Relation to Personality
Psychology: Depth Psychology | The Process of Psycho-analysing One's Subconscious
Psychology: Good and Evil are Both Essential Parts In Establishing a Plot of a Story
Psychology: Self-Improvement | Comparing Oneself to the Changing Leaves of a Tree
Psychology: Insanity | Repeating the Same Actions with Hopes of a Different Response
Psychology: Self-Improvement | Accepting the Journey as More Important than the Destination
Psychology: Self-awareness | Knowing that You Do Not Know Everything
Psychology: Self-Acceptance | Progressing Through Life’s Difficulties with Optimism
Psychology: The Sense of Hearing Cannot Be Understood if You Have Never Heard Before
Psychology: Ghosts and the After-life | Traversing the Same Thing Time and Time Again
Psychology: The Part of the Mind that Rationalises the Injustices that May Come from Critical Self-reflection
Psychology: Individuality is Not to Be Feared, but Embraced
Psychology: Bystander Effect | A Phenomenon Where People are Less Likely to Acknowledge the Importance of Certain Situations When Other Equally Abled Individuals are Present
Psychology: Theory | An Uncertain Belief System Used to Explain Things Until Proof Can Validate Them
Psychology: Reallocating Boredom and Stagnation to Feelings of Pain
Psychology: Listening to Positive Reinforcement Aids in the Encouragement to Resist Temptation
Psychology: Using the Possible Disappointment of Another to Stop an Unhealthy Action
Psychology: Mirroring | The Behaviour in Which Someone Subconsciously Imitates the Gesture, Speech Pattern, or Attitude of Someone Else
Psychology: Depression | Struggling to Find Motivation and Purpose in Life
Psychology: Circumnavigating Implicit Association to Form Connections
Psychology: Relating to the Values of an Immortal and Their Domains
Psychology: Figuring Out Things For Yourself Offers a Better Teaching Experience than Being Told Outright
Psychology: Eagerness and Hastiness Can Be Confused in the Heat of Combat
Psychology: Life is Made of Transitory Periods Dedicated to Acquisition and Loss
Psychology: Understanding the Cruciality of the Relationship Between Nature Innovation
Psychology: Life is Fleeting and Should Be Made the Most Of
Psychology: Cue-Craving-Reward-Response | The Fundamentals
Psychology: Positive Feedback Loop | A Process in Which the End Products of an Action Cause More of That Action to Occur in a Feedback Loop
Psychology: Utilising a Personal Example to Satisfy the Definition of a Positive Feedback Loop
Psychology: Deliberating the Nature of Your Relationship with a Parent
Research: Learning About the Domains of Certain Immortals
Research: Ensuring Proper Citation of Relevant Information (Maintaining a Bibliography)
Research: Furthering Your Education About the Immortals You Currently Worship
Research: Plagiarism | Copying Text Verbatim Without Proper Citation
Research: Researching the Various Types of Headaches with the Intent of Diagnosing a Patient
Research: Looking Over Notes from a Well-known Hunter
Research: Discovering Information on the Race of the Biqaj
Research: Discovering Newfound Information on the Race of the Eidisi
Research: Tailor-birds | Animals that Exhibit Behaviours Akin to Sewing
Research: The Basic Male Parts of a Flower
Research: The Basic Female Parts of a Flower
Research: Cross-referencing Texts so as to Obtain the Appropriate Information
Resistance: Building up Resistance to Drugs By Smoking Them Habitually
Resistance: Fighting a High By Calling to an Anxious Consciousness
Resistance: Fighting Drunken Depression with Positively Psychologically Energised Redirection
Resistance: Tolerance to Certain Poisons Can Offer Hazardous, Yet Potentially Advantageous Relationships with Aforementioned Poisons
Resistance: Fighting the Effects of Memory Loss (Alcoholism) to Return Home
Resistance: Staving Off an Alcoholic Induced Black Out by Dancing
Science: Observing a Change in Weight as an Object Strikes the Opposite Side of a Plank
Science: Partaking in an Experiment of Trigger Mechanics
Science: Pressing a Button to Initiate a Domino Effect of Another Linked Mechanism
Science: Physics | Gravity Denies Objects the Ability to Float, Thereby Keeping Things Grounded
Science: Physics | Gravity: Heavy Objects Fall Faster Than Lighter Objects
Science: Using the Scientific Method to Form an Experiment
Science: The Steps of the Scientific Method | Question, Hypothesis, Experiment, Analysis, and Conclusion
Science: Having Your Hypothesis Match the Resulting Conclusion
Science: Relating Tolerance to One’s Own Capacity to Process Alcohol
Science: Testing Out a Theory Based on Nothing More than Simple Observation
Science: Sobriety and Impairment Oppose One Another Mentally, but Can Exchange Information Resulting in Interesting Conclusions
Science: The Basics of Serial Dilutions
Science: Finding the Origination of Contamination by Use of Critical Thinking
Science: Water is a Solvent
Science: Solvents Dissolve Certain Substances
Science: Using One Measurement to Establish a Control in Variability
Science: Substances that Don’t Dissolve are Considered Insoluble
Science: Evaporation | When Water Dissipates Into the Air
Science: Matter | Any Physical Substance Occupying Space and Possessing Mass
Science: Space | Dimensions in Which All things Exist and Move
Science: Mass | An Intrinsic Property of an Object in Relation to Space
Science: Mass is Not the Same as Weight
Science: Gravity | The Force that Attracts an Object Toward the Centre of the Earth
Science: Learning From Err to Make Your Proposal More Effective
Science: Laws of Motion #1 | A Body Remains at Rest Unless Acted Upon By a Force
Science: Laws of Motion #2 | The Net Force on a Body is Equal to the Body's Acceleration Multiplied by its Mass
Science: Laws of Motion #3 | If Two Bodies Exert Forces on Each Other, These Forces Have the Same Magnitude but in Opposite Directions
Science: Acceleration | The Rate of Change of the Velocity of an Object with Respect to Time
Science: Velocity | The Speed in Combination with the Direction of Motion of an Object
Science: Genetics Aren't Always Clear Cut Ratios
Science: The Butterfly Effect | Various Results Originating from a Singular Decision
Seduction: Using Common Interest to Lure in a Woman of Interest
Seduction: Using Jokes to Gain a Woman’s Interest
Seduction: When Trying to Appeal to Another Ends Disregarded by a Pre-existing Partner
Seduction: Manipulating Sensitive Areas to Enamor a Sexual Companion
Seduction: Applying Previous Self Experience to Appease a Sexual Partner
Seduction: Acknowledging One’s Beauty
Seduction: Acknowledging One’s Mental Fortitude
Seduction: Appealing to One’s Physical and Mental Beauty
Seduction: Applying a Situation to Yourself in Order to Find the Components that Appeal to Others
Seduction: Inserting Yourself into an Illicit Game of Sensuality
Socialization: Bargaining with a Merchant to Lower the Price of Blueberries
Socialization: Using Verbal Evidence to Explain Why an Idea is Right
Socialization: Offering Contingent Terms Depending on an Outcome
Socialization: Refraining From Being Dismissive of Someone Else’s Opinion
Socialization: Trying to Explain to Someone an Uncommon Philosophical Point of View
Socialization: Lessening the Worry of a Concerned Friend
Socialization: Persuading a Friend to Help Him Improve his Sexual Game
Socialization: Standing Up For Someone Who is Being Treated Poorly By the Rest of Their Friend Group
Socialization: Holding One's Own in Conversation With a Champion of the Immortals
Socialization: Attempting to Debate with Your Mentor About Mental Health
Socialization: Persuading a Dreamwalker to Reveal the 'Real' Them
Socialization: Debating the Perspective of the World with Another
Socialization: Appealing to a Fellow Addict with Personal Stories of Torment
Socialization: Persuading Someone to Personally Open Up
Socialization: Persuading a Young Addict to Forget the Drink
Socialization: Conversing with a Ghost Within a Dreamscape
Socialization: Using Common Sense to Persuade a Co-worker to Do What is Right
Socialization: Engaging in a Debate Regarding Workplace Frustrations
Socialization: Coming to an Agreement with a Trainer of Unarmed Combat
Socialization: Delving Into the Reason for Someone's Teaching
Stealth: Moving to Different Areas with the Attempt of Remaining Unseen
Storytelling: Prose | Using Eloquent Wording to Describe a Scene
Storytelling: The Five Components of a Story | Beginning, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution
Storytelling: Foreshadowing | Predicting What is to Come
Storytelling: Writer’s Block | The Inability to Write Based on Lack of Imagination
Storytelling: The Struggle of Capturing a Scene Verbatim
Storytelling: Using the Senses to Stimulate Inspiration
Storytelling: Using a Vigilante's Point of View
Storytelling: Using a Cliff-hanger to Leave Readers On the Edge of Their Seats
Storytelling: Pulling A Twist To The Ending Of A Thrilling Story
Torture: Learning First Hand That Embarrassment is a Great Tool for Psychological Torment
Torture: Using Self Harm as a Form of Punishment
Torture: Slicing Through the Flesh of Your Own Leg
Torture: Endowing Yourself with the Need to Self-Punish
Writing: How to Use Proper Grammar
Writing: Proper Penmanship is Important
Writing: Contemplating “Wordy-ness”
Writing: Transitions are Logical Connections Between Segments
Writing: Synonyms are Words that Mean the Same Thing
Writing: Limerick | A Rude but Funny Poem
Writing: Limerick | A Stanza or Verse of Five Lines
Writing: Using an Example to Create an Original Work of Poetry
Writing: Constructing a Limerick
Writing: Finding Inspiration For Stories Based on Nature
Writing: Making a Makeshift Rendition of a Product of Nature
Writing: Transcribing Verbal Instruction of a Medical Examination
Writing: Proof-reading Medicinal Documentation for Errors
Writing: Describing in Detail the Colours of the Sun Setting
Writing: A Soothing Coping Mechanism for a Troubled Mind
Writing: Sometimes Starting in the Middle Creates Ideas for the Past and Future
Writing: Understanding Grammatical Mistakes and When to Review Them
Writing: Documenting Specific Diagnosis via Observing Drawn Diagrams
Writing: Transcribing Artwork to Accurately Reflect Components of Medical Decree
Writing: Providing Educated Answers to the Questions of a Test
Writing: Attempting a Haiku Based on Second-Hand Experience
Writing: Haiku | Three Lines of Five, Seven and Five
Writing: Haiku | A Poem Expressing Imagery of Nature
Writing: Haiku | A Piece of Prose that Doesn’t Require Rhyming
Writing: Subjectivity | Like Art, Certain Words Mean Different Things to Different People
Writing: Documenting Superficial Abrasions for Future Diagnosis
Writing: Detailed Reconstruction of a Disagreement Offers Unbiased Proof of What is Right and Wrong
Writing: Alluding to Personal Expression via Fictional Authoring
Writing: Setting a Visually Appealing Scene
Writing: Making Connections Between Paragraphs to Help Readers Understand Your Ideas
Writing: Capturing the Attention of Readers During the First Few Sentences of a Story
Writing: Refraining From Using Filler Words Solely to Occupy Space
Writing: Neglecting the Use of Cliches to Promote Original Work
Writing: Taking Notes in Proper Format for Educational Purposes
Writing: Documenting the Instructions of a Learned Linguist
Writing: It's Important to Ask Permission Before Using Another's' Name In a Paper
Writing: Listing Strategies for Future Improvement
Writing: Using Concise Wording so as Not to Dally in the Redundant
Writing: Excessive Detail Can Be a Tangent that Goes Against the Purpose of the Main Idea
Writing: Contemplating Verbiage to Ensure the Right Image is Being Portrayed
Writing: Obtaining Better Penmanship with Attention to the Curvature and Angles of Certain Letters
Writing: Composing a Letter
Writing: Dutifully Describing Personal Feelings via Written Letter
Non-skill Knowledges
Location: Scalvoris
Layout: Scalvoris
Laws: Scalvoris
Race: Eidisi
Race: Biqaj
Immortals: Pier and Pre
Worick: A Friend Until the End
Worick: A Man of Medicine
History: Scalvoris
Racial History: Eidisi
Jorge: A Strange, Hoarding, Uncle
Jorge: Doomsday Prepper
University of Scalvoris: Writing Class
Sesori Denota: A Gorgeous Writing Teacher
Trisha: A Sad Young Girl Who Loves Butterflies
Worick: Confident and Decisive in Diagnosing and Treating Patients
Fysha: A Unique Woman with Peculiar Taste in Appearance
Fysha: A Woman of Dominating Nature
Fysha: A Great Companion in a Game of Riddles
Fysha: Doesn’t Know How to Swim, But Will in the Name of a Game
Scalvoris: The Immediate Outskirts of Town
Jarusha: A Long Lost Seafaring Friend
Jarusha: A Woman With Newfound Larceny Skills
Fysha: Intelligent When it Comes to Solving Riddles
Language: Scalveen
Card Game: Gin Rummy
Thom: A Helpful Tutor of the Basics Mechanics of Gin Rummy
Aelig: An Immortal of the Domains Illusion, Chaos, and Mimicry
Qylios: An Immortal of the Domains Bonds, Leadership, Light, and Courage
Pier and Pre: Also Known as the ‘Merciless Maidens’
Pier and Pre: Immortals of Justice, Equality, Truth and Lies
Pier and Pre: Twins Who Often Bicker About Who’s Theory is Right
Scalvoris: The Scholar’s Nook
Scalvoris: Tradition: Soul’s Meal | An Annual Tradition of Dedicating a Meal to Vri and the Dead
Vri: Immortal of Death and Sadness, but Also Remembrance and Love
Immortals: As Defined by the Name, Do Not Die
Outskirts of Scalvoris: The Sweetwine Woods
Breen: A Spirit of Sorrow
Woe: A Fantastical Dreamwalker With the Alter Ego of a Crow
Almund: Has a Dark History Filled with Crime
Almund: Prospect Tavern | The Rumour of Familial Murder (Times Two!)
Scalvoris: A Melting Pot of Unique Opinions Regarding the State of Current Governance
Scalvoris: Once a Place of Debauchery and Anarchy, Now a Place of Law and Educational Refuge
Scalvoris: A Present-day Society of Scholars and Study
Gwelliph: Utilizing Both ‘This Is the Truth’ and ‘Hear No Evil’ to Influence the Choices of Another
Elio: A Helpful Science Classmate
Stanz: A Trained Stranger in the Ways of Unarmed Combat
The Decked Halls: Membership Requires Fighting Ten Other Members
The Decked Halls: An Underground Training Area for the Tough Spirited
U'frek: An Immortal of Navigation and Water
Scalvoris Tradition | Gifts of Love: Symbolising Your Love for Someone
Scalvoris: The Public Library
Scalvoris: Local Tradition | Night of Letters

Magic Initiation

Kotton’s dad’s father (whom he can’t really call grandfather since he wasn’t truly related to him or his father) was a disciple of magic. He was specifically talented in the magic of Glamour. Kotton’s father had suggested he learn from his grandfather about the magic ability as a way to enhance his inability to hear well. Perhaps understanding this ability and honing it would allow him to do things he wouldn’t normally be able to do. Perhaps it would increase those senses he was already in tune with and give a little help in the one he lacked. Kotton’s father made several good points, his enthusiasm becoming all too contagious. So Kotton ventured to his grandfather’s house with the expectation that he would be initiated into the magic of Glamour.

His grandfather was a rather young looking individual with soft eyes as much as a soft heart, he would come to know. He welcomed Kotton with a warm embrace and a twinkle in his eye. He sat the young man down before explaining to him the details that entailed Glamour.

Kotton had just recently turned twenty one, an age that gave way to many new things, and he felt that this initiation was one of those things- a rite of passage almost. He watched his grandfather’s lips as they wove tales and spat facts and detailed concepts Kotton had yet to learn about.

While his grandfather’s eyes remained soft, his body grew tense as he described the initiation process. It was grueling, terrifying, and one that was almost too intense for any soul to transcend. He told Kotton how the process was painful, and toyed with the hidden fears of those who underwent the process as though the process itself was aware of where the initiate’s weaknesses lied. Kotton swallowed a large lump in his throat upon receiving this information but reasoned with himself. He was already short of one of his senses and he had adapted quite well over time. While he did not underestimate the procedure, he was well aware of his strength. While he was sad, his sadness made him stronger, more attune to the miseries of life. He wasn’t often fazed with depressing topics or disappointing scenarios. Frankly, he had become rather immune to them. He recognized them obviously, but his ‘pain threshold’ so to speak had been heightened more so than the normal folk’s.

Learning that he would be without all of his senses was startling, he would admit, but he knew that to play with fire, one needed to be equally as hot. The destination far outweighed the journey as he had come to learn from many prospects of his upbringing. He was already preparing himself, steeling his mental health before he had even knocked on his grandfather’s front door. This was not new to him. Everything in life worth meaning was difficult. Life was difficult; hell, life even sucked. That wasn’t new to him. And his breech through the drowning waters of ignorance made him better than the average soul. He was ready.

His grandfather acknowledged Kotton’s verbal agreement and slowly closed his eyes. Kotton, too, mimicked his guardian’s action. After several long moments of no excitement, Kotton opened his eyes again. He found himself looking directly into his grandfather’s eyes who had somehow turned a stone cold black. He was slightly taken aback, but after recalling the entire concept of Glamour and its ability to alter perception, he found his breath again.


He watched as his grandfather spoke, his lips pressing together, his tongue coming out between his lips, his teeth glowing in a light that he couldn’t recognize. Suddenly, Kotton felt an unwavering sadness so deep, he felt his organs tearing inside of him. With his guardian’s help, he was creating a wound within him that was swiftly destroying his sense of touch. The sensation he felt was agonizing, as though he were lit on fire. His lungs burned, his stomach ached, and he coughed what he swore was a clot of blood onto the floor in front of him. In the deep recesses of his mind, however, he could perceive a sense of warmth. HIs grandfather’s guidance perhaps? Kotton blinked rapidly, retaining whatever sense of self composure he had at the moment and held his focus. He began to channel the sensation of burning, singing, ravaging pain throughout his body. He allowed himself to be ensconced within a transparent cloak of ether. He had dug deep to find this essence, deeper than he had ever gone before, even as someone who was always enthralled in the philosophical, the immaterial, the unseen. He fought long and hard, holding on to whatever might that coursed through his veins. The pain was unimaginable, it cause tears to fall from his eyes, it made his skin redden and blotch with unknown cysts and calluses, it gave way to the lack of feeling in his right leg as though it had been cut off and cauterized before being bandaged with the tightest wrapping. But he continued to hold the line long enough, forcing his body and mind to withstand the fear, the raging terror that persisted around and within him. And suddenly, he could not see. He could not taste. He could not touch nor smell. He could not hear, but obviously that wasn’t something new. Yet, the lack of other senses chilled him to the bone. He swallowed the brief beginnings of hyperventilation by closing his eyes to ensure that the inability to see was understandable. He held his hands out in front of him so that touching nothing made sense. He held his breath so that the lack of taste did not scare him. Smelling didn’t seem like much of an issue because he often went about his day desensitized by certain scents.

Fortunately, as soon as the immense torture had begun, it dissipated, and all his senses, apart from hearing, returned. He felt his chest constrict and release, a deep breath exhaling from out his mouth. His abdomen felt warm. He opened his eyes and found his grandfather again before him telling him that within him his grasp of reality was being reborn, a spark manifesting inside, taking hold of both his body and soul.

Kotton couldn’t help but smile. He reached for his grandfather’s hand and was met with a warmth that rivaled the warmth of his eyes.

“Thank you,” he said with a newfound confidence that leaked through his pores.

His grandfather nodded in return and exchanged his smile.


The Warmth of Pleasure:
Upon being touched, a person will feel an unnatural warmth and pleasant feeling from Kotton's skin.
Aquired here.
Last edited by Kotton on Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:32 pm, edited 52 times in total. word count: 7164
User avatar
Approved Character
Posts: 349
Joined: Sat May 13, 2023 1:10 am
Race: Mixed Race
Profession: Scribe
Renown: 130
Character Sheet
Character Wiki
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 5





Blessings, Posessions, Weath & Ledger  [Approved CS]


Mark Ability Name Ability Description
Gwelliph This Is The Truth (Minor) The Blessed is able to influence someone’s perception of truth. When looking at an individual, the Gwelliph must concentrate on the words they say. They then attempt to inject their own truth ~ be that of a person, situation, etc ~ into an individual before ending with, "This is the truth." If the character is successful in convincing the individual of their "truth", the individual will respond back by saying, "This is the truth." At this level, it is hard for the character to convince anyone of their "truths". It is recommended that characters start with small forms of manipulation such as, "You want to buy me an ale, this is the truth." If the words the Gwelliph speaks are true to them, this strengthens the ability; at Favored this ability only works with statements which are true to the Gwelliph and can be deflected with expert level of meditation, deception, or discipline. When the Gwelliph reaches Adored, they can work in less absolute truths, and can only be defended against by someone of Master levels skill. Exalted Gwelliph can impart truth or lies with equal strength and the Champion of Pier and Pre may only be resisted by someone with Grandmaster levels of skill. When using this ability over the course of several days, the character will become mentally exhausted. Continued use will deteriorate the mental health of the character until they began to confuse their forced truths with reality.
Gwelliph Justified Skills The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Socialization, Detection, or Investigation. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the PC chooses.
Gwelliph Hear No Evil This ability allows the character to decipher what is the truth and what are lies when communicating with other individuals. Regardless of language, the character will be able to tell lie from truth when they concentrate on the words someone else is saying. This is a kind of sense that the mark grants the character, the exact sensation of which is up to the PC. However, this sense has little effect on the dead or Wisps. This ability cannot work if the speaker is convinced of the lie itself. At Favored, the PC can be fooled by Expert levels of Deception. At Adored, it takes Master and Exalted are only blinded by those with Grandmaster of Deception. The ability is activated by the Blessed’s intent, and so happens immediately, and lasts for a break.
Obtained here
Approval to remain mostly deaf here

Prized Possession

A cat gifted to him by his great grandfather right before he died. She is his best companion. A tabby, with one green eye and one brown eye. Kind and talkative but weary of strangers. Love pets.

Items list

4 outfits of average quality, kitchenware, dishes, and utensils, candles, lanterns and oil, soap, two pillows, a set of sheets, and several blankets. Basic gardening tools. A journal and many writing utensils, a modest collection of books. Map of Scalvoris. Average quality skill kits for writing and medicine. 1 free course of study up to the Certificate level. 2 average-quality weapons (a dagger and crossbow with several arrows).

Wealth Tier

4 (64 points)


Character creation: 66 WP
-3 WP (diploma in science) - Cold cycle, 723: 63 WP

Renown ledger


Thread list

Thread Title Date Description Awards
Character Sheet Approval N/A Approved by Pig Boy Writing +5, Dreamwalking +5, Glamour +5
Birthday on the Beach YMIDEN 13, 685 During a birthday party, Kotton learns that sentiment is not openly shared and that importance is earned
Tailor Made YMIDEN 112, 721 Surrounded by the beauty of nature, Kotton is taught how to sew by a maiden of the wildlife Needlecraft x10
Scribbles ASHAN 21, 721 Kotton is tasked with the job of transcribing Worick's medical drawings, but sleep is ever so tempting Detection x4, Writing x4, Socialization x1, Discipline x1
Crafted Tales by Candlelight YMIDEN 21, 723 Kotton writes about a hero in the desert Writing +5, Storytelling +5
Observational Training YMIDEN 24, 723 Work Thread: Kotton watches and writes, as is his scribe duties, while Worick analyses a patient Writing +2, Medicine +8
A Friend With a Smile to Steal For YMIDEN 30, 723 Kotton meets up with an old friend who's a little more kleptomaniac than he remembered Psychology x3, Etiquette x5, Teaching x1, Stealth x1
Doomsday Prepping YMIDEN 43, 723 Kotton meets his uncle and learns about his unique 'clairvoyant' preparations Field Craft +8, Engineering +2
Lava YMIDEN 45, 723 Kotton dreams a lava-filled adventure with loud noises and the need for protection
Talks Amongst the Fire YMIDEN 48, 723 Kotton is invited to a fire pit party, but the night turns sour as he is remembered of his past mistakes Intelligence +8, Psychology +1, Torture +1
Why Does It Fall and Other Questions YMIDEN 57, 723 Kotton explores gravity and other scientific musings Science x10
"Lemmi Rick" YMIDEN 62, 723 Kotton begins his studies in writing at the academy Writing +10
Me, Myself, and My Fears YMIDEN 83, 723 Kotton speaks to his reflection and comes to terms with one of his greatest fears Dreamwalking +10
Butterflies SAUN 2, 723 Kotton uses Glamour to cheer up a sad child who vaguely reminds him of himself Psychology +1, Glamour +9
It's Just a Sprain SAUN 4, 723 In an attempt to become stronger, Kotton hurts his ankle and finds help in his doctor friend Combat: Unarmed Combat x5, Medicine x5
Blueberries SAUN 10, 723 Kotton attempts to make a birthday cake for his best friend Cooking +7, Negotiation +2, Resistance +1
That Dangerous Extra Puff SAUN 14, 723 The effects of one too many tokes of a drug affect Kotton in negative ways Resistance x5, Psychology +2, Meditation +3
Dreaming of Dreaming of... Dead Fingers SAUN 18, 723 Kotton explores a vast meadow filled with unique plants including one that looks like a corpse's fingers Dreamwalking +10
Vri and the Revelations of His Domains SAUN 26, 723 Kotton partakes in a local tradition only to reminisce with sorrow at the end of the evening Etiquette +5, Psychology +5, Discipline +5
An Adventure in Riddle | Part One SAUN 31, 723 Kotton is invited to play a homemade game and he is destined to win it Leadership +5, Navigation +5
An Adventure in Riddle | Part Two SAUN 31, 723 Determined to win the prize, Kotton works with his partner to pull ahead of the others during this fun game Logistics +2, Mathematics +1, Science +2, Psychology +1, Leadership +1, Socialization +1, Navigation +1, Art +1
An Adventure in Riddle | Part Three SAUN 31, 723 Becoming enamored with the results of answering riddles, Kotton is determined to achieve first place of this game Navigation x2, Socialization x4, Linguistics x4
The Moon SAUN 34, 723 Kotton is wrought with grief after drinking a little too much, and begins to question what more life has to offer Psychology +10
Do I Really Believe? SAUN 40, 723 Kotton questions his belief in respect to his fathers' and wonders how he can find someone of similar ideology Psychology x8, Writing x2
From the Glimmering Orrery VHALAR 1, 723 Whilst dreamwalking, Kotton meets a peculiar fellow with magnificent powers Dreamwalking x10, Investigation x5
A Textbook's Condition on Religion VHALAR 5, 723 Kotton is determined to learn more about the various religions of the world and the immortals that have heralded them Research x10
A Gamble of Gin Rummy VHALAR 9, 723 Whilst out exploring the town, Kotton comes across a group of men playing a unique game that captures Kotton's interest Logistics x3, Deception x2, Detection x3, Gambling x1, Science x1
Alienated VHALAR 13, 723 Kotton writes about an unknown creature and its terrible experience on Idalos Writing x5, Storytelling x5
Making Love With Someone Who Sees the Sun as Something More VHALAR 17, 723 Kotton connects with someone on a spiritual level, although, yes, entirely drunk Seduction x8, Detection x2
Exploring the Need to Intimately Impress VHALAR 19, 723 Kotton confers with the opinion of his friend in order to learn more about the needs of how to please Seduction x10
Skin Worthy VHALAR 22, 723 The once pleasant drunken state of a soul plagued with recession turns into a bloody need to cope Discipline x2, Psychology 4, Torture x4
Alcohol, Brick Walls and Philosophical Stars VHALAR 24, 723 Kotton's gaze up at the stars offers his intoxicated thoughts with more than enough to be thoughtful for 10 XP
Wavering Lines VHALAR 28, 723 Sometimes drugs don't always take away the pain, but the rampant thoughts that make the world seem not okay Psychology x8, Science x2
Alcohol Shows Its Terrible Face VHALAR 29, 723 Kotton fights to maintain regulated breathwork, but his overactive mind continue to bombard his sense of calm Psychology x10
Therapy Only Helps if the Advice is Helpful VHALAR 31, 723 Kotton takes on the journey of meeting and conversing with a therapist in an attempt to find resolution to his mental issues Psychology x10
A (Dark) Spirited Dream VHALAR 36, 723 x5 Psychology, x5 Linguistics
An Unfinished Tale of Therapy VHALAR 42, 723 Kotton gives therapy another try, his will to get better pushing him to find help Psychology x4, Deception x1, Detection x2, Linguistics x3
Resistance VHALAR 43, 723 Finding himself in a tavern, Kotton plays a risky move in resisting the temptations of alcohol Detection x1, Discipline x7, Psychology x2
A Final Reward for All Writing VHALAR 47, 723 Kotton undergoes the day of his final exam in a writing course, the possibility of a certificate at stake Detection x1, Discipline x1, Writing x2, Mediation x2, Logistics x4
A Forest Full of Hands and Teeth VHALAR 51, 723 A lucid dream where Kotton is faced with guiding stranded children away from monstrous harm Dreamwalking x2, Leadership x5, Stealth x2, Detection x1
Helping a Teddy Find Its Rightful Home VHALAR 52, 723 Kotton comes across a disagreement between two young boys about who the rightful owner is of a plush toy Detection x3, Leadership x5, Psychology x2
The Monsters of Mental Illness VHALAR 55, 723 The anticipation Kotton has upon reconnecting with his new mental healer has finally been satiated as they discuss anxiety Psychology x8, Medicine x2
Bystanders VHALAR 57, 723 Kotton takes part in a sociological investigation as to the habits of bystanders Psychology x4, Etiquette x2, Discipline x4
Water is Not What it Seems VHALAR 60, 723 A lucid dream where Kotton confronts a godly orb of energy only to be met with a gnome with riddles about bodies of water Dreamwalking x5, Detection x1, Investigation x2, Logistics x2
Put it Away Right, or so Help Me VHALAR 63, 723 Witnessing an incorrect action in the workplace forces Kotton to invite his blessing to rectify the wrong Intimidation x10
The Travesty of Being an Understimulated Person VHALAR 68, 723 Kotton meets with his therapist for the second time and divulges some very personal information Psychology x8, Discipline x2
"Loud" Conversations at the Bar VHALAR 70, 723 Kotton 'listens in' on some juicy gossip at a local pub, but the gossiping party doesn't agree on the resolution Investigation x10
State a Meant VHALAR 71, 723 Another day on the job provides Kotton with the challenge of detecting, hypothesizing and concluding abuse Medicine x7, Detection x3
A Journey into Scientific Discovery VHALAR 75, 723 After earning a certificate in writing, Kotton is determined to earn a diploma in science Science x10
Scholar's Unite! VHALAR 75, 723 After his first science class, Kotton makes way for the Scholar's Nook where he meets a classmate with helpful notes Science x10
Skin Conditions and What to do With 'Em VHALAR 78, 723 Kotton steps into the role of doctor whilst he waits for a more professional diagnosis from his friend Medicine x7, Art x1, Intelligence x2
Dancing and Indigestion VHALAR 83, 723 Finding solace amidst the tavern, Kotton takes up dancing in order to impress a young lady Discipline x2, Resistance x2, Etiquette x2, Seduction x4
Thoughts From an Amatuer Wiseman VHALAR 85, 723 Kotton gets ahead of himself trying to make his friend understand his perspective of life and mental health Socialization x4, Politics x1, Psychology x5
One Man's Trash Is Another's Treasure VHALAR 87, 723 Meant to pick up a contraption for his father, Kotton finds his uncle's house empty, and filled with unique information Field Craft x10
This Time There Will Be No Sprain VHALAR 91, 723 After learning his lesson upon receiving an athletic injury, Kotton reunites with his interest in unarmed combat
The Companionship of Animals VHALAR 94, 723 Kotton advances to the animal shelter with hopes of brightening not only his own day but someone or something elses' Glamour x10
Death, Dying and the Unknown VHALAR 99, 723 Kotton finds his philosophical side wandering into the realms of choice and decision making in regards to sacrifice Psychology x5, Writing x4, Etiquette x1
Praying for Direction VHALAR 100, 723 Commending the Trial of U'frek, Kotton asks for direction in regard to his chaotic and unsystematic way of life Psychology x8, Etiquette x2
Person or Process? VHALAR 104, 723 Kotton finds himself in the midst of a work-place debate regarding the contamination (or not) of a particular sample Science x5, Politics x3, Psychology x1, Writing x1
Enlisting in Some Superficial Torture VHALAR 107, 723 The night has descended, and a drunken Kotton can't help but feel self-deprecation toward the path he is trekking
He Writes of Death VHALAR 109, 723 Upon taking a daily hike, Kotton encounters an abandoned building home to many sinister secrets Investigation x10
A Political Path From the Workforce VHALAR 109, 723 Kotton rants to a friend about the unfairness of his job only to learn about politics and their connection to the workplace x10 EXP
Inebriation VHALAR 109, 723 Spending the day contemplating hazardous thoughts with alcohol is such a challenge, especially alone Psychology x8, Meditation x2
What Is? VHALAR 111, 723 Kotton studiously begins his first ever novel, but struggles with direction in how to be a great author Writing x10
Dreaming as an Adult VHALAR 111, 723 A lucid dream where Kotton can't help but run from the subconscious fears he has toward responsibility Dreamwalking x10
Only a Rabbit Should Go Down this Hole of Addiction VHALAR 115, 723 Stumbling across a melancholic young man, Kotton tries to knock some sense into him about the dangers of addiction Detection x5, Discipline x5
Dare I Ask You Express Your Woes! VHALAR 118, 723 Kotton entertains his intrigue by learning of the voices and opinions of the locals considering the current state of society Investigation x5, Politics x5
Am I of Benign of Malignant Nature? VHALAR 120, 723 The inability to let go of an unsolved medical case leads Kotton to the Scholar's Nook in the search for answers Medicine x5, Research x5
Scientific Exploration Doesn't Rest for the Water-Logged VHALAR 122, 723 Bath water can give inspiration for a scientific mind earnest for discovery Science x10
Clouds ZI'DA 1, 723 Kotton uses the weather of the day to fabricate a haiku using his second-hand knowledge of the type of poetry Writing x9, Psychology x1
Like the Changing Leaves ZI'DA 4, 723 Philosophy is the topic of the day as Kotton compares himself to that of changing leaves and malleable clay Art x5, Psychology x5
Being On the Outside ZI'DA 7, 723 A lucid dream where sometimes being different hurts a little on the inside Dreamwalking x5, Psychology x5
All the Letters of Holiday Tradition ZI'DA 16, 723 Writing letters to those you plan to send gifts to can stir up more emotions than previously anticipated Writing x10
A Vigilante in the Name of Distraction ZI'DA 29, 723 Feeling energetic with the need to become apart of the community, Kotton writes about a vigilante who needs to find equality Storytelling x10
Being the Recipient of Enlightenment ZI'DA 40, 723 The evening is spent in the Scholar's Nook where Kotton is presented with a gift of knowledge per holiday tradition
Gifts of (Self) Love ZI'DA 42, 723 Kotton strives to make this Scalvoris tradition a tradition that best fits him and his need for self-reflection Meditation x10
A Feast for... All? ZI'DA 43, 723 Kotton partakes in the Zi'da Feast at his father's house, but has some questions regarding the guest list Appraisal x5, Etiquette x5
The Inner Beast of Silence ZI'DA 48, 723 Meditation is the key to peace, but what if your mind is full of thoughts that can't be silenced? Psychology x2, Detection x1, Meditation x8
Robbing the Drunk'en Disorderly ZI'DA 56, 723 Kotton emerges from a tavern in Almund only to be robbed and beaten by a group of thugs
Learning From Experience I ZI'DA 57, 723 After the troubles of being robbed after a night out drinking, Kotton seeks to better his defensive strategies Combat: Unarmed Combat x10
Learning From Experience II ZI'DA 60, 723 It's another day when Kotton goes back to learn more from a stranger stating he'll teach him more of the ways of defense Combat: Unarmed Combat x10
Learning From Experience III ZI'DA 60, 723 Kotton continues his practise with Stanz on his journey to being competent in the ways of unarmed combat Combat: Unarmed Combat x10
Making a Habit Out of Acquiring Knowledge ZI'DA 74, 723 The day is meant to seek out information on habits at the information public library of Scalvoris Psychology x5, Meditation x5
Who Am I Really? ZI'DA 77, 723 With the library being such a magical place, Kotton can't help but use it to further his understanding of his ancestry Research x10
Present Knowledge of the Past ZI'DA 92, 723 After hearing Anaza's words, Kotton strives to find mementos worthy of time capsule in honour of Vri's grace
Haven't We Met? CYLUS 1, 724 Taking part in the 1st dusk of Cylus, Kotton participates in a bon-fire party only to meet someone familiar
A Mortal's Curvature, Dreamt by Light or Shadow CYLUS 5, 724 TBD
Minor Cuts, Scars, and... Poison CYLUS 6, 724 In the middle of the night, Kotton is recruited to a seemingly never-ending task of medicinal scribe-work
I'm Honoured to Omelette CYLUS 12, 724 The blueberry pie from seasons ago was just the tip of the iceberg- now there are omelettes
A Simple Cold I CYLUS 18, 724 Colds are no simple matter, especially when a poor man already can't hear!
A Simple Cold II CYLUS 18, 724 Colds are no simple matter, especially when a poor man already can't hear! Part II
The Glory of Illumination CYLUS 20, 724 Glorying the ability to speak to barkeeps, Kotton socialises with someone knowledgeable of various alcoholic mixtures
One Teddy Too Much CYLUS 23, 724 Plagued by a dream of being found guilty of crimes he can't remember, Kotton is taken back to the day involving a teddy bear Politics x10
Red and Irritable CYLUS 27, 724 A case of the red and irritable and Kotton is on the case with his unnatural observation for what's often mis-placed
A Little Hung Over, Aren't You? CYLUS 30, 724 TBD
Bobbing Through Science Class ASHAN 3, 724 Buoyancy is the topic of the day in a course of science Kotton still feels too inept for
Secret Study Group for Science Students ASHAN 5, 724 Kotton takes up his professor's suggestion to attend a study session and learns more about science
Inspecting the Realms Hidden by Rocks ASHAN 11, 724 A venture into the Sweetwine Woods delivers unexpected geological rewards
Sticks and Stones I ASHAN 17, 724 There's a naked man, and a wandering Kotton, and a lot of confusion as to what is going on
Sticks and Stones II ASHAN 17, 724 The pressure is on as Kotton steps up to treat an injured boy
Sticks and Stones III ASHAN 17, 724 There are decisions to be made when trying to purchase food for an injured boy
Sticks and Stones IV ASHAN 17, 724 There are decisions to be made when trying to purchase food for an injured boy
To Name a Rock ASHAN 22, 724 Kotton takes the samples he collected from a small cave in the Sweetwine Woods and has them identified and appraised
Venom ASHAN 26, 724 Venomous spiders are everywhere which means a frantic day at work for him and those who've been bitten
She or He? A Metaphysical Discovery ASHAN 32, 724 A nonlucid dream that poses the proposition: if Kotton was a girl for a day...
Dismal Ranting Reversed ASHAN 37, 724 Kotton plays the role of counsellor as Worick trudges into his home with weeping tales of discontent
Abacadabra- what? ASHAN 44, 724 Kotton uses a new form of poetry and he finds it a little harder than expected to complete
Washed Away Part I ASHAN 46, 724 Within the world of dreams, Kotton is coaxed into believing a nightmare of his mother, but its something else entirely
Washed Away Part II ASHAN 46, 724 After rescuing a man of interesting physical characteristics, Kotton is introduced to a world of wonderment
What is Small is Also too Big ASHAN 50, 724 Due to minor fractures appearing wherever in Scalvoris, Imogen grows and startles her owner with her size
Words of Whimsical Places I ASHAN 51, 724 With an ounce of aspiration and dusting of playfulness, Kotton finds places to write poems about
Words of Whimsical Places II ASHAN 51, 724 With an ounce of aspiration and dusting of playfulness, Kotton finds places to write poems about - part II
Appearances Aren't Everything | Part I ASHAN 54, 724 Using logic to persuade someone of the reason of your existence whilst dodging a bird??
Appearances Aren't Everything | Part II ASHAN 54, 724 Why does the library hold more questions than answers, especially when there's a loose bird flying around?
A Haunting Serenity I ASHAN 56, 724 little lost in memories, a little broken and blood, Kotton is intrigued by the 'Siren's Embrace'
A Haunting Serenity II ASHAN 56, 724 A brothel, some wine, some blood and out the window goes a good end to his night
Simile ASHAN 58, 724 Every 'like' and 'as' conjecture Kotton thinks is transformed into reality in a ludic dream in Emea
An Expedition for Scientific Scholarship ASHAN 63, 724 Kotton takes on the job of coming up with a scientific project that could be worthy of a scholarship
A Young Soul Fades I ASHAN 66, 724 Watching someone die is a moment for the memory that cannot be neglected
A Young Soul Fades II ASHAN 66, 724 You can never prepare for the limpness of a body even as a medic
Charisma and What it Takes to be Confident ASHAN 69, 724 Kotton uses the advice of his therapist to position himself outside his comfort zone and to become more confident in himself
Painting the Likes of Horses ASHAN 71, 724 Kotton returns his borrowed steed to the appropriate shelter but gets a little more than what he bargained for
Painting the Likes of Horses II ASHAN 71, 724 After returning his borrowed stead to the barn, Kotton find a young artist who is stubborn to show how she draws
Painting the Likes of Horses III ASHAN 71, 724 Sometimes there's more to a master artist and that includes their mood and temperament
Painting the Likes of Horses IV ASHAN 71, 724 There are so many tips and tricks to art that Kotton can't help but be easily 'wowed'!
Painting the Likes of Horses V ASHAN 71, 724 The time spent observing art and creating his own composition comes to a close as Kotton must return home soon
New Information and Hushed Lips ASHAN 77, 724 Kotton is invited to a special seminar only to learn of secret information or so it seems
Hopping Bars for Tips and Tricks ASHAN 89, 724 So easily could he drink, but instead Kotton spends the night observing bartenders make various drinks
Ooey and Gooey and Oh So Tasteful! ASHAN 91, 724 After reviewing his bartending notes, Kotton finds the urge to recreate a sweet treat he had learned about from a past party
Luck of the Spin ASHAN 94, 724 Roulette sounds fun, but what will become of a man with a slightly addictive personality and anxious 'play it safe' attitude
Blackjack and the Black and White ASHAN 94, 724 Roulette was fun and all, but with a helpful companion, blackjack sounds much more enticing...
Advocating for an Accurately Reflected Review ASHAN 98, 724 It's performance review time and Kotton is challenged by supervisors who seem to have no idea what they are doing
Injustice in the Place of Workplace Reviews ASHAN 98, 724 Kotton can't let go of his review so he invites an old friend over to help him make sense of its inaccuracy
Do Drink or Not to Drink? ASHAN 100, 724 A trial destined to represent the Immortal of alcohol goes understood, but disregarded by a determined alcoholic recoveree
Empathy and Grief ASHAN 104, 724 Kotton reflects on empathy and the various stages of grief
Word Prompts to Inspire a Subdued Subdued Writer ASHAN 107, 724 An aspiring writer refers to his notes about how to be prompted to write a story
A Bloody Nose and Hungry Belly Walk into a Bar I ASHAN 111, 724 Out on a casual stroll with his dog and WHAM there's a fight between Kotton an another resulting in a bloody nose
A Bloody Nose and Hungry Belly Walk into a Bar II ASHAN 111, 724 After cleaning himself up from an impromptu fight, Kotton organises until his stomach rumbles too loud to be ignored
A Bloody Nose and Hungry Belly Walk into a Bar III ASHAN 111, 724 After a long and eventful day, a young man seeks help with both meditation and a filling meal worthy of a king
A Dagger in the Heart | Part I ASHAN 122, 724 After waking up in a sweat from a nightmare, Kotton puts his unrequited energy into practicing with his dagger
A Dagger in the Heart | Part II ASHAN 122, 724 Practicing with a sharp weapon doesn't seem to go as well as Kotton planned as he suffers injury from his incompetence
The Loss of a Loved One and All it Entails ASHAN 123, 724 Kotton is notified about his mother's terminal illness so he goes to her bedside to learn, understand and forgive
Last edited by Kotton on Fri Sep 01, 2023 10:01 pm, edited 7 times in total. word count: 4528
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